Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks for sharing about the pork and sauerkraut. Not something I have ever heard of and I found it very interesting. Maybe next year I will join the tradition.

    What is the MFP challenge? I will see if I can find it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Shari, I got an email from MFP about the 2022 Simple Start Challenge:
    "14 Days to Healthier Ways - Want to change your weight, get stronger, or be more mindful? The Simple Start Challenge will set you up for success. Challenge starts January 3 in app." "For 14 days, complete daily tasks to build the foundation for a balanced diet—and help you on your way to a healthier life."
    I am planning to check out the challenge as it starts tomorrow.

    We had rather warm weather today, almost a new record high, but much colder weather is in the forecast for tomorrow. Today was another lazy day for me, and I enjoyed it immensely. I wasn't hungry at all so my eating log is good and healthy. I am back on the IF schedule which I think truly helps to keep my "hunger monster" rather tame. Tomorrow is the 32nd anniversary of my mother's death and the 38th anniversary of her mother's death (you probably remember from my previous posts over the years that my mom and her mom died on the same date 6 years apart). January 3rd is also the date of my dad's first of many amputations in 1994. So this is not a happy date for me. I tend to stay at home on this date and remember my lost loved ones and keep it as a low key day. All of these memories are pretty distant now but in some ways still fresh.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    I don't think anyone outside of the US can access the challenges. On my app, it says no challenges available. I looked up a forum, and that seems to be the explanation. I may send an email to MFP to confirm.

    We are back in the deep freeze. It's -30C (which I think is around -20F). It's terrible. I am thankful I can still work from home and not put my vehicle through the torture of running when it's sooooo cold.

    I hope your day of remembrance goes well Paula. Thinking of you!
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    I have been struggling trying to find this group again. After sparkpeople closed down, I came here but then was off grid for many months out with my husband in our toyhauler so no internet access. Now with the New Year here, I find myself, like so many prior years, having regained and needing to lose. This year I kept off most of the weight loss till Nov. Then have really gained. I really need the support of others to do this. I'm not quite ready to go back to 17 dd yet, but am working my way to returning to healthy eating.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…wishing you well as you remember lost loved ones! Sending a hug.
    Sorry it’s so cold where you are Shari! Hope it moderates soon!
    DW…Thanks for your good wishes in the coming year. Let’s hope it’s the year Covid ends.🙏🏻

    We are enjoying 50 degree weather…and it’s nice not to see snow. MN is having a -15 below cold snap. Brrr. Must be the reason we moved to AZ! I am on track with my IF and my weight was pre Christmas this morning so I am feeling motivated to stay on track with the IF plan. Take care all😍
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    So good that you found us mjjdzhere! I am not doing the 17DD at the moment. I am hoping to lose by tracking calories, exercising, sleeping well, drinking water and journalling. I spent most of last year attempting to stick to the diet, but I wasn't able to and I am at the same weight I was at this time last year. I have given myself 6 months to get a better weight and then will work to maintain it for the second half of the year.

    It's even colder here today. I can't even believe it. So thankful to be able to work from home. It's much safer and easier on my car.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Shari, I appreciate your kind words for me regarding January 3. I cannot imagine having to venture out in your exceedingly cold temperatures! So glad you can work from home. How does Moe do in such cold weather?? I was not able to access the MFP challenge. I am wondering if it is available to only “paying” members. DW, were you able to access the MFP new year challenge???

    Diane, Congrats on getting back to your pre-Christmas weight! You are an inspiration!! I seem to have lost my motivation the past 2 days but am working to bounce back. Thanks for the hugs and support.

    MJ, How nice that you are now here with us!!! So good to see your post. I am currently following WW online and Intermittent Fasting (IF) as best as I can. This was working well for me till the holidays hit. Our holiday celebrations (mostly customs related to church celebrations) will be over after this weekend. While I have had a few good days of compliance between Christmas and now, I expect it will be not until Jan. 8 or so till I am back to my healthier practices on a consistent basis.

    We had the most amazing sunset here yesterday, the most beautiful I have ever seen in my 26 years living in this house. There were 3 incredibly beautiful layered rows of color as I peered out my kitchen window facing southwest. The bottom level was truly Caribbean blue, the bluest sky I have ever seen in this area and quite similar to what I remember from my visits to tropical areas in the summer. The next level was a striking orangey pink, a color sometimes seen here is autumn sunsets, but not in winter, and the top layer was a mix of blue sky (but not Caribbean blue) and some white fluffy clouds, again somewhat unusual for this time of year. I found this beautiful sunset most comforting and (forgive me if you think I am crazy) a sign from my departed loved ones whom I mentioned in my last post.

    We are expecting icy weather tomorrow and a snow storm on Friday. No word yet on how much or how little snow will come on Friday. The Covid situation here is still a cause of great concern for me….so much so that I even cancelled my one and only regular outing, going to the nail salon for my every-two-week manicure. It just isn’t worth the risk for me, even though I am vaccinated and boosted and not many people are in the salon when I am there. Many businesses here are short staffed because of the virus, including my beloved ShopRite and the laundry service that I use as well.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everyone! I was able to access the challenge. On the app, click the "more" dots on the bottom of the screen, then click on "plans" and scroll until you find the Simple Start Challenge. I hope that helps! It has been cold here the past couple of days. Covid continues to be challenging around here so I've returned to church via facebook but not in person. We have a new interim minister who gives a pretty good sermon so I've been tuning in. Paula, I like your practice of a day of remembrance! Shari, I'm glad you can still work from home-for many reasons but especially when it is so extremely cold! Diane, great job getting back to preChristmas weight!! MJ, I'm so happy you found us again!! I've been off and on the 17DD and am currently doing it as well as WW. My weight remains up since my initial WW weigh in but I'm working on that!! Everyone have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    Our Covid numbers have gone crazy here. The government did not add back any restrictions but we can take care of ourselves without needing the rules. I know more and more people with Covid even if they have been vaccinated. We canceled youth for this week, which is wonderful. Not sure about the upcoming weeks though. I have canceled all of my plans due to Covid and the cold. I can't even believe that it is colder today. My weather app says that it feels like -40 C. Moe has been so good. He zips outside to do his business and is right back in. He hasn't gone stir crazy. Just a few more days and we will make sure to let him have some outdoor fun.

    I found the "plans." I can't access the "challenges." Maybe they updated the way they do things. I have a paid MFP and I can't access any challenges. But I can see plans. Which is wonderful.

    I have lost zero weight so far, but I haven't given up. I have few Christmas goodies left, it will be wonderful once we can finish eating them. I don't have the heart to throw out the treats we received as gifts, but I froze what I could and that leaves one cake that can't be saved. So... after that I should do better. I ate way over my calories yesterday. Not today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Thanks DW. I was able to access the new challenge but haven’t quite figured out how to do it so much. I will play around with it when I have a few extra minutes and some extra patience. Technology is not my strength. Maybe I get will John to help me get going with it. Odd though to me, that the challenge was under “plans” and not “challenges.”

    Shari, Like you, I have frozen some of our Christmas treats. I, too, cannot throw away goodies, especially if they are gifts. You are right for not giving up on the weight loss! It will probably be slower for you since you don’t have a lot to lose. But you can do it!!

    For whatever reason, my motivation returned today. So happy about that. I had a good day with no visits from the “hunger monster.” The ice storm missed us, causing problems to our east instead. I got off to a slow start today with my “to do” list, but managed to accomplish almost the list. Snow is still in the forecast for Friday so that will be a good day for me to focus on getting things done here at home. Because of the increase in Covid cases, the Scout troop where John is a committee member has cancelled all activities till at least January 20 and perhaps beyond that depending on the cases. The troop committee chair is a pediatrician, and the scoutmaster is a university professor with a Ph.D. in chemistry. I trust their assessment wholeheartedly. In an email they referenced statistics from the CDC, including the current high rate of COVID transmission in our county. They explained that the current transmission rate in our county is 1320/100k people, which is 13 times the "Substantial" transmission rate (the highest category) and that the positive rate for testing is currently 33.79 %, which is more than 6 times higher than the target rate of < 5 %, which also means it is VERY likely that many positive cases are not being tested at all.
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    Working on the whys of wanting to lose weight. Just starting that process helped me yesterday to eat healthier. One of the things I take from the 17 day diet is that I can eat large amounts vegetables, proteins in the beginning if I don't eat junk food also. That is helpful because having gained weight, I need larger volumes of food for a while to not feel hungry. Some of my whys: I don't want to gain back all the weight I lost last year, I want to fit comfortable in my clothes, I am happier with the way I look at a lesser weight, my back feels better if I weigh less, if I don't change my thinking about food I will gain back the weight I lost and very likely, more.
    Seeing those who are in the cold, snow reminds me why I live here in Phx. Very hot in the summer, but nice in the winter. I enjoy the outdoors very much so weather is important to me. Sending sunny thoughts to all!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everybody! After a mild winter so far, it has been very cold for the past two days and tomorrow as well. The fish pond froze for the first time this year-not all the way but most of it. I got some exercise with dog classes today. I had two dogs in one class this morning and one in a class this evening. The evening class was to practice for the dog shows so I had to run around the ring with my dog.....that should go on my "why" list, which I should do soon. Great idea MJ!! The challenge was more like signing up for a short "plan". I just have a free membership on MFP. I'm falling asleep at the computer so will bid you all "good Night"!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member

    MJ, Many of the 17DD principles are valuable and adaptable to other plans. So true in your comment regarding the healthy veggies and lean protein. This fits in my WW plan as does the green tea, lemon water in the morning, and drinking my daily water. I applaud you for exploring your “whys.” I have done this from time to time and definitely could benefit from doing this again.

    DW, Woo Hoo for your exercise with the dog classes. Such a fun way to burn calories! I still didn’t get to work on the challenge as it was a busy couple days here. I need to get John to work it out with me.

    I had a reasonably good day today, despite my friend Sandi coming here with more goodies. I promptly put them in the freezer and put a few out of sight because I was running out of freezer space. We got a little over 3 inches of snow this morning, not too bad, but what is bad are the high winds we now have. My snow removal service did a good job, but the snow is so light and fluffy, that it blew all over and once again our driveway and walkways are covered with snow and quite slippery. A serious ice storm is predicted for Sunday morning. I have no plans to go anywhere, but I feel for those who must venture out. Theses are good days to enjoy green tea and healthy choices!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello all and welcome back MJ!
    I have been struggling with more family and personal issues. Sorry not to be posting here but dieting (though I am still on track with my IF plan) has not been foremost in my life right now. There is nothing I can share and that weighs on me too. Some days have been real downers. Please bear with me if I am sporadically on here for the next month or so…or until some issues get resolved.

    MJ….my daughter gave me two tips which are working after so many years trying to keep on 17dd…I needed a change! I am using an app called “Lose It” and is feature rich tracker for calories and weight graphing etc. You plug in your age, weight, life style etc and it tells you max calories for day. As you enter in your meals foods and snacks, it keeps track of how many calories you have left in your eating day. All for free…I decline any offers to get a premium account. I am allowed 1395 calories each day and I combine this with Intermittent Fasting or IF. I pretty much can eat anything I want starting at 11:00 each morning and ending by 7:00 each evening.

    I believe since I started Sept 3 I have only had one snack after the 7:00 cutoff. We have had some later meals that did not end until 7:30 but the next day did not eat until 11:30….so stayed with the fasting time. I have seldom gone over my calorie allotment, haven’t been hungry except around 10:30 when it’s almost time to eat. Some days my stomach growls…or I am watching clock to eat….but I tell myself I must be really burning the fat those rare days. Some days I forget to eat until noon or later…and my DH has to remind me, lol! The last few days my scale showed total of 12 lbs gone. Today I bounced up almost 2 of those. Seems I do a lot of up/down a lb or 2 on this…..but natural when you weigh everyday. I only record my weight on days the scale is different. That’s a long explanation for an easy peasy program. I never even think about or feel guilty for a cookie or some mashed potatoes now and then…because I am in calories range and eating window. It’s not a fast loss, very slow but steady. Could be my age as it worked faster for my daughter??

    Have a great day everyone!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    MJ…I left out that during travel to AZ I went off IF and allowed breakfast earlier…we eat catch as catch can traveling MN to AZ and back. But was easy to get back on schedule upon arrival. I am the turtle in the weight loss race these days, a bump in the road is not derailing me.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Diane, Prayers for you as you go through this rough time. We are always here for you. Please know that you are supported by your friends here. Take care of you and yours! Hugs! You provided an excellent explanation of IF. The benefits of IF were confirmed today on a local medical talk show I listen to on Saturday mornings. The doctor explained IF and strongly endorsed it. He said that he himself practices IF and has found success with it. He also said that IF can be practiced at various intervals based on individual preferences/needs, but the most common is 16-8 followed by 15-9. I respect this doctor a lot and was delighted to hear his endorsement of IF. (He is not a “diet doctor” but rather does an eclectic show addressing a large number of medical concerns.)

    Today was a good day for me in terms of WW and IF. I think listening to the radio show this morning helped immensely with my motivation. It was a rather lazy day however as I had a lighter than usual “to do” list. Tomorrow is my day of rest, with our online church service in the morning. A blessed Sunday to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    I have been on MFP, but only briefly to log my meals. I have been just over my calorie count pretty regularly and I have not hit all 5 of my daily goals on the same day. No surprise that I am not losing. I have been tracking which goals I hit, and I it looks like I hit about two out of the five but with no pattern. Somedays I don't drink enough water, I have missed exercising on some days and it seems like it's hard to keep stress at bay. It'a new day and I hope to hit 4 out of 5 of my goals (I don't exercise on Sundays).

    Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch Diane. We are here for you if you are ever ready to share. We support you!

    I am going to try the IF again. I did yesterday and it was pretty easy to do. Hoping today will go just as well. I will eat within the time frame of 10:30am-6:30pm. That should equate to a late breakfast, snack and then supper. Very doable.

    We are still in the deep freeze despite the forecast that warmer temps are coming. Today was supposed to be warmer, but that moved until tomorrow. So it's still too cold to be outside to walk the dog. I may venture to the bookstore. I want to get a book on Greenhouse gardening for my climate. I found a chart about when to plant, but I think I can start earlier in the greenhouse. I picked up seeds yesterday and that was fun. Last year I waited too late and the selection was very poor. This year I have everything I want.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Shari, Good luck with your greenhouse gardening! It does sound like fun. The extent of my "gardening" is 2 plants in my kitchen, one is basil, the other parsley. They continue to thrive in my kitchen window. And I like being able to snip from them to add when I am cooking sometimes. I also have a Christmas poinsettia, but I don't think that counts as "gardening" per se, lol. It is rather unseasonably cold here but not nearly as cold as your area Shari. We had and are still having freezing rain, sleet, etc. today so travel is quite treacherous. Our church was originally going to cancel services this morning, but then at the last minute decided to hold services and that also meant the service would be live streamed. Very few people made it to the church today, but quite a few viewed the live stream. I smiled because I was the one who raised quite a fuss when our church discontinued their live stream in Aug. 2020. It took months for the live stream to be reinstated. But now I don't feel so guilty about raising that fuss after all.

    I am having another very good diet day. I made a feta egg white omelette for brunch today...very good, healthy, and low in my WW points. We are having leftover (from yesterday) ground turkey for supper so this is a very easy cooking day for me again. Celebrating my high motivation again today!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 811 Member
    No luck finding a book on greenhouse gardening at Indigo. I may have to pick up a book online. I did want to flip through a book to make sure I am getting what I want. I think I will try going to a local greenhouse and see what they might have on the subject.

    Our cold weather should give up today. Hopefully with the drastic increase in temps, it will feel like summer! We continue to watch church online. It is very convenient and safe. This variant seems to be catching so many people we know. I will have to decide what to do about attending youth in person this week. I don't think I should. I have a few days to sort it out.

    I didn't end up with the perfect diet day. Not sure what happened, but I am happy to back into a routine today. I am holding off on breakfast until 10:30, so just lemon water until then.
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back. Reading about all this cold weather makes me feel so fortunate for phx sunny sun here. I am loosely following 17 day diet (more like stage 2) in the hopes of quickly dropping a few pounds before my daughter's wedding first week of Feb. Then I am truly going to work on maintaining by sensible eating.
    Does IF stand for intermittent fasting? Seeing so many posts has made me curious.