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Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    Well all did not go so well for me, due to this crappy mandate that Biden had placed on Businesses. I'm still out of work.

    I'm going to get on my soapbox a little so bare with me. I was never a big Trump fan to begin with but he did make the economy much better, lower gas prices, more jobs, taxes were somewhat lower, illegal immigration crossing were down he started to replace old boarder walls and put up new ones. Then this new administration came in and everything went hay wire. Biden put close to 60,000 people out of work when he closed the Keystone Pipeline down, and gas price started to go up, we have the highest illegal crossings in something like 30 years, plus many other things have gone wrong.

    It feels like they are trying to run my life telling me I have to get a vaccine shot, I have to wear a mask, I have to stay home. GOD gave me a free will to choose what is right for me and my body. No Government has that right.

    Each person has to decide what is right for themselves and if they choose to get vaccinated that is their right, but the government whether it be federal, state, or city should not be telling/pushing it on us.

    The CDC should not be telling us that we have to have 2 shots and a booster, plus wear a mask to be considered fully protected. When there is still a lot of viable information being gathered regarding this vaccine and there is many other ways to treat this flu virus. Many people who have taken the shot have had adverse effects/events some very serious and some not. I am one who does not want to take the chance with my body. I will take my chance with GOD, He is the great physician and he has provided/giving us all we need to keep our bodies healthy.

    So with all that said, thanks for listening/reading my rant, my rant is my personnel opinion and was not meant to demeanor or offend anyone, I just had to get this out of my system.

    I will continue to look for work, as I have said before GOD has a plan for me and a place for me to work or not. I will continue to give GOD all the glory and wait upon him to direct my path.

    I do need to speak with the personnel services to see if there are any other jobs out there for me that do not require the shot or testing of any kind.

    Debora, I love the way your family is so close to each other and not so far away from you, that God has Blessed you with much.

    Isabella, I love that movie A Bridge Too Far, I remember seeing it on TV several times, it never gets old. I also loved the original movie West Side Story, I haven't seen the remake and I'm not sure I want too. There are just some movies that when being a remade cannot compare to the original.

    Talk with you all later, may GOD's Blessings follow you wherever you go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, my weekend was busy and I didn't make it here. Sorry about that. It was drizzling this morning but I still went out early to do my usual shopping. I was in a funny mood and bought a couple things I don't usually buy. Like these "trail mix crackers" at Trader Joe's. They look really interesting. Plus I just felt like getting some sort of beverage. I don't usually drink anything but water or homemade Hibiscus ice tea. Today I bought some orange flavored seltzer water. We'll see how it is. I met a couple of friends for lunch at 11:30am. Again I wanted something different so I got a grilled cheese with fries. The fries were good. The grilled cheese VERY average. For one thing they didn't bring it out soon enough so it was luke warm and the cheese had leaked out. :( Oh well, the important part was the fellowship. It was really nice to visit with my friends. We stayed and chatted for 2 hours. When I am finished here I'm going to go relax and read my book.

    I was very blessed that the supreme court ruled against the vaxx mandate cuz if my company was forced to enforce it I would have quit. I am probably going to retire this year anyway. I have had some conversations with my supervisor about it.

    I also took Thursday off of work to be with my husband. He had to get his car serviced so I followed him there and we did some running around afterward then relaxed at home till the car was ready. After we picked up the car we went to lunch. It was a really nice day.

    Deborah, all your holiday gatherings sound wonderful! As Tammy said it is really nice to have them close enough to visit with on occasions. Sorry you weren't feeling well but glad you got over it fairly quickly. Did the test turn out to be positive? Does Ralph's eggs being cracked have anything to do with what they are being fed? Or is it the weather? Just curious cuz I have a friend who has the same issue.

    Tammy, very sorry to hear that the interview didn't work out. I agree - God has a plan. I also agree with your soapbox "rant". Feel free to soapbox anytime. You are among friends and it is always good to be able to get things off your chest. My brother went to see Westside Story Sunday and loved it.

    OK, I'm going to go get caught up on my emails. God's blessings on your week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Tammy, I’m sorry you didn’t get the job and for the reasons you didn’t get it. I don’t like making it a have to since testing more often could take care of someone like you. God must have something better for you out there. And you can rant anytime. I’m glad we can have such a good friendship even when we are different. I’m in a vaccine study. You and Isabella chose not to be vaccinated. You and Isabella eat much healthier than I probably do but we all love God. We are all individuals for sure.

    My test results came back negative which did not surprise us and Ralph got the short lived flu bug also. But we are out and about again. I was in the nursery Wednesday night. Thursday I went to my first PT appointment for my prolapse. I guess I should start logging again to keep track of my fiber since I need to keep it up. I’ll be going once a week for the next 8 weeks. And I’m sure I’ll have homework each time. We also saw the cardiologist and learned that Ralph’s valves were okay so he can get by with just dong the stents. But a different doctor has to do them since one stent will be where his first stent is. Hopefully, they call soon to set it up. Ralph would like to get it done.
    I thought I had done a good straightening last week and even with just the two of us, things get set around so it has to be done again. I did get the Christmas decorations put away and it didnt take near as long as I think it will. Tomorrow everyone will be here. The two birthday girls like pancakes so we will have pancakes and sausage for our meal and doughnuts instead of cake. I did the brown and serve sausage today and hope it works to heat them up in the crockpot. And instead of heating up frozen pancakes and bought pancake mix and will start making them as soon as I get home. Each take also gets a fruit plate with blueberries, pineapple, and orange and kiwi slices. So it’s kind of a fun meal and I didn’t do any baking today. That freed me up to go to a baby shower this morning for a woman in our church expecting her first and she is having twin boys. I have a little bit of other stuff to finish up tonight when Ralph is done with getting his eggs in cartons. He still has things to pick up and I’m trying to be patient but I’m sure he’ll not finish up till morning and that makes me wonder if he’ll really do it. Weather her changes a lot. It was in the 50s Friday. Then we got snow in the evening and today it only got up to 20. Tomorrow is supposed to be close to 50 again.
    One sad thing is Matthew and Julie are not going through with adopting the two kids. The first time they had them overnight was a little rough so they called the foster family to figure out how to make it go better the next week. The foster family had said back when this all started that they did now want to adopt which is why Matthew and Julie were going to. The comment was made was that they would not adopt them. Well, for the good of the kids, Matthew and Julie stopped proceeding cause the kids already have a strong bond with the foster family. It was a very hard decision.

    Isabella, what a nice visit with your friends and a nice day with Dan. Your weekends always have so many fun parts to the, you’ll just have weeks of fun whenever you retire. Now whether the business can get along with out you remains to be seen. You are a very good employee. Did you enjoy your impulse buys. It’s fun to try something new occasionally.

    Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Isabella, I realized I forgot to talk about the cracked eggs. Most of the ones we get are from his older hens and the shells are just not as strong anymore. He says it's about time to get rid of them cause the laying percentage is going way down too.

    Everyone enjoyed the pancake meal today and there was hardly any fruit left. Plenty of sausage links but they'll freeze fine and using the crockpot to heat them worked great. only 4 pancakes left over. Used to medium boxes of pancake mix. :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Hope neither of you had too much of a problem from winter storm Izzy. From what I heard there was a lot of heavy rain and wind in some places and a lot of heavy snow in others. It is a beautiful day today. Bright and sunny - clear blue sky - 70 degrees. Talked to my friend Grace on the phone then went to do my usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Both were fairly uncrowded and it was nice. I didn't buy anything that wasn't on the list this time.

    I had a hair cut appointment at 1pm so I puttered around the house a tad then since it is in the same area I went to the farmer's market at noon to get some more local honey and I bought some tangerines. The guy selling the tangerines was also selling passion fruit. I bought one to see what they taste like. I'll let you know how I like it. I also got some lovely loose leaf tea for my friend Grace for her birthday in March. I will buy more next time as well. Then I stopped at Aldi for a couple of things, stopped at Dollartree for some Valentine's day cards, and got to my haircut just in time. Since we like to treat ourselves on my haircut day, We are going to order pizza for dinner tonight. We like to have mushrooms, ham, and black olives. What do you ladies like on your pizza?

    Debora, the pancake dinner sounds wonderful! We like to have breakfast for dinner from time to time. Interesting about the shells of the eggs. I'll have to ask my friend if her chickens are older. Very sorry to hear about Matthew & Julie halting the adoption. It was a very selfless act on their part to leave them with the people they had become attached to.

    Tammy, hope you're having a good week.

    God's blessings to you both for a wonderful week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I forgot to tell you that my impulse buys were very good. Really liked the crackers so went back the next day and bought more. With Trader Joe's you never know if the items will still be there from week to week. The beverages were lovely and very refreshing. We have a TON of lemons from our tree right now so we are also having LOTS of homemade lemonade. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Another week has zoomed past. We had 40-50s a couple of days and then days where it hardly got up to 20. We never did go below zero at night but it was cold enough. We met our new doctor’s PA this week. We know here cause she is a cousin’s daughter-in-law but she is professional in the office. In May we have some blood work done and we will meet the doctor. On the way home, Ralph pulled into Burger King to see if they were open inside and they were so we had lunch there.
    Wednesday morning I had Bible study. Then I had to take our farm books in and a 4-Her’s record book to be judged so Ralph came along and we ate at McDonalds. Just had one child in the nursery in the evening so also had a nice visit with the one helping me. Finally got started correcting a set of cookbooks. Finished today and somehow realized I did one wrong so fixed it in the ones here and will have to do the ones I put at church.
    Thursday afternoon I went and worked with my friend that is now in a nursing home. Friday was our usual errands. And this morning I went and watched a granddaughter play volleyball. Sadly they didn’t win a single game but they had some good plays. I fixed a meatloaf for tomorrow and will do ranch potatoes. It’s going to be a three crockpot day. Some days I feel like I’m make some progress on projects. Other days it feels like the list just gets longer. :)
    In December my niece lost her dad. Yesterday her husband lost his mother, also to covid. Not an easy time for them.

    Isabella, glad the new items were a hit. How fun to make lemonade from lemons from your own tree. I would have enjoyed your pizza a lot. I enjoy about any topping that isn’t “hot” like jalapenos and things like that. Got homework with my PT this week. Not hard things and fairly easy to fit into the day. I started logging to watch my fiber. My friend’s husband was in the hospital with afib (had to be shocked to get back in rhythm) and now has to really watch his sodium. I can also see that with my food. So I’m watching those two things more than the calories.

    Enjoy your week. Missed hearing from you Tammy but you did pop in on the 5 letter game.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    Good Monday Morning,
    I have a very uneventful the last 2 weeks, so same ole thing just different day. I have been checking my Indeed account but no job options, I did find 1 on Friday so I need to apply for that this morning.

    What I like on my pizza - if getting from Domino's Large thin crust, Extravaganza, easy sauce cut like a pie. If I'm making my own I get the Chef Boyrdee Pizza dough with sauce and I use lots & lots of mushrooms, sausage, hamburger, onion, green bell pepper, just enough mozzarella cheese. Doing my own is more cost effective and we really like the taste of the sauce. Now when my hubby use to work out of town and I would get a medium pizza with pineapple, ham and mushrooms, yummy.

    Hubby has been talking about retiring early sometime this year, which if that is what he want's to do he will still have 3 years before he can take any Social Security and 4 to get medicare. He say's he'll find a part time job of some sort, it's just that he is tired of working so hard and being so stressed out all the time. He no longer enjoy's his job. I have had a complete reboot being off this long and ready to get back to work, either part time or full, I'll even take up a temporary.

    Since I've been back to logging my food, some days I'm green and inside calorie count but mostly I'm all over the place and haven't lost a pound. So I need to try and fix 1 thing at a time which may help me.

    Be blessed, stay safe & healthy.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Today was a beautiful and almost up to 60. In a few days there may be snow. This winter the weather has jumped up and down a lot. But so far it hasn’t kept us from doing anything. Monday was all at home which I always enjoy. Tuesday two of us cleaned the Community House so it’s ready for the start of Good News Club. Wednesday morning was Bible study and then the nursery in the evening. Before church Ralph and I went to the visitation for my nephew-in-law’s mother. We had three kids this week and they all played nicely. Thursday morning I had PT at 8 so had to head out early. I took the invites for Good News Club to school and got home and changed for going to the funeral. I said we should go cause there wouldn’t be many people there. The pastor did a good life sketch of Mary Lou and I learned a number of things. Really glad we went. In the afternoon, we went to town and I worked with my friend. Ralph had a sore neck and it got worse as the day went on. The only thing different he can think that he did is clean up our popcorn popper so our grandson could borrow it and he did work hard on it. That night he could hardly get up. It has gotten better but we’ve been very thankful for the lift chair our niece gave us after her husband died. It’s one place he can sit. Hopefully, it keeps getting better. He does take care of the chickens but I can tell he hurts and he doesn’t turn his head. Friday I went to town by myself. Today I got food ready for tomorrow. We’re having BBQ chicken, mashed pototes, BBQ green beans, fruit salad, rolls and brownie. Right now, we waiting on Derek to bring his two boys (6 and 2). The are spending the night and all day tomorrow with us. (The girls are with friends). Derek got tickets to the Kansas City Chiefs game to they are headed their early in the morning. Hope they can sleep in one bed together and will sleep well. (and they are here)

    Tammy, I even enjoy hearing about uneventful weeks. Will pray the job application goes somewhere if this is the job for you. How do you feel about your husband retiring? Have you tried any more vegan dishes than you both liked?
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, I worked yesterday so I am just getting here to visit now. The weather has been a bit cool but gorgeous. Highs mostly in the low 70's. I got a lot done at work so I was very happy I got to work Saturday. I went to Trader Joe's before work and Sprouts after work. That worked well. Got home around 3pm and relaxed for the rest of the day. Dinner was very simple. Dan wanted ham and cheese in the left over hamburger buns warmed in the microwave for 30 seconds. That was it. They were actually pretty good. :) We had cucumber slices on the side for our veggie.

    Today, I went to Baron's after church to get some items I can't get at the other 2 stores. Then came home and puttered for a couple hours before the game started. We usually don't watch football anymore but these 2 games were bound to be good. Sorry about the Chiefs! (I was rooting for them). But yay that the Bengals are going to the superbowl for the first time in 30yrs. Thre are really no losers in these games. Now the other game has started. I'm rooting for the Rams just cuz I get tired of seeing the 49ers go so often.

    Debora, I hope Ralph's neck is feeling better. I bet Derek really enjoyed being there at the statium for the game. How did it go with taking care of his boys?

    Tammy, we still love to hear from you even when it is same stuff different day. :) My weeks are pretty much like that too. How do you feel about hubby thinking about retiring? That's what my hubby did. He did not end up getting another job but I'm pretty sure not being in all that stress every day has added years to his life. Let us know how it goes with the job you applied for. Your homemade pizza sounds good. I may try making my own again someday. Let us know how it goes with making changes one at a time. I have been having smaller portions for dinner and that has been helping a lot.

    OK, ladies, I'm going to go listen to the game while I cook my greens for the week. God's blessings to you!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    Hi, I got a call on Thursday for an interview on Friday. Went to interview and meant with the lead supervisor for mfg. and the QC lead, they seemed to be very impressed with my resume and my experience, however I am lacking 2 important qualifications that they are looking for. Plus they need someone who can work lots of overtime on weekends at the end of the month in order to make dollar quota for the company. I really only want a 40 hour a wk / no responsibility job and I would have to drive 40 miles a day which I'm not fond of doing. They said they still have other interviews to do, which I understand. I still would have to meet with HR before they make their finally decision. If I'm offered the job, then I would have to decide if it's the right one for me. I just don't know...

    I'm really am okay if hubby retires out early, we can survive, just will need to make some adjustments, which I guess will be okay. The one thing I like about it is that he will be able to get some very much needed work and projects done that he has no time for right now, and if I'm home we will tackle those together making these projects getting done much more faster.

    However, I still want to find at least a part-time job then to bring in extra income, you never know when you need that for whatever may occur.

    No I have not tried any other full vegan dinners, but I am trying to make healthier meals and adding different veg's as side dish's along with eating smaller portions.

    Still no weight loss. :( I need to keep at it and one of these days I'll lose enough lbs that will stay off and keep coming off, until then stay safe, stay healthy and talk later.
    Be BLESSED ya all.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hi, I know it’s not Saturday but I thought I’d cahnge things up. What warm weather you are having Isabella. We were at 4 this morning and got up to 17. We got to have Good News Club on Tuesday and had some of the old kids and a few new ones which was nice. It was the last night day of the week. Tuesday night we got some ice and snow. Almost all schools around here have been closed the last two days. We still finished out our Bible conference but quite a number watched via livestream. We went Wednesday morning but had to change our route to avoid the drifting.
    This morning we made it to Ralph’s appointment thanks to his good driving. We went out north and had some places that he had to stay in the tracks. Got stuck for a minute at the highway corner but got out. Took in slow. Got to the one 4-lane road and just shortly after a vehicle passed us (so no one in that lane) we started sliding, went into the grass median. Ralph kept his wits and we ended up driving up on the other two lanes so went back to the corner and things went fine the second time. This appointment was to meet the cardiologist who is going to do his stents. They were appalled to hear he had shoveled some snow this week with his bad blockages. Anyway, much to my surprise, we are having them done tomorrow. The doctor will do the easy one first and then on the complicated one with more risks (2 80s and a 90) close together. He’ll have to stay overnight and then come home. As long as does well, they will do all at once. After the appointment we drove home. By now the easy west road had been cleared but was already trying to drift again but we made it. Late Ralph was going to go check on the roads and got stuck in our driveway – turned out the front wheels were frozen. A neighbor came and pulled him out with a tractor and then cleared our driveway and went the 4 miles to the highway to reclear it so we should be able to get out in the morning. What a day.
    Since I don’t know when we’ll come home on Saturday, I told the kids we wouldn’t do Sunday dinner. Had the meal all planned but won’t get to do my Friday shopping.

    Isabella, glad you got lots done when you worked on Saturday. No interruptions has got to help. Simple dinners are nice. Thanks for rooting for the Chiefs. Except for losing, Derek and Lindsey did enjoy the game. It went fine with the boys. Madden is sure he didn’t sleep at all because Jordan was snoring. Maggie also sat with us in church and they did a really good job. I had them asleep on the couch (and floor) when their parents picked them up.
    Ralph’s neck is much better. Very thankful for that. You could see that it hurt when he moved.

    Tammy, very cool that you got the interview. I can see what you have some misgivings on the job. Those weekends wouldn’t be so fun. Let us know how the process goes. Getting projects done if husband retires would be nice. Are you trying veggies you haven’t had before. Eating smaller portions is good. I’ve been concentrating on getting enough fiber. That’s easier than getting the exercise for PT fit in. The first ones weren’t so hard to fit in and then she added more – none of which will get done the next two days. A waiting room is not conducive to laying on the floor. :)

    Better get the list of Ralph’s meds ready to take in and a list of what I want to take with me. We’ll be taking off before 8 probably.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, did my usual shopping today. Didn't need as much since I did a pretty big shopping last week. Got some "healthy" canned ice tea that was on sale at sprouts $1 for a 16oz can of Steaz peach flavored 0 calorie. Very tasty and a good price. I have had a hankerin' for this type of beverage lately. These should last until I can make homemade ice tea again. Came home and did some laundry then sat outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine even if it is a bit cool. Got up to the low 70's eventually though. Very nice. Started reading all the medicare booklets to see what my coverages are. Also started reading a book about teaching written by Dan's cousin. It is self published but still nice to read.

    My work chose someone to replace me when I retire and I will start training her on Tuesday. I hope to retire the end of March. We'll see how it goes. Hubby and I have a lot to discuss.

    I bought some pork tenderloin country style ribs to cook tomorrow. They were on sale for 50% off. Not quite sure how to cook them. I think I will slow cook them covered at 300 degrees for about 2 hours and then see if they need more. I have this stir fry sauce I may use as BBQ sauce (I'll taste it and see) or I'll just make some BBQ sauce myself. We'll see.

    Debora, Please let us know how everything goes with Ralph's surgery. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Your weather sure sounds crazy but I guess it's pretty normal for this time of year. Take care and try not to over do it.

    Tammy, Keep us posted on the job and whether you decide to take it. I understand the not wanting to drive that far. I did it for several years and it is the main reason I changed jobs to the one I have now which is only 6 miles from home. Don't give up on the weight loss. Small changes add up in a big way over time. :)

    God's blessings to you ladies! Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi hope you had a great week. It got up to 93 degrees today!! This is February for cryin' out loud!!

    I worked today. Still didn't get anywhere near caught up. I have approx 90 emails still waiting to be resolved. I went to Trader Joe's and the farmer's market on my way to work. Then worked 4 1/2 hrs then went to Target Jimbo's and Sprouts after work. I went to Jimbo's to get shrimp because I'm very fussy about my shrimp and I know they sell sustainable and high quality shrimp. I plan to make shrimp broccoli pasta alfredo for Valentine's day. I only make it a couple times a year so we don't worry about the cost or the calories. :)

    I have started to train someone to take over my position when I retire hopefully March 31st. She wouldn't have been my first choice because she isn't so detail oriented but it wasn't up to me. I'll do my best to impart my 20yrs of knowledge as best I can.

    Super bowl is tomorrow. Are either of you going to watch? I think we probably will watch (or listen to) at least some of it. Go Bengals! Are either of you doing anything for Valentine's Day?

    My 65th birthday is Thursday. Not going to make a fuss over it. We will go to our favorite restaurant but I'll order something from the dinner menu like a steak or something instead of my usual burger.

    OK, have a great week! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hi Tammy and Isabella,
    Roads were better Friday morning and we got to the hospital with no issues. Doctor was even a little ahead of schedule so he got three stents – one in one artery and two in the other. Then, since they went in through the groin, he had to lay still (head and right leg) for six hours and then they added another 5 hours cause he tried to get a hematoma. That was a long time. I had to feed him two meals cause it’s not easy to eat flat on your back. He got moved to a room about 6:30 and I was left around 9. I went to Lori’s for the night. That saved me about a half hour of driving. Went back the next morning and found Ralph eating a very big breakfast for him. We got to leave about 2:30 and he had to stay in bed till it was time to get dressed. We had to go to another town to take two prescriptions to get filled. So did a bit of grocery shopping and had a sandwich at McDonalds while we waited for them to get filled. They we had sticker shock. We are used to nothing or $3.00 for a prescription. This one is $900 for 3 months. Fortnurately, he’ll only be on it for a year (blood thinners). We’ll manage it but it was a shocker. Only restrictions were no driving for 48 hours (so I drove to church and stuff on Sunday) and no lifting over 10 pounds for two weeks. He’s only messed up once so far and it wasn’t too much over. He informed at first he only fills the 2 gallon water bucket half full since a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. I have to care the eggs cases but he’s figured most things out. One more week to go.
    Had most of our usual going this week until today. We had a funeral – husband of a friend this morning and I went to a tea party for my sister’s 80th birthday. I stayed home this evening to finish things for tomorrow (breadsticks are baking as I type) and Ralph went to the Wild Game Feast our church is holding – evangelistic evening with Larry Moyer. There was gong to ve venison and elk chili, goose nuggets, fish and I don’t know what all else. They were going to have about 100 mounts and antles up. And it was held in a big barn (so probably not too warm). The speaker will do our church service tomorrow too so I’ll hear him then.
    This next week I’ll have Derek’s five kids for 4 days. Two days at their new house (so I’ll get to see how it looks with furniture) while the kids have school and then two days here. They are gong on a grief weekend for family that have lost a child. So it will be busy but fun.

    70s, Isabella, sound wonderful We had some 50 degree days during the week but not today. We did hit 35 but that’s still chilly in my book. March is not very far away. Hope the person taking your place realizes she has big shoes to fill. They will miss you. Good luck on choosing all the medicare stuff. I was glad we had someone to help us. My only thing I tell people is to get that perscription insurance even if you aren’t taking any prescriptions now. My oldest sister didn’t and when she did need it, that fine that put on it is a hefty one. I’d much rather pay $8 a month for not needing it that $50-$60 later on. Let us know how the ribs turn out. Your plan sounds good.
    Since you go to Trader Joe’s a lot, do you know I they have an area for low sodium items. I have a friend whose husband has to really cut back so she’s hunting around. We do have one in the area but we don’t go there often so thought you might know.

    Have a great week later and I’ll pop in sometime.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hi all, sorry I've been MIA, we had a cold spell and got some snow around 2/2/22 wasn't much but it did stick around for abut 3 days because of the cold temps. On Friday my hubby started to get the cold chills, no fever just feeling yucky, this went on over the weekend. Come Monday he still didn't feel good so no work for him. He took a covid test and it tested posted, I took one too but all I had was sinus issues at the time. Put a call in to the doc, who sent in a prescription for the both of us, so for a week we took the meds for 7 days. I feel much better today, but hubby is so-so. He stayed home from work today, but plans on going in tomorrow.

    I haven't heard anything from the job interview, so I guess I didn't get it. Our temps have been going up and down allot as well which is pretty crazy. Highs in the 70's close to 80 down to as low as 20, compared to what we had last year at this time -3 degrees for over 24 hours and never got above 32 for 4 days.

    Debora, I'm glad to hear that Ralph is doing much better and wow the pricing of the med's is ridiculously high.

    Isabella, I hope that you had a great 65th birthday, and had something special for dinner.

    See you all next time, be safe & stay healthy.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Just popping in to say Happy Birthday Isabella. Celebrate well.
    I'm headed to Derek's this afternoon - they are flying out early to hopefully get ahead of the bad weather we are supposed to have. Sounds like I might even have kids home from school. We'll deal with whatever but I'll pack for all four days just in case.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Thanks very much for the birthday wishes!
    Temps are in the mid 70's today and tomorrow then supposed to go down to the 60's the rest of the week. I did my usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts today. Came home and ate then wrapped some b-day gifts to ship to my friend Grace in FL. We took the pkg to the PO - cost $16.10. Now I'm doing laundry while I'm typing this.

    Week was a pretty good one. Training my co-worker is going slow but she seems to be catching on for the most part. So much info to pass on.

    My birthday was nice. Dan and I went to our favorite restorant for dinner. I ordered the baby back ribs and a baked potato. Every thing was done nicely. I took half of it home for another day. A couple of co-workers took me to lunch Friday which was very nice. I had a big cobb salad. Another co-worker is going to take me to lunch on Monday. I'm thinking of suggesting Mexican food. My friend Grace sent me flowers to my work. They are lovely.

    Debora, The ribs turned out OK. They were actually tenderloin country style ribs so they were very lean and therefore a little dry for my taste but Dan likes dry meat so he really liked it. I used a stirfry sauce called General Tsao's sauce I bought at Trader Joe's instead of BBQ sauce. It was a bit thin but the flavor was wonderful! So that worked out well.

    Trader Joe's doesn't really have much in the way of low sodium stuff. A few things like low sodium chicken broth. Our regular grocery stores have a decent selection of low sodium stuff in each section. For example you'll find regular canned corn then next to that there will be no salt added canned corn. Other than that, you have to do a lot of label reading.

    Glad everything went well for Ralph for the most part. Must have been tough on you too with all the waiting. Is it possible to have your Dr. call in a blood thinner that isn't so expensive? I have a friend who did that. I've also read that you can contact the drug company that makes the medication and find out if you qualify for assistance with the cost of the medication. Hope it works out.

    Tammy, sorry to hear you and hubby weren't feeling well. Hope you're both better now. Sorry about the job. I guess it wasn't the right fit. We'll keep praying.

    OK, ladies, I'm going to go sit outside. Have a blessed week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, worked yesterday to try to get caught up a bit. Can't seem to get below 100 emails these days. I started to train my replacement. It is going pretty well. Had my review. It was good. Not much else to say - did my usual shopping after work. Sat outside for a bit today before I started my food prep for the week. It will be warmer for a few days this week high 70's to low 80's then back down to high 60's by Thursday.

    Well, not much going on here so have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi, I’m back. Spent the 16 – 21 with Derek’s kids. They went to a weekend with 6 other couples – all have lost a child. Went earlier on the 16 so Derek and Lindsey could fly sooner since weather was to get bad. And it did. Not school on Thursday. Not that much snow but ice underneath it. By Monday it was all pretty much melted. Friday there was school. Did baths Friday night at their place and Saturday came here. I made rolls, some went out to see the chickens and they read and did other things. Sunday we went to church, Had most of the family here and then went back to their house. Parents were supposed to get home Sunday night but a delay made them miss a connection so I stayed that night and they got home Monday at noon. That gave me enough time to back their vehicle into a tree Monday morning when I was taking them out to meet the bus. Shouldn’t have happened as they have a back up mirror but it did – broke out one taillight. It’s taped up now and they’ll let me know what it costs. Made me feel quite sad. But it was an accident.

    Tuesday cold weather came in and we were below freezing until Friday – lowest I saw was 2 and it did get up to 30 one of those days. Saturday it was up to 60 and today we hit 70 so we have had some extremes. Today was beautiful with not much wind too.

    Feb. 25-26 I went to a Women’s Retreat our church had. Our speaker spoke on Peter. Another person gave a session on trauma and grief. We had good food – meals and snacks, good conversations and fun times. I roomed with a good friend and we both slept well and I even managed to do my PT. Now that I only have two sessions left, I’m getting into a routine with them. So hopefully that helps. Sunday all but 4 of the family was here – fixed hamburgers and hot dogs – celebrated the one February birthday and they all got their small valentine gift (chocolate).

    Today Ralph had his one month check up with the doctor who did his stents. All is going well. Ralph mentioned the cost of the blood thinner was high and he said he will put him on a less expensive one after 90 days. So that will be nice. We don’t have to go back for 8 months. We then went and got a new wheel from a salvage yard. Last week he though he blew a tire. Turns out something made a hole in the rim (never heard of that before) and you can’t fix it. We were glad we have a full size spare since we had to track a wheel down. Doing that and getting me to PT meant we didn’t eat until 3 but at least we did eat. May just fix salads for supper now.

    I also now have a grandchild going to school in the school district out kids attended until high school. Sadly, it’s because he broke a rule at the school he attended and cannot go back – I don’t know if it’s just this school year or for good. I think that is hard on his folks since they both work there. So he has a 30 minute drive each way now. Hope settling in goes well. He knows a few kids from church and helping with the Community Bible School last year so that should help.

    Matthew and Julie have cleared trees and had the old farmhouse knocked in (only took 24 minutes for the house) so they can start building their new house. And I had a great nephew who works in a car repair place and had a truck roll over his shoulder. How it happened I don’t know – marks look bad but nothing was broken and he is feeling better each day. Very thankful for God’s protection.

    Tammy, sorry you guys got sick. Glad you were able to get meds to help and are better or on the mend. Snow for three day is pretty long for you. Sorry on the job but you’ll find the one for you. I just know it will happen.

    Isabella, glad training is going okay. She’ll never know all you know before you leave but, hopefully, you’ll feel comfortable with what she can do. I’m sure you’ll leave things as much caught up for her as you can. Glad you had a good review – not surprised.
    Thanks for letting me know on Trader Joe’s. That kind of what I thought. She said she is happy with what they are doing now and she has some ideas figured out for when he needs a change.

    Ralph is in from doing chores so will send this and see if he’s ready to order baby chicks and do supper.
    Okay, you may have blurry eyes from reading all this now. Have a good week.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello, it seems like I have been gone for a long time. I got over my yuckiness allot faster then the hubby did, i got over it within 6 days, the hubby's lasted 14 days. So we are both better now.

    Well he did it, he gave his employer a 5 month notice, so around July 28th will be his last day (Retirement Day!!!). It's now up to the employer's to get the replacement(s) in so he can get them trained.

    I'm still okay, I'm still looking for work but not as hard now. With the price of gas going up I'll have to find something very close to home.

    Glad to hear that all is going well for you all, got to go make some errands.

    Take care be safe and stay healthy. God Bless
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It's been a tough year but God has still blessed and big changes have happened. John declined so much that he was taking 100% of my time and energy over the last 9 months, even with caregivers coming in twice a week. With no sleep and a lot of stress over John, my last scan was not good and I'm back to chemotherapy. I decided for both of our benefit, I needed to move John to a memory care facility. Since the move 2 weeks ago, I've slept 12 to 16 hours a day, trying to catch up on the sleep I lost all last year. I have chemo today, so I'm going to take a nice hot shower and get refreshed, ready for the infusion.

    I trust I'll get back to a routine of checking in with you regularly. When I feel better, I'll send out an email update with more details

    I'm behind in comments for over a year so I know I've missed a lot, but hope you are all doing well. You've been in my thoughts and prayers even when I couldn't check in.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    Hi Sheryl, I'm so sorry to hear about John's decline and having to put him in a memory care facility. I know that had to be a hard decision to make, but with your health issues this may be the best thing for the both of you. I hope this chemo doesn't make you to sick.

    I am glad that you have stopped in and let us know how you are doing.

    Take care, be safe, GOD Bless.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, temps/weather has been all over the place. 80 one day, 60 the next, light rain, heavy rain, windy. I guess we can't complain too much considering most other parts of the country though! Today hubby said that March is the one month of the year where the weather is pretty much the same all over the nation - cloudy and cold, with some rain. I think he's right.

    Did my usual shopping today and then some extra! I also went to Jimbo's and Ralph's (I had coupons!). :) Then I got my hair cut at noon. Bought our favorite meatball subs for lunch/dinner. Really enjoyed them. Now we're both relaxing at the computer.

    My district manager asked me if I would work longer if they gave me a raise and to talk to my husband about how much it would take. I asked for $10 more an hour. Of course that was too high. I told him to come back with a counter offer so we'll see. I hope to have an answer on Monday cuz we really need to know how to plan.

    Debora, You've had a full week (or couple weeks) as usual. I wouldn't feel too bad about the broken tail light. Accidents happen and that is a pretty minor issue considering how expensive it could have been if it was a different part of the car. Glad Ralph is doing well with the stents and that the doc will give him cheaper meds going forward. Your retreat sounds wonderful. I haven't been on one in quite some time.

    Tammy, very happy to hear that you and hubby are feeling better. Great news on hubby's retirement date. Light at the end of the tunnel takes the pressure off. All that stress is not good. Also takes some pressure off of you I think. Will you stay where your are and retire there?

    Sheryl, SO very happy you popped in. I have been thinking about you and John a lot! Sorry you had to put him in a memory care facility but it had been a long time coming and will be better for both of you. Sorry about having to go back to chemo. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. Looking forward to having you stop in more often. You are greatly missed.

    God's blessings to you all. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hello, we have enjoyed a week of springtime temps – We’ve been up in the 70s more than one day. It was 72 today although it’s down to 50 cause a front has come through. It’s also windy and sady, the air is smokey cause a couple of fires are burning and hard to control. I enjoyed today cause I got to stay at home. It’s the first Saturday that has happened in some time. I got the house straightened, made a fruit salad, baked brownies and am bakng the rolls now. So the house smells good.
    Last night we went to see Mary Poppins. Two of the granddaughers had small parts and Lori does a lot with the costumes. It was very good but it’s was a long one so we didn’t get home till 11:30. That’s late for us. They had two performances today.
    Friday Ralph got new chicks. We ordered 80 – 3 kinds. Two of died sadly so we’ll get refunded for them. The grandkids will have fun seeing them tomorrow.
    We got the new wheel for the car. Now we’ll see how long it takes to get put on. It’s no rush since the spare is full sized. We also saw the doctor who did the stents. We mentioned the cost of the blood thinner and he said he’d like him on it for 90 days but then we’ll put him on a lower cost one so that is nice.
    We had our all day Women’s meeting this week and it includes a potluck meal. So much good food. I had a bean dish I ate at Lindsey’s. I found out you supposed to use it like a dip for fritos but I like it by itself. It keeps well too. We also had two good speakers who challenged us and got some work done. Then I went to a friends house. I usually eat with her at her workplace but she wanted to show me her remodeled bathroom and have me look through some material. Now I’ll have to sort it and move it on to those who I know will use it.
    Since the chicks came Friday, I went to town by myself. I was going to get a haircut but it was a longer wait than I wanted. Then I dropped some magazine off at a friends and probably visited that amount of time. I will try and learn how to sign up online.

    Tammy, glad you and your hubby are both better. 5 months is a lot of notice. Will it take a long time to train a new person. Yes, gas does affect job hunting.

    Sheryl, so good to hear from you. I’m sure putting John in a memory care unit was hard but a good decision. Glad you are catching up on your rest and prayers that the chemo will do it’s job quickly.

    Isabella, how nice that you’ve had rain. We could use some of that. Good to use those coupons with prices inching up. Coming home with a meal you enjoy is a win. How much of a raise would it take to keep you? It shows they know you are a good worker.
    Yes, accidents happen. It didn’t look as bad last week when it was taped up. During the meal Madden all at once piped up and said Grandma wrecked our car. Got a good laugh out of everyone.

    Substate basketball is going on this week. We didn’t go to any of the games but the girls game tonight is between Berean (where our kids attended) and Remington (great niece is on the team) so I’ll be happy whichever team wins. It would have been fun to go but it was good to stay home too. I also have a grandson going to Remington now. I don’t know what rule he broke but he was told he had to leave. Think that was a bit tough on everyone since parents work at the school too. Don’t know if I want to know what he did or not. His mom said it was a big life lesson.
    Well, Ralph should be in shortly so will get our sandwiches ready. And the dinner rolls are ready to bag up. Have a great week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good afternoon, I'm still sleeping most of the time. I thought that once John was settled elsewhere, I'd have the chance to get back to attending church, but I slept through it this morning. Maybe next week.
    I fixed some late lunch and am ready to go back to bed again, or sit in my recliner and doze off. Very indulgent, but Nancy and Norma have both told me not to feel guilty, I need the sleep. Nancy said that once she got full time help for her dad, she slept six months before she felt back to normal.

    This is extremely short, but I can't seem to think of anything else right now. I'll check in to get back into the routine even if I don't have much to say.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    It's been a long time since you've been to church. Another week or so won't matter. You haven't had a chance to really let your body relax for a long time. So listen to your body.
    I went and walked with my friend and left my fitbit at home. It's okay but like to get them counted. I plan to be home today. We might go to a meeting this evening but we'll see how the day goes. It turned cold again so inside feels nice. Ralph wanted to start getting rid of his old hens - maybe if it gets warmer.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Big change of plans today, I had planned to visit John this afternoon, but discovered our oldest llama, Beauty, was dead in the stall and I needed to call the rendering guy to come pick her up. He just left. Beauty turned twenty years old last month, that is on the very old end of a llama lifespan. She had a good long life and gave birth to 3 beautiful daughters which we still have here in the pasture. So, down to a total of 6 llamas now. I have an acquaintance who is looking for goats to keep her yard down and clear some blackberries. I'm trying to talk her into llamas instead of goats. The llamas will do what she wants, plus not destroy anything else like goats sometimes do. My aunt had goats for a short time and they tore apart the wiring of her car, she quickly got rid of them and got sheep. I'm hoping to move the 3 youngest llamas and that will help me with my responsibility of feeding and grooming regularly.

    Anyway, I trust that I can visit John tomorrow. I'll let you now.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 217 Member
    Howdy everyone, I'm glad to see that all is doing well.

    Isabella, I would really be surprise if my hubby stays the whole 5 months, he is so ready to leave and retire. Yes we will stay put where we are at, this is home for at least another 10 years. Hopefully we will have all the up grades done by then. We want to put in gray water, build a back porch, finish the front porch, put in a water line to the shop, plus finish up the inside of the shop.

    Debora, walking is always nice especially with a friend, I usually time how long I walk. Getting rid of older hens is sometimes hard to do, hopefully you already have someone that will take them off your hands, otherwise if there not to old you maybe able to harvest them for food.

    Sheryl, relax and get plenty of rest without worrying. Sorry to hear that you lost one of your llamas, maybe your aquatint will take the 3 llamas that you would like to get rid of. Enjoy your time with John.

    Talk latter.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,019 Member
    Sheryl, so sorry to hear about Beauty. It's good that John was not there to see her dead. Good that you could get her taken care of right away. That would be great if you could convince your acquaintance to take the llamas. Keep talking. I hope it works for you to visit John tomorrow. Does he still know you and is okay with staying when you leave?

    Tammy, sounds like your husband will have plenty of home projects to keep him busy once he retires. All the hens are gone. They all went to people we attend church with. Next step will be to clean the building (youngest son will do it). Chicks are doing well even with cold weather. We did get up to 43 today but that's still chilly to me.

    I have dishes to take care of now but have a coon story to tell you when I drop in next time. Think I'll fix a cup of hot tea too.