Daily Chats and Encouragements
Good morning ladies! I am up (at 3:30 AM) dressed to shoes with aching feet...puttering about. Aiming for another productive day.
Connie, my phone is 2 or 3 years old and it took awhile for me to love mine! It's a tracfone smart phone and I still have issues after a crash a year ago January...and now after having my hard drive replaced in my computer, am having to learn how to sync and post pictures...again! It was an accident that I posted 2 to my buy nothing group yesterday! The third time...never got it posted so just described the items. I'll play with it more. I DO love my awesome computer after the Computer Guy worked his magic! Wow!
The IRS is playing stupid games so I may never see my $192 refund. First in 8 years. I've paid in all the other years, over $800 once. I did my return at the IRS site, now they want me to do the convoluted ID me thing with downloaded /uploaded documents that I am challenged with, to prove who I am and do a video chat thing. Nope. No can do...now, If they wanted a picture of the pig cake...I could do that?
Kim, I did the 5 "meal" thing yesterday...3 light(er) meals, an apple and a spoon of peanut butter PM...LOL I thought of you when I went for that...but...I can never find my favorite anymore...the honey roast chunky. I actually have the chunky Jif at the moment. My FBS was 163 this morning so I am good!
Cats: I saw my Junior again yesterday. I thought that was him last week that dropped by! He's one of the 2 year olds, born under my Bistro table in March of 2020. Only he and his sister survived. He used to dart inside regularly and hide from me when I was trying to leave for work. My 10 year old Calico came by as well and I sneak fed them a can of tuna. Love my cats....have had a long and loving relationship for over 9 years now. This....is my goal today...no fretting over IRS...or other stuff.
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What kind did you get, Connie? I'm glad I have my passwords saved to a memory stick - I'd have to reset too many passwords because I can't remember them all. I try to give a different password for each site that I have my bank account associated with, but for the ones where money isn't an issue I have a standard one.
Another warm day for us. It's around 70 so far. I will try and get some laps in this afternoon. I like to do my Bible memory work while I walk; I gave each chapter in a book a title and then a memory verse. I have been working on getting back what I had memorized before and am surprised by how much I am remembering.0 -
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you'
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26)
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My old ohone was a Motorola that I LOVED! It had a ton of memory and was really fast, took great pictures and was easy to use. It was a little over 2 years old, but kept having trouble getting it connected after the 3g elimination. It wasnt a 3g phone, but it wouldn't connect for calls...fine for internet. It went out twice at home (3 days each) . Finally I thought all was fixed then went to Mom's and had no phone. That frightened me while on the road 4 hours each way. They said they would get it worked out, but it worried me with summer travel. Bill told me to just forget it and buy a new phone, so i did a lot of research and wound up with a Samsung Galaxy s21FE, since they are one of the phones working best with 5g on my carrier. So far I am impressed. It was a really easy change over....and they took my old iphone and Bills iPad in trade.1
Wow, that worked out well! We had Galaxies before we switched over to the iPhones. Wade had an iPhone for work and really liked it, I was meh with the Galaxy, but because I don't use it for more than your basic phone stuff it really didn't matter to me. Getting two of the iPhones was a better deal, so we went with that.
Thanks for those pictures and wonderful blessing, Marilyn. How are things going for you right now.
Do y'all want a summer challenge and make some goals to get us through the summer???
I'm working on three goals right now. Don't eat after 7 (except those rare occasions when I'm busy at 7 (like Church nights)). Don't eat treats during the week. Walk at least once every day getting at least 600 steps. (Some days my breathing and my back and knees won't let me go any farther than that). I have been getting more than 3,000 steps in a day which is an improvement for me, so that is a goal too, get more than 3,000 steps in a day.1 -
I am pretty much back on track - covid did a real number on me affecting my back trouble and the arthritis. But it seems just about back to the normal pain which is a bit step forward.
When I go off plan like when having covid well I just find it difficult to get completely back on track.
Romans 7:15-20 says
For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very think I hate.
Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good
So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.
For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.
Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
Was talking to a friend yesterday that follows the same plan as I am doing. We had a laugh about this verse of Scripture but than talked about it. Why do we do this? We know the right thing to do with respect to food - we know we should not be having all of those snacks between meals that add no healthy nutrition for the day - but rather we leave the healthy food alone and go for the unhealthy that does nothing to improve our health - why? We came to the conclusion we do this because we want to be the one in control of what we eat - we really don't want to turn it over to our Lord. I know for me when I start the day - I mean when I first wake up, after going to the bathroom, getting down and talking to the Lord asking Him to take control of my day - all of what I do and what I think and what I eat - when I do that I have the best of days. But when I get up and get started on the day with short little 'hi Lord' type of prayers and then at the end of the day ask Him for help in things that went wrong - seems backward to me as I always hear Him say to me 'If you had asked me 1st think in the morning I would have guided you in all areas but because you didn't ask I gave you complete control and you are where you are today because though I was there beside you, you did not lean on me from the start.
So I share that all with you as I am back on track in all areas of my life - 1st Christ, then the rest - and when I do this my days are so much more successful
I will sign off with the following Scripture Verse
Matthew 6:33 which says
But see first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
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Oh my goodness. A friend from Illinois just put on a bunch of pictures and history from the church that I grew up attending. One was a history of the church that was completed in 1988 for the church's 75th anniversary. It was really something. Another was a church directory that was done in 1976. I was young! They were so much fun. I cleaned up the pictures and printed everything for my Mom. She will get such a kick out of them.1
I've had a bit of a sore throat for 4 days now and today it's lumpy feeling...well, it was yesterday as well, like a Lozenge size lump, mostly on the left side. I tried to see it, using a flash light and my magnifying mirror bot couldn't get the angle right.
My son was transferred to a prison in Harvest Alabama. Limestone Correctional. I pray for his safety...as I am sure other Mamas pray for their sons there. He would be one of the older ones there at 49.
I've been up and about in the night for several days but was shocked to get up for real at 10 AM this morning. That's really late for me, even for a really rough night. I rested a lot today so hope to get back on track with my chores and collections by Monday.0 -
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I've heard that before and the wonderful news is, Jesus can set us free from the "wolf" that wants us to do wrong. You gave us the passage in Romans 7 (which is actually a narrative on the heart of a Christian before he is sanctified)- but at the end of Rom. 7 we read:
Rom 7:24f Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin.
At the end of 7:25 he is giving a recap of his life before sanctification - then we go into chapter 8 and he tells us about the victorious life we can have when we die to sin (chapt 6) and are alive to Christ. Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. 3 For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,
Jesus never sinned, he was just born in a body with a human nature that could be tempted to sin - and He was, in every way that we are, and yet He did not sin!
We can be free from sin because that is what Jesus came to do! If Jesus can't set us free then sin is stronger than Jesus and I don't believe that for a minute. On my own I cannot please God but by the power of the Holy Spirit I can walk in victory. He delivers from the sins we've committed and He delivers from the sin nature that we were born with. Sin is a choice and God provided the way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13).
Bren's heard all of this before! Very few are teaching that we can be free from sin but rather many are preaching that we don't have a choice but to sin! What a weak god they serve! It just seems so clear to me that Jesus came to set us free from sin - if we continue to sin then we haven't been set free. I've heard it described as us being in a cage called sin and Jesus came and opened the door, but we aren't allowed to leave the cage because we are told we have to sin every day! We aren't free! If Jesus can't set us free from sin then we are saying that satan is stronger than Jesus because sin is his domain!
Okay, I will let it go at that!
Doing well. I walked yesterday in my new shoes (Skecher's stretchy slip ons). I needed something that would stretch when my feet swell. Walking helps to keep the swelling down and if I can't get into my walking shoes, then I can't walk! They pretty much stay somewhat swollen all the time now, but sometimes the swelling gets so bad I can't get into my shoes - and I can't walk in my slippers! I found my walk much easier yesterday as well. Woohoo!
Well, it's lunch time. Love y'all.1 -
It is late I am tired - tomorrow I will come and share where I get these beautiful motivational pictures.
NOTE: I am 75 and accepted the Lord as my personal Savior 63 years ago though I was brought to church from the time I was born. Have been mentored by many great Pastors and have a team of Pastors at our current church that are so blessed - they so love the Lord, and preach from the whole Bible on many different issues, they are not scared to bring up 'touchy' subjects and share what the Lord tells us about these issues. Will share a little more tomorrow -0 -
Doing well today. I'm so glad I don't live in the North West where they are going to get hammered with blizzard conditions. My watch says we have 73 degree weather and I am so happy for that. Praying for those in the South West and the Middle of the country who are going to be getting hammered with tornado weather! So dangerous. That includes Bren, Connie and Carole. I think each of you has the possibility of that bad weather. It looks like it is going to take a sharp southern turn before it reaches us!
Amen, Marilyn. God gave us the whole Bible and it is important that we take it at face value and all together! The Old Testament is a foreshadowing of what would come in the New Testament and there is so much for us to learn from it as well as all of the wonderful things the New Testament gives as light and truth for out daily walk on the narrow way.0 -
The motivational pictures I share I have gotten from Facebook - I have about 50 - 75 saved and ready to share and seem to find more each day.
I mentioned that I am 74 and accepted the Lord as my personal Savior when I was 11 though from birth I was in Church. The only time we have ever left a church was when we moved to a different city - until last year. We started going to this church in May of 2006. About 250 - 300 people every Sunday and pretty much most of these people had been at this church for 15 years or more. Then 7 years ago the Pastor resigned as he was moving to another city - and we got a new one. He is very knowledge re the Bible and can quote verses from memory and everyone was overjoyed with him. All went well till 5 years ago - the start of problems. Unfortunately he started preaching things that did not line up with how the long term members believed. He started showing signs of being a Calvinist - and he would not bend to listen to anyone that had other thoughts. We had a big issue on 'predestined' which I wont get into but that is one of the big reasons many of us left as he was way out there with the true Calvinist on this issue - at any rate during the pandemic for 18 months we did not go to church due to the pandemic - but this pastor kept the church open with the understanding that masks were not mandatory, hand sanatizing was not necessary and distancing was a laugh - and with that he had many followers who all happen to be brand new Christians (less than 8 years a Christian) where all the old timers (15 years + were hurting - and we were told that if would just conform to how he was preaching all would be well.) He would not do zoom, therefore most of us were not getting any encouragement from the church we called home. To make a long story short we started looking around, calling a few different churches that we would consider going to but calling first to ask lots of questions to make sure we weren't going from one fire to another. We tested a couple out that were good but took some time to get to and finally decided to go to the one closer (we used to go to this denomination years ago in a different city) We had the Pastor come out and we asked our questions and he said 'You are coming from the broken church here in town right?' - he knew what was happening and the church was praying for them (funny because the church we left doesn't like this church at all though it is a strong Bible preaching church)
I am sharing this with you only because there are a lot of 'churches' that are struggling right now because of wrong teaching and those that believe are leaving them. Many that stay with these struggling churches, ones that are a step or too of the mark are new Christian and don't yet have a strong foundation. I am so thankful that by the time this happened we are seasoned in our faith - we do make mistakes, we are not perfect. We start out day off bright and early with the Lord and our Bible and still we make mistakes but my husband and I just can't sit in on a church service where the teaching does not line up with how we believe - I am sure you all understand that - the people are the church and if the majority of the people don't have the same basic foundation of the Bible things don't go well. I am sharing this as it is so important to read, and study the complete Bible and pray, pray, pray and lastly LISTEN for the Lord to direct you - so many of us study and pray but don't take time to sit and be still to get a Word from the Lord.
Numbers 6:24-26 says
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord life up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
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Thank you both for sharing more of your journey. I am blessed in hearing it and I agree....left and right we see mega churches in scandals, being called out in these last days. I attended one in Dallas, back in the late 80's with Robert Tilton, scheming and scamming, tho nobody knew at the time. Perhaps they didn't start with that in mind but the world is full of them. It's more I say than God says!
I miss the old praise and worship (because I am old(er)...all the clanging, screeching, repetitive stuff is racket to my sensitive ears most times... I had asked at a Church I'd considered attending once about the worship service and if they minded folks raising hands in praise and he said "we'd rather you didn't"....flat out! Remember the song...O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing? I DO fully get that is is NOT all about me....but if my heart is turned and my spirit strangled...I don't feel at home.
I got a letter from my son and he has been attacked twice now, once at Kilby and 3 days in at Limestone, his new home. He was the one punished with lock down, 8 and 11 days and with his punishment, he can't receive the shoe package I tried to send him. Has to be on 6 months of good behavior. HE was attacked and robbed of his store goods, that Mama paid for....and got lock down. However, he was probably safer during that time! On a good note, he will be attending church services and is excited about that, he will sign up for classes that will benefit him when he gets out, and two of his jail friends have been transferred there and are in his 4 man dorm so they can keep an eye out for one another. I'm praying for them as well as him. God has them in His care.0 -
Ugh, lost what I just wrote. Let's try again.
Marilyn, I agree, there are a lot of preachers today who have chosen to preach a different "gospel" (Gal. 1:6f), and many add to a verse to make it say what they want it to, like 1Ti 2:3f This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men ]they add: who are the elect] to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. They preach that no man has a choice in his salvation, God picks and chooses who will be saved and who will be condemned, a hyper-Calvanistic view. It's unbelievable how many are preaching this nowadays. They also preach that you have no choice but to sin every day, but that's okay because God forgave the sins of the elect past, present and future - huh??? That is no where in the Bible! We have to be hyper-vigilant these days and we have to know the Word. Psa 119:11 Thy word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against Thee. So important in these last days.
Bren, I hope that your son comes through this safely and is a changed man when his sentence is finished.
Not losing any weight - sigh. I have been doing some walking, my new shoes have helped me to be able to add more steps, but I am still only doing about 1000 in a walk a day. I am getting between 2500 and 3000 a day. I am going to make getting 3,000 a day my goal, and more if possible. It isn't that I am tired or in pain when I stop, it is having trouble catching my breath. I am going to set a timer on my watch and each hour have it go off and take two laps around the house each hour, that should help me get to my goal. I've been doing pretty well in not eating after 7 PM. I did eat something around 9 last night when I got home from Church meeting.
God is good always and He will never leave us nor forsake us.0 -
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Thanks Kim. He got a 20 year sentence and may serve half? I have no idea but I will probably be home with Jesus when he does get out.
My back has been really screeching today. I managed to get some chores done but each one was a trial for sure! I got the kitchen cleaned, table cleared, tub of stuff back in the closet...heavy! I have a pot of chicken veggie soup on....I love my frozen veggie blends. Cuts way down on the hacking, dicing, chopping and slicing...it should be good. I'll turn it off before my nap time.0 -
Oh yay! I got below 230 for the first time in a year I think! Today's stats:
138/85 71
My bed time glucose was only 106 so I took 60 units instead of my 80 of Levemir but I think I'd have been safe to do the 80. I'll keep that in mind for next time.
My soup is OK but not wonderful. It's been a good while since I did wonderful. It needs more broth....I'll play with it today. It's light, with only chicken and veggies, no noodles.
For lunch I've been doing the little precooked sausage links and scrambled eggs with cheese, on LC tortillas with hot sauce. Oh so yummy!
I rested better last night but have almost fallen 3 times now, being in such pain and unstable but this too...shall pass. I am thankful for the gift of each new day, for God's abundant provision, for His strength when I am weary and worn...and for new mercies each morning. He never changes....in spite of circumstances that may. Be blessed lovely ladies.
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Sounds yummy! We make a chicken and veggie soup, but it turns out more like the filling for chicken pot pie - and that's just how I like it! Thick and creamy!
I am going to make a sweet potato casserole (two, one with pecans on top and one with marshmallows on top) and a broccoli salad as well. My broccoli salad will be the one that the dieters won't eat, even though it really won't have anything bad in it. Some of the recipes have mayo and sour cream, but the dressing in the one I am doing has mayo and vinegar and a wee bit of sugar, then it will have broccoli, bacon and sesame seeds and red onion and cheese on the side! The kind my SIL made didn't have cheese in it, but I saw a recipe for it that had cheese in it, so I will put that on the side, and since I can't eat onion, that will go on the side too, or I may just set a small bowl aside for me and add the onion so that flavor can meld throughout! Yeah, I think I'll do that. We are having our Resurrection Sunday meal together after our service. We are a Church of 23 people and we have invited 25 people to join us! So much fun!
While I was spending time with the Lord this morning I remember that it was on this day 2000 some odd years ago that Jesus was going through some terrible horrific suffering - for me. He fought to get to the cross because I needed Him to be the holy sacrifice for my sin. He turned His face to Jerusalem that week before and made His triumphal entry and then a week later heard those same people cry for His crucifixion. He fought satan in the garden so He wouldn't die there but make it to the cross.
Heb 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart. 4 You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;
Jesus shed blood in the garden so that He could make it to the cross, despite the shame, because without His going to the cross there could be no salvation for you or I - His death and resurrection defeated satan completely! He set us free from sin and death!
Happy Resurrection Week my friends.0 -
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Saturday was silent
Surely it was through
But since when has impossible
Ever stopped You?
Duration: 59 secondshttps://youtu.be/7andxTI76NA
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For death could not hold Him captive
Even in the grave
Jesus is Lord
(Happy Easter. He’s Alive)
Duration: 52 secondshttps://youtu.be/zIfxRnOCbwk
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Hello Ladies!
Kim, your day sounds lovely with all gathered at your home after Church. My only visitors are the bug man once a month, the manager and Jesus, who is with me always.
My brother sent me a message on FB Friday night, to let me know my step son had told him about my long time, beautiful friend's passing on Thursday. She has been my friend since we met in Chicago, when I was 18. She was my sister in law for 12 years. She will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL with her family present. Many of my favorite memories have her in them.
I now have my brother's phone number. I had asked him for it over a year ago when I phone crashed and I lost all my contacts. He wouldn't reply to any of my messages so I am glad he at least contacted me about Deniece.
I have a wasp in here somewhere. I hope he is alone and I hope he doesn't find me. He flew by me and has hidden so I can't spray him. Bugs...really bug me...know what I mean?
Be blessed in this new week. Love and prayers...
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Lost my post...but I was here!
Your after church gathering sounds lovely Kim. It's good to be able to gather again and fellowship with friends and rejoice.
My long time friend, Dee, will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL. I met her when I was 18 and so many of my memories include her and her family. We were sister in laws for 12 years...friends always.0 -
Lost my post...but I was here!
Your after church gathering sounds lovely Kim. It's good to be able to gather again and fellowship with friends and rejoice.
My long time friend, Dee, will be laid to rest today in Nauvoo, AL. I met her when I was 18 and so many of my memories include her and her family. We were sister in laws for 12 years...friends always.
So sorry for your loss.1