Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    @swenson19 love you looking at sewing machines, I currently have a brother I really like. I keep thinking about upgrading it, as it can't handle thick projects, but since I'm now deep into masters it will be years before I see again I think. I had to put it away to clear my desk as a writing desk.

    I've been going crazy this week. Weight is 77.1 this morning. The highest in 4 years. I'm frustrated and feeling a bit down about it all.

    I think my issues with exercise is now more lack of fitness than covid. I managed to run 1k the other day before needing a rest, but heart seems OK. So I'm going to slowly build up. Im trying to be kind to myself but feel like I'm spiralling. That said, I do NOT want to go back. So I keep trying.

    This weekend was hard. It was supposed to by my HM. It was the 11 Yr anniversary of the first one I did. And I was going to get a PB. Then I got covid and exercise was crap. Because Wellington is 5hrs away I had flights and hotel booked that I couldn't cancel. So mum and I went anyway. The weekend was OK. I got a new handbag - been wanting one for a couple of years. And I got a dress for conference. But we just spent a lot of time yesterday playing cards and killing time before we could come home. It was a bit of a drag.

    And I actually had a few tears over breakfast about the fact I wasnt running. Yep probably a bit depressed

    So I'm taking a break. I need to change something. I don't know what but I need to stop obsessing. I'm going to take a few months and go back to how I lost the weight before. Which was just eat less and move more. So I will try pop in here from time to time. But probably not regularly. I miss you guys and love you all so much.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @Avidkeo Big hugs to you. It sounds like you had a really tough week. You are doing the right thing to slowly build back up. Have you tried the run/walk method. That really helps me get out some days...just to know that I can stop and walk whenever I want/need to...or even schedule x min run/x min walk. I understand about not being able to run the HM too, and how that would be depressing. Hang in there. You can and will get back to where you want to be. Please so check in with us as often as you feel you can. We will miss you.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited June 2022
    @quilteryoyo I know you aren't an Apple user, but... We use the Apple Card and I can generate a new ccv randomly and/or change my card number on the app. Literally just a button and it assigns a new number to my numberless card. The actual card is titanium, chip and mag strip. I got so tired of fraud charges and decided Apple was the way to go. Just a thought. Because sometimes they hit you for a lot or 20-50 here and there and you dont notice it until it 200-300. I get notifications with each purchase and payment. You never need a new card. No fraud charges yet with the apple. *fingers crossed.

    I bought everything at the auction. "ya so much stuff for 170 bucks!" turned in to $700-no more auctions for me. I did get a nice cedar chest for 330. Retail would be 800+ so... I'd been wanting one. Pick up is today. I told DH he can pick what he wants for his office (tax write off too). I got the old Singer for 30. The Pfaff for 170. DD was interested in it. Seemed they were expensive elsewhere online 300-1500. IDK. Least she can have something to work with.

    I think I got the nursing school sorted.
    I wasn't sure if I just wanted to settle for psych. Which I may. But I wanna finish the BSN.The pay is good. I applied to a PhD programme at UNT for clinical psych, Fall 2023. And the forensic (biological) anthropology PhD at University of tenn. And nursing at TWU and Baylor yesterday. IDK what I'll do if I get into Tennessee. See if DH wants to move? But all may be moot if Nursing at ECU lines out. I'd rather go to TWU and do clinical at UT southwest med/Parkland. DUH! better than small town "murdering Mercy" or "Death Valley View" where they cant figure out how to fix an elbow without an ankle plate.

    Last follow up with doc was the suggestion to put off SI joint fusion as long as possible. So I think the cinches never running again. Biking isnt comfortable so that prob leaves swimming... but then I need a pool.
    @Avidkeo Here's a CT if the last SI joint injection. Kinda cool. Hang in there. Take care of your mental health, that seems to be the next chapter along with your academic endeavours!!! Embrace where you are. You can pick up running "later". Mean time get in some walks, comfortable bikes and hikes. COVID can effect your fitness for some time. It seriously may be a year. You got this Doctor.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @swenson19d No, I am not an Apple user. This is the first time I have had this happen, so who knows how "they" got my number. I hope you get into the school that is the best for you. If you get into TN and move, you'll only be about an hour from me. I don't know anything about the CT scan, but it looks broken. :disappointed:
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited June 2022
    @quilteryoyo The CT; top is my posterior, bottom abdomen. Looking downwards in a cross-section at the back of my pelvis. The "broken" is a joint where the pelvis meets the spine (sacrum). you can see the needle in the joint... surprised cuz dr handsome's technique isnt as good as Dr cutie pie's haha! I was sweating to be still even with it "numbed".
    I have always wanted to live in TN. Scout me a nice 3-4 bedroom with acreage. haha!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @swenson19d Right now all of the houses are selling before they get on the market. I'm sure you could find something...well, maybe, but it will be a premium right now. Thanks for the info on the CT scan.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    hey everyone. hope you're all doing ok. i'm trying very hard to get back into running but it's not the easiest thing to do in the middle of summer. my cardio seems ok from all the cycling i've been doing, and my strength is back to about 85% of my peak performance so it's probably the weather that's making the runs feel so difficult.

    recently (well not really but i didn't realize it until recently) i've gotten very involved in raising my nephews. they are 4.5 and 2, and i haven't spent much time with kids since i quit being one myself, so it's been... interesting, to say the least. been spending nearly every weekend chasing them around, making sure little heads and fingers stay attached, and watching dinosaur cartoons. sometimes all at the same time. parenting is hard y'all, even for two days a week.

    @Avidkeo sorry to hear that things have been rough. take care of yourself and we're always here if you need it.

    @swenson19d forensic anthropology sounds so cool. clinical psych too. hope you have fun at whatever you choose. i've been (slowly) gnawing through a physiology course and it's really eyeopening. good luck in your sewing endeavors. my mom had a really noisy machine when i was in grade school and it drove me nuts. great memories. :D
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I love when I can spend time catching up on everyone, it is like having coworkers to talk to LOL

    I had 4.5 days off, not mad about it LOL

    I left at lunch time to go to dermatology. Still not impressed. I had to laugh @swenson19d, so doctors really have "the touch" and others fee like cavemen. My old Derm, you didn't even feel the numbing shot and he could be done with a wide margin excise in 4 min flat LOL. My new Derm stabbed me at least 10 times with the numbing shot and then said he had to let it sit for 15 min...huh, the stuff is instant? I am pretty sure he was double booking patients. An HOUR later I walked out with a band aide half hanging on and a 2.5 inch suture that I feel was 100% overkill.

    The rest of the weekend was errands and taking black cat for his b-12 shot. Even though we bring our own bottle we got from them (like we have for the past 10 months, the tech used their stash and charged us $46!) I didn't say anything b/c it was done, but next time I will point out to them that the bag I am handing them has the B-12 in it.

    I went thrifting WAY to much! I found a new store that is actually a chain from up near Sacramento that I used to go to. They are really big and you have to work hard to find the gems, but if you have 3hrs or so you can get through it and they always have a sale (it was 75% of Sunday). I also went to the Goodwills on Monday for their 25% off sale and also to another one with 25% off. I went to the Goodwill Bins too and didn't do so great, it was crowded and only found 4 things (but honestly, the chain thrift is almost cheaper and not so exhausting). I also went to a full price Goodwill and found some stuff...I always take everything off the hanger (more for me to give it a solid once over) and fold it so the check out person can just scan each one quickly...well the guy at the GW was so impressed that he gave me all the shoes for was 3 pairs...probably $28 worth. I am not sure on my full count, but I think I got around 75 items to resell. Not that things are really selling still. I went through a bunch of folks on eBay that I can sort by what has sold for them...everyone is avg 1-4 items a day.

    I did get the blacksmith out to do the horse's feet...$110 sheesh. The mobile home guy came out again and reminded himself of what needed to be done. Unfortunately his buddy at the Gas Co quit so I am on my own for scheduling that. I have to make a decision...when Mom had the utilities put in she had 2 sets put in...well it seems when she put the gas meters in, the addresses got mixed up. So electric goes to 1 address and gas to another...not a huge issue, the tenant just started service on the other address. I am trying to figure out the best way to fix it, switch the gas? or the electric? Either way comes with inconveniences.

    No word on the soils test or from the has been a month on the draftsman, going to send him a text this AM.

    Food ...I don't feel like I overate, but I def did not eat to lose. I did a 4.1 mile walk / job on Saturday and my stitches did not appreciate it. Been taking it easy but might go out today. Gonna start throwing stuff in the tracker too. boo.

    Well, best get to it!

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Work has been so crazy and last week my period just killed all my energy.

    I did one workout last week. I stopped tracking food. Although I've been making pretty healthy choices food wise. I don't think I can log right now. I get tired of it 😆 My work pants don't feel as tight so maybe it's working?

    I went for a run yesterday, a little slow but felt good. I did not lift weights after work because it was a crazy day then made dinner and was exhausted. I hope to hop on the bike after dinner. Hopefully work won't be awful today. And we have leftovers so dinner should be easy.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi All - I am still alive. We are working our way back down the coast and should be home on Saturday. I have been trying to eat reasonably and kind of but not really logging. Definitely not getting enough protein though. I have run or walked when/where it has been safe to do so and when we haven't had something planned. Left WA and OR with high temps maybe hitting 70F (mostly in the high 50's) to 104 once we hit No CA! Yikes!! I wanna go back north!
    I have been mostly following along but didn't have internet access for a few days. Got a lot of reading done those days (yes, I brought physical books along for the trip). Will catch up and comment more when we get home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @noblsheep It is hard to get back into running in the heat, but you can do it. Just take it easy and do what you can. You'll get there. Glad you are able to spend so much time with your nephews, and, yes, it is hard. Imagine 10 of those little ones running around all day. That's daycare. LOL I love those ages though. The 2 year old is probably copying everything that is done and said by whoever happens to be around and the 4.5 year old having some really interesting conversations. They crave attention and want to know that you are listening to what they have to say. Have fun. They'll grow up before you know it.

    @CMorning99 Glad you had a nice, albeit busy, "vacation." So much trouble with the doctors/vets. Why can't everyone be competent? Can you not give black cat the B-12 shot. I used to give them to dad, but I know cats are different. Sounds like you had fun shopping. That's a lot of stuff you bought. I hope the business picks up again soon. Also, good luck with the house. It's hard, I know. Sounds like you are doing okay with your food and exercise. You can do this!

    @RunsOnEspresso Sometimes I find that tracking my food makes me obsess about food. It's all I think about. That isn't healthy either. Sounds like you are doing what you need to do. Glad your run felt good. Hope work is less crazy today.

    @shanaber Sounds like you are having a great trip, except for going back to the scorching temperatures. Have a safe trip home.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I really don't like these new notifications that say lik "20 new comments in X Thread". It keeps putting me back pages to posts I've already read, even if I keep marking everything as read.

    This week has been a dud for workouts. I ran Monday. Work still nuts, will be worse next week. Haven't been sleeping well so super tired. Someday!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I haven't been getting those notifications on the computer. Not noticed them on the phone app. Guess I'll start getting them later. I hope your work gets less crazy after next week and you can get more sleep. That is a huge problem for me. Last night I got to bed late and had to be at work at 6:30, so got the day done on less than 4 hours.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi all.
    I have been productive this week. No procrastinating, enjoying the course work and getting application materials to schools. Today I might have needed a break. DH pulled me away from work to go to a flea market, 6-8 vendors and I lost all focus
    and took a nap. We bought homemade chicken and jalapeño tamales. I am having a hard time re-engaging so I decided to share some cute animal pics.
    Baby cat and Kev.
    I cant get the pics to load rotated properly sorry. Kev is on the couch doin' the alligator pose (dog yoga?)

    Kevin's face is so stupid when you zoom in. He's happy running up and down where the rain drains into the ravine.

    Kevin and Sandy destroyed a few acorn squash. Kept them busy for a bit
    Some where in here, Beary is looking at me upside down and he and baby cat hanging out
    and the tiny boy we babysat.
    and Maggie and Cori
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    Glad you had a productive week @swenson19d . It sounds like you had a much needed break. The pictures are loading really slowly. The ones I can see are really cute. I'll try again tomorrow when hopefully I have better internet.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Wow, that weekend felt soooo short.

    Last week was nice, a short week with last monday off. It just makes the week go by so much faster.

    Nothing noteworthy happened. The mower did make it out there and my neighbor called me and wanted his number because he did such a good job. I got another bill from the property split folks...They said that the county has 30 days to respond to my package or accept it...I am wondering if that is a hard rule or of a guideline? We are 9 days away from the 30 day mark and nothing so far.

    The mice are back in the travel trailer. Seems the noise and light makers aren't working. BUT before I put the trailer away I covered all the floor heater vents with tin foil (Yeah I know it wont stop them). There was a hole in the tin foil and poops all that makes me think they are somehow getting into the ducting from outside and comping up through the floor? That would explain why maybe the noise and light makers are not working. I asked my handyman to find a suitable material to cover the floor vents and I might try to cover the outside exhaust vent is on the side of the trailer and I have no idea how they would get into it though...makes me wonder if they have chewed thru the vents somehow under the idea what they are made of.

    No running this weekend. I only ran 1x last week and did a walk jog around the track for 1 mile on Friday. My stitches were uncomfortable and getting puffy after a run. It seems they pull more on my calf than they did on the back of my thigh. So run totals last week were 4.2 miles.

    Food I was doing really well Tues-Thurs. Kept it at 1650 a day. Friday we had a 2 HOUR retirement ceremony for someone and by the end of it ugh. I felt like crap after, it was boring...and I was kinda having a pity party that my retirement will be very quiet if at all. It was movie night, we watched the new Dr. Strange. That all ended up to us ordering a pizza and DH and I finishing off a whole medium. It went down hill from there...not like a complete binge, but I probably ate back everything I didn't eat during the week.

    I did learn that our base health center has one of those RMR testing machines too. I asked about and they said no one really knows how to use it...but they would look into it. I think it would be interesting to see how my RMR has changed with my decreased fitness.

    This week's to dos:
    Call Electric company
    Call Soils engineer
    Order cat food

    Walk 5K steps at work a day
    12 miles for the week running
    1650 cals a day (today is a no go, it is DHs birthday) So, 1650 cals for 6 days LOL
    Drink 64 oz of water a day (I have been soooooo bad)

    Have a great week!

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo Here's DH's elbow. The images are all at different appointments, about a month apart. No healing and a screw in nothing (according to doc that fixed it the second time). This is first botched sx. All I can see is the loose bone and screw in nothing. He's sent it all to a lawyer. Elbow vs road at 50mph. How are you doing? School and work keeping you busy?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @swenson19d - loved the pictures of all your animals! They are so cute and I love that they all get along so well! I am glad your DH is following up on the botched surgery! I can't tell much from the x-rays but I am sure @avidkeo and others trained to look at them should.
    @quilteryoyo - hope you are having a fun trip! I saw on the newsfeed that you got out on the beach today so hopefully the weather is nice and you can actually enjoy the ocean!
    @CMorning99 - could a pest control place give any help on keeping the mice out of the trailer? My dd had mice regularly in her house, coming through the basement somehow and the pest people used traps and closed off all the access points with covers they couldn't get through. She hasn't had any more problems with them.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I honestly hadn't noticed the notification thing until you said something. After looking at it and clicking on the notifications is does seem pretty useless. Mine also doesn't reset so it shows I have 99+ notifications all the time.

    Not surprisingly my weight is up a couple pounds after our road trip. I am hoping it will be back down before we leave again next week. I don't want to be worrying about it when we are in SF. I am planning to run there (hill training!) at least a little. The City has wonderful cool weather right now and I am hoping it holds while we are there. I can't really do it with the heat right now but I need to be getting in some speedwork and improve my cardio fitness. I am also looking to join the local YMCA - maybe Friday, even if I have to wear a mask there. I need to be able to workout indoors when it is too hot for me to be outside. Not sure I can run on a treadmill with a mask but they have all kinds of fancy equipment and a beautiful lap pool.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited June 2022
    Spoiler contents
    Kev sleeping. He's been heavily influenced by the cats. Cori sleeps on me in this position in this spot on the couch. He also mimics Beary's cutesy tootsy pose in the kitchen (on back just looking cute, bear looks like an otter and draws his paws up and gives you those big eyes).
    One is a painting I did. Was just playing and listening to dh ramble out in the woods on the picnic table with the tiki torch in the dark. I didnt like the last minute stream and re-did it. Still not too impressed. But was rather shocked at the sky and the left reeds. I tried to do it on the right but couldn't. I'll share the "fixed" later. I tried to get dd to go to a paining class with me, but no action seen on that front. Sorry upside down.

    EDIT updated painting
    The light is shining in behind it which makes it look nicer.

    Sure it looks like the second painting I've ever done. Just enjoying exploring colours and patterns. It's a nice way to disengage. I made one and gave it to dd. DH was being an argumentative goon and I made a "blood" splat with bloody feet walking away from it and a UFO in the sky. I was trying to mimic Van Gogh's Wheat Field with a Cyprus. One turned in to an oak haha!. I'll get an entertain pic.

    I meet with the director of nursing tomorrow at 8 AM to discuss WTH we are doing. I asked for a letter of good standing needed to submit with my application to TWU's nursing. If they let me back, I'll take it. If not I'm pulling the trigger on TWU. Or perhaps I'll just get into UNT's competitive clinical psych PhD programme. ETA Just got a call and she cant make it. We will meet Tuesday at 9. She did say that I may return.

    Feed the gut microbes responsibly. Seems to be sound evidence for metabolism and weight.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Here is painting that I gave to dd. Also painted in the dark by fire light listening to dh ramble.

    now to push through this psych summer and get ready for nursing course work!