Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    The question is can the bread and feta quantities (and wine) that go with this be controlled, or not????🤔
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    near east inspired aromatic meatballs simmered in sun drenched slow cooked tomato based Alfredo sauce and nestled on a bed of al-dente riced veggies!

    (nuked a 550g bag of cauli, with the big half (400g) of a jar of classico, and shoved in it the remaining six (175g) frozen pre-cooked meatballs I had sitting open in the freezer--mushed it all up and shoveled till full for just about 700Cal !!!! :lol::wink: )
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I have one sort of cookies needing baked, and I will do those tomorrow morning. Then we'll go to the reunion and get rid of all the cookies. (grin) I know better than to leave those around, as I WILL eat them.

    The meat that I need to cut still needs to be cut, but I will pull that out of the freezer tomorrow and thaw it so I can work on it on Monday.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    Another attack on the freezer today. Had a green bean stew serving stowed away, and decided to also open an oregano anchovie can. They go really well together!




  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    Those plates are just beautiful Dante. You could do a cookbook! Perhaps you’re the restaurant business?
    Sadly some of your ingredients are not available here. No canned sardines with oregano, no rusk. I will be looking closer at our tiny middle eastern grocery store but they don’t do a lot of Greek food.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    Anchovies are just evil! 🙀 Desecrating the beautiful green beans!!!😘
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,078 Member
    Anchovies are delicious! Enhancing the beautiful green beans.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    edited July 2022
    Anchovies are divine! On salad nicoise with tuna! 🍕Pizza, pasta salad, Caesar salads......
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Have to side with PAV on this (surprise surprise :) ) But looks delicious other than the little fishies
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    Sure yoolie.... They're great if you bury them in other things 😘

    Like the 7 🐰🐇 🐇🐰🐰🐰🐰🐇🐇 of orange and yellow carrots and green beans I buried in kimchi flavored noodles!!!!👍
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    Much as I would have liked some tasty Greek🦈 anchovies today - no such luck.

    Lunch is pork tenderloin made in the air fryer, potato and zucchini with tomatoes. And 🥗. Not sure of dinner. Might be a cereal and yogurt day again.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,492 Member
    Lunch was panera 10 Vegetable Soup, into which I dumped a side of the chicken they use on salads. I was at work and needed low-cal but filling choices.

    Dinner was a big ole plate of cheesy eggs (3 eggs, 3 whites, slice and a half of American cheese) and 5 slices of thick center cut bacon, plus an iced coffee with zero sugar Caramel Macchiatto creamer.

    Breakfast was 2 big cups of coffee with a splash of half and half each.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Breakfast was two orange spice muffins, at 6 am and 9 am, with a large mug of black tea.

    Lunch will be a leftover hamburger on a bun with a small bag of chips.

    Dinner will be orange pork with rice. They are also having mixed Asian vegetables, but as the mix includes broccoli, I cannot partake.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member

    Dinner was a big ole plate of cheesy eggs (3 eggs, 3 whites, slice and a half of American cheese) and 5 slices of thick center cut bacon.

    And now I want some cheesy eggs for dinner too! Or maybe some of Alexandra’s orange chicken.

    Left to my own devices I’ll probably haul some freezer burned tidbit out and nuke it. I think there are some 200 calorie Healthy Choice thingies in the freezer. I’ll add plenty of veggies and a salad 🥗. It’ll do the job but won’t inspire my soul!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,793 Member
    cheesy eggs sound interesting... probably better than 90 Cal skyr ice cream bars. But... fruit is good right? (plum-cots, cherries, strawberries). And skyr bars have protein, right? So.... all bases are covered?!?!?! :hushed: Dog is broken. front paw is in the air. 999 degree weather ain't helping. sunny is good though!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Skyr bars are food from the heavens!

    Poor pup. Bad injury????

    I'm working on a new plan.... :p
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    Nuthin wrong with ice cream when it’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Skyr bars have some redeeming nutrients. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    You so much do. I'm a bundle of nerves because of the dog and the change in things the dog will cause and am trying to not eat too much because of it, but we'll see what I can do. Good change and chosen change is, after all, still change and it makes me anxious.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,078 Member
    The waiting is the worst Alexandra - when Sergeant Pickles arrives you'll soon establish a new routine. Not long now...
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,078 Member
    edited July 2022
    Oh broken is she?

    Talking of poorly paws, are you still gimpy? Or have you fully healed now?