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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    We are down to the daytime fifties now temperature wise. Quite chilly in the morning. Mark is taking me to the Organic Garage today and then he's galloping back to make a start on the railings. Jilly Bean likes to have the front door open so she can watch proceedings. Its getting a little chilly for that. Furnace off and into winter woollies when the door is open!

    I'm not complaining however after seeing all the damage the poor folks suffered in our Atlantic provinces. And now all the poor folk in Florida!
    Sincerely hope your loved ones are safe SANDY.

    JACKIE, I am keeping clear of the Pfizer booster now that I am almost over all the afflictions that troubled me after taking the second shot. ALMOST over the eczema or whatever that causes the nerves under my skin to itch. Just over a year of scratching. Mike's still going through it after his booster shot.
    Mark and Mary jo are reluctant to have the booster as well after seeing us two. We rival Jilly when it comes to scratching. However she's better than us at scratching her ear with her left foot.

    Everyone is getting ready to hunker down it seems with gardening, bush and tree trimming etc, and we are all thinking and planning the next summers growth. The tomato plants here are sprawled all over the place and I must dig them up and remove any last of the summer fruit. The broccoli is now finished and the dying plants gone off to recycling. Just the beetroot left. Even the apples are gone. Not many this year as the trees are having a rest from last years bumper crop. The northern world is settling in for hibernation.....now if we could only get that lot in eastern Europe to do the same!!!!

    Well must get ready for probably my last trip to the Organic Garage. I'm going to stock up on things I can't get with delivery, things like Dorset Cereals from the UK and Mabu multi cloths, "love them"!

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    PS. Oh girls I almost forgot to warn you! I got the "grandson calling Grandparent" scam phone call yesterday.
    He started off by saying "Hello granny, this is your eldest grandson phoning". He had me fooled just for a moment! I asked him what his name was and after hesitation he replied with my sons name. "I don't have a grandson of that name" I said, at which point he ended the call. Those of you with grandsons be wary! Like you all, I am totally fed up with these criminals and especially the ones who target the old and vulnerable.
    Bye, the unscammed ANNE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,350 Member
    Hello. Another chilly morning with much sunshine. I watered a few of my containers on the deck by carrying water out to them. I don’t want to waste water by using the garden hose. I am trying to get groceries lined up. I found a few things to pick up at Whole Foods and have an order in for tomorrow at Walmart. Hopefully that will cover it. I may take back my on sale sweater to Target while I am at it. It doesn’t even feel like a sweater—it is so light and the weave is much looser than I could see in the photo. I would call it a summer sweater.

    I am working on a sample of the project I mentioned. Slow going! That will keep me occupied. 😉

    Barbie, thanks for clarifying the garlic issue.

    Anne, happy shopping at your favorite store. I hope they have the things you want to stock up on. 🤞🏻 Now please Jilly, don’t insist the door be left open. The heat costs too much. 😄 On another topic, is your neighbor still lobbing things over the fence?

    Time to run along. Wishing everyone well.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    All things are quiet on the sock throwing front LIN.

    We've just been out picking tomatoes in fairly warm afternoon sun. Yes, I got everything I wanted at dear old Organic Garage including some delicious cookies with strips of ginger running through them. They are called Tates Bake Shop and are gluten free and absolutely delicious and addictive. I threw out my old organic grocery bags because they were getting worn and tatty and he's just brought me three cloth bags from his place. No more plastic! Does this mean he will take me again? Cross fingers.

    At the moment he is hammering in the narrow wooden posts between the corner posts. Jilly's been banned for barking.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I didn't go to meeting as Babe has an appointment with foot doctor to cut his toe nails. TMI? My daughter is safe in Florida, she lives more north so had a lot of rain and some wind. Her power was lost once but came back on fast and it flickered again in the middle of the night to keep her awake so she is tired today. Lisa's parents were evacuated but went to check their house today and all is well except for no power and a little water seeped under the sandbags and under the front door. Her father is putting together a generator to plug in the refrigerator. My granddaughter's boyfriend's parents were not so lucky. They just bought a vacation home in Sanibel Island and remodeled the whole place.
    My daughter thinks the whole house was destroyed. The bridge that leads to their island was devastated as well so anyone who stayed on the island is stuck until the rescue boats can get them. What a horrible hurricane so much heartache.

    I started this and had to leave for appointment and now I want to ride the bike so have a good day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny mild day. I would enjoy windows open and the scent to fall leaves. A perfume that can’t be bottled but is so delightful. John is suffering with sciatica and the poor baby is miserable. He also uses these illnesses to be quite cranky. The dear sweetheart needs to let some frustration out or he will pop!

    I am getting out my glass pumpkins and some other fall decor. Makes me feel happy. I love doing little home decor things for the season. I know John likes it too. He comments on how much he likes the colors etc. tonight I might try chicken sloppy Joe sandwich’s. I am trying to cheer up my dear guy who is suffering so.

    The terrible storms are so terrifying. My heart breaks for those people. I pray Sandy’s family is safe. The photos were devastating. I am not sure Florida will ever be the same. We had a cat 1 some years ago and there is still evidence around town. It even took out our emergency ocean bouys. There is world wide suffering these days.

    Diane: so great to hear from you. I love your posts. I am a person who loves to write in a diary and journal. So who other friends write lovely person experiences I feel like we just had a tea party and wonderful chat. Yes we are tiptoeing around John trying achieve necessary repairs and maintenance. Emotions are very important and as our doc says, the body believes what the brain tells it.

    Lin: being in the middle of the country, you have a totally different weather than we do. Our fall is pleasant but because we rarely have a snow or even hard frosts, our fall leaves are not too colorful. We grow great pumpkins and sweet corn. It must be such a surprise and joy for your friends to see your cards in the mail. It is a splendid treat! Actual mail and in person cards!!!

    Jackie: you do inspire me with your remodeling efforts. I do have mobility issues with some joint problems. I think challenging myself to do more and achieve tasks keeps my spirits up. Our pets also keep us from drowning in loneliness. You are such a social person, and you still achieve so much. You have designed a wonderful life pattern.

    Anne: I can almost imagine Jilly hopping up and down in excitement watching the front steps construction. Her barking would not irritate anything like Katie. She have a deep scary bark that can be heard for miles.
    Thinking of you all,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry day but nothing else, finally a day to chill out. I am going to my brother's daughter's house tomorrow to meet up with his other children. We are going to lunch, then to the VA cemetery where he and his wife are buried. We will then go to the casino to celebrate both of them because they loved the casino. We couldn't go on the anniversary of his death so it was postponed until tomorrow. It will be nice being with my nieces and nephew and their spouses. It's a long drive but will be worth it.

    Patsy, I used to decorate everything from outside to inside when we were in the house and the grandchildren were small, even the bathrooms, it was quite amazing. Now I only put up a small ceramic tree at Christmas since no one comes here for the holidays. I do have a little table in the hallway of the building that I change for different seasons but that's about it. Still love seeing the little ones in costumes and I love Christmas.

    Anne, glad you got to the Organic Garage and were able to find some of your favorites. As I keep saying you have wonderful boys so be proud of them. I also have wonderful boys and a great SIL so I do some bragging as well. I don't answer any call that I don't know the number, I figure if in important they will leave a message. I never answer yes to any question if I do pick up by mistake because they can use that to get information on the internet. I once had a caller ask me if I could hear him and answered yes and he repeated it and I said yes again. I realized too late I was being scammed and it was a recording but luckily nothing was done to get any of my information. My son lectured me that day. Lesson learned.

    Lin, hope you were able to find all the groceries you wanted. Another project, was it the Christmas tree you weren't fond of?

    Jackie, are you still playing catch up?

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Sad news to begin with. Yes, Marias husband who had Alzeimers has died. We had a long talk and she cried a little. She asked if in future she could walk with me and Jilly Bean most days and being somewhat doddery these days I will be very glad of her company and friendship.

    Michael came over and we had a bacon and egg pie I had made earlier for lunch. Although the new balcony and deck still needs railings we ventured out on it on a lovely sunny day and Darren from across the road joined us, and then; although very cautious at first little Jilly came out and once she realized she could actually see and bark at all passing dogs, loved it!

    Oh PATSY, you wouldn't believe such a small dog could have such a loud deep throated bark. She can rival much bigger dogs in the barking stakes. The deck is big enough for me to have my garden chair and a small round table on it. Its too bad its so late in the season because I can't wait to have a morning coffee out there. Private as well with a huge conifer bush on the other side of the railings.

    I'm thrilled to bits with the geraniums Mark bought me for mothers day. I thought the heat had finished them off, but two weeks later after repotting and bringing them inside the plants have new foliage and wonders, three flowers.

    Talking of scams Sandy, whilst typing this I got a message saying "we can't find your address to deliver your parcel, please press chat". What parcel?, needless to say hastily trashed message.

    And thats my day so far.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Ok, you gardeners, Babe's nephew's wife brought me a beautiful mum plant. I have it on my balcony and water it to keep it moist. How long do I leave it on the balcony and will it grow inside in it's original pot?
    Thank you in advance.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I don't know how cold it gets in Chicago SANDY, but here in Canada which can get really cold the mums I've been given in the past all thrive in my garden in the warmest part which gets the most sun. I have michaelmas daisies outside as well which all survive. They go dormant in the cold [not a leaf to be seen] with new growth in the spring. I have never kept a mum alive inside but then I've never tried either. So I will leave it to LIN and JACKIE to advise on this one but I suspect Jackie would only grow outside as well.
    I'm thrilled to bits with the geraniums so far. We brought them inside in England before putting them back outside for the summer and I thought I'd give it a go here in the frozen north. Cross fingers.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello, more problems on the site for me. Took an age to find my way in and I was only able to read posts not type. Boxes keep appearing asking me to tick boxes to receive Ads I don’t want and when I finally reached the leave a comment page the box had old information from a previous post!

    A busy morning before a storm arrived so early grocery shopping, a walk to the next village with George and Betty then sorting wood to burn on the log burners but just as I checked the hens with a thought to clean out their house the rain arrived so that was the end of busy time.

    Sandy, Chrysanthemum plants are quite hardy but we don’t have the sort of cold temperatures you do so I would suggest you bring the pot in before any risk of cold winds that they hate because you do live in ‘windy city’! It will depend how big your plant pot is whether you need to repot it but a good indication is to look at the bottom to see if roots are appearing through the holes. If you’ve got a sunny window sill it might get through Winter but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t like central heating!

    My landline rang today and it was someone offering government grants to replace my heating system which is another way of getting personal information so I hung up. I don’t receive any assistance, benefits or even tax breaks from this government so am hardly likely to get a new, expensive heating system for free!

    That’s sad Maria’s husband passed away Anne although a happy release from a ghastly illness for him. A regular walk with you and Jilly will give her something to look forward to each day. The text messages from my GP are now only mentioning the Covid booster, not a flu jab as I’m sure they are aware I don’t usually bother. If I had the sort of side effects you suffered I certainly wouldn’t want another booster but for me, I’m going to take Vitamin D through the Winter months because I understand it aids the immune system plus continue to wear a mask in stores.

    One of the places we visited last week was a National Trust property called Cragside, the house of a self made millionaire who was an engineer and devised the first centrally heated home that also had a lift, hydraulically run pully systems for the servants and electric lighting.

    Acres of stunning gardens that his wife created and so large a route for cars to drive round has been devised. I must be getting older since I preferred that option!
    I bought a booklet there to read when I got home but Pat inadvertently packed it in her bag so mailed it to me yesterday. Trouble is we have another 2 days postal strike that will lead to even more delays so I’m not confident I will see it any time soon.

    Way past my bedtime so I’ll away!
    Jackie 🥱😴

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,350 Member
    Happy Friday. Broken record here right? Chilly morning, loads of sunshine and no rain in the forecast. I picked up my Walmart order today. Only 2 items unavailable. Pretty good! I was going to drive to a store where I have 3 coupons to use but decided, maybe next week. 😄

    I swept out my garage and found some pieces of a broken lightbulb that had evaded me for quite a while.

    I came in to write a post and surprise, MFP crashed altogether and I had a white screen. But only for this app, everything else was fine.

    After lunch, I called a friend I hadn’t spoken to for a couple of weeks. It was a nice visit.

    My friend in North Port has not emerged on social media. The ones in Sarasota and Bradenton are back online and say all is well except tree damage. Their houses are fine.

    Sandy, did you get updates today from your family? And yes, I was hoping to make 6 of those trees to donate to the craft sale at church but nope, not happening. Poor pathetic looking little sticks 🙃🎄 so it looks like no donation from me this year.

    Anne and Sandy, there are many types of mums that are sold here. Some come from the florist and they typically do not make it long term. My grand mother and mother dug them up and brought them inside sometimes but then gave it up. My grandmother would leave hers outside and cover it with straw or other types of mulch. The winter usually won. Sandy, when the nights turn cold, I would bring it in and if it is not root bound, leave it in the same pot this winter. Just my opinion.

    Anne, Your new deck sounds quite lovely. Glad you are enjoying it already even though there is still work to be done. Happy barking Jilly. 🐕 so sorry to hear of Maria’s loss.

    Patsy, did you get all of your glass pumpkins out? Feel falling in the house now?

    Sorry for anyone and everyone I have missed. I am going to blame MFP!

    Be safe.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE the problems you describe with MFP are exactly the same as I have had for a long time. So frustrating that one gets so fed up one feels like giving up the idea of our Sneaker post altogether. It happens to me on average every 2 months and I wonder if it is to try and get us to subscribe.

    Both you and LIN give excellent advice to SANDY. The only thing I ALWAYS do is repot because the pots that come with the mums are very flimsy. My geraniums are so pretty right now I wish I could photograph and transfer to our site. Easy with the iPad I totally haven't a clue with the laptop. Must ask my son and "heir" to show me. Mikes good with computers and Mark is a whizz at carpentry so I have the best of both worlds.

    Just having breakfast. I wonder what today will bring, hopefully Mark and his saw! to finish off the balcony.

    Maria looked so much older when we talked yesterday, but I'm sure she will recover eventually because she has her sons and 5 grandchildren to keep her on her toes. I meant to pick up vitamin D tablets and forgot but will need them if she is true to her word and we go for long walks! I don't want to whine but honestly girls I had at least 18 months of being really ill. I thought I was a goner to be honest, but the old me is emerging and I'm full of "get up and go" again, hence the furniture move which nobody noticed by the way [evil laughter].
    Hope to be back later with more news. I noticed the old "new" neighbours [Joe} were back yesterday and letting themselves into THE house which Harry built which makes one wonder!!!!!!!!!!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    edited October 2022
    I’m still having problems so might clear cookies and start again! Anne, I think the site got messed up when it was taken over… a case of don’t fix what isn’t broken! You moving your furniture inspired me the other day but I don’t have to worry about being told off! 🤭

    We had a slow start to the day as I waited for rain to clear then a short walk round the block because the pooches didn’t seem to want to go far and that suited me. The sun has come out so I’m going to muck out the hens and do some more garden tidying. I picked the quince fruit off the tree and now have my eye on crab apples that have ripened so might look for a combined jam recipe.

    Happy Saturday everyone. I’m off to search for disposable gloves and a bin liner.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Just enough time to thank you for your input on my mum. It is in a fairly big pot and I have a container under it to catch water. For now I will leave it outside where it is surviving beautiful.
    Once the temps start dipping too low I will bring it in and see what happens. I will also be checking people who have mums outside and take a clue from them.
    Time to shower to meet my brother's kids and have a fun filled day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,350 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello, it is International Card Making Day. It’s a beehive of videos out there! I can’t keep up. But I will keep trying. 😉 I was thrilled last evening to exchange a few lines with formerly missing friend in Florida. She had no electricity, water, or Internet service. Her fence was destroyed which is a problem when you have dogs. Anyway, she still has drinking water and food and keeps charging her phone in her car. She did say it was a very frightening experience. I didn’t want her to waste the charge on her phone so that was it.

    Sandy, have a fun day. I am sure you will. Don’t get too upset if your mum doesn’t thrive. I hope it does.

    Jackie’s working hard today. Angela posted some photos. How much rain did they get? She is showing flooded roads! I believe the Max charity won another award this week.

    Anne, am the only one who has the app go to a white screen and then cannot get back for hours? Starting to be a fairly frequent occurrence. 🫣 Your neighbors keep me wondering! Hope much progress is made on the new construction today.

    Be safe everyone.


    A Kewpie doll tea set

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,350 Member
    I just found the information posted yesterday regarding the new award.


    “ For Max

    Thank you for being there in my hour of need.
    For guiding so many back towards the light when the darkness had all but surrounded them.
    For creating an incredible supportive community, making people smile, creating new friendships in a very challenging world.
    This is the legacy of a life saving little dog, with the biggest of hearts and the waggiest of tails. He is our Pride of Britain

    This is for you my friend.

    #PrideofBritain #Maxthemiracledog #ITV”
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. We have a very warm fall day. Very sunny. Sort of uncomfortable outside really.

    Now about MFP….exactly the same issue here. If I try to come back here if I close for some quick refill on coffee, for example, there isn’t NO coming back for hours. Just a plain white screen that will not load MFP again. So it is not us, something odd going on at MFP.

    I am heartsick about all the people in Florida and the Carolinas. It makes that beautiful area almost unlivable for months and years they say. The little towns in Oregon that were destroyed by wildfire sets in a pile of ashes and sad debris. It has been two years. Nothing happening there but a few green leaves are starting to push through the ashes. Nature trying to recover.

    I trimmed my hair this morning. Looks okay but not my best job, I fear. John did a massive Costco run yesterday. He is exhausted and poor baby will be cranky today. Each time we go the costs keep escalating. We decided it is best to just buy only what we need and close our eyes at the final bill. We are doing just fine. But the costs are scaring me. How much and when will it stop going up?

    Sandy: I get mums this time of year and they last several weeks, hopefully until thanksgiving but sometimes they don’t make it. I never expect them to last over the winter. Anne and Jackie and Lin are they ones who can do that! I am gardening challenged, as they say. I am okay with that. My sweet potato is growing some roots. No leaves yet.

    Anne: not sure…can you still get and receive email? You will be a god send to your neighbor Marie. She will need that daily walk to look forward to.

    Later, dear ones! Must run.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    No problem with emails as far as I know PATSY. However, that is to say I haven't had any since Wednesday when my cousin emailed me from Australia. I presume she got my reply.

    Now the BIG NEWS. The balcony/deck/stairs should be finished tomorrow. I'm thrilled to bits with what is already finished, i.e. half the railings now installed. If Mike comes over tomorrow I'll try and get him to post a picture even if its not quite finished. Mark could make a living doing this but he wouldn't make much money. He's far too careful and meticulous.

    Jilly Bean ventured onto the balcony and barked at every passing dog now she can see them! I've told her not a good idea barking at anything above 12" tall.

    Mark sent me a photo of a very large fox sunning herself on their lawn as she waited for the bunnies who live under their very large deck to come out. Nature is so cruel. Mary jo said Jilly wouldn't have had a chance if she'd been in their garden by herself. We have coyotes as well as foxes in my area. Needless to say all the bunnies here have vanished, and then Mike coincidently sent me a photo of a large hawk sitting on a tree in his condo's ground!

    It is already dark here at 7:30 so goodnight all,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,874 Member
    It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon so after a late long walk with the pooches on the moors I’m going to spend time in my garden. We had a lot of rain in the night so wellies on!

    Anne, I stopped watching programmes about nature in the wild some time ago because I didn’t want to watch predators creeping up on small fluffy things, as much as I understand why it has to be. How exciting though, your deck is to be finished today and how wonderful if you can all enjoy tea and biscuits sitting out later. Sounds like Jilly is like George and the bigger dog the better as far as he’s concerned although I keep warning him that one day he will make a wrong choice!

    Sandy, yesterday I turned my calendar in the kitchen to October and sound this advice!

    Definitely proof if needed that our climates are so different! You are doing the right thing leaving yours where it’s happy for now.

    Lin, I am aware of the Pride of Britain awards, set up by a tv company for members of the public to choose ordinary people to win recognition. Dear Max will never be forgotten. Our rain showers that used to be gentle are now tropical so even a five minute downpour tends to flood. I was glad of my wellies when I walked this morning but our reservoirs remain scarily low.

    Patsy, you will hence forth bear the title Queen of the sweet potato! 😆. I wouldn’t know where to begin as much as I love them. I fear my Squash plant will succumb to bad weather before its tiny ball of fruit comes to anything and something is eating the leaves on my turnips in spite of an organic spray. At least my French beans are still showing signs of a 2nd crop. On Friday I did my best to be selective at the grocery store but still managed to spend a frightening amount.

    I’m going to post before MFP plays up… again!
    Jackie 🥰