WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2023



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,322 Member
    Friday weigh in (on Saturday again lol)

    PW 209.1
    CW 207.9

    I am really confused about what is going on. I was up this week. One day at 211, then yesterday down to 209.8, so I waited a day to see if I could be green. Today 207.9. I got on THREE different times because I didn’t believe it. I am not logging 😕 and I don’t feel like I’m doing much different than when I was gaining, gaining, and gaining. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I’m not complaining. I will take these losses. My steps are good but intentional exercise is almost nonexistent. In fact, I laid down for a minute last night at 8:30 and ended up asleep for the night.

    I have been trying to get more potassium like my dietitian suggested but find it difficult to get 4300 mg. (I think that’s what it was).
    jugar wrote: »
    @micki48 we were on the same wavelength this morning, I think! For once, I got my exercise in before noon, and you wrote to us while at work. Good move! I'm so glad your daughter and her OH are closing on a house, and all my wishes are with you for your son to find the job of his dreams and that you'll be able to sell your house soon. That kind of stress is rough, and certainly does not help with your resting heart rate. Keep checking off those little things that
    you CAN do and slowly the list will shrink, I hope!

    @jugar Thank you so much for this. I am so grateful to have had you all with me this last crazy year. You are a constant. ❤️

    More houses to look at today that I probably can’t buy. We do it to see what’s out there. Soon. Soon things will move forward and I will be able to find my house and get settled.

    @DD265 Your meals and gardening classes sound wonderful.

    @PlaneMonkey and @ashleycarole86 So sorry to hear you feel your self care being crunched by job pressures. Hugs.

    @LoraineGB You are doing fantastic. On a roll. Keep up the great work.

    @MoonlitMuse Id be game. Need to know more about it.
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    PW: 160
    CW: 160

    I haven’t done any exercises this week as I’ve been overwhelmed at work. I’m hoping to resume on Monday xx
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023
    @zankash23 We live in the real world and sometimes its just not possible to do what we want to do. Hope things get better for you and you get more time to concentrate on yourself again.
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023
    @eggfreak Do you find the fitbit helpful? My husband and a friend have been telling me to buy one and say that it really helps them stay active. I tend to get obsessive about things and worried that I would challenge myself too much if I bought one .. :neutral:
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    Happy Saturday with my new CW of 184.6
    My clothes are a bit snug but my core feels stronger, especially when working with other older people who have let their muscles take unapproved holidays, like mine!
    When I remember to engage my core before reaching for a spoon in the drawer, for example, it brings my spine into better alignment and I then move more intentionally. Every bit helps.
    Good grief…it’s almost March already!
    I’m trying to pare down some of the furniture and “stuff” in our apartment. I looked at suggestions online and laughed when the first idea recommended taking everything outside then bring in only the things you want. That could be dangerous on those days when I’m ready to give it all a “good coat o’ fah-ir (“fire”, for those of you who may need an interpreter).
    Time to get some exercise so the tomorrow me will feel like a queen when getting up.
    Hugs all around.
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023
    @micki48 Congratulations on your weight loss! I would not worry too much about the gain and loss. I am an ex-weight-watcher and was told once "if you eat less for a while the body thinks that you are in a famine and holds onto calories and stores it as fat - that means that sometimes you don't lose weight or even gain weight for a while .. if you continue to eat less the body eventually has to use the fat stores and you lose weight". Maybe thats what happened to you :o
  • nightfeeding1
    nightfeeding1 Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2023
    @conleywoods Am sorry to read that you are having such a hard time just now and hope you can get your health problems sorted out soon. I have been going through something similar with horrible stress at work and am off sick just now. My blood pressure too high, sleeping badly and have a work-related injury! Life sucks! I don't know how you are feeling just now but I am finding it really hard .. need to reduce stress and change my habits and do healthy things like drink less coffee .. and go to bed before midnight ..
  • AshenMoon
    AshenMoon Posts: 157 Member
    Heya! Life has been absolutely insane since being sick for two weeks. I'm finally feeling better at least! My weight is at 229 though 😢 @jugar
  • IDebraK
    IDebraK Posts: 139 Member
    WEIGH IN: Saturday
    PW: 127.4
    CW: 128.4
    GOAL ZONE: 115-122

    SAT: 8464
    SUN: 14212
    MON: 16722
    TUES: 16235
    WED: 20760
    THURS: 17205
    FRI: 8335
    TOTAL: 101933

    Step goal was better this week, but still not exactly where I want it. Weight keeps going the opposite direction. I'm switching some things around this week to see if I can counter that. I was sick all week, but I still went to work. It was more of a gut thing than an actual sick (virus) sick. I have a few gut issues anyway, and I guess the diet to support the heavier weight training is not agreeing with my insides. Slight tweak. Nothing major.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    edited February 2023
    @nightfeeding1 it is so good to hear from you! I was worried you had disappeared. But a holiday in Gdansk is far better than fading away into nothingness :smiley: Since you are just weighing in now, would you like to change your regular weigh-in day to Saturday? That way you will have a whole week until the next time. And a quick tip - be sure not to put a space after the @ if you want to tag someone in your message. It should turn blue (and give you a tiny window with the person's username) if you have the correct one. I fixed some of them in your messages, so everyone should know you tagged them.

    @AshenMoon also! It is such a drag that you have been sick. Here's to a healthier March. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Fitbit question - this is always an interesting one. Yes, it is easy to get obsessive about the numbers. What I do is wear it for a period of time, enjoy the source of information, and then take it off until I feel like I want the information again. I have never used it for sleep or any of the other fancy bits of tracking that I find to be too much information. Steps, sometimes resting heart rate, that's about it. But don't forget, you don't have to do it all the time. I'll probably put mine back on in April...

    @IDebraK good to see you too! About the diet to support heavier weight training vs gut issues... I think a lot of those recommendations for diet are oriented towards men. I think the high protein values in most of them are excessive. If you're not going Olympic level, but just building muscle, I really do not think that the protein amounts frequently recommended are needed at all. Keep your gut happy, and you'll feel better! Experiment with different balances, and you'll find one that works. Lotsa veggies and legumes works great for me, and fat levels are also to be fooled around with until you find what works for your own system. And your age, etc. -- things change!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    LAST CALL! Final weigh-in for February Week 4:


  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    @eggfreak Do you find the fitbit helpful? My husband and a friend have been telling me to buy one and say that it really helps them stay active. I tend to get obsessive about things and worried that I would challenge myself too much if I bought one .. :neutral:

    I have an Apple Watch that I bought purely for health reasons (the fall detection and holding medical info if needed by paramedics). I was obsessive with step counts and closing rings for about six months and then totally switched off it. Now I only use it for data purposes like @jugar says. At the moment I’m tracking VO2 and my heart rates, I don’t even look at steps.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Happy Sunday, Friends - here's my weigh-in:

    PW - 186.6
    CW - 186.2
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
This discussion has been closed.