WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    @jugar - You have snow already? We've had a decent fall so far and the snow hasn't settled in yet, but time is ticking. Hunting season should be over soon.

    My days have been flying by. I had an interview for a new job and I feel like it went really well. I'm not the kind of person to brag and talk about all my achievements so doing this isn't easy. I'm happy how it went and regardless of the outcome I feel like just getting asked to interview was a win.

    Got a few good workouts planned this week and I'm keeping focused not to add too much alcohol in the next few weeks. Plan is to keep it at 1-2 drinks/weeks and so far so good.
    Invitations to interview when you apply for a new job are a great boost - go Joann! It also sounds like you have a good plan for the next few weeks - keeping alcohol to a minimum is a great idea. I feel much more productive having cut back to a maximum of 1 time per week. Some weeks I don't even bother. I like that I don't care!

    Today, I feel like the gods of irony got me good. Yesterday, our driveway (a long winding very steep hill) had some snow on it, but was no problem to come up. I knew we were expecting a bit more snow, but decided it would be OK to go down today - for my appointment to get my studded winter tires put on. But no. @e got very wet heavy snow overnight, and the driveway is like a melting slalom luge track - no way I'd have made it down without sliding into the ditch for sure :frowning: We cannot get the tractor past the car either - it is stopped on the flattish bit partway down. So tomorrow we get to go out and try to shovel and spread the before it all freezes and turns it into a complete ice track. Kicking myself for not parking at the bottom yesterday - grrrr! And I want those tires changed! It is required by law as of December 1st, so I hope I can get the car out of here and then actually get another appointment. Sigh.

    OK - grumble over. We'll figure something out eventually :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    I hope everyone in the US is ready for a lovely (and hopefully healthy!) Thanksgiving! A few weigh-ins are due - so get to them early before the feasting begins :smiley:


  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 549 Member
    PW 167.4
    CW 166.0

    Was lower during the week :(

    So turns out everyone at my office has covid, I wonder if that's what I am battling...

    It’s practically a guarantee you’ll have it unless *everyone* stays masked in your work place. I hope you take a test before going anywhere. If you do end up getting Covid, here’s hoping it’s mild and you haven’t exposed anyone else to it. Good luck!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 221.2
    CW 222
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    @jugar frustrating driveway situation! you've got a task ahead of you. good exercise at least...?
    I'm going to weigh in a day early if that's alright!

    PW: 261.8
    CW: 261.3

    I will take half a pound after a big loss week! Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating - I am so thankful for this group!!

    @ashleycarole86 man oh man, you gotta get better! <3
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 537 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

    We are celebrating with family, however our big meal will be tomorrow. Makes it easier for people traveling. We are heading up to Virginia today though and having a light dinner tonight with anyone who is there now. I have a huge family. My mom is 1 of 10 and my dad is 1 of 8. I have 36 first cousins and now so many of them are having kids! I believe there will be close to 40 people tomorrow!

    I went for a walk this morning and hope to do the same tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    @lauren_989 that is some big family indeed! I grew up in a tiny family and married into another. I have only one first cousin, and she never had children. Have a great time with the whole gang!

    I have had a very quiet day, and decided it would be a completely OFF day. No worries about food (made cookies!), no serious exercise, plenty of lazing about. Tomorrow I will be inspired by this to track and move! At least we managed to get the car down the hill (although my taller half did all the work), and I'll be able to get out and about tomorrow. My new saddle was delivered today, so I will give that a thorough first ride tomorrow. Watch out Jasper!

    My sister @EvMakesChanges and her partner travelled down to our Dad's to join him in his care home for Thanksgiving dinner - I am sure he enjoyed having company! I doubt that the food was as good as they would have cooked at home, but it is good to spend some time with the happy pappy. He loves visits and food, so he must have had a great day.

    If any Friday weigh-in people who had a big feast today want to take tomorrow to recover, go ahead and weigh in on Saturday - but no later than that, ok? Here you all are:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    I love your very practical attitude towards the OFF day, no guilt, no shame.. just understanding that after you take time off that you'll naturally want to get back to what you know makes you feel the best.

    You're inspiring girl.. that half pound is worth a lot of celebration. Loving your check-ins and participation.. always great to have you here. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    Wow, I thought I had a big family, but that's only on one side of the family that I have so many cousins.. that's gonna be quite the get together. Enjoy making memories.

    @EvMakesChanges Yay, enjoy your time with dad! I'm sure he'll be so thankful for your visit.

    We have enjoyed a day of football. I took my dog for a walk - just under 20 minutes. That is asking a lot of my lungs right now. I'm in a super sneezy phase of my sickness so it's more annoyance than anything.

    I only have full steps and exercise stats in week 3 from two of us - myself and @lauren_989
    AND, I was really sick.

    BUT, @lauren_989 deserves a call-out:
    2 days at 2x pledge (and then some)
    16% increase in movement over the week before
    Bravo girl!

    I'll see if I can improve on my week 4 - I certainly miss my movement. Dad's been here for almost a week and it's weird for him that he hasn't seen us on our Pelotons!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Cw 90.7
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,376 Member

    I'll be away from a scale tomorrow, so my CW is 179.8. sigh. Got a month before the next big food day to tighten up.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 537 Member
    Had a great Thanksgiving with family! We ate 2 amazing meals. My one cousin cooks homemade pizzas the night before thanksgiving. So many different flavors and delicious! And then we had the typical thanksgiving meal today. So tasty and a lot of food eaten these past 2 days. So now that I enjoyed myself, it's back to normal tomorrow...tracking and stepping!

    @ashleycarole86 I hope you start feeling better soon. Don't push yourself too hard to work out if you are still recovering.

    @jugar I am glad you were able to get your car down the driveway!

    We are heading home tomorrow and I will be spending the weekend deocrating for Christmas! 🎄
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,576 Member
    @jugar - I will weigh in tomorrow to see if it’s any better. I really enjoyed some pie and delicious food yesterday for Thanksgiving.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    It has been a happy Friday - my new saddle arrived yesterday and Jasper and I put it through its paces today. What a difference! We both feel so much better it is amazing. I love the way it fits me - and Jasper certainly seems to find the same for him. He moved so much more powerfully, was able to step under himself and swing both hips and shoulders with ease. I think we're going to make some good training progress this winter. We'll still take it step by step while he is still young and his bones and all are developing, not just his muscles. Getting strong together :smiley:

    So team - let's all keep getting stronger and feeling great! Here are the remaining weigh-ins for the week, but be sure to plan and then brag about your exercise and stretching too!


  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    a mini goal for this upcoming week for me - try to check in at MFP before 10:30pm... even once would be nice.

    had to move today's workout to tomorrow because I ended up going on two short hikes today! 35 min for the first, probably more like 25/30 for the second. Pretty steep inclines, and a bit rough on my foot but I ordered new shoes to arrive by the 30th or so, and I am excited to have some refreshed support. (I also ordered 6 other pairs of shoes during DSW's black friday sale. No, I do not have a shoe addiction. It was just a really good sale. :D )

    good night!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    @Kali225 You kept me up late last night! I know you did! :lol: I went and looked at the DSW site. I didn't buy anything, though - I get easily overwhelmed, and the prices on the Canada site weren't that great. But I'm glad to know about the site anyhow :smiley: I looked at lots of stuff yesterday thinking I should maybe some day get with the program and buy when there are big sales, but I just couldn't do it. I'm like that in big stores too - hopeless!

    A beautiful cold sunny morning here - time to get outside!
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 179 Member
    CW 226.4
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 417 Member
    PW 79,0Kg
    CW 79,2Kg
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 103 Member
    PW: 146.6
    CW: 147

    Sun- 6001
    Mon: 7549
    Tue- 17673
    Wed - 13510
    Thur - 12968
    Fri - 18946
    Sat - 5764
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,576 Member
    PW 193
    CW 193.8

    Another busy week of travel, this time to NYC. I went out to dinner with a cousin and his husband the night I arrived, then the next day I had my work meeting and catered lunch. I ended up taking my leftovers in the train ride home which made for an easy dinner instead of train food. I also managed to get a workout in on both Monday and Tuesday with my work travel.

    Wednesday was a busy day; I had meetings straight from 9-3pm with no breaks. I had to nibble on a protein bar and drink a protein shake just to get me through my meetings until I could have lunch at 3. It was so mentally draining, my husband made the dessert I was going to make for Thanksgiving.

    Thanksgiving was wonderful; good food and better company. Now it’s time to get back on track. I had a 45-minute spin class this morning which felt great.
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