Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Thought I'd pop by and see how everyone is doing. It was terribly cold here for a week or so but is finally starting to warm up. Thank goodness. Calgary has big fluctuations in weather. Glad warm weather is on the way.

    Both Ed and I have had health issues. I'm currently taking physio and will be doing cortisone shots in my back in January. Hope it helps.

    Ed's is a little more serious. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer but treatment is going very well. He's feeling good and goes for another cystoscopy in a couple of weeks. It's an immunotherapy treatment so no chemo or radiation. Fingers crossed.

    Bye for now

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sunny but 3 degrees F. Good to hear from you Jeri but not the bad news about health issues. Sorry to hear about Ed's bladder cancer but if it's any consolation to you my DIL's father also had it and it sounds like he had the same treatment and is doing well. I too, have shots on my back every three or so months. I have scoliosis at the end of my spine that sits on a nerve. The shots help a lot as long as I don't overdo. The benefits of grower older.

    Have a good day everyone and enjoy each day as it were your last.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Sheila and I nearly took off on our morning walk and it wasn’t much above zero temperature. We could see a storm running along the coast but it didn’t travel inland at that point so we did stay dry. Sheila got to the parking spot before me and saw the farmers rounding up the horses and sheep to move them down to a sheltered spot but left one small foal behind. The poor thing was panicking looking for it’s mum but we noticed it later running in the right direction so hopefully rejoined it’s family. We didn’t walk for long because it was bitterly cold and when I returned home I prepared a mixed bean casserole in my slow cooker.
    More email exchanges about the local council and I messaged Rachael this evening to support her facing the police for her statement. She is anxious but will have a friend with her and, after all, she was the victim!
    The wind is howling outside and neither pooch wants to go out for a night visit because it’s also pouring with rain. Even Brady is staying in, pretending to be a lap cat. Oh dear, bring back the freezing temperatures. At least we had dry, sunny days!

    Good to see Jeri popping in. I’m sorry to read Ed is dealing with bladder cancer but his treatment does sound positive.

    I won’t go back to read yesterday’s posts but do hope Anne is feeling alright after that little Covid scare.

    Lin, do be careful in all that snow. Have you got a good supply of groceries in?

    Make the most of any rest day Sandy and be careful if you have to go out.

    Bed time for me if I can shift Brady off my lap!
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member

    Jeri, it is wonderful to hear from you. I am sorry to hear about the heath problems. I hope all goes well. My friend’s husband has bladder cancer and has had several surgeries but he is doing well.

    Jackie, we are close to turning the corner on the super low temperatures. We actuality had a bit of sunshine again today.

    My disaster today was a problem with one of my toilets. It went crazy and flooded the bathroom. I spent a lot of time cleaning up and trying to fix the problem. All the sopped towels have been washed and are in the dryer.

    Too much excitement for me. 👀

    Be safe everybody.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    The Fab Four
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Lin, let me know if you find a plumber because they are like hens’ teeth in this part of the world!

    Storm Isha has arrived but I’ve battened down the hatches. Now fire lighting and cup of tea time but I’ll be back this evening.
    Happy Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another frigid day but sun is shining. It will be a pj day for me since I was gone most of yesterday. The movie was good but long and then I stopped at store and got home just in time to leave for mass and once home played a charity bingo game although I missed the first game and did not win a thing. My friend is working at the American Legion today and asked me to stop by but I have declined, not in the mood to sit at a bar during the day. Would rather ride my bike, then binge watch some tv in front of the fireplace.

    Jackie, sorry about your storm, I think we all are tired of these cold winter days. Hopefully, Vegas will be warmer although I see rain in predicted.

    Lin, oh no, sorry about the plumbing problem, there is always something.

    Anne, hope all is well in Canada.

    Barbie, hope your weather has warmed up for your walks.

    Jeri, prayers being said for the health problems.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s slowly warming up in Canada, but that means Jilly Bean wants to go walkies. How do you explain to a wee dog that mom is in quarantine until Monday when the test results come back from the lab. If I’ve got the dreaded virus, 12 more days in quarantine. Poor little Bean. The worst time for me is night time when I can’t breathe normally. If I drop off to sleep, I wake up in panic mode gasping for air. Still, I have great hopes the lab results will be negative and at least Jilly and I can get out into the fresh air.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member

    Anne, I hope you do not have to remain in quarantine. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 best wishes on those results! Stay calm Jilly Bean.

    Sandy, unusual for you to not win at bingo. Better luck next time.

    Jackie, if I could find available plumbers, I would be quite surprised. So sorry no surplus to ship your way. I heard the trains are not running due to extremely high winds? True? Not that you utilitize the train system but wow, those winds must be horrendous!

    Joy, where are you? I hope you are well. Stop by and say hello.

    Off I go!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Adorable teapot Lin! ❤️
    Crazy weather again but as we head for midnight the dreadful noise of the wind has eased so I should be able to sleep. Not just trains Lin but airports too so planes having to land in a variety of European countries. Here is the latest BBC summary

    Widespread warnings are in place across the UK as Storm Isha brings rain and gusts of wind of up to 90mph (145km/h)
    Tens of thousands are without power, including 45,000 in Northern Ireland, 8,000 in north-west England, and 3,000 in Wales
    The Sellafield nuclear site has suspended operations overnight. The government said in a staff update there were no safety issues
    All Scottish trains after 19:00 were cancelled, and many services in England are being cancelled too
    Amber weather warnings for wind are in force for much of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Yellow rain warnings are also in place
    There is also a risk to life in coastal areas from large waves and debris being blown inland
    Storm Isha is the ninth named storm since September, and follows on from Storm Henk earlier this month

    I expect to see more downed trees when we go out tomorrow but so far we still have power.

    I’m sorry you are still suffering Anne with quarantine and breathing. I’m guessing you wouldn’t trust anyone other than Mike to take Jilly out for a walk and you can’t see him until the test results. When I was unwell last month George was incredibly patient about not walking, as if he knew why. I expect Jilly will understand too!

    Sandy, it’s lovely to read you are enjoying a pj day because there have been times recently when you haven’t paused for breath! Pamper yourself ❤️

    Time to get the pooches outside for a last visit then it’s bedtime.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello all, thanks for your good wishes.

    Sandy I agree with you. I like to get in my exercise during the day then spend a relaxing evening either reading my book or watching TV.

    Anne here’s hoping you get your results soon so you can get back on with your life. And really hope that all is negative so you don’t have to quarantine. We had such a cold spell here earlier and Ed wasn’t feeling well so we were staying at home. It felt like we were in quarantine and it was just awful. Fingers crossed for you.

    Lin - flooded toilet oh my goodness. I hope you get that fixed soon. Not fun for sure.

    Jackie - those weather warnings don’t sound very good do they.

    I had been having a lot of trouble with my hips, but I’m finally starting to feel better. Not 100% for sure but a lot better. I am taking baclofen, which is a muscle relaxant and that I think is making a difference. The only trouble with it is that it makes me so sleepy. I keep falling asleep while we’re watching TV programs and don’t know how they end because I’ve missed half of them. And some of the zoom meetings that I’ve been doing have been almost putting me to sleep. I can imagine what people think when they see my head nodding away. LOL

    We are supposed to get a lot warmer weather this week, so I’m hoping to be able to get outside and maybe do a few walks around the block. That will be really nice.

    Well, I hope you have a great day and I’ll catch up again

    Hugs to everybody

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Early good morning because I tried not to fall asleep last night and of course I did. Woke up in panic mode like a fish out of water and for the second night I thought it was exit for Anne. Sounds dramatic but this virus is truly awful and I don’t need the lab results later today. I truly believe I’ve got Covid and if not it has to be pneumonia. I had the pneumonia vaccine in the summer after experiencing that dear little bug a few years ago. But……here I am writing to you and Gerty who I’m pretty sure passed it on is now out of quarantine. I’m so happy for her because she is 96. So less of the drama queen Annie.

    I am a bit worried about Jilly catching it though with us being in close quarters and Jilly liking to cuddle up.

    JERII missed your earlier post and I sincerely wish you and Ed relief from the health problems very very quickly.
    And JACKIE, about to be blown across the pond! Terrible weather and me and Jilly can’t take you and the pets in us being stuck here alone! Thank goodness your stone cottage sounds sturdy enough to survive the gales.
    Poor LIN with plumbing problems.
    Great start to 2024 for us all!
    The only good news is the staff here, scurrying in and out my apartment with trays of food or fresh towels and trash bin emptying. Jilly doesn’t understand why her petting has ceased. But I can’t thank the staff enough, duly masked and in protective tops.
    Maybe something exciting will happen later on,
    Meanwhile everyone please stay safe and masked, you don’t want whatever I’ve got. Will tell you results later. Want a bet SANDY?,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Heat wave at 29 degrees F. Another day of staying in, riding bike and binge watching The Bear. The rest of the week I am busy with mani/pedi, a replacement crown, appointment with finance guy, meeting and getting hair done. Also have to order taxi for pickup to airport and return.

    Anne, I am so sorry you are under the weather and hope it is not Covid. Did you let the nurse know you are having trouble breathing at night? They might supply you with some extra oxygen or a vaporizer. Please let us know as soon as you get your results. Wish we could come and nurse you back to good health.

    Jeri, sorry about your hip pain and hope you get some relief soon. I personally, can't wait for warmer weather, this has been a brutal winter.

    Jackie, I don't think I should complain about our weather after reading that report. Stay safe and warm.

    Lin, did you find a plumber to fix your problem?

    Rob just texted and asked if I could take Max to karate this afternoon and I agreed.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s me feeling somewhat embarrassed but elated at the same time! I HAVENT GOT COVID! How can that be! I’ve got all the symptoms. Having another test tomorrow morning to make sure then I’m free to have breakfast in the dining room! The nurse wants me to see the doctor in case it’s another problem like asthma but I’m beginning to wonder about something else a teeny bit more embarrassing. Do you remember my text on uncomfy bras? Wouldn’t it be a hoot if that’s all it is? Oh dear,
    In embarrassment, Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited January 22
    Great news Anne. I was hanging around to see if you posted before I go to bed! I know from my own experience over Christmas, there are other viruses doing the rounds that might as well be Covid but yes, let’s blame yours on your wired bra! Sleep tight tonight! 😴

    I’m off to bed feeling relieved myself because the next storm is now going to miss Cornwall although sadly, poor old Scotland and Ireland will be battered again.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Good news Anne, try sleeping on two pillows with your head raised, something Babe had to do for his breathing when sleeping.

    Sandy <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited January 23
    Wonderful news Anne. I have been hoping to hear from you. Now to figure out why you have been feeling unwell. Lots of RSV around here. I don’t know the exact symptoms for that, respiratory is all I know. Glad you will not be quarantined for an extended period.

    I have been quite busy with little chores here today. I still cannot get that water valve to turn. I have treated it several times with a WD-40 look like product but have made no progress. Maybe it will be better tomorrow.

    We have another snow/sleet storm arriving overnight. I hope we don’t receive much ice.

    Back to emails and texts. Be safe everyone.


    This is labeled as a teapot but I wonder if it is for serving coffee.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Early morning here, but thank you for all the comments and wishes. Mary Jo has been sending me photos of UNwired bras that look very comfy.
    JACKIE you had an awful experience over the hols with the unknown virus. I’m so glad you are okay now and surviving what Mother Nature, or rather man-caused throws at you. I sometimes think I should never have left my little rained soaked island. Not that I don’t love Canada, I do, but I think our constitutions were formed for certain weather related conditions.
    SANDY, I have been sleeping on two pillows to help the breathing, but your suggestion was thoughtful and helpful.
    Oh LIN, I’m sorry you are having plumbing problems. I so admire you and Jackie dealing with all the stuff thrown at you both with being house holders. I confess I was pretty useless and at least here I just call Lauren the handyman to fix things.
    Hi BARBIE and JERI..I’ve already given up on 2024! I will concentrate on hoping the Chinese New Year sometime in February will be a whole heap better! Had a sneak peek at my horoscope the other day and on the whole rather bland. Can’t wait after all the trauma of this year. Anybody else born in the year of the wood pig? All for now before Rose the nurse turns up with the instrument of torture they poke up your nose.
    Hoink, hoink,
    Annie the wood piggy. Maybe Libra the scales sounds posher?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We had Lin's weather through the night which makes for icy streets for the morning rush hour. I have an appointment at 1:00 for mani/pedi but I think the streets will be fine by then.
    I haven't worn a wired bra in years, I buy comfort bras which are like sports bras with no hooks or wires, just pull them over my head and they are comfortable. I don't like the feeling of no bra but when staying home I will wear a tank top under my shirt with no bra as long as I don't have to see anyone. Of course for sleeping there is no bra but I am hidden under covers. lol

    Anne, don't give up on 2024, it's going to be a good year for all of us. 2023 was miserable so this year has to be good. (I hope) Good luck on your test today and I am sure it is negative. There are so many other respiratory virus's going around it is just not funny.

    Lin, is it the water value on your toilet or where? Did you find a plumber to help you?

    Jackie, I do hope your weather day is better today. You deserve some sunshine.

    Have a good day everyone and stay positive.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 23
    I was going to show my patio window and bedroom with the snow falling on the bushes, but it didn’t work. Try again later.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited January 23
    Hello Sneakers. I didn’t sleep well, probably due to watching the late news that had talk of possible all out war with Russia, then an awful dream that woke me up feeling sad because WWIII was about to begin! I got up and wandered for five minutes and discovered George sitting at the top of the stairs instead of the bottom of my bed so I must have been moving about in my sleep! We both went back to bed where George made a nest for himself while I snuggled under the duvet. I think I’ll avoid the news completely from now on and stick my head in the sand!

    It’s a lot milder but still windy so the morning walk was round the block in drizzle which meant having to stand George in his bath of warm water when we got home to wash off the mud and muck. The huge branches of an oak I used to worry about walking under in windy weather are gone so I’m guessing they came down in the night! Just debris and chippings left in the road from a chainsaw. I drove to the next town for a hair appointment then did a big grocery shop on my way home. Prices are frightening so I’m being very careful in an effort to economise and also keep off the weight I lost. Tonight I have put a few logs on the fire in the snug but haven’t bothered with the multi fuel stove in my dining room. Just a wall heater to tick along at 18C. I have ordered more logs from the local farmer and after my hints that I wasn’t happy about the last order being very wet, I’m hoping he will be more thoughtful about what he delivers.

    That pot could be for tea Lin as it has a similar shape to those found in the Middle East and North Africa. It’s certainly interesting. More snow for you last night? Keep safe and warm.

    Anne, when I came back to England from Canada it took a while for me to feel it was the right decision but now, for all its terrible weather and political madness, it’s right for me. Of course, being one yourself, you know how we English love to complain about the weather but there’s a lot of humour mixed in! Opinions vary on why we are getting so many storms off the Atlantic. It could be El Niño that arrived in the Pacific last year and sends us bad weather but there again, as 2023 was the planet’s warmest year on record, the cool waters of the Atlantic that normally slow down storms from America are too warm so they skip across the top. Something like that! 🤔. So you are a wood pig? Did you know pigs are still being released into the New Forest by farmers, apparently to hoover up the acorns that can otherwise poison the ponies? A dangerous couple of months for dog walkers! I’m a hardworking, independent Ox that needs peace and quiet!!

    Sandy, your bras sound similar to mine. The first pack I bought weren’t so good because they had little shape and I ended up flat chested. That was a learning experience!

    My tv signal is not good tonight but I don’t think I’m missing anything. I have been watching a drama on our catch up channel called After the Flood that is produced by the company that created Happy Valley. Not as good and almost too complex but similar disfunctional family issues for the police woman, along with Yorkshire humour. Oh yes, and a new series of Call the Midwife.

    An earlier night for me and hopefully more cheerful dreams!
    Jackie 🥰