Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’m sorry I went missing again yesterday. So busy and again today with Rachael visiting to hopefully move on her complaints. Hopefully back to the Sneakers tonight. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 30
    Happy Tuesday! :) Did a load of laundry, got a $30 credit on my cable bill for one month because they can't find a cheaper package to entice me to stay with them. I will check in February before making any decisions to cancel cable. I will be packing today and go to bed early as I have to get up at 5am.
    I hope to check in everyday but can't guarantee I will. I usually have a room to myself when I go with my other friends to the casino, but this time I am sharing a room with Cheryl so my routine might be messed up. So stay healthy and be good while I am gone.

    Jackie, you are one busy beaver, is that what keeps you in such good shape?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited January 30
    Hello back to the dreary weather today. Sunshine is in the forecast tomorrow. Yes! I was going to make a trip to Whole Foods to try to find purple or red sweet potatoes. However, it is trash and recycling pickup day and that cabling crew that left all that snow in my driveway is back and is in front of my house. They blocked access to part of my driveway so I have been busy moving bins around so the collectors a get to them.

    Finally, working on the final touches on my valentines, one by one. I have finished a few but need to complete a couple of chores and then the rest of the day and evening will be Zoom classes and my regular Tuesday evening YouTube class. So thought I would post a note before I find the day and evening are over and I am nodding off.

    Sandy, safe travels. Enjoy yourself. See you when you get back.

    Jackie, very busy until this meeting is over right? Just a mention, remember Angela of the Kerry and Angela team with Max and the boys? They did get divorced but today he posted that she has just been diagnosed, after lots of exams and tests, with ovarian cancer. I have followed her every post on Instagram as I find her photography delightful. I hope her treatments bring about remission.

    Well, I must run along.

    Anne, hope you are feeling better.

    Hey, the rest of you, I miss ya….

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    So where did my post go? Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    So where did my post go? Anne.

    I don’t know. I didn’t see one today….

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited January 31
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    So where did my post go? Anne.

    Gone to wherever my posts with wings go Anne! 🧚‍♀️

    I didn’t manage to return last night, mostly because I was writing notes to take to the Council meeting this evening. Linda and I, but mostly Linda, managed to get Rachael to concentrate long enough to take in what she needs to do. She’s so sweet she is feeling sorry for overworked police who aren’t rushing to interview Mr Nasty but we said they should be more concerned a dangerous man lives in the community! Linda is drafting a letter of complaint to go to the Council and I should gather enough evidence tonight!

    Have a lovely trip Sandy and stay safe. Hopefully the room sharing will work out.

    How are you feeling today Anne? I certainly wouldn’t have been happy with the response from staff when you told them you were unwell. Too many working in care facilities forget what that word means!

    Lin, that’s so sad for Angela, what with the divorce too. My understanding is it’s not an easy cancer to initially diagnose and time is of the essence. Treatment for most cancers has improved tremendously so let’s hope all will be well. Tell those cable laying men to be more considerate. 😠

    It’s a cold and damp day, Misty too, so our walk wasn’t long this morning. I accidentally shut George in the spare room yesterday and assumed he was snoozing somewhere but after about 3 hours went looking for him. I felt terrible when I discovered him on the spare bad as the poor boy must have thought he was in trouble for some reason. Dogs are so forgiving though and after lots of cuddles and apologies from me, he was fine, although it took me most of the evening to forgive myself!

    My steak and Cornish blue cheese pasty is out of the oven so time for my lunch.

    Stay safe everyone. It’s a ghastly world at the moment, locally and internationally.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello, I wrote a fairly long post yesterday and it went to never never land along with Jackie’s I guess.

    In a nutshell I haven’t a clue what horrible bug I’ve picked up, but I haven’t felt this bad since I had pneumonia. It’s day13 since I tested negative for Covid, but left with something else. Both my boys will be over today and maybe a trip to the doctor, except he only works two days a week and I don’t know which days, or if he’s not around, maybe emergency at the hospital. I do feel a little better today, but I’ve cancelled the dining room for lunch and dinner. Mary Jo left me with enough food to concoct something.

    More hopefully later,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mike arrived with Jilly beans dog food and treats and has now driven back to Toronto and work. He thinks I’ve been so ill because I was isolated for so long in the cottage which makes me now a target for everything going. I agree! After thirty five years living almost alone I now live with such a lot of folks, some very sad cases. Michael say he’s going to have a conference with Mark on a way to get me out of here before another winter. I don’t see how, but feeling as I do, live in hope. Few dogs here so Bean is thriving. She is like a puppy again and just about wore Michael out when he took her for a walk around the park before he left.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    What an evening! Luckily I checked the local council’s website around 4pm and found missing Minutes of meetings going back 5 months had suddenly appeared so our Mr Nasty, who was acting as Clerk, must have panicked after my complaints last week and posted them. No point my attending in that case as that was going to be my complaint but I did watch a live stream in the comfort of my home and when there was a mention of a possible incident and police involvement, he sat silently while the chairman covered for him saying it was nothing to do with them! Linda has finished a strongly worded draft complaint for Rachael to approve and having just watched a dreadful fiasco of a so-called government body not knowing what it is doing, I will also make a formal complaint! Rachel has sent all her evidence to the police now so we sit back and wait but in the morning, after my doggy walk, I’m going round the Parish with Linda to staple notices on posts and trees asking residents if they are happy with their representatives.

    Anne, your virus does sound similar to my jolly Christmas bug and I came to the same conclusion as Mike in that our natural immune system was compromised by not mixing with people for so long. It took me about 10 days of feeling really rough then a couple of weeks with no energy so take things steady. You will get better but for sure, if you can be out of the facility during Winter months, that will be a wonderful option. You might find a cruise cheaper than where you are or a posh hotel. Seriously!

    I spent a small fortune at the supermarket this morning but needed both day and night pots of face cream, a gammon to cook Friday to treat myself and a bottle of red wine to go with it. I was tempted to open it tonight after sitting through that video live stream but will make a mug of hot chocolate instead!

    Lin, no special plans on Friday although Sheila and I were going to meet for our postponed Christmas lunch but I think her cleaning lady is now visiting. We can always move it to Saturday because what’s one day late when you get to my age!

    When I let George and Betty out into the garden just now I noticed the fog has lifted and I can see lights in the village so hopefully I can take them on to the moors first thing.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. It’s been a busy day, flitting from class to class, a trip to the grocery store, etc. I was happy to find the red Japanese sweet potatoes I have been hunting for! It was foggy this morning but it cleared up, the sun popped out and this afternoon we hit 51 degrees F. I put on my light weight jacket to make my trot down the street to the mailbox. I am still missing several banking documents needed for my taxes. Today was the deadline for the banks to send them. I guess I will be hunting them down…..

    Jackie, what a complex mess with the local council. I don’t think I would trust them! I hope Rachael receives some justice for the reprehensible actions of that man. Do you think posting notices will be helpful in changing representatives. Hello to George, poor darling locked away for hours…..😢 Betty wasn’t with him apparently. If you have to move your luncheon to Saturday, I suggest you celebrate for several days! A coffee out somewhere with a treat perhaps on Friday? Every trip to the market costs a fortune these days I do believe. 👀

    Anne, I am sorry you are still unwell. So no trip to the doctor? A friend called me this afternoon and she hasn’t been feeling well for weeks. She is off tomorrow for some sort of test. Her doctor said they need to start eliminating the possibilities as older people are subject to so many ailments. Well, I thought, so are younger people. At least they are trying I guess.

    Sandy, having a happy time?

    Barbie, how are you and Jake and the dogs? Are you having more seasonable weather now?

    Hello Joy, Jeri, Diane, and other absent Sneakers.

    Be safe.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Jackie it’s 12:30 on February 1st as I sit in my pyjamas reading your post about the nasty council man. So I may be somewhat befuddled but I wonder is it possible that your present council want to clear the allotments of gardeners with a view to selling the land to make way for a housing estate? Are the allotments close to you?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) It's a usual day today. I had my walk in the morning enjoying the bit more of daylight. Jake and Annie are napping on the couch and Bessie is napping in her dog bed. I am riding my exercise bike. We has great lunch followed by watching an episode of "Shetland ", our current favorite show. Weather is in the 40-50 range with only a tiny bit of rain

    <3 Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi everyone. Beautiful day here. Got in a nice walk outside.

    Barbie, we really liked Shetland too. Have you watched Doc Martin. We enjoyed it a lot.

    Anne so sorry you feel so crappy. Darn it.

    Still struggling with my sore glutes. Had a good appointment with a specialist today. He wants me to have an ultrasound, a mri and to get my physiotherapist to give me some new exercises. Also feels the cortisone shots would be beneficial. Come back in 6 weeks. Sounds like progress.

    Making Shipwreck Casserole for supper. Something new for a change

    Keep well everyone. Always nice to watch up.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Another busy day. Got quite a few Valentines finished and in their envelopes. 👏🏻👏🏻 Excellent progress. Also continuing online classes while watching an extra one each day to get acquainted with the content and instructors. I am making a list of those whose style looks like it would work for me.

    Barbie, good to hear you have everything on track. It’s so nice to hear that. Hello to Annie, Bessie, and Jake. 🫶🏻

    Anne, feeling better today? Are you going out to eat in the dining room on your own schedule?

    Jackie, I hope you’ve had a good day. Happy Early Birthday! Enjoy everything possible!


    Back tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :p Having a wonderful time! Coming home tomorrow. Stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Very appropriate as I still play my old albums. Thank you Lin. I’m enjoying my day and now have feet up after a roast dinner, sipping a glass of wine! 🍷
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    jacAth3 wrote: »
    Very appropriate as I still play my old albums. Thank you Lin. I’m enjoying my day and now have feet up after a roast dinner, sipping a glass of wine! 🍷
    Jackie 🥰

    What a lovely day! ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Oh, and a teapot!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    🌼HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!🌼 And you had a lovely day. A roast dinner and a glass of wine, with feet up to finish it off!

    Here we are back into the depths of winter. Still not sleeping so I know it was minus 4 overnight and felt it!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member

    Sorry I am late,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. Busy day and oh my gosh I forgot to get the clothes out of the dryer. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Odds and ends all day. Nothing interesting I guess. More like winter today, lower temperatures, and cold wind.

    Hope everyone is safe and feeling well at least better.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Home from Vegas and had a great time. Won some money, lost some money, came home with some money so all is good. Had a wonderful time with my niece and her husband who met us two of our three days. They moved out there last year and love Vegas. Cheryl and I saw Donny Osmond and a Michael Jackson impersonator who was really good. Love the music of both.
    Food and cabs are outrageous but all in all we would go back again. Glad to be home to sleep in my own bed. Going to noon mass today but wanted to check in.

    Jackie, hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    I hope all are well and enjoying life. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited February 4
    Welcome home Sandy! Glad you had a good time and did come home with a bit of money. Got out just in time, everything will be even more expensive this week with Super a bowl in Vegas right?

    Have finished today’s online exercise classes, attended church, cooked some quinoa, and now I am roasting more sweet potatoes. 🍠🍠🍠🍠

    I do have more laundry to do but not sure if I will do that this afternoon. I am going to get postage on some of the Valentines. Still trying to decide if I should send a few more. I would like to put away all my Valentines supplies and make a start on Easter ideas.

    Anne, are you feeling better? I am a worry wart. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, is there any schedule as to when/if any investigation of the allotment fellow will be completed?

    Joy, where are you? Hope you stop by and tell us how you are.

    Hello Barbie, wahoo. We have sunshine again. 🌞 It makes me smile. Do you have a recent photo of Annie? Is she more mature and following commands now? I hope to see some of the Puppy Bowl next Sunday. So many pups needing homes. I hope they are all adopted.

    And hi Jeri, hoping you and Ed are doing okay…..

    Diane, hi!

    Off to my chores.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good evening. I’m back! There haven’t been enough hours in the day (or weekend) but the next couple of weeks look quiet, fingers crossed. I’ve been given the phone number of another plumber and will call tomorrow because the toilet I want removed is still here and I think the plastic ball *kitten* I tried to fix a few days ago is still leaking into the bowl of the 2nd loo

    I then fell asleep and it’s now it is way past midnight so back tomorrow! 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Well another day with some unusual weather for us. Our winters now seem to bring on the atmospheric rivers or pineapple express if you chose. The winds up and down our state are very strong along with rain that accompanies it. Flooding in some areas, trees down falling on homes, cars and roadways. Thankfully so far we are fine here. Another sleepless night I am afraid.

    Anne..... I am really concerned about you. I sure hope you can get in to see a dr soon. I know all about these doctors that work part time, which makes getting an appt difficult. I have a female dr, who is married to another dr, plus has two preschoolers. I would change, but available drs are in short supply these days. I like mine, but not the hrs she works. Get some rest, but more importantly get checked out. I too tend to get pneumonia if sick, so I am concerned about you.

    Sandy.....Glad you had a great trip to Vegas, plus came home with a bit of $$. Were you dealing with a lot of rain when you were there ? Sounds like the shows you saw would have been good.

    Jackie..... My concern about the allotment is exactly what Anne said. You wouldn't think they would want to push everything under the carpet so to speak and then decide to sell the property that the allotment is on. So unfortunate that your friend has had to contend with this bully. Happy Belate Birthday !! And what is a gammon ? I assume some food, but haven't a clue what you are talking about.

    Lin....Just had to send you the photo of that interesting tea pot. I have never seen one like that. Can you imagine how much money that is worth ? You have had a hard winter there. Be careful when you are out clearing your drive way. I may have nasty weather, but at lease I down have your cold temperatures. Stay warm.

    Joy.....We miss not seeing you on here. Hope you are safe and don't have any trees or excess water to deal with right now.
    Aren't these winds horrendous ? Stay warm.....

    Jeri.....Sorry you aren't able to get out as much as you would like, but it has been quite chilly up your way I see. Just heard they are making apts out of unoccupied business buildings in the downtown area. Don't see much positive coming out of that decision, but like here so many people work out of their homes now or are unemployed. What part of Calgary do you live in ?
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    I think I had previously mentioned our son and family have moved to Tennessee. They are liking it there. In November they were here for a week, so we made the best of the time we had. Miss not seeing them and our 2 granddaughters. Spending time with my bil while we can. He isn't doing well and is going thru chemo etc right now. We were able to enjoy dinner out together yesterday. He and my husband celebrated their Jan and Feb birthdays. Always something to think about.

    Well it is getting late. Stay warm everyone and safe on your roads. Thinking of everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 5
    Happy Monday! :) A stay at home day before another busy week. Tomorrow I get an injection in my eye for my macular generation, not looking forward to that. Wednesday and Thursday sitting from 7am to 4:30 pm. Wednesday night dinner with pool friends. Maybe I can lose some of this weight I put on in Vegas. I keep hoping my scale is wrong but I don't think so. Ugh.

    Diane, so nice to hear from you and sorry about all your wind and rain. It did rain in Vegas but nothing too serious and we were lucky to be inside so never got wet. I am sure you do miss your granddaughters which is one reason I won't move out of Illinois. That doesn't mean they won't someday move but until then I treasure my time with them. Sorry about your BIL but glad he could make dinner to celebrate the birthdays.

    Jackie, sorry you are having such a hard time finding a plumber and hope this time you can. You sound tired and need to take some time for yourself to rejuvenate. Taking care of yourself first is a priority.

    Lin, my niece said when the car races were there it was a nightmare and now they are expecting even more chaos with the Superbowl. Private planes will be flying in and out of the airport and so many more people trying to get around. I am glad we are home to our quiet suburbs.

    Anne oh Anne where are thou?

    Hello to Barbie, Jeri, Joy and whoever I missed. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m here, and rather upset because I’ve just heard about King Charles cancer. I really like him and his concerns for the environment.
    As for me another night of no sleep and a day gasping for breath. I finally saw a stand in doctor for my Dr Tim and I really took to the new doctor as well. From South America I think. Anyway I’ve got inflammation and infection of the lungs. That means five pills a day for the next five days and he will phone to see how I am on the 7th day. Today is the 19th day since I first became ill with Corvid symtoms but NOT Covid. Mary Jos friend had exactly the same thing and she was ill for 30 days which will be about the same for me. Back later because Mike is texting me.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Here I am again and determined to stay awake until I finish my post tonight. It has been mild and only slightly damp but my garden is far too wet to do much tidying and the lawn now has long grass a rabbit could hide in. I have continued on doing my best to help Rachael organise a serious complaint about the bully as has Linda and in between the two of us have been travelling round the Parish pinning notices up encouraging residents to rise up and rebel! It has become apparent the awful man has been telling his false version of events to council members but I think he might have been interviewed by the police now and hopefully they will take it further. As for the allotment site being sold to a developer Anne, it is certainly possible they might be considering it because owners of the surrounding land is trying to get planning permission for a housing estate and I’m sure it will happen one day. It’s about a mile from my home but although I won’t see it unless I drive past, it will cause chaos on our narrow roads.

    Yesterday I drove Sheila to the moors for a walk then into town so she could purchase a paper shredder. Our refuse collection is changing soon to fortnightly pick ups and we are supposed to be given wheelie bins to keep it in, along with recycled items. Sheila won’t be physically able to pull hers to the pick up point but the council have offered to collect from her door and she doesn’t want personal papers being seen, hence the shredder. Great for my hens because I’ve asked her to save shredded paper for me to use as extra bedding!

    I did read there was some wild weather arriving on the west coast of America and it seems no one is immune from what’s going on as the planet becomes warmer. Dreadful fires in Chile too.

    Anne, my friend in your London, Ontario has been suffering a bad virus that has similar symptoms to my recent bug so it’s definitely in Canada! I was concerned when you said you were very aware of the freezing temperatures outside at night. I hope you are warm in your apartment and have control of the heating.

    Lin, there won’t be any sort of police schedule investigating Rachael’s attack because sadly our Justice system has fallen apart. Not enough police, prosecutors or available court time these days so many cases get dropped. If Rachael’s is, I will ensure everyone knows what a dangerous man he is because genuinely I don’t think any woman should find herself alone with him.

    Sandy, the phone number of another plumber is on my notepad but I’ve been too busy to call him. Tomorrow morning I will be taking George to his groomer’s home for a trim but after that I only have a pedicure booked for Thursday so my life should calm down.

    Hi Diane. It’s always a treat to see you dropping in. A gammon joint is a type of pork cut, very tender and lean that melts in your mouth. That’s if you like pork and I know not everyone does!

    Oops, one minute to midnight so I must let the dogs into the garden and then get to bed.
    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited February 6
    Hello, deep in paperwork here. Organizing things as I need to call my insurance agent tomorrow. I just renewed my auto insurance but today I received an envelope stuffed with different endorsements, exclusions and generally incomprehensible insurance language. They also changed my policy number. I have no idea what to make of all of this. Argh.

    Also have another bundle of paper saying I need to find out what the replacement cost of my house is. I have no source of information. I don’t know any contractors and the tax assessed value means nothing. Just a means to obtain money from me. So, time to call.

    Finally, dug out my property tax invoice for the 2nd half payment due in March. More checks to write.

    Jackie, it seems no country is stitched together these days. I am always amazed at the difference between life before Covid and life now. Not enough people to work in any occupation. Everyone has evaporated apparently. I am sorry to hear that apparently nothing will be done to protect people from this guy.

    Annie, so so glad to hear from you. Finally, some treatment that hopefully will help. You must be exhausted. Hope you see some improvement each day. Please keep in touch.

    Sandy, best wishes on your busy week including the eye treatment. ❤️

    Diane, thanks for your lovely update. You are such a master at addressing everyone and their concerns. I happened to order some bean burgers last week from a company in San Diego. They only ship to the Midwest one day a week. So I am wondering how did they ship to me today? All the rain, roads closed? Well, I hope they arrive with the same timing. They send them frozen solid but they do not include dry ice. 👀 Sorry to hear of your BIL’s illness. Life is always throwing curves at us. Best wishes in getting through this horrid weather.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Today I go for my eye injections and I am not looking forward to it. Cheryl is driving me since after having my eyes dilated it is hard for me to drive.

    Wishing you all a good day.
    One Day at a Time