Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 14
    Happy Valentine's Day! Rob couldn't log onto computer so is on his way downtown. I will go there after I get my ashes at noon. I have some candy for the kiddos and my usual Mc Donald's.
    I had a little sore arm from my vaccines but nothing else so I am all vaccinated until next fall.

    Have a wonderful day and know that you are loved.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. Last warm day for a while. I am ready to unlock and set my generator to off tomorrow morning. I hope this whole repair of of gas meter goes well. I just read a little post from another person in my metro that had this company repair a leak in their meter. Guess what, they went out and checked recently, the supposed repair several months ago apparently did not work, they could still smell gas. That did not encourage me. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, so you got to see the kiddos on Valentine’s Day and gave them their treats on the actual day. Great!

    Jackie, you are so busy but it sounds as if your band of ladies is making progress in the campaign to let people know what kind of person that man is. Wonderful!

    I did quite a number of Zoom meetings today one was the first farm related meeting. Rents are expected to decline as are property values. Well, wasn’t that happy news for landowners? I guess you might as well know what’s up.

    The rest were the usual. I keep trying! Maybe someday I will be more fit and strong.

    Best wishes to everyone.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. Last warm day for a while. I am ready to unlock and set my generator to off tomorrow morning. I hope this whole repair of of gas meter goes well. I just read a little post from another person in my metro that had this company repair a leak in their meter. Guess what, they went out and checked recently, the supposed repair several months ago apparently did not work, they could still smell gas. That did not encourage me. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, so you got to see the kiddos on Valentine’s Day and gave them their treats on the actual day. Great!

    Jackie, you are so busy but it sounds as if your band of ladies is making progress in the campaign to let people know what kind of person that man is. Wonderful!

    I did quite a number of Zoom meetings today one was the first farm related meeting. Rents are expected to decline as are property values. Well, wasn’t that happy news for landowners? I guess you might as well know what’s up.

    The rest were the usual. I keep trying! Maybe someday I will be more fit and strong.

    Best wishes to everyone.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sorry for the double post. I received an error message that my attempt to post had timed out so Impressed the button again. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Chilly rainy kind of day. Going to my meeting and then a couple of errands. Thought about getting my car washed but not with this weather. Had an easy day of sitting yesterday as I didn't get there until almost 1:30 and left around 5:30. Bought the kids Mc Donald's and Valentine candy.
    Can you believe tomorrow will be one year since Babe died? I will be going to a mass I am having said for him with Cheryl and Marisa. Marisa took the week off for some reason so we might have game night tomorrow night. I am hoping to buy a heart for the cemetery and bring it to Babe's grave tomorrow.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi! Very cold today with rain last night. Kinda muddy.

    Tonight, snow is expected. I am totally tired! Going to try to watch a women’s basketball game. And then, sleep! I may be shoveling snow tomorrow.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    How frustrating. My post from last night has disappeared! 😡 it wasn’t long but did ask Lin to keep her snow and told Sandy how driving through torrential rain yesterday morning was as good as any car wash! Even posted a photo of George and Betty trotting through thick mist.

    I have jobs to carry out in my garden now as it isn’t raining so will pop back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 16
    Well, I ended up at the hospital. Hope I haven’t told you this already! I went in an ambulance with three firemen on a med. training course and two medics. We arrived at 11am and I finally got home with poor Mark at midnight. First they thought my symptoms were pneumonia, but after 3 X-rays, going through some X-ray scanner, frequent BP checks, all sorts of other stuff including a very pretty Chinese nurse who wanted to put one of those things in your arms that pumps stuff into your veins. “No, no,” I cried, “I don’t want that, I’m a coward.” “We have to do it Anne” she said. I gave her my winning smile and said, “you are a very pretty girl.” “Flattery gets you nowhere” she said and promptly jabbed the thing in. This made me urinate every two minutes with flying visits looking for washrooms. The final verdict: could be the old ticker. So armed with diuretic pills Mark and I made it home at midnight, because by then I’d had enough of hospitals and pleaded to let me OUT. So here I sit for 14 long days because I have to take diuretics pills for 14 days and darent go anywhere. At the end of 14 days I then have heart tests. What a bummer.
    Mike took Jilly Bean home with him for two days and took her to the office all day to delight everyone. She’s back exhausted and asleep in her own bed.
    So there you have it, and if I’ve repeated myself, it’s all due to shock and you will have ignored it anyway.

    Feeling sorry for herself,
    Anne in Ontario.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Goodness no! Anne you didn’t mention this before. ❤️❤️ What a shocker. I think Jilly had a nice break but I do not think you did. I hope all goes well and that you did start to feel better with the excess fluid gone. You know I wish you the best, I am same as you, I detest medical tests and such but on lots of occasions I have not escaped. Thanks for the update.

    Many hugs for you and Jilly.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Today a year ago is when I lost Babe. We went to Mass, then breakfast and then to the cemetery. I am having game night tonight with Marisa, Cheryl, Marisa's friend and Cheryl's sister. We will have pizza and a drink in honor of Babe.

    Dear Anne, I am so sorry to read about your hospital stay but glad you went to get some answers. I am sure the diuretic is to keep the fluid from around you heart so even though it's a pain, it will help you.
    I am also glad you are going for some heart tests so they can figure out what is wrong and help you get better. I bet Jilly loved her sleepover and meeting all of Mike's co-workers but is glad to be home with mommy. Take care of yourself please.

    Jackie, so sorry about another lost post, I would be more than frustrated.

    Lin, we got the cold but not the snow, not yet anyway. It was very cold at the cemetery but we managed to get the wreath and flowers done for both Babe and his son.

    My cleaning lady cancelled on me so I have to vacuum and tidy up including the bathrooms.
    Too busy to grieve today, I guess that is a good thing.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Having decided to do one job at a time outside and enjoy rather than feel pressured, I spent over an hour pruning a climbing rose that had got out of control. A couple more stragglers to cut off then I’m sure it will be feeling better! I also bleached the loo/planter and broke up the cistern with my inherited hammer I found in dad’s garden shed. It has been placed in the corner behind the partition hedge ready for compost and annual Spring plants. First thing I walked with George and Betty on to the top moor and was horrified to discover how quickly the strength in my legs had deteriorated what with slow short walks and sitting at home watching the rain fall. I was going to move my exercise bike into my garage but think perhaps it should stay where it is for now because it seems we are to enjoy rain from tomorrow until Sunday week! 😶‍🌫️

    Goodness Anne, you have been through the mill but hopefully the doctors will come up with a solution beyond diuretics. It’s probably obvious but do drink plenty of water! How exciting for Jilly to have an adventure with Mike but I’m sure she will be delighted to be back with her mum.

    My brother Berni who lives in Spain, developed the bug that’s knocking us all sideways and ended up in hospital with signs of pneumonia. Home now and beginning to feel better but only slowly.

    Sandy, sounds like you are having a special Memorial Day for Babe and I’m glad snow didn’t arrive to disrupt your plans.

    Funny Lin that you got to post your message twice and I wasn’t even allowed one! 😄

    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Oops, almost forgot a teapot!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) All went well yesterday and today is a new day. The sun is shining but it is only 19 degrees F. I am going with Cheryl and others to dinner and then to a play at the community college tonight. Mass will have to be tomorrow.

    Jackie, that is one of my problems, my legs seem to be hurting especially if I sit for too long. Not sure if it's circulation or related to my back. I will ask the back doctor when I go for my next injection. In the meantime I am taking magnesium since I read it helped with leg pain and sleeping.

    We have a family zoom call at 12:30 and then maybe I will ride the bike before getting ready for dinner.
    I am trying not to snack after dinner for Lent but mainly trying to lose these nasty 5 pounds that won't go away. Doesn't help with pizza last night and dinner tonight but tastes so good. lol
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Another foggy, rainy day and not much else going on! The usual short walk to the next village, an email exchange with Linda when we decided we will attend a council meeting on the evening of the 21st, a catch up phone call with Sheila and chicken casserole prepared and cooked in my slow cooker. As I chatted to Sheila I became aware of a huge, hairy queen bee slowly taking off from my laundry basket where yesterday’s dry washing had been placed after an overnight airing in the dining room. Brady was immediately interested so I had to put Sheila on hold while I took the basket to the door and asked her to leave. She was probably shocked because when she landed in the laundry yesterday it was dry outside but now she buzzed off into thick, damp fog!

    Sandy, just like you I have problems with my back at times and that has a knock on effect in my legs. If I sit too long, and that’s quite a short time for me, I have to make an effort to walk far with George and Betty but luckily when I do, I feel much better. Recently I read about yet another new theory on how to lose a few unwanted pounds and that is to make sure there is a full 12 hours between eating in the evening and breakfast. I used to be naughty looking for nibbles during the evening but since reading about what’s referred to as a night fast, I’ve stopped and am maintaining the weight loss from the virus over Christmas and New Year,

    A pretty teapot Lin. I love yellow roses but unfortunately they don’t survive in my garden. The air is too damp at the best of times!

    Anne, I hope you are improving and getting some decent sleep at night. Having typed that I’m thinking diuretic pills might be disturbing your rest. It’s not been the best few months settling into your new home has it but I think once Spring arrives, life will improve.

    Bedtime for me. 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited February 18
    Hello, I have been working on gathering info for my tax returns. Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of my social security benefit numbers for this year. That’s part of calculating the quarterly estimates for this year. I tried to login on the website but got a denial and a message that they will send me a letter with instructions on getting reinstated. Should arrive in 10 business days they say. Do I believe it? 👀 not really.

    Anne, I hope you are getting along better.

    Jackie, glad you got the queen bee back outdoors even if she wasn’t happy about the situation.

    Sandy, sorry about the continued problems with your back. I have a lot of joint pain and am always searching for things that might help. If I take some Tylenol everyday it does help but it is not good for the liver.

    Well, back to making copies

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Late night last night but we had fun. Dinner, play and then a nightcap at a favorite place. I did go to mass this morning, had my car washed and returned an item at Walmart. Now I think it is time for a nap since I am exhausted.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited February 18
    Hello, I have completed my online classes and attended online church. I made copies and proofed some of the numbers. Need to write a letter to send along with my income tax materials but I have until Tuesday. No mail tomorrow since it is Presidents Day.

    Sandy, glad you had a great time.

    Jackie, how are you? I saw a great post on Facebook. Appropriate for our season.


    Anne, hoping you are getting better.

    Best wishes to Barbie, Diane, Jeri, Joy and our other Sneakers.

    Waving bye for now.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited February 19
    Another late night! We walked in the rain as usual and the ground was so muddy I put George in the shower when we got home. Betty with her short coat doesn’t get mud sticking to her so a wipe with a towel soon works but poor George gets in a terrible mess. He is very patient as I struggle to bend into the shower cubicle and loves to be wrapped in a huge towel to dry. Once that job was completed I emptied my car of shopping bags, seat covers and loose change ready for a valet and wash tomorrow. While that’s completed I will have coffee with Linda at a garden centre then see what seeds and plants they have on sale so yes Lin, the Facebook picture is very appropriate.
    After showering George I drove into town for a couple of items and when I got home could see George was still wet so called him upstairs so he could sit on my bed while I used my hairdryer, which he loves, and he was soon looking and feeling better. I caught up with my brother in Spain to see how he is after catching that awful virus doing the rounds. He ended up in hospital because one morning his throat closed up so he couldn’t breathe. Luckily his cleaner arrived and found him choking so called an ambulance and within 10 minutes a doctor, nurse and two paramedics arrived. He was given what he thinks was an adrenaline shot in his bottom and a five day course of antibiotics so thankfully is beginning to feel better although a few times talking to me made him cough and struggle. He constantly sipped warm water and Spanish honey and that did ease the cough.

    Amazing teapot and cups Lin. Very 1930’s!

    Midnight so I must get to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) A stay at home do nothing day for me. The rest of the week is busy so I need this day. Tomorrow I am supposed to go to see if I am eligible for trial on my eyes. I am having second thoughts and going to call my regular eye doctor to see if this is really needed to protect my vision.
    It says a 35% chance in stopping the progression so it that worth going through all this? My goal is to drive as old as possible so it might be unless there is a complication from the injections. Tough decision but otherwise I would have to go once a month for at least a year for the injection. I want to ask what would happen if I did nothing and see what my doctor says. I will let you know once I know.

    Jackie, so sorry to hear about your brother, nothing worse than not being able to breathe. I hope he makes a quick recovery.

    Lin, I am getting paperwork ready to bring to the accountant but some are still lingering. I haven't done my own taxes since I married Babe so this is all new to me. This year will still be filed jointly as Babe was alive for a month and a half but next year I will be on my own. His estate will pay for any due taxes if any and the accountant.

    Missing Anne and hope she is recovering and getting stronger.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited February 20
    It’s been a mild day and even the sun came out for a while. After walking with George and Betty I drove to pick up Linda and we went to a garden centre that has the car wash and valet set up. We had coffee and cake then looked around the plants on display. Spring flowers were blooming and attracting bumble bees so we felt it was finally Spring although that was probably premature! I did buy a bag of seed potatoes and some green beans to plant next month so it was a start. My car now looks as shiny as it was when I bought it but so clean inside I won’t want to put the pooches in it! Linda’s neighbour was clearing out his garage and gave me lots of dry wood to burn at home and I tried very hard not to be precious about stacking it in my clean car!
    Tomorrow I have an appointment for my annual eye test and will also get some groceries. I forgot to buy milk today and what’s in my fridge is about to go off!

    Sandy, I think these procedures we are offered as we get older are wonderful if sometimes scary. I’m sure you will weigh up your options and in the end feel right about a decision. Enjoy your day at home.

    Hello Lin, Anne and all our other friends. Gone midnight so I’m off to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited February 20
    Hello. We had a day that turned from cold to absolutely lovely. Relatively high temperatures for February and sunshine. I have the tax materials in an envelope but I must take it to the post office to get the right postage. It is a large envelope, the type that you can put 8 1/2 X 11 in. paper in without folding. I spent the remainder of the day with short classes and die cutting shapes for Easter cards. That is going excessively slow!

    Jackie, your day sounds perfect! Glad you purchased both seed potatoes and green beans. Very hopeful! Spring will arrive soon. I hope the eye exam goes well and that you get fresh groceries tomorrow.

    Sandy, wow, a day to yourself?!?!?! Amazing. I hope you were able to get a call in to your eye doctor. A medical trial is a huge decision to make. Let us know.

    Hi Anne, Joy, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and the rest of our absent Sneakers.

    I think I will go to bed early this evening.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Nice sunny day with temps going to the 50's. I am sitting from noon to 4 today for dogs and then picking kids up from school at 3. Mom should be home by 4. Easy day although Rob told me to be ready in case the school called to pick up Charlie. I guess she slept later than usual and didn't eat much so she might end up in nurses office. We will see.
    I talked to my regular eye doctor and he has assured me that entering the trial if approved is the right thing to do. The goal is to stop the degeneration from progressing and this is the way to do it. So hopefully they call today to arrange for transportation otherwise I will not drive myself and cancel.

    Continue to have good days and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    More torrential, soaking rain when I walked the pooches this morning so a complete change of clothes before going out with Sheila for the morning to shop for boots for her and bedding and towels for me. Sheila found a beautiful pair of tan leather high boots and black ankle boots as well as trainers for a great discounted price and I bought dark blue leather ankle boots, not that I was looking! We had a coffee then moved on to housewares where I bought a duvet cover and hand towels so a successful morning!

    Yesterday’s trip to the optician was expensive because although seniors don’t pay for eye tests we do pay for frames and lenses. The examination showed my left eye has deteriorated so I now require glasses for driving again. Also close up work but an offer of buy one get one free helps with the cost and I will collect them next week. I’m also advised to use eye drops that I did have after cataracts were removed but then lockdown got in the way of buying them. No excuse now so I will visit the pharmacy when I have a moment to spare!

    It’s the council meeting this evening so I’m primed with questions but will probably be shut down if I ask too many they don’t like!

    Running late so must get organised.
    Happy Wednesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, sorry I didn’t post yesterday. Lots of Zoom classes and then the evening YouTube Live went well over 2 hours. At that point, I fell asleep.

    Nothing of interest I guess. We have warmer than usual weather. Yesterday we also had sunshine. Today is overcast and same expected tomorrow along with wind and perhaps rain.

    Jackie, great shopping trip. Not so great appointment with the eye doctor. Glad you have new glasses ordered.

    Sandy, I hope Charlie didn’t get ill at school yesterday. Hope today is a happy day and that you have the sunshine we had yesterday.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 21
    Happy Wednesday! :) Got up at 6 to make a changed appointment for 9am for the trial tests The Uber picked me up at 8 and we got there so fast I was a half hour early. After explaining the trial I really don't want to do it but let them do all the tests just to see if I was approved. The took blood and put in dye to watch it travel to my eyes and blinded me with lights taking so many pictures of my eyes. Once I found out that I could be put on a placebo I decided I didn't want to do the trial. There is a 33% chance of the placebo, 33% of a lighter doze of the medicine and 33% of the heavier doze. It is not AMA approved yet as it is a trial. Why would I want to take the chance of not getting a drug to stop the progression when there is an AMA approved drug that is already out there? I will wait to see if I was even approved but then calling my eye doctor to tell him I would not like to do the trial and to refer me to my friend's doctor where she gets her injections. I was there almost 3 hours and do not want to do that once a month. The idea is to help with the progression so I can drive as long as possible.

    Tomorrow a guy is coming to clean the vent to my dryer and for a change the landlord is paying. After my meeting I will bring the tax papers to the accountant to be filed jointly for the last time. Heavens only knows what will happen next year when I file by myself.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Happy Thursday. Torrential rain hitting my roof woke me around 6am and I couldn’t get back to sleep so got up, followed by Brady wanting his breakfast. Barney messaged to let me know he won’t be visiting to prune a couple of trees because he has caught a nasty cough that’s doing the rounds so at that point I went back to bed and slept until nearly 9.
    Last night’s meeting was an eye opener on how not to run a local council meeting. I politely asked my questions, although no one is allowed to mention what happened to Rachael until the police finish their investigation. Before long it was discussed in a roundabout way leading on from a question from the councillor I’ve been in touch with, so awkward comments were made while Mr Nasty sat in silence pretending to write something. The rest of the meeting we the public weren’t involved in was bad tempered and showed how little they know about recognised procedures. I was more concerned about leaving George and Betty too long as I had been out most of the day but after 2.5 hours we escaped because they went into a closed session (no public). I had a mug of hot chocolate when I got home and an early night! Betty had pee’d on the carpet in my spare room but I can hardly blame her!

    Nearly 11am and we haven’t walked yet. I’m hoping the rain will stop at some point!

    That sounds like me Lin; falling asleep in front of YouTube!

    Sandy, if I wasn’t desperate to trial a drug with those percentages, I’d probably decline. Especially if an already trialed and safe one was available. Our eyes are too important. The optician I saw on Tuesday offered an option of bifocals but I told him at my age I didn’t want to add a risk of tripping. It was all good humoured but I prefer to stick to what I know.

    It’s looking a bit brighter outside so I might risk a doggy walk.
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Dryer man should be here soon. A nice sunny day today with temps in the 50's again. Hoping they call with results of tests just to see if I was accepted, in all honesty I hope that I wasn't. Either way I decided not to do the trial and will just get the approved drug even if it means once a month injections with two hour appointments. Better than taking a chance of getting the placebo and they also want you to take prednisone which I hate. So sticking with plan B.

    Jackie, sorry you are still getting awful weather, I think we will all be glad when Spring arrives and I for one can't wait for summer. I think most board meetings for the people are always with tension. They want the people to be involved but they don't want to listen. I do hope Rachael gets some satisfaction when this is all done. I am sure my regular eye doctor will agree with me on my decision since it is his goal to keep me driving for as long as possible.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Happy early Spring at least for a few days. We have had so much rain this year as we did last year. It makes me wonder if they are seeding the clouds. Southern California has had lots of flooding, plus lose of property from high waves not to forget the number of trees that have come down.

    Full sun and 61 degrees right now with no wind or clouds. I need to get outside to prune a few of my roses though it is a bit late. Some of my other roses are getting new growth already. We accessed the damage to the wood fence that took a hit from the very strong winds again. The 2nd this winter. We have to replace two posts and 2 eight foot sections. Last year we had to replace about 4 sections. Wished I could say it was all completed now, but some still standing.

    Sandy....Dealing with eye injections doesn't sound like something I would do, but then sometimes we have no choice. Plus being able to see to be independent is important. i have glaucoma, which I take 2 different drops each day. My mom became legally blind at 65. So far the drops seem to be helping....well I can say they haven't gotten any worst for quite a while. I get followed 2 times a year by a specialist and get my eyes checked by my optometrist annually too.

    Jackie....Hopefully you are starting to build your stamina after having to curtail your walks somewhat. Between the rain, the winds and the temperature I haven't walked as much as I am supposed to. My doctor reminded me it was something I really needed to do. Bathing your dogs almost everyday would be the end of me. When I did it to Jacque about every 6 weeks with his groomer in between my back about did me in. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with the mud, but we do what we must for out pets. I miss our dogs and kitties every day.

    Lin....Hope you have gotten your bathroom water issues resolved by now. I am also concerned about the slick walkway down your drive and shoveling all of that snow. A change in weather I am sure would be much appreciated by you. Happy Easter card making.

    Anne....So concerned about you. This hasn't been a good winter for you. Plus the trip to the ER I am sure wasn't anything you enjoyed. Sounds like you got quite a work up while there. Obviously they were very concerned. Diuretics aren't fun especially when you it is 14 days worth. Hopefully you are starting to feel a whole lot better, your breathing is better and you are able to get naps in between the above issues. Thinking of you.

    Me....I was talking to my 3 siblings at Thanksgiving. The topic of cardiologists came up. All of them were seeing one with various heart conditions and medications. They are between a span of 8 years from me with me being the eldest. Dad passed at 60 with a heart attack. This was a wake up call for me, so I made an appt to see my Internal Med doctor. I had EKG done last November while in an ER. That was an eye opener. Now on various heart meds also with a few symptoms, so must take my bp 2 times a day. Had a Stress Test done a week ago and have a Holden Monitor (at home ekg test) for 24 hrs to see if anything else appears. Plus a colonoscopy next month. Eye exam in April.....I will be so glad to get this all over with. So I guess I have joined so many other seniors with "health issues". Just thankful I have gotten this far with issues I can still deal with.

    Hope everyone is having a great day today. Thinking of everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Just hi! No steady Internet connection.

    Lin 👟
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We went to spring like weather back to winter with snow predicted tonight and colder temps. It should get near 70 next week so crazy weather. Doing laundry and groceries are ordered for delivery this afternoon. I am going to a Chicago Black Hawks Hockey game tonight with Cheryl and two others. Cheryl won tickets, she is so lucky at contests. I just hope the roads won't be slick even though I am not driving.

    Lin, sorry about your internet, lots of problem with ATT and Verizon phones yesterday. Cheryl couldn't receive or make calls since she has ATT. I had no problem with my TMobile.

    Diane, good to hear from you. Sorry about your eyes and other health issues. I don't really want to go through the injections but if it keeps me driving then I will endure. So many aches and pains and other issues we get when we get older but we are still upright as Anne would say so I am grateful.

    Hello to everyone else and hope more check in and say hello, you are missed.

    One Day at a Time