Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m not sure why there is a gap in my postings and can’t go back over everything so will Just tell you it is still cold with one of those horrible winds that cut to the bone. It means when I am home I’m not inclined to be outside much.

    On Thursday Josh got caught up in traffic on his way to his first appointment that should have been mine so got to me later but luckily Linda and I had agreed to move our coffee morning to Friday. He has looked at the heater that wasn’t working, managed to switch it on but then after he left and I walked with the dogs, I came home to find it had switched itself off again. So much for modern German technology! He will source a new heater and recommends a brand he has at home. Later I took Betty and Brady for their annual check up and boosters and a close look at Betty’s teeth showed they are not in good shape. When I adopted her she’d already had 9 extractions due to her living conditions and constant pregnancies and it seems she needs to have more removed and the few left cleaned. The cost is extortionate but I tried not to look too shocked! Like everything else since the lockdowns, vet bills have shot up but I can’t let her suffer so will have to book an appointment for her.

    Yesterday, after walking locally with George and Betty I picked Linda up in my car because hers was in the garage after driving into a large pot hole, and we drove to a farm barn converted into a coffee shop and enjoyed one of our catch ups. On the way home I dropped her off at the garage to collect her car that had needed a realignment of the wheels then spent my afternoon enjoying housework!

    This morning I managed to time our walk round the village between rain showers before lighting fires and watching 2 exciting rugby games. England played Ireland, who are world champions, and scored in the last few seconds to win the match so I was very happy!

    That pewter teapot is amazing Lin!

    Diane, I’ve thought of you today and do hope it hasn’t been to stressful.

    A busy weekend for you Sandy! 🥳

    I think I’ve caught up and have read your posts so will now get myself to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had a wonderful time last night with Cheryl and Marisa celebrating my birthday. Today I am going to Rob and Lisa's to celebrate with them and the kiddos. Life is good, I am grateful.

    Have a wonderful day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    Enjoy today Sandy!!

    Iowa Hawkeye Women - Big 10 Champs!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member

    Enjoy your day with your family
    Jackie 🤩🥳
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Thank you Jackie!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    edited March 11
    Hello Sneakers.

    Yesterday I was able to get to this page to post a short note but then could not get back. Gateway time out…..the unending spinning wheel and my favorite, the totally blank page. 👀

    It is a sunny day with an estimated high temperature expected in the low 70’s F. Insane weather. This is usually a cold and wet time of year and we have often had snow on Easter. A friend said she saw bedding plants available for sale at a local nursery yesterday. Wow!

    I messed about with a new stencil set yesterday afternoon but no success, darn it. I did finish every little chore on my St. Patrick’s Day cards, wrote the notes inside each card, put them in the addressed envelopes, affixed return address labels, postage and a seal on the back of each envelope. I used some seals with springy looking flowers. Now to start writing notes in the Easter cards although I may make a couple more before I put the supplies away.

    No Oscar ceremonies for me last night, I couldn’t get any reception on the ABC over the air station. I will look around to see if I can find some photos or videos of what the stars were wearing. That is always a bit interesting.

    Lots of chores and Zoom classes today. I have completed one class so far and drove down to the post office to mail my cards.

    Sandy, some lovely birthday celebrations I am sure. More to come?

    Jackie, any break to the good in your weather? Poor Betty. I really feel for her and the needed dental work. I hope you have a good week and that if you do laundry, the weather will be decent for drying it outdoors.

    Diane, how are you feeling? Been thinking of you.

    Anne, I hope you feel up to writing to us soon.

    Barbie, are you having an early spring?

    Well, must run along….another class coming up soon.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Our weather is warming up and the sun is shining. Had a wonderful time with Rob and family for my birthday. Pizza, movie, cake and present, life is good. The celebration continues tomorrow as we will be leaving for the casino in the morning until Thursday. My cleaning lady is back from Poland and will clean my house while I am gone. I am grateful for all the good in my life.
    Doing a last load of laundry and will pack sometime today to be ready to leave by 9am. I will try and check in and wish you all a wonderful week.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    LOL. I had trouble posting this earlier and the it got posted several times. Technology is pretty weird 🤪🙀😱😀
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    MFP has been acting up .....I had several of the same posts also but deleted them. They have been messed up for a few days.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Midnight so I’m off to bed but wanted to say hello, I will post properly tomorrow. Enjoyed a lovely long walk and afternoon of gardening because whoopee, no rain! I did smile at Barbie’s 3 posts because it reminded me of when I was a child in London there was a saying about our red double decker buses; you wait a long time for a bus, then 3 turn up together! So there we are, nothing for a while then 3 Barbie posts together! 😁🤣

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Up early and getting ready to leave. Enjoy your day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    Happy trails Sandy!

    Jackie, glad you got a day of lovely weather!

    Barbie, I don’t know how to delete an extra post, do you?? 🤔 maybe it takes a super power I don’t possess.

    Be safe everyone. My handyman says he will show up today or tomorrow to fix my toilet. On high alert! 🤣

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Lin you can't delete a duplicate post. If you see it soon enough (within an hour) you can edit it to say something else. Otherwise you're stuck with it 🙀😱❤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    Thanks Barbie. I was hoping for a secret! 🙃
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Yesterday was busy and this morning I’m taking my car to the garage for its annual health check. I’ll pick up Sheila on the way so we can walk George and Betty while the test takes place. It’s grey, windy and cool, in other words, much of the same weather but there is an area on the edge of the village that might be sheltered.
    Happy Wednesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Having a great time losing my money. Lol
    If I click on 3 dots next to my post it says edit or delete so I was able to delete my duplicate posts. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    Yippee! I don’t know how many times I tried to get to our group today. All failures until now. I don’t know how long this will last so I hope to get a post completed.

    My handyman finally showed up after 5pm this afternoon. Now I need to call a plumber as he could not fix the water shutoff for the toilet that needed a repair. The pipe has a crimp in it and he said an experienced plumber would be needed to attempt that. Well, progress was made.

    I did a bit of shopping this morning and then got home as my handyman had said he would be here by 10am. 😁😄😁

    I talked to a friend for a while but pretty much just worked on birthday cards and did some Zoom classes today.

    Jackie, did your car pass its health check-up? I hope you had a good visit with Sheila.

    Sandy, don’t lose all of your money! And I don’t have options when I click on the dots. Just Edit, no delete. That must been extra functionality for administrators.

    Anne, hello?

    Diane, still wondering how your test(s) went.

    Barbie, thanks for the update on your routine. You have a lovely routine.

    Joy, hello?

    Jeri, how are you and Ed?

    Well, must scoot along.

