Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited March 25
    Hello, between Zoom classes right now. I went to the post office very early this morning and stopped at the convenience store to use the free coupon I had for a lottery ticket. It had an expiration date of 3/31 so it was time to use it or throw it out. I never win anything but fun to have a free play!

    Diane, glad you finally had your tests and that all was well. Now if the rest of your tests are equally as good news, that will be great! I am in the hunt for a new eye doctor. One of the tasks on my list. Hoping for a quick appointment with my regular primary care doctor on Thursday with a few blood tests, a lecture and a renewed prescription. Just no new medical problems. 🤞🏻

    Sandy, glad that appointment is out of the way. Enjoy the pooches! They are real cuties. Do they get sad when their people are away. I had a dog who wouldn’t eat when we were away on vacation. Her little dog heart just broke.

    Well, we had rain, hail and more rain today. Right now, it is actually sunny. We may have storms later and tomorrow back to wi tear like temperatures. I cannot believe the daily roller coaster.

    Jackie, have you floated away with the continual rain? Maybe your tree trimmer should just sneak up and trim the trees without an advance appointment. 😆

    Missing Anne, Joy, Jeri and the rest of the Sneakers.

    Wishing you health and happiness.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    edited March 25
    A terrible day of heavy, nonstop rain so I decided it wasn’t worth walking George and Betty because I knew without checking, the roads would be flooded. I should have done some housework but with the pets curled up snoozing most of the day, I didn’t want to disturb them. That’s my excuse anyway! As soon as I looked outside this morning I messaged Barney to say don’t worry about the tree trimming because it was windy so another delay and soon it might be too late and I’ll have to wait until next Winter! It’s nearly 11pm and I just let Betty into the garden and it’s still raining but it might be better tomorrow so I might strip my bed and be able to hang laundry out.

    An email from the water supply company advised me I owe them a princely sum of £2.10 so first I tried to pay online but hit a problem, then phoned and a recorded message told me there was a long delay in answering so decided to deal with it another day as it’s such a small amount.

    Anne replied to a Jacqui Lawson card I sent. Her heart condition is leaving her feeling very tired but Mike is getting changes made to his apartment so she will move out of the home and I think will feel better and able to join us Sneakers for regular catch ups.

    Past my bedtime so I’ll say stay safe and take care. Happy birthday Barbie and so pleased for Diane those procedures are over so now you can enjoy pottering. That elderly geranium had me smiling because I struggle to encourage mine to overwinter one year! Hello Lin and Sandy.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another rainy day but hopefully it will stop so dogs can enjoy being outside. The white of my eye is still red so I hope it goes away soon. My granddaughter from Minnesota is coming to spend the night with me on Friday before continuing on to Tennessee Saturday morning. I want to take her to dinner but don't want her to freak out with my eye looking like this, it won't be very appetizing. Maybe I can wear sunglasses. lol

    Jackie, I know you have no choice but I just don't think I could handle all that rain in England. Rain depresses me and makes me sleepy. I do hope the sun comes out for the both of us sometime today. Thank you for updating us on Anne, I do hope she gets settled in soon with Mike and can rejoin us here on MFP.

    Lin, I don't think they are sad with their family gone but I could be wrong. I think they might be enjoying the rest away from the kids for a short time. The little one will eat but the older one does not eat as well as he should so yesterday I gave him some yogurt in his food and he gobbled it down. They are both good boys.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Stopping by to say hi. Just working in the house today, doing some cooking and doing Zoom classes. It feels like winter today and we had some light sleet earlier today. I put off my trip to the store. Maybe tomorrow. Oh and I did get some laundry done.

    Sandy, I think you could just put on a pirate eye patch and all will be well to go out to dinner. 😃. Looks like fun with the pooches. Glad they are eating.

    Jackie, we have had enough rain that my stump pump started running late this morning. I was very surprised. I did think we had that much rain this week.

    Well everyone, be safe and enjoy everything you can.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes and all your news.

    :) I'm not much for birthdays and Jake knows that so he doesn't make a fuss. We got take out Mexican food on Friday because he is charge of lunch on my dance days. The food was great and lasted for two meals. At 3 AM on my birthday when we took the dogs out for their middle of the night potty walk, Jake sang Happy Birthday to me. My dog walking friend made me a beautiful bookmark and I got cards both online and in the mail from entities like Google, AARP, my financial advisor, my part D prescription plan, and the management of the community we live in. It was a great day.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Last day of dog sitting. I didn't sleep well last night so will be happy to get to my own bed tonight. They are going to stop and see Rob's brother on the way home from Tennessee so they will be a little later than I expected. I am glad they are stopping though, they haven't seen John's house yet and it will be nice for them to be together for a couple of hours.
    My eye continues to get better although still red but maybe not as noticeable. My next check up is April 3.

    Barbie, glad you had a good birthday and enjoyed your special day.

    Lin, the only eye patch I own is with a pirate on it. lol I am sure it will be fine in two days, at least I hope so. It has been nothing but damp weather since I got here, sure would like to see the sun come out so the pups could enjoy more yard time.

    I see a nap in my future today so enjoy your day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    My fire is lit because not only rain falling but hail too! To top it all my car warning lights are scaring me with every fault possible showing up. Thankfully I grocery shopped first thing before walking the dogs and at that stage only a lit up spanner symbol concerned me but when I later picked up Linda everything flashed, from tyre pressure to failing brakes, suspension and lights! We carried on to the coffee shop and caught up with news of her new granddaughter Darcy Margot, born last Monday. Just like Sandy, Linda has been assigned dog sitting and walking duties while parents adjust to sleepless nights! I stopped at my garage on my way home and the mechanic did his best to listen to the engine in the middle of a hail storm crashing on the roof! No obvious clue to what’s going on but he had a cancellation in the morning so I will return the car and leave it so it can be properly analysed. I’m afraid it won’t be cheap! Sheila will be driving into town about the same time so can pick me up then get me home after her appointment. I might just be staying home throughout the Easter period but do have projects to entertain me and plenty of food in!

    It seems we are all enjoying plenty of rain! My weather app shows no change for the next 10 days! 😳. If I was a few years younger I would move to Spain or Portugal because right now, drought seems a better option.

    Sandy, Lin’s suggestion for an eye patch had also crossed my mind yesterday. You would look wonderfully mysterious!

    Take care everyone. I must change bed linen and think about an evening meal.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Hello everyone. Wow, a cold day! I ran a few errands throughout the day. Each time I left the house, I wore a different hat but my ears were cold no matter what! I got a few groceries on one trip. Another trip was a trip to the credit union and I hadn’t known they were having construction/repair. All of the parking lot was torn up. Luckily, I just wanted the drive up window. Back home again and later, I drove to the pharmacy to straighten out my new insurance for prescription drugs.

    Tomorrow is my doctor’s appointment and I hope the insurance and other paperwork goes easily. Maybe not likely but we will see.

    Jackie, my gosh, I hope your car doesn’t have any major problems. I hope they don’t need your car for a week or so. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Good thing you are usually supplied quite well at your house. Good for you.

    Sandy, home again this evening. Yippee! Keep healing up poor eyeball.

    Barbie, glad you had a good birthday. Love that Jake sang happy birthday to you! ❤️❤️

    Need to move along again.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Felt good to sleep in my own bed. I am skipping my meeting as my eye is still funky. I did order an eye patch for dinner tomorrow and for Easter. Hopefully, it will clear up by then but just in case. Kids thought my eye looked weird so hopefully I didn't freak them out. lol

    Lin, terrible spring weather, when will warm weather ever arrive? Good luck at your doctor today.

    Jackie, I do hope you do not have major car expenses, maybe it is a computer problem.

    Just taking it easy again today, maybe I will order some groceries so I will be stocked up for weekend.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited March 28
    Hello. The appointment with the doctor and the commute ate a huge portion of the morning. Now waiting to see if he will get my synthroid renewed or if he thinks the numbers justify a dosage change. Hoping I don’t see him for another year.

    A lady from church asked me to call her. I did call her and it was nice to hear her voice but she needed someone to vent all of her frustrations to and I hate that I cannot help her. Lots of financial and health problems. Poor dear.

    This afternoon I received a call from a friend who used to live in the area but moved away. That was enjoyable!

    Good grief, I am having problems fitting in enough exercise today. Well, I got some moving and will do a stretch class in a little while.

    Sandy, good job getting a new eye patch! Now you’re set no matter how your eye looks. Did you decide to stock up on supplies for the weekend? I think my church will do a Live stream of the Maundy Thursday play. I am going to check later and if they are not there, it’s okay. And really, you freaked out the kids? Awwww, it’s okay. They love you and can handle that! Enjoy the dinner out tomorrow evening.

    Jackie, hi, is the rain stopping? Any word on your car?

    Hello Barbie, Diane, Anne, Joy, Jeri and the rest of our Sneakers.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Good Friday, a solemn day before Easter. I am doing laundry and then will just wait for my granddaughter from Minnesota to arrive with her pup. She had a few appointments this morning so may not make it here until after dinner time but that is ok. I told her I would just cook some shrimp and rice (no meat on Good Friday) if she was too tired to go to dinner. She is only staying one night and then heading to be with friends in Nashville. Always love being with my grandchildren.

    Lin, I did get the patch and groceries. Eye seems a little better today so might not have to use it after all.
    I just got a small scolding for spoiling the dogs because now they won't eat since I left. lol I put in a tiny bit of grated cheese in Ewoks food to make him eat and maybe a pinch in Obi so they would eat on time.
    Oh well, that's what grandparents do.

    The good news is the prednisone or placebo is helping my digestive track and things are normal. TMI?
    I am thinking it is the prednisone and not the placebo but they told me I would find out at the end of the trial.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    edited March 29
    Happy Friday! I’m sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. My day was tiring and again, weather was awful. George and Betty had to be walked early so that I could be at the garage with my car by 9am and of course, torrential rain arrived just as we set off so we got soaked and cold because the temperature had crashed. Twenty miles away in Plymouth it was snowing but we managed to avoid it. I left my car at the garage and waited for Sheila to collect me, then we drove into town for her appointment while I sat in her car. Before going home we went to a coffee shop, then I was dropped back home to get on with housework and wait for the garage to phone. It seems a ABS sensor was faulty so I was getting all sorts of warnings and they replaced that but also a sensor to do with steering was playing up so they reset it. To be honest, it’s a foreign language to me and I’m copying that information from the invoice! The important thing is that the lights have gone so it’s safe to drive and is back in my garage after Sheila took me back to collect it and pay for the work. Not cheap but not extortionate either!

    This morning I managed to dodge showers when I walked the dogs and after my morning coffee I prepared Italian meatballs in my slow cooker, vacuumed upstairs because I didn’t get that far yesterday, then enjoyed a long phone call with my school friend. Just before we talked, the radio station I was listening to played Gene Pitney’s 24 hours from Tulsa that had been a favourite when we were teenagers and when I told her we had a funny reminisce about the good times we had. She has always lived in the same area and seen so many changes over the years, I probably wouldn’t recognise a lot of places.

    I thought I lost my post at this point but only the last couple of paragraphs because I had saved the draft here, thank goodness. I won’t repeat now because I want to get to bed but wish Sandy a lovely time with your granddaughter and Lin, I’m loving the pretty teapots you are finding. I’m guessing the Easter period is a reflective time for you. Do you feel you would ever get back to attending church again? My friend told me about a funeral she attended recently for a lady we had known all our lives. It was at a small church a short walk from our homes when growing up that we attended but now, at our age, she can really appreciate the architecture and beautiful stained glass window. We have promised, if I visit London again, we will go back together.

    I just let Betty into the garden and noticed the sky is clear and twinkling stars are shining. Clear skies during the day would be nice!

    Off to bed!
    Jackie 😴🥱
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited March 30
    Good evening. I just finished watching the Good Friday service. They had problems with the video. It cut off several times and they had to restart the video but they didn’t seem to lose much.

    A busy day, trotting around and finally collecting my prescription renewal. Yippee! I did a number of Zoom classes today including a Line Dancing party. My legs are tired.

    Other than that, household chores and trying to figure out why my doctor ordered another entity of the clinic to be involved with my annual test results. He never mentioned it and I do wonder how much that will cost and why he did that. If you send a question, they now warm you that you may be charged for the inquiry.

    Sandy, enjoy the time with your granddaughter and the pup.

    Jackie, I am glad you got your car fixed albeit an expensive visit. You definitely need some real spring weather. I am sorry things continue to be cold and wet. As far as returning in person to my church I don’t know. If it was within a few miles of me, I think I would. It is on the far side of town. It takes a long while to get there and part of the drive is on the most congested Interstate. My car is old, I am old and any car problems when on the East side would not be pleasant. I do attend everything online and I am still on a few committees and I keep in touch with a number of people.

    Well, time to move along.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    edited March 30
    Happy Saturday! :) This cute little girl jumped in my bed to say good morning. Meet Rilo, my granddaughter's puppy girl who is about 9 months old. We had a nice visit last night. We decided to eat dinner at home and watch a movie after their long car ride from Minnesota. They left this morning to go to Nashville. Always wonderful when grandchildren visit.

    I decided to do all the bedding on my two beds including comforters which is not easy in my washer and dryer. Hopefully, they will dry with no wrinkles or I will end up steaming them.
    No other plans today other than our zoom family call. I will be attending mass tomorrow.

    I didn't sleep as late as normal so I think I will be taking a nap this afternoon.
    Enjoy your Saturday and I hope the sun is shining like it is here with a temp at 54 degrees F.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited March 30

    Thanks for the photo Sandy. What a darling dog! Lots of laundry today. Wahoo! Get some rest my friend. Naps are good. We have sunshine and mid-50’s as well. Tomorrow is expected to be rainy.

    I completed some Zoom classes today and did some cooking. I might do a load of laundry later. I am also watching a women’s NCAA basketball game. Don’t know if I will watch all of it. Makes my blood pressure rise!

    Nothing else particularly interesting. Two church services tomorrow morning. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    edited March 30
    Glorious sunshine woke me so the first thing I did when I got up was phone Sheila to see if she would like to walk with me, George and Betty. She thought it a great idea and before I left, I put bed covers on to wash hoping they could dry outside. We met in the usual car park and walked on level ground for about 40 minutes and it was obvious the dogs were delighted to be back on the moors rather than boring roads. We bumped into David who immediately noticed how much better Sheila is looking and walking now she is out of pain but a cold wind meant we didn’t stand talking for long. Once home, I hung out the washing then made a pot of coffee just as Linda messaged to tell me she had some useful plastic buckets for me that had been cleared out from her neighbour’s greenhouse. Ideal for growing veggies in. She dropped in and stayed for coffee and luckily we sat in the garden room so noticed a sudden heavy rain shower and were able to rush out to pull my washing off the rotary line. It didn’t last long but had brought cold air with it so Linda decided she would go shopping rather than return to her garden and I stayed in my garden room answering emails and messages. Towards the end of the afternoon I did a small amount of pruning until I felt too cold.

    What a gorgeous puppy Sandy and a perfect way to be woken up! It seems to have been laundry day for the three of us and mine is still hanging on the airer in my dining room.

    Lin, I can understand why you’re not inclined to travel to your church these days. Lockdown changed a lot of lives and it’s what we feel suits us best now.

    I’ve a rug over my knees and since our clocks go forward tonight, I plan an early night.
    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Good day.

    The rain forecast has not so far proved true. It is overcast in the mid-50’s again today.

    I attended both services (online) at my church. The young children are always adorable even when they struggle with reciting short verses. They had decorated with many pots of lovely flowers, not just Easter lilies.

    Zoom classes were also on my schedule. I enjoyed those as well.

    Jackie, so you had your time change today? Did the pups adapt to the change?

    Kerry did quite a feat to raise funds for charity. Here’s what he posted.

    “ Good morning! It seems I’m now facing another personal challenge, one of recovery!
    I suppose walking 203,000 steps in 44 hours does take it out of you though.
    I’m just taking a day out to help speed the process.
    Thank you all so much for supporting the Great North Air Ambulance Service The huge amount of messages, the care and the love you have shown to Amanda, Candice and Steve my incredible support team which without their help I would not have succeded.

    Also a huge thank you to Alison and Stu from the BBC for covering our story
    All being well we’ll be on BBC breakfast on Tuesday morning.

    Huge thanks to Meindl UK Ltd, Pooch & Mutt, Keela Outdoors and Ruffwear BoothsCountry Cranstons Butcher + Maker for supplying us and the boys with great kit and dog food!

    For everyone who sent donations, online or by post or collectively as I walked through villages or from passers by. For the messages and love you have shown, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a heartfelt thank you. You carried me all the way and brought me home.”

    That seems quite amazing to me.

    Sandy, spending the day with your son and family?

    Hoping everyone is having a good day.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Slept a bit later than usual but still had time for an hour's walk, some with and some without dogs, before going to pick up our groceries for the week. Walked with my friend for 30 minutes and with Annie the puppy for another 30 minutes before preparing lunch (homemade chicken mole with corn tortillas). After lunch rode my exercise bike for almost two hours while watching TV with Jake then while reading an e book on my phone while he and Annie napped on the couch. Got caught up on some financial computer work and now have time to spend with all of you. It could be a nice afternoon to work in the yard but if I open the door, the sound will wake Jake and the dogs and it will suddenly be time for dog feeding so I'll continue to be quiet.

    :) One of the things I read in my quiet time this morning said, "Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes, and fit myself to it. " What a great approach to feeling happier about my day.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Had a wonderful day filled with love, happiness and gratitude. First mass with Cheryl and Marisa, then to cemetery and Marisa gave me flowers with a beautiful card. Then to dinner with Rob, Lisa and kids and had so much fun. Only mishap was when Rob threw Max's boomerang that I gave him for Easter and it landed on the restaurant roof. No way to get it so they made it up to him when he got home with a new gift.
    I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family and healthy enough to enjoy the good times with them.

    Hope your day was wonderful.
    One Day at a Time