Daily Check In



  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 125 Member
    Good Morning!

    Gloria-I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Pain and not sleeping is tough. I’ve tried so many different things to try and get me to sleep. I finally found that if I take a THC Gummie before bed, I sleep at least 5 hrs straight which is a lot for me. I maybe got 2-3 with melatonin plus I’d end up with a headache taking that. It’s supposed to help with pain also but I won’t take it any other time. Maybe it helps me and that’s why I sleep that long.

    The weather here has been up and down. Lots of wind. Everything is greening up. Leaves are coming out on the trees. I’m still on a roller coaster when it comes to my eating. Just can’t seem to get off of it. I’m still trying to get 3-4 days in at the Y and then walking here. I’ve been on my treadmill a couple of times too. I’ve done some jogging. My knees aren’t happy afterwards but oh well.
    Walking and Y today!

    Have a great day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,227 Member
    Hey Beckie!!! My joints don't love me either - it's my knees a little but my feet, wow. I never had this kind of problem with my feet. It might be from the psoriatic arthritis/RA. But I figure just getting out there and doing something is okay! We've had a lot of wind too, but it's all green here and we've been mowing now since the second week of March. It was very hot for several days and we ended up turning on the AC, but now it is cold and I refuse to turn the heat back on! I think by the weekend it will be in the 80s again. I need to look into the THC. My husband will think that is terrible but gosh, I need to sleep. I didn't do well with melatonin either. I've been using magnesium but I am not sure how effective it is.

    Okay, gonna go, take care!
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Gloria- sorry to hear out the pain and all of that- sounds bad.

    Things are busy here- I'm still working on the weight loss....
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,227 Member
    Hey!!!!! Busy here too, and still working on the weight thing - don't know how this ten pounds creeped up after ten years of maintenance but it has to go - it is making my running too slow and painful! I did a "race" yesterday, didn't race, ran a little but mostly walked. It was really nice but pretty much one big very steep hill for about 1.5 miles, and then running down it - which for me right now, that is too steep (I love downhill running but it is hard on the quads if one hasn't been training for it). The race was five miles total and it was so well done - very nice. I will consider doing that one again. Afterwards we hiked around the state park on the trails. Today I was going to do yoga but once again, there is no instructor, so I will do my strength training and possible do a little yoga on my own later. My sprained ankle has been bothering me a bit over the past couple of days and I need to do my PT exercises for that too.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 125 Member
    Life has had many ups and downs lately. Trying to keep focused on my health and exercise.
    It’s been a rainy Spring. Hard to get things done but it is so green here too. Leaves are now showing on the trees. Need to get to the lake to see if there are apple blossoms yet.
    It’s hard to believe in a few days it will be May.
    I really need to get out walking trails also. If my dog wasn’t reactive we’d be on them but I take him where he’s safe. I’m hoping my knees will calm down soon with the weather warming up.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,227 Member
    Hello!!! Becky, hope your knees calm down. The weather here is getting hot and the cicada broods are going to be out soon. 13 years ago they weren't too bad. The time before that, they were just awful. I doubt I will get much outdoor time in when they are out, which could potentially last as long as six weeks. Today I got a lunch time walk in. I will try to do upper body strength this evening and maybe an easy yoga session, if there is time.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 125 Member
    Gloria-I’ve been hearing about the Cicada’s. We get them but only a few. Growing up I would hear the noise they make but I never knew what it was from. Not until I was older.
    Our weather has finally warmed up. We worked outside on Sunday and I had a little too much sun so this week hasn’t been great for being out in the sun. It’s hard to know how to dress these days. Not ready for shorts yet. I wear them in the house but not out in public.
    I haven’t been going to the Y as much these last couple of weeks. I’ve got so much to get done so
    It’s mostly just dog walks.
    My niece past away a couple of weeks ago from cancer. She was only 49. So sad. We are going to NH next weekend for her Celebration of Life. She was the type of person everyone loved. She leaves behind 5 kids. 2 of which are still in Middle school.
    I’ve got a lot of weeding and planting todo before I leave. With everything going on, I sure wish I was running the lake again. I could really use those runs right now.
    I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you’re able to get your runs in.
    Have a great week!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 125 Member
    Good afternoon!
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    I had an ok weekend. Went to NH for a celebration of life for my niece. It was sad and nice. She had so many friends. Nice to see that. In her 49 years, she lived life to the fullest. Way too soon to die though.
    I got alot of walking in. Didn’t over eat but most of the food I ate wasn’t very healthy and my system let me know that. Today I started back on track.
    We had severe weather last night. Straight line winds took out a lot of trees. We don’t have any trees so we were lucky. Just chairs and my outside table flew around. Windy but sunny day today.
    I’ve been really hurting lately. A bit frustrating. I was hoping it would settle down by now but it hasn’t. So walking only. Went to the Y just once. I need to get back to it.
    Lots of races coming up. I wish I could do them. Maybe by the end of summer I can try a 5k. It’ll be more walking.
    What plans does everyone have for the Memorial weekend? We haven’t really thought about it yet. We still have a few outdoor things to get done. Hopefully I’ll get those done by the weekend.

    Have a great week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,227 Member
    Becky, I am so very sorry to hear about your niece! So young and with small kids, that is just hard. So good that you were able to get to NH - did you fly or drive? That is a long way.

    The weather here has been crazy. We have also had a lot of wind, tornadoes, hail, flooding, etc. Thankfully it has been nice the past few days. I did my usual 10K on Memorial Day. I have gained a lot of weight, don't know why. I mean A LOT! None of my clothing fits me. I look terrible. My running is non-existent at this point. I rain Monday for the first two miles and then walked the rest. The course had to be modified because the 10K course was flooded - so we did the 5K loop twice. I've been trying to get more walking in, and of course my strength training. I am finding it hard to balance everything. I went to the doc and had my thyroid and glucose etc., checked, and it all came back perfect - so no clue what this weight gain is all about. My eating is good - not great, not awful, but good.

    Hope it was a great Memorial Day for everyone!!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 125 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Gloria-we flew and then rented a car. I love going to Boston. Just wish we would’ve had more time to do things. NH was nice too.

    Weight gain stinks. I have been struggling too. Mine all started when I had to cut back on running. Then it became non existent. I hope you can figure things out. It’s not fun trying on your clothes only to find they don’t fit.

    Our weather has been quite rainy this Spring. It’s been humid too so today I had to turn the A/C on just to take the humidity out of the house. Just hope this isn’t going to be our summer. We won’t be able to do a lot.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Take Care!