


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited June 24
    I just saw this on Facebook about Susan Sleeman. I thought I would share here. She has had so many health problems since that bad fall a few years ago!
    Susan’s husband Mark here.
    Prayers appreciated for Susan. She has been in the hospital for a week. Came in for severe back pain and had a bad reaction to pain meds. She was not able to wake up,her respiration was comprimised, and her kidneys stopped functioning. She spent a day and a half in critical care but is now in a regular room recovering.
    Please pray for her to return to normal so she can get discharged.

    I have almost everything packed except things we may need in the next week. Currently I am doing the grocery cabinets.

    Carole, I have played the last two Sundays and last Wednesday. I will play again this Wednesday. I was so excited to be able to fill in when needed. The girls have been great about helping with their dad.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    edited June 27
    I'm home for a couple of weeks. Whew! The last month was a whirlwind of comings and goings. My last job was at the Las Vegas Sphere... a very interesting venue. I was working inside but don't have any pictures of that to post. I'll post a few pictures of the outside later.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    I've never been to Nevada. The closest I've come is living in TX! LOL!

    Connie, I'm so glad that you are so close to the end. Still praying. Happy to that Bill's daughters are being so helpful. That is great!

    My leg is doing much better but my back is still about the same. I am planning on being in Bible Study tonight unless my leg takes a turn. I'll take my pain meds before I go! I hope that y'all have a great Wednesday (or 4th day as I call it in my notes) evening. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    edited June 27
    Sphere pictures - as promised...
    I took this one on my drive in one morning... (the moon)
    1n7a8e9nur5k.jpgThese two I got from a co-worker who was staying on the 25th floor and overlooked the Sphere... (an astronaut walking on the moon and do you see the eyeball in the deep blue picture?)
    dpaq4vcnawd4.jpeg (I don't know why hers show up smaller.)
    One from just outside the dock entrance... (the sun)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Oh man, that is so cool! (yep, I'm a 70's gal!) I think I would be very distracted if that was outside of my window!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    Oh my! Some good Supreme Court decisions passed down today... especially the overturning of Chevron.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Sorry I have been quiet. I have been so busy and every time I sat down with my phone or computer it was for marketplace messages or doing address changes. I have the packing done, except the last minute stuff, so I've been doing the business stuff. Closing is on Monday and mover here on Tuesday.

    The girls and I are trying to figure the best way for Bill to handle the movers. We think it would be best for him to be at the new house, but someone will have to be here with the movers for me to move him. The girls have never got him up and down, in and out of the house via chair lift or in and out of the car.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    I keep praying for y'all, Connie. The Lord will help you figure all of that out. I've been praying for Bill to handle the move and to find comfort in his new home.

    We put a small A/C unit in the window of our bedroom. At night it's about 5 degrees hotter than the rest of the house (which we keep around 80). It was really nice last night. We turned it off (it's noisy) before we went to sleep and kept the fans on. I felt comfortable throughout the night. I think Wade got hot though.

    Phew, I've been trying to order white round labels to go on the top of my pill bottles (I use spice bottles in a lazy susan-type tower). I have stuff written on the tops, and then Wade made me some labels with the label maker. I want to get everything looking the same so I can read them all! And if I ever get sick, Wade will know just what to give me. I ordered one package from Amazon, it never came. I re-ordered the same thing and it still hadn't shipped after six days. I asked for a refund. Then I ordered from another Amazon supplier and they are supposed to be here in four days - we'll see, it hasn't shipped yet either, but it says it will be here Wednesday. I ordered a shirt and two days later it came. Why is it so hard to get labels??? Okay, I'm off of my soap box.

    Did y'all watch the debate? Nothing new for those of us who haven't been duped by the spin on the dems side. It was actually really sad to see.