Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    morenin wrote: »
    A little bit frustrated today. Even when I keep my calories under control, my weight bounces up and down. Today it was almost back to 220 lb. even though I've been watching my calories! Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I suspect I will be up, regardless of what I do. It makes me feel out of control, and like I shouldn't try.

    You're not alone with being frustrated... we've ALL had those days after stepping on the scale! Our bodies just retain weight depending on the amount of salt in processed food (or even the little we may use in our clean eating). My weight this week has also been bouncing around - up and down. Some days I've been good in drinking a lot of water which flushes fat out of my system... other days not! Don't lose heart and hope, my friend!

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,477 Member
    The September Week 3 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Sep 15th. Please join us for the Partner Up Walking Challenge we all love and enjoy!! Below is your link:


    Get registered in the chat thread and provide your team name and partner's name! This should be a fun week! Bring a friend and let's do this!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Day - Friday
    PW 257
    CW 258
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    P. W. 245
    C. W. 241
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    Username: baodell17724
    Weigh-in day: Sun
    Starting Weight 6/1/24: 286.2 lbs
    Previous Week's weight: 244.0 lbs
    Today’s Weight: 242.2 lbs

    - 1.8 lbs

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @morenin There are no requirements to post or keep up here, no worries! Please don't stress about that. As far as the scale goes, it's fickle! Try to pay attention to your NSVs (non-scale victories). I encourage you to keep track of your NSVs so that when the scale DOES go up, you can look back at your NSVs and be proud of your progress. I have a journal I keep mine in as well as I keep them on my phone in the Notes app. My NSVs can be very simple but things I am proud of: ordered a grain bowl for lunch, had a small frozen yogurt instead of a large. Or, they can be bigger: climbed a mountain!

    @865jessica Congrats on the loss!

    @lislisa123 AWESOME!!! Congratulations! You really are doing great. :D

    @19shmoo69 Wow, Darren, you are really handy, aren't you? That's awesome! I'm sure that will come in handy in the winter. And congrats on the loss!

    @baodell17724 Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. My husband and I were out and about the whole day. By the time dinner rolled around, I realized the kitchen was a mess and I did not want to both clean the kitchen and cook and my DH refused to clean the kitchen. So, we got pizza. Today will be another busy day. I'm meeting a friend for coffee, going grocery shopping, then going to a bookstore for a book discussion and more coffee. I'm going to try to do some crafting today. Yesterday, I did manage to make a Halloween craft.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @trooworld my only advice on the rebounder is to get one that is highly rated and isn’t too cheaply made. The BCAN I got from Amazon is a good rebounder, and I will let you know if you like it. :) My mom loves her new diet, but I wonder how long it will last. For instance, we have two eating events at the church next month. Then there are the holidays. But she is doing this for her health, so she just might stick to it. Time will tell. :) Have a fun Sunday!

    @morenin, unfortunately, there is much more to losing weight than just tracking calories. Did you eat overly processed things, and did you retain water from that food? Have you been exercising extra, and have you been retaining water? You mention that your life is overwhelming. That can raise your Cortisol and make it harder to lose weight. Be gentle with yourself and try to focus on making healthy choices and the scale will catch up. :)

    @19shmoo69 This is a great-looking firewood shed for a man who doesn’t have many carpentry skills. :)

    Good morning! It's a cool, rainy day here. My great-nieces stayed the night again so they could come to church with us. They are so much fun to have around. However, Maggie doesn’t seem as happy. She is so jealous of these girls. :D Not much else going on. I might use my rebounder later this afternoon to get in some movement. Have a blessed day!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 146.6
    CW: 146.4

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    Username: morenin
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 214.7
    CW: 216.7

  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 205 Member
    SW 232.2
    CW: 227.2

    No movement for another week.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Lol... I accidentally had Avery healthy breakfast. Hubby wanted creamed chipped beef and I don't really like it. So, I had one of my homemade bagels with smoked salmon cream cheese and a tomato wheel. 1/4 avocado, an egg, and an orange.



    It was so darn good. 😋😋

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Sorry folks, I am playing catch-up once again.

    @19shmoo69 your pup is so cute!! I'm liking that you can post pictures, that's a great firewood shed.

    @katmary71 love your pictures, is that in a yoga studio? I'm so glad that your charity event went well! I love days when I can just putter♥️

    @trooworld it sounds like they are being very thorough before your surgery. That is very interesting that they take your gallbladder out if there are any stones. The aftercare also sounds very thorough, sounds like you are in good hands! I too am enjoying the cooler weather, it's nice to put on hoodies! Really hope that physical therapy helps! That's a lot, 4 to 6 times a week. Thanks for the reminder, I need to book my shots :-).

    @TeresaW2024 I love how you and your sister support each other in the good, the bad and the booze🤣.

    @DrewsAnna those bagels look delicious!

    @txcritter i'm so glad that training is going well with Diesel! Sounds like Diesel reverted to a little hearding behavior. I have to watch for that with Ty, when she was a couple months old she nipped at my calves a couple of times, I definitely don't want that around my grandkids.

    @Cornanda that's great that your son was able to move out. How are you doing?

    I did not have a stellar week for tracking. I did a bunch of meal prep yesterday, I have a couple more things to get done today so I won't have an excuse for picking up food on the way home from training. I went with my daughter this morning to a Penjing workshop. Instead of giving each other gifts of things we do something where we can go spend time together. So this was my daughter's birthday present this year. I'm not very artistic but it turned out OK lol.
    I am still an amazing sleeper, I wake up to over 700 activity points every morning🤣. MFP says it is a Fitbit problem and Fitbit is saying absolutely nothing.
    On to a new week, my goal is to get back to tracking!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    WEIGH-INS DUE TODAY:@megnolia82 @txcritter69 @littlebabekitty @bhagatcaroline
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The FollowingL @vegan4lyfe2012 @AmbersWay @Jactop
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited September 15
    @trooworld - His leaving probably does not. He had to eat my healthy meals and keep snacks in his room. :) I hope that PT will help your knee, and glad you have things moving on the surgery.

    @morenin- I've been there many times and it doesn't feel good. When I tell myself that I am a healthier person for exercising and eating healthier- focus on my overall health- then I don't get as upset when the scale is stuck. Different things work for different people though. :)

    @865jessica - Yay protein. Glad you are feeling better.

    @lislisa123 - congrats! That's amazing!

    @19shmoo69 - I think your shed looks awesome!

    @DrewsAnna - Yum!

    @laurelfit57 - I'm doing well thank you for asking, I was a bit up and down before he left because I get emotional about endings, but now I'm just happy for him. It is a great idea to spend time together. I'm going to keep that in mind for my two.

    @teresaw2024- Sounds like Maggie is being dramatic. Dogs are good at that. How is her leg doing? I'm glad the pastor went along with your requests.

    Wishing everyone a good week!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @Cornanda Congratulations to your son on moving out! How are you feeling about it?

    @trooworld Once a week for PT is reasonable, I read that wrong and thought it was 4-6 times a week at first! Dinner sounds yummy for yesterday! Oh I'm hoping to hear you went to water aerobics and fought the fear! You need some sassy music in headphones to walk through that door. I'd love to see your Halloween craft! Have fun at the bookstore that should be a good time.

    @morenin Don't feel bad just check in when you can, we're always happy to hear from you when you're able to post.

    @865jessica I think you're going to do awesome this week, keep feeling better!

    @lisalisa123 Congratulations hitting the 200s! 285 here you come!

    @baodell17724 Love your advice to @morenin !

    @19shmoo69 Want to partner up for the walking challenge again? The firewood stand looks awesome! I need you to visit and build me garden beds!

    @TeresaW2024 All this rebounder talk has me wanting to try one, I HAD a cheap one ages ago but when I started going to the functional medicine clinic a woman there kept trying to get me to give it a shot and I didn't want to. Go Mom I'm impressed! Is she being strict with it? Poor Maggie lol, animals are so funny. Asher's been incredibly relaxed the last two weeks since my roommate moved out, he's always laying on his back somewhere and he's a skittish cat!

    @DrewsAnna Yum looks very healthy!

    @laurelfit57 Thanks! I'm not sure if yoga classes are at that studio, they do frequency-type medicine, vibration plates, sound healing so yoga would fit in. I signed up to be kept up to date on the events. I love experience gifts, the workshop sounds fascinating do you learn how to shape plants?

    Hi team! Sorry for not posting much this weekend, yesterday the garden club repotted all the seedlings and I worked in the yard when I got home. Today I got the charity minutes done and ran errands plus went to the greenhouse to reorganize and straighten up. Doing a little better with diet but not great. Speaking of.....

    Red: tomatoes, cranberries
    Orange: pepper, carrot, mango, pumpkin
    Green: lettuce
    Blue/Purple: eggplant
    White: garlic
    Brown: almonds
    Black: olives
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,524 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @Katmary71 this one caught me off guard. I’ve already teamed up with someone. If I had a way for my wife and I to get there I would definitely build you some garden beds.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 310 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 264
    CW: 263

    I was on vacation and forgot :( sorry
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Congratulations to our biggest losers - @megnolia82 , @maryirisfroehlich , @lislisa123
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    Congrats to the whole team achieving 2nd place by pounds and 3rd place by percentage! A special shout-out goes to @megnolia82 @maryirisfroehlich and @lislisa123 for leading the way!!! WOO HOO!

    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! I was looking at the BCAN but then my husband and I were watching reviews on YouTube and I think I will get the 350Pro Jumpsport afterall. I'll just have to wait until January when I get more money from work for fitness equipment. I hope your mom sticks with the new diet. That's good she likes it. Thanks! Poor Maggie. She's used to being an only child! LOL

    @laurelfit57 Yes, and I really appreciate the thoroughness. Yeah, the other place woudn't check for stones or take my gallbladder out. The new place said that there is an increased risk for gallstones after the surgery because of the rapid weightloss and once you have them, you can't get rid of them so that's why they check. It was really nice here yesterday: misting and cool. I almost had to wear a light jacket! Lol Oh no, sorry, 4 to 6 times total, once a week for the physical therapy. Yes, that would have been a lot lol. That's good you meal prepped setting yourself up for success. What's a Penjing workshop? That's good you spend time with each other. I heard Google is getting rid of part of the Fitbit line: https://www.tomsguide.com/wellness/smartwatches/google-just-killed-off-fitbit-smartwatches-and-nobody-should-be-surprised

    @Cornanda Ah I see. Thank you! Have a great week, too!

    @Katmary71 So did @laurelfit57 maybe it was the way I worded it lol. I did not go to water aerobics but it was because my husband dragged me all around town lol. I will post my Halloween craft below. I love it! The booktalk at the bookstore was really fun. It was very community-oriented: everyone seemed to know everyone else and they were very friendly. I loved it! You've been busy (as usual!)! Good job with the challenge.

    @davors19 I hope you enjoyed your vacation, good job losing even after a vacation!

    Hi all. My new surgery center sent me a tracking app to use (Baritastic, it is specific to bariatric patients). I am tracking 100% honestly and I can see why I've been gaining weight. I started using it on Saturday: 2,787 cals was my total. Sun: 2,364 cals. Today should be better. Weekends have been bad lately as far as eating goes as sometimes we go out for a beer and there is usually some sort of dessert or pizza. I made chili in the Instant Pot last night for dinner, it came out really well. I used dried beans. I also made beer bread which was really good. I've made that before, it's a favorite.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @Katmary71 This is the Halloween craft I made. It's a bat lantern! I made it with my Cricut.

  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 288 Member
    Weigh In Sunday: Sept 15
    SW 175
    PW 167.8
    CW 168.6

    I am sorry it's late. I got busy yesterday and forgot.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Weigh in megnolia82 Sept 15

    Good morning folks!

    It is SO beautiful here today. Sorry im late on the weigh in this week. Had a good week, getting active every morning.

    SW: 228
    PW: 211
    CW: 212.4

    Have a good one!
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @Cornanda Maggie is doing very well and wants to run and jump so bad. We go for her final 12-week check up and I’m really hoping the surgeon says she can resume her life. She also has a grooming appointment for Wednesday because she has NEVER looked so bad. :D

    @Katmary71 You need to jump on the rebounder bandwagon!! :D I’m glad Asher is so relaxed. I know you are, too. :)

    @trooworld Congratulations on deciding to go with the JumpSport 350 Pro!! It's a bummer you must wait, but it won’t be long. After the surgery, rebounding will be a great addition to your life. How does your husband feel about your surgery? He is going to be losing his eating and drinking buddy to a large extent. Is he on board and supportive? I sure hope so! Such a cute Halloween lantern! :)

    Good morning! I’m about to leave to take Joe to his primary care doctor. I’m sure she will give him the flu shot today. There's not much going on today after that. I need to make a menu for the week and get my Walmart order put in. I am loving having my groceries ordered. I have stepped into Walmart in over a month. Have a great day! :)
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    SW: 215.0
    PW: 203.8 (2 weeks ago)
    CW: 210.4
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I don't know what my problem is. I want to quit. Hunter's husband's job gets them a good discount at a private health club, so Hunter added me onto their family plan. They do daycare in 2 hour blocks, so she signed Byron & Brayden up for this evening from 5:00 to 7:00 so she and I can swim laps. I don't want to go. But I know I need to. Fingers crossed my swimsuit still fits...

    Sorry about the pessimism. It's the MDD & ADHD fighting in my brain.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @littlebabekitty @bhagatcaroline @AmbersWay @Jactop
    Reminder To Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @FushkiaKat (hope you're feeling better this week!)

    @davors19 You were put on the drop list for no weigh in, I've asked in the Captain's Lounge to have you moved back.

    Great job Mission Slimpossibles on 2nd and 3rd place! You're amazing @megnolia82 @maryirisfroehlich @lislisa123 !

    @trooworld I absolutely love that lantern! Chili sounds delicious I've been craving it too with the weather changes. We have some dark clouds so I'm wondering if it will rain now. Weekends and being social is hard with diet.

    @TeresaW2024 Good luck with Joe and the flu shot! I love being able to order or do pick up with groceries talk about a game-changer! I do like picking them out the most but there's times when that's not an option.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Maybe you need a new challenge like the gym tonight? I haven't been doing the best either, hopefully we'll both get ourselves back on track soon!

    Hi team! Having a relaxing day, the practitioner is being flaky lately so I didn't work but went to the greenhouse instead, the garden club seedlings are super happy after being transferred the lettuce has grown a lot in the last few days in it's bigger pots. I got some medical appointments and referrals dealt with, frustrating how slow everything is. I'm meeting the practitioner soon and have Bible Study tonight so I wanted to catch up now. My current rainbow is only ginger and blueberries from my kombucha.

    Does anyone have ideas on what to do with overcooked zucchini? I was making it to put this Italian pesto (has tomatoes and cheese) over and forgot it was in the oven and it cooked at 415 for an hour. My bestie was being too good of a listener and I was venting about work and stuff with the charity and completely spaced it. I saw Stanley Tucci has a pasta sauce recipe with overcooked zucchini so I may try to do that with it but I was trying to avoid pasta which is why I made zucchini. Either that or soup? Have a great one!

This discussion has been closed.