Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 318 Member
    WI Monday

    PW 214
    CW 214

    Only doing WI these days. I have had doctors appts these last 2 weeks, and now prepping to travel. Hopefully at some point things will settle down.

    Hoping you all are doing great.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    Weigh In: Monday
    SW 225
    PW 192.8
    CW 194.8
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @laurelfit57 @trooworld - your crafts are GORGEOUS!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I'm glad to hear Maggie is doing well (I saw your reply to Cornanda). Hopefully the surgeon clears her! Thank you, yeah, I've got enough going on right now so I guess I can wait lol. My husband is excited for my surgery because there are actually a lot of adventures I have to pass on and he does by himself because I can't do them: he goes on walking adventures throughout the city and he goes to the zoo by himself. I can't wait to be able to do these things, too! I haven't been to the zoo for about 4 months, my knee is just too bad. He is on board and supportive, I am lucky! Thank you! I love Walmart grocery pick-up so much, it's so draining to go into Walmart and shop lol. Although I did go this past weekend and I got the cutest Halloween black cat decoration!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Big HUGS, my friend. I hear your darkness and I see you. I'm sorry you are struggling. Is there anything I can do to help you? That's good that Hunter added you on the health club. I hope you go swim laps, that would be a good stress reliever.

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I am also going to be making an owl lantern and a spider lantern when I have time. The chili was so satisfying! Yeah, I am enjoying the weather lately. Weekends are SO hard! I didn't know you could grow lettuce in the fall but that makes sense. Maybe I'll plant some! You could make a zucchini puree soup with the zucchini. Here are a couple of recipes:
    Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup - http://meljoulwan.com/2012/11/05/silky-gingered-zucchini-soup/
    Skinnytaste's Cream of Zucchini Soup - https://www.skinnytaste.com/cream-of-zucchini-soup-1-ww-point/

    @laurelfit57 LOL! I LOVE your moss art! It is so balanced and pretty. I'm sorry you are still experiencing Fitbit problems. Hopefully they fix it soon! I don't like the Baritastic tracker as much as MFP: I make a lot of recipes and MFP I can import the recipe easy peasy. But the new app, I have to add in each ingredient by hand which is a pain. Thank you! How are the pups? I'm glad you found some balance with their classes.

    @Cornanda Thank you!

    Hi all. I was able to schedule my gallbladder ultrasound for the beginning of October, so I'm one step closer to being approved for surgery. It has been nice weather here the past 3 or so days: low to mid-70s with some misty rain. Much better than the hot weather we were having, although it is supposed to warm up again this weekend.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I know you are struggling, but you need to work on your all-or-nothing mentality. Life is hard right now, so cut yourself some slack! Do what you can for yourself and think about health over just weight on the scale. I hope you swim. It will be good for you physically and mentally. ((((Hugs)))) <3

    @Katmary71 That is some seriously overcooked zucchini! :D My mom and I used to eat this canned zucchini that was in a tomato base broth. It was very good, so maybe try something like that. :)

    @laurelfit57 I have found that I do a lot less impulse shopping, too! However, I also forget things when doing online shopping that I would naturally pick up when in the store in person. That little moss pot is so cute!! What a fun thing to do with your daughter. :)

    @trooworld I’m so happy that your husband is on board with you and that you are both looking forward to having lots of fun adventures together. I paid the yearly subscription, and they bring the food to my door. Very convenient! Although I might go in person this week just to do some browsing for any cute fall shirts that might be worth my attention. Yayy for your weather being cooler. Ours is, too, and I’m loving it! :)

    Good morning! I haven’t worked out in two days, and my body is craving some movement, so I will do a good workout this morning. I’m not really happy unless most of my muscles are crying from lifting. :D Maggie has an afternoon appointment with her surgeon, and then I’m taking her to the church to do some quick office work while Joe is taking his nap. She will enjoy running around and having new smells to investigate. Have a great day! :)
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member

    Gotta take a quick second to show off some of my loves - My son turned 29 on Friday, so we visited him on Saturday. Here he is holding his daughter, Sophie, and nephew Oliver. Oh my heart!

    Yes, I went to the fitness club last night. I'm super out of shape and when I re-downloaded Map My Walk, it had been 3 years since I last used it. I ended up doing 20 minutes swimming laps, 15 minutes walking the track, 1 minute on the elliptical, and 6 sets on arm machines (whatever they are called). It's not a lot, but it was definitely better than nothing...so I finally had a No Zero Day. I took carrots with me to the movie last night (took my mom to see The Front Room), but still ate popcorn. However, I ate way less than I typically would. So that was a win, too. After work today I plan on going to Wally World to pick up a bunch of Ben's rice pouches. I find that I do really good at work for lunchtime when I have everything in my food cabinet or mini fridge (hidden under my secondary desk lols) ready to go. Lunches are on repeat, but it works - half of the rice, half cup of beans, about a cup of whatever canned veg I'm in the mood for...all topped with Herdez Guacamole Salsa. 6 point lunch and keeps me so full. Now I just need to work on preplanning dinners so I stay on track. Can't let Hunter's whims derail me all the time. I'm off to do a little journaling. My therapist tasked me with listing my barriers to consistency. Then I have to rank the top 3. Don't want to disappoint him.

    Don't forget to stay hydrated! Can't wait for fall weather!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    I feel like I need to share a little about myself. You can say it’s a secondary introduction. In my pre-marriage days I was a hair stylist. In the early years of marriage my wife loved it. I could do her hair, nails, toes, makeup and had an eye for fashion. All that only when she would ask. I could and can cook, clean and do laundry. All that sounds like a positive but I had a bunch of negativity and anger issues. When I was up the world was great place. When I was down….. I could do nothing right. Why am I here? I’m worthless! Fast forward a couple of decades and my wife figures out I have gluten problem. During that time I saw on the news that modern American flour has a cocaine effect on the body. Not that it causes a high but it causes an addiction feeling and severe mood swings and even withdrawal. I went gluten free cold turkey. It vastly changed our family dynamic. During that time frame I had thought nobody gets me. Nobody understands me. Then I saw an episode of Scorpion. It’s about geniuses that help save the world. In the episode the lead genius failed at something. When he did he was ready to close the group, leave area and just stop doing everything. My first thought was that’s me. I have those thoughts and act that way. I had to learn that failure does not mean I am a failure. It means I have another opportunity to redo the problem, to learn from it and or teach others how to learn from it. I have had opportunities to share this with people who struggle with inner anger. Their first statement is but I can’t give up bread and pasta. I never say it’s the answer I just say it was mine.
    Well there it is, more about me. Have a blessed day! You have been prayed for today.

    @19shmoo69 - Love learning more about you! The father of my children is a hair stylist. He still offers to do my hair for free (although I don't take him up on it) and, of course, does theirs. Here he is straightening Syd's while she holds Oliver.

    I am extremely interested in the effect that gluten had on you. Thank you for sharing...I'll be going down an internet rabbit hole with this.

    YOU have a blessed day, too!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,008 Member
    What a busy day. My son-in-law and I picked 12 big bins of tomatoes. Then I smoked chicken thighs for supper and making bone broth and canning it. Hope everyone has a great night
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 541 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 37 of 52

    PW: 138.6
    CW: 138.2

    I'm still sick but slowly getting better. My fever was 103.4 and now it's just 100.1 I woke up drenched in sweat this morning I think my fever broke. Only 3 more days of medication, I hope it does not come back. I need to get a flu shot and maybe a covid booster.

    I'm still eating one good meal a day and popcorn and night and sometimes a little bit of fruit, but I have not been wanting to eat my fruit snacks.

    I just saw that our Halloween Contest building starts on Sept 22nd, wow that was fast.

    Stay well everybody there's a lot of stuff going around right now.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    WEIGH INS DUE NOW: @littlebabekitty @bhagatcaroline
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @DrewsAnna
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @laurelfit57 You know the owner of that studio sent me a message about what she offers there I'm guessing yoga is one. Your quiet evening sounds perfect enjoy! I love your arrangement!

    @AmbersWay I'm glad you're still here though hopefully you'll have time to hang out more after travel.

    @trooworld I can't wait for you to go adventuring with your husband, I'm glad he's being so supportive! Woohoo one more appointment almost checked off the list, I'm really glad you're sticking with the new clinic. can't wait to see the owl and spider lanterns I just sent a pic of your bat to my aunts who have a Cricut they share. This weather has been awesome hasn't it?! OK I can't stop laughing at the gingered soup recipe they insist on a tight lid and show it splattered all over the floor, they're speaking to someone who would do the same! I think I'll make that one thank you!

    @TeresaW2024 I hope Maggie's appointment goes well and she has fun with you at work! Did you get your workout in?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Happy birthday to your son! The little ones are getting big, so darned cute! Yay so happy to hear what a good day you had that's wonderful! I found Blueberry tea today for the first time in months and thought of you when I saw it. What are you drinking these days?

    @19shmoo69 Thank you for sharing that! I have that tendency too to think “I” am a failure instead of accepting failures. It's amazing what a big difference no gluten has made for you.

    @Digger61 Wow that's a lot of tomatoes! You got a lot done very impressive! How do you make your bone broth?

    @FushiaKat Wow I can't believe how long you've been sick that's frightening, I'm glad your fever is finally breaking. That's real fast for the contest but surprisingly Halloween isn't far away. Take good care of yourself.

    Hi team! Had my allergy shot and got my hair done after, it'd been a couple months and it feels good to not have white roots again. Tomorrow's the farm, a meeting with two other women on the board of the charity at a place we'll be having a fundraiser at, then two of us are going to talk to a mobile home park about putting on a game night there. I've really been evaluating whether or not I want to stay in the charity and I'm leaning toward no but will see how tomorrow goes.

    Rainbow- If I'm the only one doing it I'll stop posting but had watermelon, broccoli, mango, carrot, cabbage, cranberries, almonds, and feta. (and coffee!)
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    @trooworld I love being able to import recipes into MFP, that has to be a real pain doing one ingredient at a time. It sounds like you are going to be really opening up your world again after the surgery is done! I'm really so happy for you. The pups are doing well thanks :-). I am actually able to do some real beginner agility with Ty. If she loses focus I can call her back, instead of her just running wild and free🤣

    @19shmoo69 thank you for sharing. I had never heard about that before.

    @katmary71 Thank you! Your rainbow food always sounds delicious!

    Our weather is beautiful here right now, mid 70s. I was able to get a lot of yardwork done and some exercise with the dogs. Ty and I went walking in the river valley and Vannie and I went shopping 🤣. We played a little agility and both of my pups are exhausted. They put themselves into their own beds and haven't moved a muscle since :-). I've got a bunch of meal prep done so it was nice to be able to just grab that and heated up after practice tonight
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @19shmoo69 - Thank you for sharing your gluten story. There's a big difference between having a failure and being a failure. It's the failures and difficulties that build us and shape us. If everything was easy, we would never grow and improve.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Hang in there girl! You can do this. The babies are so cute!

    @19shmoo69 - thank you for sharing your story, I hadn't heard that before. I agree with Mica's comment. I have been down that road myself- labeling myself a failure inappropriately.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! Oh that's really convenient! I'm sure you will find something cute! I got this really cute resin black cat with a witch's hat on (it's about 12" tall and now sits on my TV stand) from there. I'm glad you are having cooler weather, too. I hope you enjoyed your workout. Let us know how the surgeon's appt goes, I hope Maggie gets the clearance! How fun that you get to take her to work!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Oh my gosh! So cute! Really, they are just adorable. And you can tell they all are related, they look alike! I'm glad you went to the fitness club. I'd say you did great. Congrats on your No Zero Day and eating less popcorn! That sounds like a good lunch.

    @19shmoo69 Thank you for sharing more about you, Darren. I always think it is a real treat when you share more than a funny insight. :) Sounds like going gluten-free has really improved things.

    @digger61 Wowee! That's a lot of tomatoes! And then to go on and make smoked chicken and bone broth, hat tip to you! :D

    @FushiaKat Bummer you are still sick. I hope the meds knock it out. Halloween is starting earlier and earlier!

    @Katmary71 I can't wait, either! He goes walking at all these fun places and I'm stuck at home. :( Yeah, I think the new clinic will be better. If your aunts ask, I got the pattern for the bat (and owl and spider, it came as one thing) on Etsy! It was pretty easy to put together, just looks complicated. Yes, I am loving this weather! LOL that's funny about the soup. Are the allergy shots helping? I know what you mean about the white roots...that's why I put the purple in my hair lol. re: staying on the charity...do what's best for YOU! Great job with the rainbow challenge.

    @laurelfit57 It totally is. And then when my DH cooks, I have to pull the ingredients out of him and you know he doesn't measure anything so it's sketchy lol. I think my life will be 100% different after surgery, so many things will change. Yes, I am giving up some things (anything carbonated for sure, possibly other foods that don't agree with me, no alcohol for at least the first 6 months, etc) but gaining so much more! I'm glad to hear the pups are good. That's great you are doing agility with Ty. Beautiful weather! Good job with the meal prep.

    @micaroo4 How are you doing? I don't think we've heard from you for a bit.

    Hi all. Nothing much going on here. My husband's phone is acting up so we have to take it to a repair shop after work. Luckily, he pretty much prepped everything we are having for dinner tonight last night. I'm already really tired, I woke up at 3:17 am and decided to just get up. It's going to be one of those days.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's such a great picture of your handsome son and precious grandbabies. You are truly blessed! :) Good for you for going to the fitness club. I think you did amazing for someone who is out of shape. You are making great choices with the movie and with your work lunches. You need to be proud of yourself. Keep striving to make good choices as often as possible, and don't beat yourself up if you stumble. 

    @19shmoo69 Thanks for sharing your life with us. Very interesting about how gluten was affecting your life. You have come a long way in learning what makes you tick, and it's awesome that you can teach and help others with many of the same issues. And I know you are a Christian man, so you already know that you have been created for a purpose and are fearfully and wonderfully made. :) 

    @digger61 Yes, you had a busy day but were so productive! That is a lot of tomatoes! :) 

    @FushiaKat, I'm sorry you are sick and hope you feel better soon. Your eating plan sounds good to me! I haven't had popcorn in ages. Good luck with the contest! :) 

    @Katmary71, I did get my workout done. It was chest and bis, and my biceps were crying this morning! :) I keep talking about needing to go get my hair cut. I haven't had it cut in months since I decided to stop coloring it, and now my ends are very raggy, and it's getting harder to fix. Yesterday, I had blueberries and strawberries in my protein shake. I mix it with orange and vanilla protein powder. Soooo freaking good! I also had sweet potato chips for dinner. It's not really a healthy veggie, but it was orange! :D Why are you thinking about leaving the charity? Is the charity the same thing as the farm? I hope all goes well with the meeting and that you make the right choice for yourself. <3 

    @trooworld Yikes, 3:17 is too early to get up! You are going to need a nap today. :) 

    Good morning! Well, the surgeon said that Maggie is doing great. However, he still doesn't want her running or jumping on and off furniture again. He also stressed that she needs to lose about 3 lbs now that she has arthritis in her knees. He wants her to start walking 20 to 30 minutes a day. The problem is that Maggie doesn't like to go on walks, and the moment something "scary" drives by, she will choke herself out trying to get back to the house. Also, Joe can't walk her anymore since he is unsteady on his feet, so I will have to do it. Maybe I should buy a small walking pad and make her walk on it in the house :D  Today, she goes to the groomer, and I'm super excited to get her groomed and have all that fur cut off. I didn't know she could have that much fur on her feet! I'm also going to Walmart in person today to look around and pick up things I keep forgetting to put on my delivery list. Have a good day! :) 
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @trooworld - I'm doing OK. I've been sleeping a little better, 4 nights in a row, which is awesome! Of course, it's as much of a mystery when I sleep well as when I don't. I've been taking the ashwagandha that @Katmary71 recommended. It didn't seem to be helping, but now after a week or better I'm sleeping, so perhaps it's that? Doesn't matter why, I'll take it!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 166.3
    CW 165

    I have been working on my food choices. I am far from perfect, but doing better.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    edited September 19
    @trooworld I am so excited for you after surgery! It is always tough to get through a day on so little sleep. Hopefully tonight your sleep is much better!

    @TeresaW2024 what great news to hear about Maggie! I'm sorry that she has arthritis, that makes it tough for exercise. I have the same problem with Ty pulling. I went through several harnesses and she hated them all and we finally found this one. I'm not sure if you could get one small enough for Maggie these are absolutely great. It is just the band that goes across their chest that stops them from pulling, there is nothing on their necks And nothing between their legs.

    I did two classes with the pups tonight, Ty is really starting to come along and she is actually able to start really focussing on what I'm asking her to do. I feel like much of my life revolves around my dogs now, I can't remember what I did before them lol. Oh yeah… I worked a lot and raised four kids. That was crazy hectic, but wouldn't change it for the world! Now I am busy but not hectic I think I like this pace😊.
    I met one of my best friends for a delicious lunch and a great catch up. I was able to stay on track, I'm getting better at tracking :-). Hope everybody had a great day
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    : @littlebabekitty @bhagatcaroline
    Reminder for Tomorrow's Weigh in to the following @askewcr
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @laurelfit57 I hadn't realized you had four kids! There's a difference between busy and hectic I prefer busy too. The recipe importer is awesome even with some of the mistakes it makes. The weather sounds awesome there!

    @DrewsAnna Your good food choices are showing!

    @micaroo4 Yay I'm glad the Ashwaganda seems to be helping! It didn't work for a few nights for me either. I usually get fed up with something then try a few different things and don't know what helped but that one surprised me by helping.

    @TeresaW2024 Woohoo doing great on getting some color in your diet! Sweet potato chips sound yummy yes it DOES count! The charity is the organization I'm secretary with that helps the elderly, disabled, and low income with household tasks and we do a handful events like Valentine cards for seniors. I had a good talk with two of the other board members today and feel better about things. LOL about stuff you forget for your delivery list, I swear ordering and the hours in between when you can still add stuff my mind goes completely blank! I'm sorry to hear about Maggie's arthritis, would she enjoy a dog park?

    @trooworld The allergy shots are helping but I'm still stuffed up more than I'd prefer. I can't afford some of the OTC stuff I was prescribed so I'm just trying to get used to it. Thank you! Yikes I hope you aren't too tired today and get some good rest tonight! I love thinking of you being able to go with your husband soon.

    Hi friends! I went to the farm this morning and picked eggplant then helped my neighbor pull weeds. Lunch with the two board members went real well they've both been extremely frustrated too. The mobile home park meeting went great, we're going to host Bingo there so people can get to know us then the manager and I also discussed an herb spiral she started and I may help with. I'm beat now and ready to go to bed early, have a great Thursday team.

    Rainbow- lettuce, kale, lemon, salmon, dried cranberries, walnuts, almonds carrots, tomatoes, feta, parmesan (had two salads for my meals), apples, Greek yogurt
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @Katmary71 - I looked back to see when I started the ashwagandha - it was Sept 8. I got my first really good night's sleep on Sept 14. I didn't sleep quite as well last night, but it was still better than most of the nights before the 14th. And, I had also cut down on the amount of ashwagandha to just one per day; I will go back up to two today and see how it goes for the next week. If I've finally found something that works, I'll be doing a happy dance!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Unfortunately no nap could be had: I had to be at work in the library all day! :( But I feel better today for sure. I'm glad Maggie is doing so well but that's too bad about running and jumping on the furniture. Maggie sounds like Violet: if she sees a trash truck or a delivery truck, she turns and starts pulling me towards home! Oh, that's good she can go to the groomer's.

    @micaroo4 I'm glad you are sleeping better!

    @DrewsAnna Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! I am, too! I did sleep better, thanks. That's good Ty is cooperating and listening lol. I know what you mean about your life revolving around your dogs, mine too! :D I'm glad you had some fun with your BFF.

    @Katmary71 I'm glad they are helping a bit. I did get good rest last night! Sounds like another busy day you had. Good job with the rainbow challenge!

    Hi all. We didn't end up going to the phone repair place but we will go tonight. We do have leftover stuff in the fridge if it takes too long. I got better sleep last night. I'm considering getting a rebounder (mini-trampoline) but I wanted to try it before I buy it. I did a Google search and found a place that has rebounder fitness classes: https://sandiegoboogiebounce.com/ That link has a video of the class going on, it's neat to see. I need to call to make sure they still have the classes but I think it's a good option to try them.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @laurelfit57 A harness is a good idea and I think we have one. Thanks for the reminder! I think your life sounds awesome! :)

    @Katmary71 I’m glad your talk with the board members went well and that you feel better about staying at the charity. Maggie would not like a dog park. She likes very few dogs and would just spend her whole time smelling things. :D Good job on all those rainbow colors!! Last night I had sweet potato fries and a Cutie. So the color orange is covered! :)

    @trooworld I’ve seen rebounding videos like those before, and they are intense and way more advanced than what I do on mine. But it sure looks like fun! I would call and see if they have a beginner's class or at least would let you come by and jump on one to see if you would like it. :)

    Good morning! So, I took Maggie to the groomer yesterday, and the lady I had spoken to on the phone never put her appointment in, so they couldn’t take her. I was so mad!:s We went back home, and now, today, I will take her to the groomer and go to Walmart. I’m making a pizza casserole for dinner tonight that will have lots of rainbow-colored veggies. I’m off to jump on my rebounder before needing to leave. Have a good day! :)

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    (I know I missed last week’s)

    If you were going to make a podcast what would it be about?

    I actually want to make 1-3 of them. Two would be bible/church topics and another would be about pro wrestling.
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    [quote="19shmoo69;c-48284514"]Thursday Ice Breaker Question:

    If you were going to make a podcast what would it be about?

    Well if it doesn't already exist (please tell me if one does, since I'm searching!):
    A video podcast/Youtube channel with programs on Disability and Health, Wellness, Diet & Fitness.
    There's so many different kinds of disability so the number of programs and knowledgable folks to talk about related issues is endless!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 396 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday

    Let's go get it!! B)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @baodell17724 i did a quick search and I could not find one. It sounds like it would be a good one.
This discussion has been closed.