Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 4,008 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 213
    Today’s Weight: 215
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    On my walk this morning, we came across 2 deer. It was too dark for pictures, but they stared at us for quite a long time. It was finally Rich and I who moved on - the deer had no intention of fleeing. It was a nice moment.

    On my second walk, I noticed that the New England Asters are blooming. Probably considered a weed, but they're beautiful and one of my favorite flowers.
    Dark purple with orange centers, standing about 3-4 feet high.
    The smaller light purple flowers are New York Asters.

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    NSV: I'm going to make my Walk The Year goal of 2024 miles today. I track miles on the Run The Edge website; now they're suggesting that I aim for 2500! 476 to go, with 3 months remaining in the year. It will depend a lot on the weather. December is usually a low mileage month. I won't risk walking in slippery conditions, especially in the dark.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    edited September 28
    Hi Y'all,

    I've been having a rough time with my stomach. I've been getting acid reflux so bad I can't hardly sleep because I can't lay down. I'm bloated and my stomach just plain hurts. This is very similar to when I had a huge gall stone and had to have my gall bladder removed. 2 of my grand beauties have soccer games today and another one is having a birthday bbq tomorrow. He's going to be 20, yikes... I hope I can enjoy them.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @AmbersWay @littlebabekitty
    Reminder To Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @19shmoo69 @megnolia82 @sleepygirl79 @txcritter69 @laurelfit57 @littlebabekitty

    Hi friends! Bow Wow Days went real well, I'm super worn out. Rainbow: blueberries, jalapenos, olives, corn, tomatoes, basil, zucchini, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, tumeric

    @morenin I'm so sorry to hear about your reaction at the restaurant that's awful!

    @DrewsAnna I hope you feel better soon that sounds awful. Could it be from a medication? I had it pretty bad with an anti inflammatory it does feel a little like a gallstone. I hope you're able to enjoy the games too!

    @micaroo4 Those are beautiful asters! I decided instead of a bath to do a little cleaning so I'd wake up with less of a mess, still have a long way to go but next week things will be slower.

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Good morning Slims,

    I've been doing Intermittent Fasting, which I've done before but never so consistently. It's been 3 weeks. I find that I have a lot more energy, plus I seem to have more time. If you take away the time spent preparing a meal, consuming the meal, and cleaning up after the meal, that is a little more time - but even more time seems to be available! I think it's because there's not the interruption of having to stop for a meal. So I'm getting a lot done, both at work and around the house. Part of that increased productivity is because I'm trying to keep busy to distract myself from feeling hungry, but truthfully I'm not that hungry. Any cravings have disappeared. I'm doing 16+ hours of fasting with an 8 hour eating window. I'm still eating the same amount of food (because I'm on maintenance), just within a shorter window of time. It means my meals are a little larger. I know it's not for everyone, but I feel fabulous. Of course, feeling great may also have more to do with sleeping better, which I attribute to the ashwagandha.

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    User name: morenin
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    SW: 255
    PW: 216
    CW: 215.2
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    edited September 29
    @micaroo4 Those New England Asters are so beautiful! We have purple Wisteria everywhere in the spring, and it’s considered an invasive weed, but I love it. We also have deer everywhere and a whole family that we see all the time behind our house. Maggie is not a fan of them. :D I also do at least 16-hour fast and love it! Since I’m not in maintenance, I will try to throw in one 24-hour fast a week and go from dinner to dinner. I think Sundays are the best since I don’t work out. I’ll let you know tomorrow if I make it through today. :)

    Good morning! Yesterday, I kept my word and had zero snacking between meals. It’s so easy to let stuff creep back in, and I’m sick of it! I listened to a podcast yesterday where Jason Seib talked about how crazy it is for a person to want something so badly, decide to go get it, and then quit doing the things that will get them what they want, only to cry about how bad they want the “thing.” And so many of us wanting to get healthy and fit do this over and over and over again! Ugh!! :s So, this week is a rededication to my health goals and a renewed determination to STOP letting myself down! Y’all have a blessed day. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I feel better today except for a stuffy nose! Yeah, I think for some reason, the combo lol. We did get a good laugh when I served it at a dinner party! :D Hurricanes are so dangerous. I'm really glad you weren't affected. I hope you had fun with the girls. Congrats on the not snacking!

    @19shmoo69 I hope you enjoyed your little Mago's birthday party. Have fun at the concert tonight!

    @morenin Oh my, that sounds like an awful day! I'm glad you are okay. Congrats on the loss!

    @micaroo4 That sounds like a beautiful experience. Those flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your day with us. Congrats on making your Walk of the Year goal! My husband does intermittent fasting and finds he has more energy, too. I'm so glad you are sleeping better.

    @DrewsAnna I'm sorry about your acid reflux, I also suffer from that and it makes me miserable. Are you going to go to the doctor about it? I hope you were able to enjoy the games yesterday and that you have fun today.

    @865jessica Congrats on the loss!

    @Katmary71 That's great it went well.

    Hi all. I am feeling much better but I still have a stuffy nose. I'm still taking the Zicam. Yesterday afternoon, I felt well enough to go out and about. We went to an antique mall and for coffee. I may go to water aerobics today, I'm not sure. I made porcupine meatballs last night (called that because you put raw white rice in them and as they cook, the rice pokes out). The best part though was the sides I made: I made up recipes for both sides. I made brussels sprouts in the air fryer with some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper, and a teaspoon of sugar. I also made these sauteed golden potatoes that were super good.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @micaroo4 Congrats on meeting your walking goal!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @trooworld - Thanks!

    @TeresaW2024 - Use the clock to your advantage, just like when fasting. I allow myself 30 minutes to eat my meal, then plan on walking at least 10 minutes within 30-60 minutes of eating (to flatten the blood sugar spike), and schedule my next feeding for 3-4 hours later. In between, I don't even consider a snack, because it's not time to eat.

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