Daily Chats and Encouragements
Wade took some stuff out of the freezer so we have pre-made meals ready to go. I really like my lo-carb or no carb tortillas. I only eat French Bread when Wade makes pizza out of it, otherwise I rarely eat bread (oh, and my fish fillets from McDonalds now and again).
Have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow. Love you0 -
I do too...I use the low carb ones. I have a pack of spinach wraps and a pack of whole wheat ones in there at the moment. I do love the cheese toast tho and enjoy it when I have it...have been known to use a lonely hot dog bun and making cheese toast with it. I really like McDonald's fish sandwiches. I have some Gorton's mediocre fish filets in my freezer but they are not as good...
I restocked my frozen veggies last week at HEB....They have some that Walmart doesn't carry (store brand) so on the rare occasion I shop there now, I make sure to get my veggies.
I had a really painful night last night...I did rest well tho and stayed down until 5 AM....have cats fed, coffee on and plans for the day. I am happy and blessed. Prayers for you all in this new day God has given us.
PS: I got 3 pretty Pioneer Woman melamine salad bowls in my order yesterday. Someone here, gave away my Corel ones, thinking to just use plates....and I have to this point. I just miss the extra room the bowl provides and there's the thing I have about kitchen stuff. I got two teal and one coral.
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Breakfast: a 2 egg microwave omelet in my small Corelle bowl, with bacon crumbles, cheese, mushroom and green onion. It was delicious! Reigning myself in....have been in the ditch too long.
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That looks like a very healthy and yummy breakfast! Good for you. Keep up the good work.
Wade makes me a tortilla where he puts down the cheese first and then puts the tortilla on top (you can also had some meat on top of the cheese. Cook the cheese until it is browned then flip it over and fold, then brown the tortilla! Oh man, so yummy. We usually use the three or four cheese Mexican style cheese. Not sure it would work with American Cheese though!
Been hold steady at 239-240. I had some soda this weekend (orange cream Coke), then later I had part of another one due to a headache and I needed a caffeinated drink and didn't want to wait for the coffee maker! Now to be very good all week!
Here's another good FB post from my pastor about medical health and who to listen to:
What were those parents thinking? They gave us jabs to keep us from getting Smallpox, Polio, Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Lock Jaw, Diphtheria. Oh, that's right. They were thinking that a jab was better than a lethal disease. They were thinking about the other boys and girls in our society who had died or been crippled by sickness. They were thinking about entire regions being decimated by plagues.
I realize that some medications have been harmful (at least to some people). I realize that we have ailments today that we did not use to have (and may be the result of medical mistakes). I realize that the COVID thing was a catastrophe in so many ways, and the love of money will lead people to do things that are harmful to other people.
I realize that is sometimes a mistake and a danger to blindly follow the experts though they may be trained in medicine. I also realize that some people are so convinced that they know more about health and healing than anyone else and they know more about everyone else's physical condition and health needs than those who are actually dealing with sickness or disabilities.
I don't always know what is the best thing for myself (and sometimes I do). I don't presume to have all of the answers for other people or for the children of other people.
I have yet to meet anyone that I would want to make all of my personal health choices (doctors or self appointed health gurus). Sometimes people suffer with issues that are a total mystery to other people. Some people think they are smart enough or wise enough or educated enough to make health decisions for everyone else.
However, I have noticed that those same people (as well-intentioned as they may be), have made some decisions (or they are making decisions), which are obviously wrong.
We should all be as well informed as possible, about the essential issues of life. And we should consider good counsel, given by responsible people. But we all must make our own decisions about various issues of life. Don't let others shame you or intimidate you into doing something you believe is the wrong choice.
Seek God. Don't fear what other people say or think. It is possible to make honest mistakes, while trying to do that which we believe God wants us to do. We are not all-wise or all-knowing. It is wrong to presume on God, but it is also wrong to be intimidated by popular trends. Remember, faith is not to be confused with presumption, and "one size does not fit all," even when it comes to medicine or diet.
Medicine is not an exact science, either for the well trained or the strong willed, opinionated, lay person. Be as faithful to God's word and sensitive to His leading as you can be. Be humble and open to instruction. But don't let someone else usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit in your life.
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I wouldn't think American cheese would do well that way but it does good for tuna melts and grilled cheese...
I will put the tuna melt and quesadillas on my list for this week. Salads....in my new bowls get top billing as well as that easy breakfast "omelet" with assorted veggies. I love broccoli, onion, mushrooms...or my frozen blend in them. I have some ground pork to play with...am thinking meatloaf or egg roll in a bowl type things.
Those are good notes from your Pastor. We know I am lax on follow thru....haven't had a flu shot since 2020, didn't do the Covid one....I do have an aversion to needles...still. I love my care team but am quite OK seeing them once a year if I "need" to.
Other than the diabetes (doing so much better), heart issues (holding steady) pain and mobility issues
( hanging on).... I am doing well, thanks to God and His loving care!
Check out these taters. I ordered 4 bakers from HEB...made a not for picker to pick on the bigger side, as the last ones I got were really smallish...same price... .67 cents each. These puppies are huge and I am sure the biggest one is 1.5 pounds by itself!
We have high winds and fire warnings today...with expected winds 50-75 MPH at times. I am glad I don't have to be out in it. It's noisy, blowing about my door and windows. Spring is on the way...oh yes it is!
Have a blessed and peaceful day at your spots...prayers for us all...
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Wow, it's nice to know they were listening to you with your request!
We will be in a severe thunderstorm area tomorrow sometime. Me no likey thunder and lightning! High winds and possible tornados too. Please keep us in your prayers. We will batten down the hatches and pray that the Lord will guard our home and ourselves and those we love in the midst of it! He is a mighty God! You keep safe where you are. I hate all these fires happening. A bunch of them in SC and NC over the weekend, but they were able to get most of them under control fairly easily, with no loss of life or even the loss of a home! Pretty awesome!
God be with you, my beautiful lovelies!0 -
You and Wade and all your Church folks and neighbors, Missy and her crew…are all in my prayers definitely….for this time ahead. I saw on the weather last night, the storms headed your way. Prayers for protection, provision and peace.
We did have severe winds, quite a bit of damage, roofing lost from at least one home. Being in an apartment, we are pretty stable at my spot. I was so glad when the door and windows quit banging. We have another cold front due but we've had a mild winter so far and I am thankful.
It's 1:15…and all is quiet for now. I will go back to bed and finish my night. Hope you all are resting well and have a blessed and safe day. LOVE YOU!
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We are getting some of those winds before the storm and the sky is covered in clouds but it doesn't look as foreboding as it did this morning. The wind had the rocking chairs rocking on their own (or Jake's ghost was enjoying them! I blame things on Jake's ghost like I used to blame Jake when he was with us - like a little kid, if Wade asked how something happened I would tell him, "Jake did it!" Now I tell him, "Jake's ghost did it!" (of course I don't believe in ghosts, but it's fun!) Thank you for your prayers! God is our protection and watches over us - what peace that brings.
Wow, what a strange comment box. I do like that my post doesn't disappear at the bottom if I want to change something higher up! Nice! Adding a link was really easy, I just did a copy and paste and it filled in the rest!
Have a great day. Love you
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Good morning! We did fine through the storms, they didn't hit us very heavily. We did get some storms with heavy rain, but the winds were normal for a thunderstorm. A bit higher before the storms, but not bad. It lasted two or three hours and then it was over! Thank You, Father, for watching over us!
Hurting a little bit more today than yesterday. Tomorrow Wade and I are going to go to the bigger city tomorrow. I'll spend most of the time in the car, but get out for short jaunts. I will definitely have my cane with me and Wade is going to bring the travel wheeled chair too - just in case. There is an Ollies that we like to go in when we come to this town, and their Wal-mart is a bit better than ours.
Lunch time! I think I will do my apple, yogurt, and granola, my tummy's a bit acidy today!
Love y'all.
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Had my earing tested Tuesday. Could not find out why I have rining in left ear. But I do have hearing loss and it was suggested to think about hearing aids but to come back in one year to be checked again. So now need to see my doctor to get to see an ear, throat and nose specialist to see if he can find out what the ringing is coming from.
Next Wednesday I get the heart monitor on - my heart just keeps beating funny and doctor thinks it might be Afib which means meds help control this otherwise will lead to a stroke.
Have a headache and pressure in head is not nice - think it is due to sinus troubles so need to get that under control.
Need to go and do some walking with Norm as I see where it is getting difficult to walk far at all so each day he is going to take me someplace where I can walk for 10 - 20 minutes to help with strength and balance
Praying for you wonderful ladies - do have a good day
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Praising God for protection and a "meeker" storm! Enjoy your outing to the city…prayers for that as well….When I went out the last time, my car didn't want to start. I need to start/run it a bit more often than twice a month, or my battery drains. I think that's what's going on now….once it started, I left it running at the bank, Walgreens, store pick up and dumpster…
Marilyn, when I had the testing done by an ENT in Dallas, back in 1989, is when I was DX's with Meniere's….I never got medical care when I was with either husband…That was a horrid experience. Praying for you in this new trial…God is with us in and through them all.
I had a notice on my door….all tenants got it. The rental insurance will only be a $10.50 charge (I expected $18), The electric increase is permanent…our rate went from .06-.10, starting April 1….any renewals will get a 10% increase so no more concessions for this old girl. I am so very thankful for each one I did get! I will rework my budget to reflect the changes. I renew in January so I have awhile to get with the program. Also…no more checks, money orders will be accepted, by the end of the year…I already pay rent/fees online…and the AppFolio may be a change for that…or for our electric bill? I suppose we will know soon enough. I'll get my notice signed/dated and returned to the office….and carry on.
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I hope that you find out the ringing in your ear is something easily helped. I have tinnitus and taking LipoFlavanoid helps to quiet the ringing but it never goes away completely. I've had it for so long now I don't know what I would do with silence! I hope that is not what is happening with your ears. They say that sometimes the ENT can hear the ringing in your ear, and if that's the case then there is something he can do, it's a physical issue; but if he can't hear it then it has to be dealt with another way. I never saw anyone for this but my doctors do know it's there. Praying for you!
Bren, praying you will find the right solutions for your new heart issues. I have a friend who had Afib, but surgery has so far fixed the problem. I hope the meds work for you if that is the issue. The higher does of my Metoprolol is helping to keep my heart rate well within normal rates! Even if I miss a day it rarely goes over 100 now. Praise the Lord.
Well, I didn't get to go to town, too much pain in my leg and SI joint today. I did get some results from the tests at Lab Corp, but the doctor is going to have to tell me what they mean. There are some positives on the Lyme's Disease, but not enough to call it positive! Hmmm. Not sure I understand that, but the doctor will know. Another test was positive, but there were five or more things that could mean. Eek! God knows and He has a plan - phew! Praise His name!
Well, it's apple and yogurt time! Love you!
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Well that's a bit confusing! Not positive "enough"? Hope you learn more soon that is more enlightening. So sorry that you missed your outing.
I don't think my heart thing is AFIB….it's occurrences of angina that lasts about 20 minutes. It's been several weeks since I had an episode and I am thankful. I do the Metoprolol AM/PM, the Benicar AM….my heart rate is low for the most part….58-62, resting.
Here we are at another weekend! Love them…I worked weekends for almost 23 years so even tho I am retired, I enjoy them. It feels "extra" somehow!
Prayers for us all in this new day. I am thankful you are here…
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Oh, praise the Lord that the angina has quieted!
I've gone over my MRI results, looking up unknown words to figure out what they are talking about. The bursitis in my hip is causing most of the pain in my leg which causes me the most trouble. I ended up taking two doses of Tramadol last night (3.5 hours apart) along with the gabapentin. I finally got to sleep around 1 in the morning. Wade is having to help me dress because lifting my right leg is just to painful, so I sit on the bed and he gets the leg open on the floor and I barely have to lift my foot. We've had a couple of funny moments when both legs ended up in the same leg! I'm so grateful to God for my incredibly helpful and patient husband. It surprised me that on the results my SI joints were unremarkable! Say what, the right one is the joint that hurts the worst! Two MRI's read by two different Ortho docs said arthritis, one didn't agree. There is a lot of pain there when it is poked! My PCP in Hickory also agreed that there is arthritis there. Sigh. We'll know more on the 17th. It's comforting to know God has it all figured out.
Time for my treat. Love you
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Sorry to hear that both of you seem to be dealing with health problems - but the Lord is great and will give us the strength to hold up to all that we are goiong through.
We are dealing with a few issues that can be frustrating. Our furnace in February needed to have a repair person out - total cost is $1,500 and thankfully they agreed to let us pay by the month - we will have it paid for in April. Then we had a water pipe leak under the house (we live in a double wide modular home) and the water ran constantly for 24 hours before we could get someone out to fix it - that meant for that time we had no water - therefore no flushing of the toilet. So that was another expense. And now looks like there could be a problem with the car - the dealership wants to do a diagnostic test ($180) just to find out what the problem is and then add on for any work. And to top everything my lazy boy chair that I sleep in has decided not to work properly - when I lean it back it leans to the left. And a new chair is very costly.
So we are looking at which comes first - my chair or the car - the car runs ok but we feel there might be a problem with the brakes and it does need new tires.
And then there is all the medical issues I seem to be going through - have had my ears tested but still have the ringing and spells of dizzyness. Also the fluttering of the heart - will have the heart monitor put on Wednesday for 24 hours to see what is happening there. Also need some dental work
So all in all things seem difficult but we will get through it - the Lord is in control we just need to lean in on Him more.
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Hi Sweet Ladies
I have some health issues…I changed her diaper and turned around to go get her bottle and totally collapsed landing right in front of my fireplace. I hit my whole right side very hard..from my right ear all the way down to my right side. My hip, leg and foot hurt me soooo bad.
Thank God I have healed pretty fast..I am having dizziness on and off…I think all of this is related to my BS and BP issues. My doc said she didn't really know…it could be ministrokes…I sure hope NOT! She said the next time I fall to go the the ER. I pray I never collapse like that ever again!!! It was scary.
Made me even more determined to get healthy!!! I have been scared to go back walking in case I lose my balance …but I can't let Fear take over…I have to get back walking.
On top of all that my husband who has delusion disorder and other Mental issues decided to go to a hotel for 4 days and tell me he wants a divorce! I was so crushed and just shocked. I have been able to reach him and let him know that I am here for him and that he is loved. He is coming back home..and hopefully things will work out…Ya'll are really the only ones beside my children that I can talk to about this.
It is so hard dealing with someone you love with mental issues. It takes a toll on me, and I can't imagine what he deals with mentally that I cannot understand. I really walk on eggshells. Only God can get me through all this….ONLY HIM
prayers appreciated
praying for ya'll too
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Good morning all….
Missy, I am so sorry to hear of this very bad fall, the dizziness and other issues causing pain, distress and sorrow. We each have our set of trials and hardships but we have a superior, loving, comforting and healing God. He is the same always and loves us beyond comprehension. You all remain in my prayers.
Your fall brought to mind the drop attacks I had during my years with Meniere's. They came on suddenly, with no warning and like your fall, can cause serious damage. My issues started at 21…so 51 years ago and the right side went first, then it struck the left side in 1995, with a major hit in 2001, when I fell getting out of my car and knew for sure I was having another round with it. I'd recommend testing with an ENT. Our Marilyn is having some of the same issues.
Here's a blurb I found…one of many: Drop attacks are sudden falls without warning that can occur without loss of consciousness or neurologic symptoms as a rare manifestation of Meniere disease. Patients typically describe a sensation of being pushed, thrown, or knocked to the ground or have a sudden illusion of environmental tilt causing the fall.
My ENT here, told me I had the worst case he had ever seen or treated. Once the balance organ burned out, taking my hearing with it as it did on the right, the horrid side effects stopped. I did have a 2 month round of dizziness after my fall back in June of 2023….a bad shake up. I was so thankful when that ended.
Marilyn, I hear you on the financial needs, struggles and decisions on what comes first. Prayers for provision and peace.
Kim, I hear you on the pain when touched! I have trigger points all over and almost screamed once when my PCP ran her thumb down my right leg…and that was years ago when I thought I only had a hip problem. I've done the both legs in one side of the pants thing…Hoping all your ducks line up and you get some clear direction and help for your pain. It sounds like you have input from several…(Ducks/Doctors)
God knows our names, our hearts, our needs and we are never left without hope. We are blessed with this new day in which to praise Him and find rest for our souls. May He strengthen, heal, comfort and provide as we each need today. Love you!
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Saying prayers for Missy and Marilyn right now! God knows and He has a purpose in this. Be still and know that He is God. You are so right, only God can see you through this. Praying for healing, provision, and safety for my girls. I've had dizzy spells on and off, but it's from the congestion in my head (that's my diagnosis because they couldn't find anything else). Praise the Lord those are fewer and farther between than they had been.
Bren, my touch pain is from fibromyalgia as well as the lipedema. I'm hoping that a shot of cortisone in the bursitis will turn this pain around. When I read about it they said that that can cause the pain that I am having, so, Lord willing getting rid of the pain may be easy. It's figuring out why I have so much arthritis and arthrosis (joint degeneration that isn't inflamed). As I said in another post, I have partial positives that make having the disease a negative, and then I have a positive that is smack in the middle of the range which could mean I have it or it could mean I don't have it - arghhh! I hope my doctor can figure it all out. One of the things they looked for was definitely negative! praise the Lord for that!
OOO, Wade is going to make Salisbury Steak for dinner! Yummers. I think the last time I had it was when we got frozen dinners when we were kids! Salisbury Steak and Fried Chicken were my favorites. This one is made with hamburger - maybe that's normal, like I said, it's been 50+ years since I last had it! LOL!
Love you ladies. I'm here for you and praying for you and your loved ones!
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That picture reminds me of the house I'd pass 5 days a week, on my way to work and the beautiful daffodils and tulips in bloom. I thought of getting the address so I could send a note to the owners, thanking them for the years of joy their lawn brought me on those mornings. I definitely thanked God for the beauty, year after year and the promise of renewal I saw in it!
Yes! In the "negatives" we get in some cases…we can surely be thankful! As I am…to not have headaches and other things some must deal with. My goal today is to "deal with me"….LOL….Love you. Hope you and hubby enjoyed the Salisbury steak for dinner! I had Mac and cheese with meatballs and broccoli….while wanting fish! Have a blessed day, ladies…