What are you reading
Hoopla has available books and books you can put on hold, flex books - but you can get 20 of those books and each time you return one you get that number back. I get 7 available's a month. I put "Christian" in the search box and several things came up. On the left it asks "Borrow Type" and I clicked "flex" and several of those came up (mostly audio, a few e-books). Many of them are older books. They have a bunch of Tolkien and CS Lewis books on flex as well.
Still working on the same stuff.
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Hoopla has very few Christian flex audiobooks through our libraries. I think I have only used it one time. Right now, I have read everything that remotely interests me. I think one library doesn't even offer flex books.
SUMMERLIN GROVES by Elizabeth Camden - very good, her first contemporary novel and is totally different than her normal historical fiction. It's about a woman with alopecia.
TEXAS CHRISTMAS REVENGE by Connie Queen - LISCurrent - still reading Grandma Ruth, but not sure what else I will get going today.
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I finished BE MY INSPIRATION by Chautona Havig in the LOVE BLOOMS ON VALENTINES anthology and it was delightful. I really like Chautona Havig and was pleasantly surprised to recognize other characters in the story from previous reads. I didn't realize it was set in the same location as many of her other stories. On to book two...
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It is really rare that I quit reading a book unless it has objectionable content. I started Melody Carlson's newest book, WELCOME TO THE HONEY B&B. I'm sure that it is a great book, but it is about a couple that includes a man with dementia. I didn't get too far, but knew that it would be a really hard and emotional read for me. It was written in honor of her husband who had FTD dementia and passed right before Christmas. I wanted to try the book, but it just hit my emotions, and I live that life, I don't want to read about it too.
Anyway -
THE MISTRESS AT TALL ACRE by Laura Frantz. This takes place in Virginia right after the Revolutionary War. I had checked it out and didn't know if I would read it or not, but I did and it was very good.
A COWBOY’S WHISPERED WORD by Jessie Gussman. These are her newest books. I really enjoyed the first one, and the second was good except it went it to a lot of detail of a bad stomach flu….just YUCK! I was listening in bed with the sleep timer on and I was really trying to fall asleep during that part since I knew it would be kicking off soon. Of course it finished that chapter, then kicked off and I was still awake.Current:
THE CUPID CHRONICLES by Courtney Walsh. This one is different. A little love "magic" is in the air, I think. I am just getting started on it.I haven't decided on an audiobook for bedtime, yet. I have a bunch checked out, so it should be easy to figure out.
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Well, I just finished a WOW book! (5+*)
AS SURE AS THE SEA by Jamie Ogle. This is a fictionalized story of the real St. Nicholas. It was amazing! Her first book OF LOVE AND TREASON was a WOW book last year. It was about St. Valentine. These have to be good because this is definitely a genre out of my normal comfort zone!1 -
I finished the second story in the LOVE BLOOMS ON VALENTINES anthology: Two Wrongs to Right - Katy Lee. I didn't like it as well as the first, but it was good. I'm reading the third story now: Be Mine, Again - Gina Conroy. So far it's just okay. I'm having a hard time getting into it and there was mention of casual sex. I'm waiting to see if it gets better.
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Cindy - the Chautona Havig one was definitely the best!
I am trying to listen to
OPERATION JOKTAN Christy finalist 2023 by Amir Tsarfati & Steve Yohn. This is a bit out of my comfort range. It is pretty good, but think it will be a little at a time. The war, Mosad, etc .are just a bit intense.
I finished:
THE CUPID CHRONICLES (some light slang) by Courtney Walsh. It was cute, but definitely not a favorite.
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I was able to get the first Jamie Ogle story through Hoopla, and the Joktan story has been on my Hoopla Wish list!
I gave up on a fantasy where the heroine was very immature and I couldn't take it so I quit.
I am also continuing to read the missionary story about the three generations who were missionaries. Not very well written, but interesting.
I am also listening to SQUIRE OF TRUTH by Jill Williamson (I'm not sure why the name of the author that she helped to write it isn't acknowledged). It's a spin-off of a previous series, a mild fantasy.
I am reading TIES OF STARLIGHT, the second book in this multi-author series. So far I am liking this one better than the first one.
I forgot about HEART OF BEAUTY so I need to get back to that one! LOL!
I finished two books in a fantasy series which were really good.
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I finished:
THAT DAY IN NYC by Brooke St. James. This is #3 in a series. I liked the premise, but definitely some steam. It is about a famous artist that hasn't talked since her parents were killed in front of her and she meets a guy in NYC when she is there for an art showing. I don't remember that type of steam in the first two in the series, but it was a long time ago that I read them. I have #4 and #5 checked out.Still working on OPERATION JOKTAN, but it is intense. I will get through it, but not quickly
Also reading ROYAL RESCUE by Tammy Johnson. This is a LIS. It's a lot less intense! They are traveling right now from Missouri, through Kansas, and have arrived in Colorado. Who knows where they will wind up next. She is a royal that was taken out of her country for her safety when her father was killed.0 -
I've seen those on Hoopla and read one of them years ago, but haven't been able to get back into the series. I really liked the one I did read.
I'm still working on the same books. I did download a book I read back in May that I really liked and will start re-reading it when I get done with something else. One of the fantasies I am reading is seeming to last forever. I read and read and read (well, listen) and look down and I am still at around 31%. I'm enjoying the story, I just can't believe it's taking this long!
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Still working on GRANDMA RUTH DOESN'T GO TO FUNERALS by Sharon Mondragon. I am really enjoying it, but it isn't rating as high as her other two books did. This is quirky and fun, but doesn't have the spiritual depth that the others did, although it is definitely Christian. I will probably finish today.
Also still listening to OPERATION JOKTAN. This is just not a book that I enjoy leaving on for long periods of time. It just isn't my normal type book, and takes more concentration and shorter times…definitely not one to put on at bedtime.
SCENT OF PANIC by Laura Scott - Takes place on a reservation in Wyoming. A little boy has been taken and this is the search for him. Very good.0 -
Finally finished BE MINE, AGAIN by Gina Conroy. Thankfully, it got better. I haven't started the next one, but might do that tonight when this Awards program is done - Million Likes - Helena Smrcek.
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GRANDMA RUTH DOESN'T GO TO FUNERALS by Sharon Mondragon - Very good, but not a WOW book like her others. I would still recommend it, but was a bit disappointed. Her other books were books I still think about. The interactions of the knitters with those around them and the lifes that were blessed resonated with me more than this book, that I would have probably liked better if I hadn't compared it to her other ones.
WHEN THE SKY BURNED A Day To Remember series by Liz Tolsma. This was a great book. It dealt with a historical fire in Wisconsin the same day as the Chicago fire. The book is about characters in the Wisconsin fire, but they wind up in Chicago as well. This was definitely a 5* read. I knew it would be good, but kept putting off reading it, and I have no idea why.
SCENT OF PANIC by Laura Scott. - very good K9 search and rescue type book.
Now the only thing I have going is OPERATION JOKTAN. I will get another audiobook going before bedtime and start an ebook.
I am have to tell a funny story about GRANDMA RUTH. There is a portion of the story that ladies are talking about a lady in the community that is causing some trouble. They are trying to figure out who the father to her grown son is. One of the ladies says, "We all kiss our share of frogs before we wise up. And to think, I almost married Virgil Thompson." I have a cousin named Virgil Thompson and he is a card! His wife is amazing and I've always wondered how he got her. Anyway, I sent a picture of the paragraph to her and this was her reply.0 -
😄 Hmm, I write replies to author news letters, I wonder if any of that ended up in a book. I did suggest a spelling change of a name for one book. It was a regency type book and the character's name was Alan, I suggested Allen, my BIL's spelling, and she liked that and put that instead! It's not as casual as Alan.
I'm still working on the same stories.
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A CONSTANT LOVE BY Tracie Peterson - her newest.
GRAVE AMISH SECRETS by Patricia Johns - Love Inspired Suspense
OPERATION JOKTAN by Amir Tsarfati & Steve Yohn - still working on it, a little at a timeFinished:
OUT OF TIME by Lisa Phillips - book 10 of Brand Of Justice series. This one took them everywhere. Started in NYC, then Colorado, London, Paris, a little time in Greece and ended in North Carolina. It was a pretty brutal book, but good.0