Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Only managed one clean snack today....spoiled my delicious, green salad with another one of those giant globs of ranch (I do use yogurt ranch which is much better but, still- not clean.)

    2 Newts for today
    0 OWLS
    60 House Points (love my zumba class sooooo much)

    Yes, I'll be seeing Breaking Dawn. I don't even feel an eesey weensey bit guilty about LOVING trashy teen stuff. I can't do the Midnight show though.... well I could but, I'd be pretty useless to my students tomorrow. I'm taking my niece on Sunday.

  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 6
    House Points - 97

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 2
    House Points - 137

    Lots of fresh veggies.... but hummus to dirty it up. I am thrilled to get my kid to eat different kids of hummus with veggies(mainly carrots) and pretzels.

    I am so looking forward to going home to visit and Thanksgiving... But I know I will OVEREAT the whole time I am 'home' and I plan on having some adult drinks (which I haven't done since I moved here at the end of May!).... Ugh! I need to have a plan...

    Another random note. I joined the book club at work.... Yay! Reading dork! But the first meeting I will go to we are to bring a 'treat' work will provide a 'healthy lunch'. So I am trying to think of a good dessert that is somewhat healthy... Why do we make food such a social thing???
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    I know we are all Hogwartians, but is anyone going to see Breaking Dawn? I am also a Twilight freak! I am so excited. I am going with my girls at 12:01!

    i cant wait to see it!! every time a ad comes on tv i get so excited but we dont have a cinema here :frown: so have to wait to get sent it thro lovefilm which shall be ages yet :grumble:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning,

    My stats for yesterday:


    Newts: 0
    Owls: 1
    House Pts.: 0
  • Hello Hufflepuffs, I would like to join your house :) Thanks
  • I'll do a proper post later, but for now I just want to share this picture with you. It was taken last night when just before I went out for the evening with two of my friends, Jo and Gemma. I'm in the middle, looking exceptionally short compared to my friends (who are absolutely beautiful, I'm sure you'll agree), despite having the highest heels on! If you've seen pictures of me previously, I will look a little different as usually I have very curly/ringlet style hair but it was straightened for the evening :smile:

  • Proper post from me! Yesterday was my cheat day which I enjoyed, haha!


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - I was at a nightclub and did near on 5 hours of dancing. I didn't log any of this but I am unsure if I should count any of it for the challenge?


    OWLs - 1
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - 30
    Weight - 158.

    Down another lb! :)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Breaking Dawn was EPIC!!! Unbelievably awesome! Prefects don't forget to switch duties and post your challenges tomorrow! Thanks!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Sorry been a bit absent, you know how things go sometimes.
    Lost 3.3 pounds this week. No change in other stats so far. I'm afraid that not only have I hurt my back, I also went to the dentist yesterday and have a sore mouth and flappy gums and what I'm saying is that I haven't got any owls and still only one newt. and I don't think I have got any more house points either. Sorry guys.
  • Molly-you look amazing!

    :explode: the downward spiral that was yesterday... Friday is usually my weigh in day and I knew I hadn't had the best week but, guess I expected the weight loss fairies to work their magic. Anyhow, after a disappointing weigh in, I ate literally everything I could shove in! I think I'm done with my pity party and am heading to Zumba-I must apologize to my poor body.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hope everyone has a great weekend! molly you look amazing!

    9 owls 0 newts 28 hp
    3 owls 1 newts 0 hp

    i went to costco and got a bunch of apples i'm going to try to each one 1 day for my clean snack....slowly but steady trying to incorporate more clean foods
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    **** OWLs ****

    Exercise challenge for the week (November 20-26) :

    Try something new!! When we do the same exercise over and over our wonderful bodies adapt and make us more efficient (aka kick butt, but burn less cals). This is a wonderful thing if we had to 'run' to keep us safe, but when we are running to try and get healthy this bites.

    So this week, EVERY 10 mins that you step outta your 'typical' comfort zone you earn a OWL.

    This can be trying a new workout DVD or Class that you haven't done before; trying a different type of machine at the gym (I am switching from my typical elliptical to the Rowing Machine); Doing strength training instead of just Cardio; Jogging/running instead of walking; etc.

    Changing things up can also help you bust through a plateau.

    **Doesn't have to be something new everyday, just something different than you do every other week.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    quite excited about weighing in on tuesday. can i ask is there a day we have to weigh in on here?

    my points





    molly- you look amazing!!
  • Thanks for all the comments regarding my picture. Just to clarify I wasn't fishing for compliments or anything!

    Stats for 19/11

    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 0
    House Points - 240

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone! :smile:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    11/18 stats
    HP 30
    newts 2
    owls 2

    11/19/11 stats
    HP 105
    newts 0
    owls 2

    Weight is stagnant this week remaining at 200. I can relate with msrobinson77. I was hoping for a loss, but I also know my weight would have to level out at some point, losing 8 pounds in 3 weeks...(sorry I didn't join the house while I was losing)...eating my first chocolate/pizza in about 2 months...and not a small amounts either. At least I can look at the bright side...I am sick and not likely to indulge again for awhile. I have come a long way...this used to be a daily routine, and my stomach would never tell me I had had enough last year.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    quite excited about weighing in on tuesday. can i ask is there a day we have to weigh in on here?

    my points





    molly- you look amazing!!

    You need to post your weight here by Monday or I can't count you for our competition.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Molly-you look amazing!

    :explode: the downward spiral that was yesterday... Friday is usually my weigh in day and I knew I hadn't had the best week but, guess I expected the weight loss fairies to work their magic. Anyhow, after a disappointing weigh in, I ate literally everything I could shove in! I think I'm done with my pity party and am heading to Zumba-I must apologize to my poor body.

    I did this a few weeks ago. Chin up, you're doing well innit :smile:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Last week's totals:

    NEWTS 2
    OWLS 0
    House Points 335

    Great challenge Jen - I've been trying to try new things for a few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on it with the proper exercise - bad backs are frustrating!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member

    quite excited about weighing in on tuesday. can i ask is there a day we have to weigh in on here?

    my points





    molly- you look amazing!!

    You need to post your weight here by Monday or I can't count you for our competition.

    ok thats fine so weighed myself this morning and was 173lbs now down to 171lbs so 2lb loss
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning,
    I didn't realize that we prefects were switching duties after a week, so I had my exercise all picked out......
    Sooooo, trying to come up with something different for newts, boy eating clean is going to be difficult to follow, but after a little thought this is what I have come up with..

    Newt challenge: Since we are supposed to "Eat the Rainbow", try to eat as many different colors of vegetables in a day as you can. 1 Newt for each color eaten per day.

    I just want to say that I love belonging to this group with the different challenges every week, helps me to be successful in my weight loss/health gain process. Thanks to everyone.

    My stats for Friday and Saturday:

    11/18/11 11/19/11

    Newts: 0 Newts: 0
    Owls: 1 Owls: 0
    House Pts: 25 House Pts: 0

    Todays weight: 160.8, yayyy!!!!!! A loss 8 ) Going to be a difficult week coming up with the holiday. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving.

    Going to get a picture posted today Ugggghhhh,