Like Minded Lushes - February 2012



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I love that I'm able to stay at home with my fur kids and keep the house clean, only downside for me is I don't have a license so I'm home all the time. I do get out of the house for date night or when we run errands on the weekends. I know that has a lot to do with my boozy beverage issue. I'm sure once I get my license and can go places I'll be good.

    4 glasses of wine last night which is a huge reduction from Tuesday but I would still like 0's during the week and only 1-3 on Fridays and/or Saturdays. Read some interesting articles on booze and weight loss. Think it'll help me steer clear during the week and be good on the weekends. Time will tell! Going for 0 tonight as weigh in day is tomorrow, however that may be shot due to my muscles hanging onto water at the moment. Going to get in a really good bike ride and lots of water to flush things out.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
  • MartiJJohnston
    Man, I've really sucked this week!

    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 10 ounces Voli Lyte Vodka
    Wednesday (immediately after my PT session) - 6 Miller Lites
    Thursday - ???

    I've decided to give up beer in March. Beer only (not my vodka or wine). My birthday is at the end of this month and I'm sure I'll be drinking a LOT of beer around that time.

    Oh, Kim... it sounds like that ear thing is painful. I hope draining it takes the pain away!

    Yvonne... wow! I don't think I've been on a streak that long in years. Kudos!!

    You ladies with your HUGE wine glasses are making me giggle. :laugh: My husband's best friend brought some random chick over to my house last summer and she broke my favorite huge wine glass. I'd had it for about 10 years. :explode: I'm still shopping for the next "specail" one...

    And... don't fall out of your chairs... I LOVE MY JOB!!! :bigsmile:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Been a good girl this week... atleast I will be till Friday. Then the fun starts:bigsmile: :devil:
    Sunday -0
    Thursday-0 (thats the plan anyways
    Friday -:drinker: ????????
    Saturday-:drinker: ??????? who knows lol
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I've been good...tonight will be the kicker, however--parent/teacher conferences until 7:30.

    Thursday=??? I'm hoping for 0, but we'll see!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Dexter was good, instead of beer though I made margs and when I figured out how much I had it was like 600 cals, yikes, should have had the 3 beers instead.
    I did not like Dexter at first (we are only 9 episodes in, don't ruin anything for me) but started to like it at episode 5.
    It does sort of suck to work, seems like anything would be a drag just for getting paid to do it. I don't hate my job, there's parts I like and parts I don't, like anything. I am not sure if I would be ok staying at home, I need more distractions and interactions because being left alone with my thoughts never leads me to good places, but that is just me! I could use a housewife though, that would be sweet! someone to wait for the cable guy, or the carpet cleaners, someone to grocery shop and prepare meals, clean the house and such...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh and Kim, how long has your effing ear been messed up??? Seems like forever!! It must be making you nuts. Hope you get some relief soon. :flowerforyou:

    Officially, 4 weeks this Saturday...yes, I mourned the loss of my hearing...procedure went well; now, I just have to wait for things to drain and settle down.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    WOW...took me a while to catch up on posts...only one person loves their job...ha, ha :laugh:

    Kat, I don't know how you get along without a license...that would drive me crazy to be stranded...but, I have kids so it makes a difference.:wink:

    Amy-Dot...conferences would make me fact, I have one tonight for little guy far, so good, we have 0's. :flowerforyou:

    Question is, if your a it with or without kids? Makes a huge difference. Loved the idea of waiting for the cable guy :love: he, he

    Wlgreen...that is the reason we are stuck at our weights...:drinker: :drinker:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    WOW...took me a while to catch up on posts...only one person loves their job...ha, ha :laugh:

    Kat, I don't know how you get along without a license...that would drive me crazy to be stranded...but, I have kids so it makes a difference.:wink:

    Amy-Dot...conferences would make me fact, I have one tonight for little guy far, so good, we have 0's. :flowerforyou:

    Question is, if your a it with or without kids? Makes a huge difference. Loved the idea of waiting for the cable guy :love: he, he

    Wlgreen...that is the reason we are stuck at our weights...:drinker: :drinker:

    Yeah it's tough and there's only so much cleaning to be done around the house because I'm a neat freak so it's normally tidy, unless my fiancé has had the week off. We don't have kids yet but when we do I know I won't have a problem staying home all the time.

    So, after rethinking about all the articles I read about alcohol and weight loss, it finally made sense in my head. Definitely going to try and go easy on the sauce by not having any during the week and only having a few drinks Fridays and Saturdays. Maybe once I get to the weight or size I want to be back to then I'll work a couple glasses in each night as there are some benefits to moderate drinking but until then I'm going to really focus on my work outs and food :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0
    Wednesday, 0
    Thursday, 0

    Tomorrow, I have a weigh-in for another contest. My weight is up and I have no idea why other than water weight. So, I will see what happens after a night of slumber.

  • wlgreen379
    So I have a new goal for myself. Next week, NO ALCOHOL. Wife goes out of town next week so it is just me and the kid, no trivia night, so it should be easier. Plan on having a couple tonight, maybe tomorrow, but I will start Booze Free Week on Sunday.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Thu - 2 jack and cokes.........
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Monday- 0
    Tuesday- 0
    Wednesday- 0
    Thursday- 0
    Friday- definitely something!!! either some vodka drinks or beer, we will see what I'm feeling like later
    Saturday- probably wine
    Sunday- back to zeros!!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I actually love my job:bigsmile: I'm an attorney for the Social Security Administration. I love working for the federal government.

    I've been cutting down during the week on the drinks, by a couple of drinks per night, and I'm going to try to keep that going on the weekend too. I am convinced I am not losing weight because of the beer. It's light beer, but still, it's making a huge dent in my calories each day. I'm thinking I may switch to red wine, which I like and drink much, much more slowly than a cold beer.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi, peeps...GM

    I'll probably be drink-free tonight as well....weight is up 1.8 lbs from last Friday and I p*ssed about it. I think it's water weight, but....WHATevvvver! I know it's not from drinking. I know the 'ol bod is changing, it just I want the scale to move as well.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I DID IT. Thursday = 0. It has been a while but I made it to a zero. Yay me! My ban on the hard stuff really helped me push thru. Now if I could just get up and get my but moving. Although I did 100 ab moves yesterday to take my mind of wanting some wine. :happy:
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Wow! So many did so good this week with all the 0s!! Congrats to everyone! I only caved on Wednesday night and limited it to two drinks.

    Tonight - I have declared date nite with the husband and I am considering this my cheat night! Still gonna try to limit the number of drinks instead of blowing it out!

    Saturday and Sunday will probably involve some drinking, but will try to keep under calories. My daughter has a cheer competetion tomorrow so it will be easy to do since we will get home late (but will definitely need a drink after that is over!) Sunday, we are going to a friends house for roof raising - steak dinner affair, lol:drinker: :drinker:

    After reading this, it sounds as if I might have a "cheat" weekend! Have a great weekend all!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thursday=3 drinks, one was a 22 oz kirin though, then two bud lights.
    Going to the movies tonight, might have a drink before, with dinner, though.
    No plans for the weekend so not sure how much drinking there will be. I am torn between being sober next week (the week before Mexico) or should I be conditioning for all-inclusive?
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Yesterday was a diaster!!! My husband's grandmother was in critical condition due to an obstruction in her bowel .She is the strongest woman I know, at the age of 83 she recovered and is in stable condition....AMAZING!! When we got the news she was having emergency surgery we drove to the hospital in South Jersey (about 2 1/2hr drive). We stayed down for the night and headed back up this morning. I ate crappy and drank too many beers FOR SURE....6 beers I think and 2 grape vodka and sprites!!!
    All I wanna do tonight is relax on the couch and order a pizza.......
  • razfabulous
    Thanks for adding me to the group. I just started this year and I do great all week until Friday and then I start a crazy cycle of drinking and then eating to feel less hungover... I'm sure you know the score.
