Like Minded Lushes - February 2012



  • HerbieSue
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0

    So far so good and it's actually easy. Started my 3 day shakeology cleanse so no booze is allowed anyway so it will be

    Sunday - 0
    Monda - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0
    Thursday - 0

    Awesome! Let us know the great results!

  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0

    So far so good and it's actually easy. Started my 3 day shakeology cleanse so no booze is allowed anyway so it will be

    Sunday - 0
    Monda - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0
    Thursday - 0

    Awesome! Let us know the great results!


    Will do! Started off with a weight loss already even though it's TOM! So even if I don't lose any weight, I'll still be a happy camper because I am 6.6 pounds away from my goal and a reassessment of if I want to go a little but lower.
  • razfabulous
    For the first Mardi Gras in years I am having 0 drinks... well, maybe one with my boyfriend at home.

    Tell me about Shakeology, please.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    For the first Mardi Gras in years I am having 0 drinks... well, maybe one with my boyfriend at home.

    Tell me about Shakeology, please.

    It's a nutritional shake, most use it as a meal replacement but you can use it as a snack or just part of a healthy diet. It has a ton of nutritional ingredients, antioxidants, protein and fiber. I've tried the chocolate and I wasn't a fan, never tried the Greenberry but I love the Tropical. Some days it tastes more like banana, some more like berries, depends on how you make it. The texture is a little strange but not terrible and I can get past it for the nutrition it provides. They've packed so much into it and even though I love fruit and veggies, I would never get to the amounts you're supposed to get. After the cleanse I'm going to try the tropical with some cocoa in it =]

    A lot of people think it's pricey, the chocolate and green berry are $120 a month which is $4 a day, the tropical is $130 a month which is $4.3 a month. So people spend that on subway or Starbucks or other things. To me the health benefits of it are worth the 4 bucks a day as opposed to some expensive non nutritional coffee or other drink. You can try it for 30 days and if it doesn't do anything for you then you can return the empty bag and get your money back. I didn't think it would keep me full for long but when I mix it with milk, it ends up being about 23 grams of protein and it actually does keep me full for 2-3 hours which works for me because I like to eat every 2-3 hours.

    Ps. all I am NOT a beach body coach and was skeptical about Shakeology at first also but I wanted to give it a real shot once the tropical came out. I'll see where I am in 30 days but if I get the results some have just by doing the cleanse then I'll be sticking with the Shakeology.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Kat, depending on your personal results (since you're not a Beachbody coach, I tend to trust you WAY more), I may purchase some more Shakeology. My husband has actually consumed most of mine, so I would like to try the tropical one. You'll need to keep me posted on your results :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Kat, depending on your personal results (since you're not a Beachbody coach, I tend to trust you WAY more), I may purchase some more Shakeology. My husband has actually consumed most of mine, so I would like to try the tropical one. You'll need to keep me posted on your results :)

    I definitely will :smile: I'm going to have my final shake of the day in a few minutes and then a good healthy dinner before my shows start. I actually am not starving, sure I could totally go for a large turkey grinder but it's not hard to push through and I am feeling pretty slim after my bike ride. I had my fiancé try the tropical and he actually liked it =] I'm pretty proud of how he's stuck with our routine and he's so much healthier when it comes to food. I probably will weigh in tomorrow but the real test will be Friday's weigh in AND it'll be the end of the cleanse so I'll get to have more than just liquid haha :glasses: Thinking a scrumptious date night will be in store for Friday if the fiancé isn't too tired, but I could wait until Saturday if he is and we could just get some healthy take out. Anywho, almost the end of day 1!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Wow I see many, many zeros! Good job! My "last" drink was this past Thursday: 2 small crappy margs at a local waterfront restaurant. Oh well, my brother-in-law was buying dinner and drinks so I had them. I did not have anything since. This is weird folks, but I am glad. Drinking almost everyday for hmmmmm years is not doable right now. I'm glad that inner subconscious is finally getting it. Lost 7 lbs in 18 days finally. I expect tomorrow to shed at least 1/2 lb, hopefully 1 lb and THEN I've met a goal I set over a year ago: to be under 200. Yes, I finally said it out loud. From there I will just keep going.

    I want to thank you for your encouragement and support during all this time. It's meant a lot to me. Cheers! :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    danng crazycat....that's awesome!!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Wow I see many, many zeros! Good job! My "last" drink was this past Thursday: 2 small crappy margs at a local waterfront restaurant. Oh well, my brother-in-law was buying dinner and drinks so I had them. I did not have anything since. This is weird folks, but I am glad. Drinking almost everyday for hmmmmm years is not doable right now. I'm glad that inner subconscious is finally getting it. Lost 7 lbs in 18 days finally. I expect tomorrow to shed at least 1/2 lb, hopefully 1 lb and THEN I've met a goal I set over a year ago: to be under 200. Yes, I finally said it out loud. From there I will just keep going.

    I want to thank you for your encouragement and support during all this time. It's meant a lot to me. Cheers! :drinker:

    Way to go!!! That's fantastic =] Keep up the awesome work.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh, BTW, I had a tube placed in my ear today. Anybody ever have that done? It kind of sucks. Hopefully, it will start to feel better.

    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0

    Total: 0
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Kim, hopefully your ear will drain and start to feel better soon!!

    1 glass of wine last night while Hubs and I watched an episode of The Walking Dead. I might have one tonight as well...I've logged it and after he gets home from class, we're watching another episode.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Fat Tue - a pitcher of beer and a shot of rum.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Monday- 0
    Tuesday- 0
    Wednesday- 0 is the plan

    Back and neck still messed up :cry: Thinking about maybe just getting a walk in on the treadmill tonight. I've been doing good with my calories though, so I will just try to keep that up until I feel better!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thanks Dot!!

    Zippo, your very consistant..LOL

    Bgrune, hope you feel about just do some gentle stretching?

    Hubs is having surgery on this finger today. So, I'll be with him during the per-op and recovery times. I am thinking so drinks for tonight.

    I might have some tomorrow because my work weekend starts. However, my weight sucks *kitten* this week and I should stear clear of unnecessary calories....wait, they are about empty?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hope all my lushes feel better soon!!

    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0

    Day 2 of my shakeology cleanse and so far it's going well. Slight headache last night and the teeniest one right now but aside from that there haven't been any other negative effects. I also received my awesome new HRM with chest strap that my fiancé bought me and it is currently charging. I cannot wait to use it during Back, Biceps and Ab Ripper today and get an idea of what I burn during my P90X work outs :smile:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you, SoCal, Kat........Drum roll, please.........

    First goal met!!! WOOOHOOOO! Under that 200 mark!!!! :bigsmile: <Insert fireworks here>
    Okay. That wore me out. LOL Now to continue downward with an uplifted spirit!!

    Kim, I hope that tube helps; you've been battling that for awhile now. Hope hubs surgery went well.

    Chloe hope that your back and neck straighten out, it's miserable I know.

    Dot enjoy that beer, that ice cold beer.....(I remiss)

    RJ Olivia is beautiful, I'm sure you will have withdrawals when you leave her today.

    Pam :smile:

    Kat, WTG on all the zeros! You will see results, no doubt!

    Cheers my fellow lushes!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Pam, what a role model!!! Congratulations on the milestone :drinker: :drinker: I would drink to that!! :drinker: :drinker: But, I can't today :cry:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow what an AMAZING accomplishment!!! Go you!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thank you, SoCal, Kat........Drum roll, please.........

    First goal met!!! WOOOHOOOO! Under that 200 mark!!!! :bigsmile: <Insert fireworks here>
    Okay. That wore me out. LOL Now to continue downward with an uplifted spirit!!

    Kim, I hope that tube helps; you've been battling that for awhile now. Hope hubs surgery went well.

    Chloe hope that your back and neck straighten out, it's miserable I know.

    Dot enjoy that beer, that ice cold beer.....(I remiss)

    RJ Olivia is beautiful, I'm sure you will have withdrawals when you leave her today.

    Pam :smile:

    Kat, WTG on all the zeros! You will see results, no doubt!

    Cheers my fellow lushes!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks love and again congrats!!!

    I do notice that when I keep the booze to the weekends that I lose weight much quicker or consistently and feel so much less poofy =]

    Just had my snack between shakes, small banana and a clementine. Think I'll work out soon and test out this HRM bad boy.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Feeling so much better as of recently...I swear, PMS just wears me down! I've gone so long without terrible PMS.....and now that I'm hormone-free with my BC, I get to experience it again..yay me! NOT.

    So far this week, I've been all zero's! However, I'm really craving some wine...may have some tonight.. :) Maybe not..

    The hubby & I have started looking for houses. I love it! So much fun, but just makes me want to move so much faster seeing all these wonderful houses!! I can't wait to be done with apartment living!! :)

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! XOXO