Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey guys this may go wrong as i'm trying to access mfp on my walkie-talkie which has deteriorated in efficiency and simplicity since I plugged it into the dying laptop. Anyway 3 hours done today and I havent eaten yet so i'm looking forward to a meal out with the boyfriend. Tried out gillian's 6pack dvd. Not that I want a scary 6pack, but it's great for the core and there's 1 move where I could *accidentally* kick the tv which would be hilarious so i'll let u kno if I end up doing that. Bookwise i'm on lovely bones which is turning out to be a gd read. Shame I keep falling asleep reading in bed with the light and my glasses on and the book ends up all bent up, not to mention losing my page each night. Anyway I feel like i'm texting so i'll leave u all to yr sundays
  • I've just noticed the "10 bonus points if you beat your NEWT score last week" on the far right of the spreadsheet, so I've added 10 NEWTs my my week 3 total of NEWTs.

    I hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I fell off the wagon there!

    But, I'm determined to crawl back on, starting right now. Despite logging inconsistently for the last couple weeks, I've managed me meet my February goal. Sure, it was a modest goal of gaining half a pound in a month. But It's better than no gain or a loss for me.

    I want to see if I can gain a pound by the end of March. I bet if I stick to logging better, I can do it.

    As far as that spread sheet goes... I'll have to look into it. I don't think I'm going to be capable of getting Februarys fixed up, but maybe I can make March happen? Really, the nice Ravenclaw ladies just sent me some stuff, so I'm not all that well versed in what they did.

    Training for my race is going pretty well so far. My weekend long runs are feeling fine - But I've skipped my last two track workouts. I'll head back this week. It's nice to take some down time from training every now and again.

    Also - for house points, what do we count? I've just been counting what I call "dedicated exercise" like going for a run or doing push ups. Am I supposed to be counting daily activity too? I work at a running shop, so am constantly walking from the sales floor, to the back room, climbing ladders, running papers upstairs to the office... But I thought that was just included in the section where you fill out if you are sedentary, light activity, moderate activity... If I count all the time I spend moving around at work... That's a lot of time!

    Be back later. :) Promise.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    amber, i feel like i'm hanging onto the wagon with my fingernails sometimes. logging doesn't work for me but this forum helps, i think because i'm part of a bigger thing.

    excercise is any strenuous activity you wouldn't normally do. So walking around and going up ladders at work shouldn't be counted but a morning spent gardening gardening would count if you don't normally do it often.

    Also i don't tend to count walking anywhere unless i'm putting effort into making it a Power Walk and don't normally do that walk very often. But that's just me.

    amber, you do a lot of excercise anyway I think so I wouldn't worry about your house points :wink:

    What does everyone else think?
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!
    I had a good weekend. Saturday just did more spring cleaning. It’s a bit embarrassing when the people at the goodwill donation place know me by name since I’m there every week. Sunday had the usual family members over for brunch then we took all our dogs to the park. We’ve resolved to do this every weekend but we’ll see. We’re having some crazy weather in Cali. Yesterday it was beautiful 68 degrees and now it’s pouring and there is a bit of hail. Just praying it won’t take me 2 hours to drive home.

    Alaska- hope you and your daughter had a great weekend. got any pictures?

    Carolina- I feel you on the cholesterol front. My ‘bad’ cholesterol keeps going down but my ‘good’ cholesterol is still stuck stubbornly in the low range. It’s frustrating. Right now I’m reading The New rules of Lifting for Women.

    Molly- try drinking cranberry juice but get one with low or less sugar, eating yogurt or drinking one of those probiotic drinks. Also, I find Sundays is a good cheat day since Sundays aren’t actually included in the 40 days of Lent. I gave up eating out and so far so good. It forced me to eat lunch before my sister and I went shopping on Saturday.

    Amber- I’ve fallen off the logging wagon countless times. I feel that as long as you keep track of what you are eating/exercising and put in the food/exercise notes you should be good. It’s not always possible to know the calories consumed and burned for everything. It’s just not realistic. Thanks for tackling the spread sheet.

    Bum- I’m cool with your explanation.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Proud to say I logged yesterday! Yay for me. Plan to log today as well.

    It's 5:45 in the morning here, I'm getting ready to meet a friend at the track, then off to work for me. Why do I agree to this insanity!?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Procrastinating for a few more minutes. I have a mandated office day (I need desperately).

    Amber-the important part is you find your way back to the wagon and climb back on. You can do it--Nothing like exercising early morning. I am running late if I am not at the gym by 530am!

    Bumflap-I agree with your explaination of activity. I don't usually count walking anywhere as exercise unless I put some effort into it and fell my HR rise, or I rarely count cleaning/gardening unless it is super active and sustained AND I have not exercised for the day. I have my basal set at light activity to account for these activities. I suppose if you set at sedentary, you could then think about counting it, but I think it is more of an individual choice.

    Dani- That is another book I want to read, haven't been able to focus long enough to read it. I think it may be helpful now that I am seeing the benefit of lifting weights
  • Hi guys!

    Sorry I've been quiet recently. I'm almost over the horrible kidney infection I have, thankfully. I felt well enough to go to my friend's birthday party last night and I'm glad I did, because I had a great night, as did she. My friend, Jo, turned 18 on Saturday so she, some of our friends and I went out celebrating. Her parents surprised her with a limo, to take us out, and since we didn't know about it either it was a nice surprise for everyone!

    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow and see the damage, or hopefully a loss. I've been having a bad time recently weight loss wise, so I need to see the figures going in a downwards direction!

    Sorry about my lack of participation here in the common room, I'm not purposely ignoring you all I promise! I'm now up to date with all of my school work which is a relief since I noticed it was all piling up again, so hopefully that means I can get to come on here a little more. I like to read every night for about 30 mins before I go to bed but lately that hasn't been possible because I've had so much work. Usually I'm really organised so I know I've been ill when I let things slip :laugh: I'm now just anxiously waiting an exam result for the psychology exam I had in January, I should get that in a couple of weeks.

    Other than that, that's all from me folks! I don't know if any of you are 'big' make up wearers, but if you wear lipstick, which brand and shade do you use? I'm looking for a new one and want some recommendations!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Still alive here. February is over so I will keep a closer eye on the March spread sheet. You are all awesome. I am still on the wagon with exercise ... food choices not so much, but I am dropping weight though. I think it's stress related which is not a good way to lose. It could also be the fact that we literally walk everywhere here in Abu Dhabi. It's all so confusing for me with the time difference. As I get settled more I promise to be more active. I am just barely hanging on as it is though. Please forgive.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, I have had two extended weekends away from home the last couple of weeks, which has been very, very fun, but not very MyFitnessPal friendly. Now it is back to business though. I have skimmed through the last week and a half worth of posts to try to catch up. Greatly enjoyed the robot pictures. They were great.
    I did not see any new challenges for newts or owls. Are we continuing the same ones from a few weeks ago? I also did not see a new link to the March spreadsheet. Has this been posted? I may have just missed it.
    Queeda-Love the picture of you and your son on the beach. Your new home looks beautiful. Glad you guys all like it so far.
    Nikki--loved the robot pictures, awesome costumes.
    Jenn--we had an awesome time in Chicago, maybe we can get together next time I make the trip. It would be great fun.

    I am going to go catch up on the spreadsheet. Nice to 'see' everyone. --Suzie
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Good to hear from you Queeda. Don't sweat it, even though everyone laughs at us Hufflepuffs ( we are managing, atlhough that's not to say that we don't need you :wink:

    Today I have eaten spinach. I think I deserve some kind of prize.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Good to hear from you Queeda. Don't sweat it, even though everyone laughs at us Hufflepuffs ( we are managing, atlhough that's not to say that we don't need you :wink:

    Today I have eaten spinach. I think I deserve some kind of prize.

    Bah-ha-ha!! I love my Huffies... But we do have a negative image... Damnit we are loyal as all hell!! **Totally applies to my ladies here!!:drinker:

    So you ate spinach and lived... Yay!! Soon you will like it.... :wink:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Happy Thursday to everyone...Off to spin class soon. I am amazed at how much my attitudes about food are finally beginning to change. For example: we are planning a week long training event where we have to provide lunch every day
    The old me: "Yea company has to pay for lunch, and be excited about fattening pizza, box lunches etc" The new me "ugh the sodium for the week will kill me, can we at least make sure we order salad and a vegetarian dish for me"

    Bumflap--I say this with a smile "you got a newt for your spinach...what else do you want".. Seriously though the stuff does grow on you. Try in a salad mixed with other greens
    Queeda--I'm sure walking everywhere is playing a role in your weight loss. When I was in Ireland 20 years ago, we walked everywhere as well. I lived on a diet of pizza, chips and beer and still lost about a stone at the time.
    Jenn--I love bike riding, I wish I could be more like you and multitask the exercise with the daily commute...I might be able to stay in bed an extra hour if I did!
    Suzie--sounds like a great time. glad to hear your getting back on track
    Molly--I don't wear any makeup, I don't even feel confident in recommending a brand to you. Glad to hear you are getting better. The limo sounds like you had a great time!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hi all! It's been a great but hectic week. I am frustrated that the scales are not moving but I understand why I guess. I am working out a lot and building lean muscle mass. I have lost a pants size but with no lb. loss which is MUCH better than the other way around but still... Just can't seem to break that 164 barrier!! It will go up during the week and back down by Fri or Sat morning then up again due to eating on weekend but as soon as workouts start it's back down.

    Karen - Good for you for your new attitude! That truly proves you are making a lifestyle change and not just "dieting". Spin class sounds sooo intense!!

    Nikki - I love raw spinach much more than canned.

    Queeda - Keep walking!!

    Suzie - Welcome back and glad you enjoyed your trips and now you are getting back on track. My son, DIL and granddaughter will be spending spring break with us and I'm a little worried about eating while they are here. Shouldn't be too bad since they try to eat healthy. They don't need to lose weight so they can afford a little party food so we will see.

    Molly - I wear Mary Kay. Love the way it looks, feels and stays on. Shades vary depending upon skin tone. I like Champage topped with Bronzed.

    The weekend is approaching and I'm trying to make plans so I can make good food choices. May be headed to the movies with my daughter and the two kids she's babysitting. Going to try and resist that movie popcorn - one of my major downfalls. Hope everyone else is working on healthy weekend plans.
  • Hi all,

    I'm so sorry I've been so quiet this week, I haven't been well at all. You all know I had a kidney infection and I thought I was getting a lot better, but turns out I was on my way to developing tonsillitis. I'm getting over it now and I should be at work, but under doctor's orders I haven't been allowed to go to work and I haven't left my house since Wednesday, so I'm starting to go a little crazy :laugh: The amount of medication I'm on too has well and truly wiped me out, so I haven't been able to do much exercise, but I have been eating fruit like mad in order to try and get a bit better!

    I'm not sure why I've been so unwell recently, my doctor put it down to stress and at one point this week, I felt so awful I thought I was dying. However, my doctor calmly and kindly reassured me that I was not :laugh:

    I weighed in early today and no loss unfortunately. I am disappointed but I could have gained, so I am seeing it as a positive.

    We're all being very quiet this week - I hope you're all okay! xo
  • Does anyone mind if I come up with the challenges this week? Also, can we agree if we're sticking with the challenges for a month or just the week, like we did before.


    There isn't a specific exercise this week, and I hope my idea makes sense! This week we're trying to 'beat ourselves'!.

    For every 10 minutes of exercise you do, award yourself 1 OWL. The next time you exercise (next day, day after, whenever), beat yourself and exercise for even longer! If you can do an extra 10 minutes, give yourself 2 extra OWLs, on top of the OWLs you earn for every 10 minutes. Award yourself an addition 2 OWLs for every additional 10 minutes you do as the week goes on. This will get harder though so beware! Does that make sense? Example..

    Monday - 50 minutes - 5 OWLs
    Tuesday - 70 minutes - 7 OWLs for 70 mins, plus 4 because of the extra 20 mins, making 11 and therefore 'beating yourself'.

    This challenge covers all types of exercise but remember, it will get harder as the week goes on, or should do anyway, so lets beat ourself!

    I really hope this makes sense!


    I personally need to start 'clean eating' again, so I'm making this weeks food challenge a clean eating challenge! If you're unaware, ""In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember if a food is clean is: "if man made it, don't eat it." " (

    This covers all meals and you can give yourself 1 NEWT for every 'clean' piece of food you eat.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Down another pound this week to 191! I have been on fire with activity this week. I've lost count and have to go back to what I logged this week. The Tri forum I participate in where I plan our weekly workouts/monthly goals in advance is making all the difference by making me accountable to the workout schedule I have planned. I want to ride my bike for 2 hours tomorrow.

    I am enjoying a Saturday evening watching the Carolina -Duke basketball tonight. (These schools are 5 and 20 minutes from where I live) Watching Carolina beat the snot out of Duke so far...teach Duke for beating Carolina on their home court with a last second half court shot last month (I cried at the replays for a week!)

    Molly good challenges...Until Queeda gets settled, we should just keep the challenges monthly. If I go backwards in exercise time, can I beat myself twice in one week with the same increase? e.g Sun 60, Mon 70min, Tues 60 min, Wed 70 min?

    I strive to eat clean...a challenge indeed. I am posting a link to the gracious pantry. There are a lot of clean meals and recipes on it

    BTW the halftime score Carolina 48 Duke 24...go tarheels!!! (Carolina)
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hey guys. i've been feeding my cold the last couple of days and i think i've gained 4lbs.
  • Molly good challenges...Until Queeda gets settled, we should just keep the challenges monthly. If I go backwards in exercise time, can I beat myself twice in one week with the same increase? e.g Sun 60, Mon 70min, Tues 60 min, Wed 70 min?

    Yes that's absolutely fine! I hadn't considered that but yes that's fine :smile:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Monday,
    Molly thanks for setting the challenges. I think it is a good idea to keep them for a month for now. Great challenges.
    Dani, hope you feel better soon.
    Have a great day everyone.---Suzie
  • Everyone is very quiet, I hope you're all okay! No change in weight this week, I'm so disappointed yet again. Still stuck at 150, blah.

    I've been trying really hard with the new challenges in order to shift this weight and I'm doing really well, even if I say so myself! :wink: Since we don't have a new spreadsheet, I'll record my stats in here for now.


    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 28


    OWLs - 7 (plus 10 for the extra 20 mins), making 17 in total
    NEWTs - 7
    H.P - 78

    NEWTs so far have come only from fruit as I'm desperately trying to get better!

    Dani, I hope you feel better soon. I'm now into what I think is week 3 of being sick, so I feel your pain. Feel better soon!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    some random things:

    today i got a new nephew.
    a therepist once told me i was like will o the wisp.
    i have not bought any milk for almost a fortnight.

    owls 50
    newts 1
    house points 50
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    some random things:

    today i got a new nephew.
    a therepist once told me i was like will o the wisp.
    i have not bought any milk for almost a fortnight.

    owls 50
    newts 1
    house points 50

    Congrats on the new Nephew!! And I love the fact that you use the word fortnight! It makes me smile!!
  • some random things:

    today i got a new nephew.
    a therepist once told me i was like will o the wisp.
    i have not bought any milk for almost a fortnight.

    owls 50
    newts 1
    house points 50

    Congrats on the new Nephew!! And I love the fact that you use the word fortnight! It makes me smile!!

    Do you really like the word fortnight, Jenn? :tongue:

    Congratulations on your new nephew Nikki, does he have a name yet?
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    thanks guys. He's called Zachary...named after some kind of High School Musical awfulness :huh: Still, my sister is really jealous because he only took 3 hours from labour and my brother's wife only had gas and air (which means pretty much nothing to me)

    Today I ate some nuts. I was going to call them naked nuts because they were "clean" but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Newts 1
    Owls 1
    House points 15
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Re. the Fortnight issue, I have just googled and found that in North America it's generally only communities like the Amish who say "fortnight" while everyone else says "bimonthly", which is a bit naff if you ask me. So it must sound a bit twee or something!
  • Bimonthly sounds funny :laugh: It's fortnight!

    Ugh, my step dad is ridiculous. He seems to think the world owes him something. He never wanted children, which he tells me all the time. I've been his step daughter for 16 years now, I think he needs to accept the fact that I am in his life.

    Stats for 6/3

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 9
    H.P - 43

    Sadly didn't beat myself, boo!


    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 3
    H.P - 50

    I didn't award myself the additional bonus two OWLs for beating myself, as it was an extra 7 minutes exercise rather than 10.

    Tomorrow I am getting my biology and psychology exam results. I'm nervous to get the results, I don't think I'll sleep tonight as it's been on my mind all day. I need to get A's in both of these exams otherwise I'll have to retake in the summer which I don't want. Blah.

    Sorry it's not more of a happier post from me! I miss you all xo
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Yes, Molly, it sounds like your stepfather is being somewhat childish. You'll be moving out soon though right? Look forward to it :wink: As for the results, I'm sure you did fine. You sound like a hard working person. I'll eat my gym hat if you fail :sick:

    Newts 4
    Owls16 (+22 because I am ignoring yesterday's 1 owl because it's a lame *kitten* cop out and my owls score before then was 5) =38
    House points 160

    Here's one for Amber; my trainer at the gym said that I ought to use the cross trainer (or elliptical or, in my house the Forrest Gump machine) instead of running because it doesn't put any strain on my joints. I did 35mins on the FG machine today but it just wasn't as good as my 20min run on the treadmill (or in my house, travelator). Is my gym man correct? It doesn't give me the same kick as running does and for some reason I find it really dull- maybe it's because I can't see out of the window.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I have been so busy this least exercise has not been sacrificed yet...I feel it is my only thing keeping me sane this week. I tried to bike to the gym (about 10 min each way) since it is becoming lighter out in the morning..I was exhausted after 2 days...I may have to make the goal to be 2-3 days a week. I have gained a new workout partner in the mornings, and I am enjoying having someone to workout with. We reversed out weight workout today. (we usually walk to warm up, do weights then core. Today we did core to warm up, weights and then walking. The workout seemed much harder today, I highly suggest
    changing the order of workout routines a bit every once and awhile to get more out of them!

    Dani-feel better soon! Don't sweat the weight gain, metabolisms often slow to fight off the infection and we tend to eat more foods high in sodium when we are sick which leads to a retaining fluids

    Bumflap- congrats on the new nephew. I have a nephew named Zachary as well, he turned 1 in Dec...I don't think he was named for a high school musical character however. I too get bored on the elliptical, however if I have a day where my ankles are sore, it can be a welcome workout for me. I find I burn more calories on the elliptical than with walk/jog. Oh and it is bimonthly here in the US. Sad to say I had to look up fortnight on wikipedia. I agree though fortnight sounds cooler...

    Molly-sorry about your stepdad...It sounds as if he has rigid views on everything, and there is nothing you could have done better (higher grades, more housework etc...) to change how he feels about you or having children. It is his loss. You are almost finished with school and will be leaving for university soon. It is only natural to be nervous with exams. I am sure you have done great and look forward to hearing a positive report

    HP Sun-Wed: 422
    NEWTS 6 I have been having 2 fruit servings daily, my goal this weekend is to prepare a clean crockpot meal I can eat for most of next week
    OWLS newts for beating myself...I set the bar too high on Sunday with my 2 hour bike ride!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Re. the Fortnight issue, I have just googled and found that in North America it's generally only communities like the Amish who say "fortnight" while everyone else says "bimonthly", which is a bit naff if you ask me. So it must sound a bit twee or something!

    I know NO ONE in North America who calles it 'bimonthly'! LOL!! 2 weeks is probably the most common (or twice a month if we are talking pay-periods)! I love the use of fortnight... because I think I am in the wrong era... I dream myself a lead in an Austen or Bronte novel... **Now day-dreaming about Mr Darcy... and long walks in the country... and spending my days reading, playing music, dreaming of balls**

    Zachary is one of my favorite names... but not for the same reason!! LOL!

    Molly - ILY! <3
This discussion has been closed.