Hufflepuff Common Room



  • hi- i just found your thread. huge potter fan as you all are. but i am trying to figure our your challenge here. i am just looking things over but i don't think i am ready to play just yet. love all of the cute tickers too. are there any merlin fans or hunger games fans too?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    hi- i just found your thread. huge potter fan as you all are. but i am trying to figure our your challenge here. i am just looking things over but i don't think i am ready to play just yet. love all of the cute tickers too. are there any merlin fans or hunger games fans too?

    We would love to have you join us when you are ready. We have a head of house named Queeda (lhurtubise). We compete with the other houses with weight loss and with exercise minutes (1 minute=1 house point ). We also compete monthly within the houses for weight loss with the quidditach cup. Our Head of house normally assigns prefects to our house every 2 weeks who are responsible for coming up with our NEWT (food challenge) and our OWL challenge (activity challenge). Prefects are chosen based on the number of OWLS and NEWTS you earn. Our head of house has recently made an international move and is getting settled. Molly was nice enough to post our challenges for the month of March. You can scroll up this page to find them. You would need to post a starting weight and we post our weight from Sat-Mon. Our weeks run from Sunday-Saturday. We post our stats on the board again, daily/weekly whatever works for you. It is a lot of info to take in at once. Fellow hufflepuffs jump in and add anything I may have missed. I have never watched Merlin, not sure if other house members have seen. I have read the hunger games...great book!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Good Morning Fellow Hullfepuffs...I think we can all agree TGIF! One more day to survive. It is 60 degrees and a warm rain this morning. I started the day with a 2000yard swim. I always feel extra energized after a swim. I think I need to rework my exercise to add a second swim to my week! Looking forward to my practice run/walk tomorrow for my first 5K in 2 weeks. (I know strange...I complete the sprint tri and then the 5k!). ACC tournament (college basketball) this weekend. Go tarheels! (UNC). In this area, I would say this is the number one weekend people take off from work, and life in general to watch a weekend of basketball (except the holidays of course). I did come to work today :smile:

    Jenn you are right...I don't even call it bimonthly...after I posted...I realized it, I was just thinking of the offical name. I would agree with every 2 weeks

    Thurs and Fri
    OWLS 15-Like I said...I'm going backwards with the time this week...should finally be able to beat myself tomorrow
    NEWTS-5--still just fruits and nuts...but one step at a time

    For anyone on FB looking for resources on clean eating there a page called 100 days of real food that discusses clean eating and provides meal ideas as well.

    Off to see the patients who braved the rain to see me this morning...Happy Friday to all!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    morning. last week i was -1.1 pound. this week I'm +2.2 pounds

    Just recording this here because I'm not aware of a new spreadsheet.

    Also no more NEWTs
    OWLs -6
    House Points - 60

    I have 2 weeks out of the office now. I'm feeling really great :laugh: I have been bleaching my hair as white as possible for over 10 years and now...I have developed a serious allergic reaction to the bleach so I am taking this opportunity as the last time I will have hair bright enough to have crazy hair colours. Today my hair is green but next week I think I will make it bright red/pink. Then my hair dresser will be making it a boring normal colour which will make me fade into the background forever.

    Hope everyone is ok. Today I get to go and see Zack for the first time. It's so weird, I have always been really close to my niece but because my brother is such a private person I don't think I'll ever have the same type of relationship with my nephew as I do with my niece. Getting the title Best Auntie shouldn't be difficult though - I am much more fun than his other aunties :glasses:
  • Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend. I was well enough to return to work today, so I was happy about that. My department was very understaffed today (only 6 of us, usually 11) and only 13 of us to cover the entire floor (usually about 25 ish of us) so I was glad to be back as I was very much needed but exhausted by the end of my shift! :laugh:

    In case you didn't see my status a few days back, I got three A grades in my exams so I was extremely pleased with myself. 90%(72/80), 96% (58/60) and 84% (84/100) respectively, I was over the moon. I treated myself to a new handbag which I am almost in love with. I can now begin to relax as I can pretty much fail my exams in June and still get a respectable grade, though I am not going to become complacent. I will still work hard and get the best results possible but it's nice knowing I don't need to stress as much anymore.

    As Nikki said, I am unaware of a new spreadsheet so I am recording here too. I would create a new spreadsheet simply by copying and pasting the older one into a new document, deleting our old figures obviously, but we had issues with it so I am not sure that would work now. I think we are all okay recording our stats in here for now.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day. I am not getting my hopes up at all as I think I would have either maintained again or even gained. I know I will be disappointed either way, hence not getting my hopes up in the slightest. It would be nice to see a loss though, just because it feels like it's been such a long time. My last loss was on Feb. 17th, so it is getting closer and closer to being a month since I lost. Does anyone have any suggestions for breaking plateaus? Up until now I have been blaming my illnesses and medication on not losing weight and while that's probably true (I haven't left the house much in 2/3 weeks, nor done as much exercise as I could have done), I need to get out of this bad weight loss period. Any suggestions are welcome!


    OWLs - 9
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 75


    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 1
    H.P - 30


    OWLs - 45 (24 for 240 mins, 21 for beating myself by 210 mins. Wow, it does add up!)
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 240

    I am starting a new week tomorrow, despite us continuing to challenges, so I won't try and beat myself from today but in fact start the week over again.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey molly, people say zig zagging is good-eating less one day and lots the next. Also changing yr exercise routine works well. Apparently people get stuck because their body gets used to the exercise and eating routine. I hope this helps
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Well done with the a grades by the way. Yr gonna ace it
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Goodbye 190's!!! Today's weight is 189. I am pumped and ready for my 5k in 2 weeks!

    Bumflap...I have no doubt you will win the title of favorite auntie!. Glad you are feeling great with being out of the office.

    Molly...Be patient and stay positive during your plateau. I am posting a thread I had saved on plateaus. It has a lot of good information on trying to break them. You may need to make some changes to what you are doing now, or it may just be the fact you were sick. Metabolism can change with illness, and take some time to get yourself back on track

    3/10 stats

    Have a great weekend Hufflepuffs. I think I am taking a well deserved rest day tomorrow!
  • yasmine36
    yasmine36 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey I'm new here and would like to join Hufflepuff! Not really sure what to do, can anyone help? I read the directions, but still a little confused..
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hey Hufflepuffs! So I got transferred and I have to move again from Abu Dhabi to Al Ain, UAE. I move Wednesday. I am working on updating the spreadsheet and I will post when that has been done. Thanks a bunch. Queeda
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey I'm new here and would like to join Hufflepuff! Not really sure what to do, can anyone help? I read the directions, but still a little confused..

    Hey Yasmine,

    Hufflepuff compete in friendly challenges with the other houses.
    Challenges are for the quiddich and house cups where HOUSE POINTS (mins exercising) and percentage of weight lost within the house win. This happens once a month.
    Challenges within Hufflepuff house have recently gone from weekly challenges to monthly so that we are able to improve throughout the month.
    Challenges are for NEWTs (food challenge) and OWLs (exercise challenge)
    Currently newts are earned by eating clean - 1 owl per clean meal.
    And owls are earned per 10mins of exercise with a bonus of 1 owl if per 10mins that you beat your previous day's score.

    I hope this makes sense and that you chose to join us :flowerforyou:

    Today I baked a sweet potato and ate it as is so I get a newt. No exercise this weekend but my boyfriend said that my tummy was starting to look like Gwen Stefani's which made me want to do a victory lap of the house.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome Yasmine!

    I would only add to bumflap's post that our weeks run Sun-Sat and we post our weight weekly on Sat-Mon. We are currently posting on the thread. You can post housepoints, owls and newts daily/weekly whenever fits your schedule

    Queeda...good to hear from you, I hope the move is a step up from where you are at now. Hopefully it won't be as hectic as the inital move over there.
    bumflap congrats on your those NSV's

    I only meant to ride my bike for 30 minutes, but it was such a beautiful day, I rode for 65 much for the rest day, but what a ride it was...I continue to conquer my nemesis: Sprunt Street. It is a 2 part hill that is about 0.25 miles long. I was able to power through on a harder gear today, and not be quite so exhausted once I hit the top...that ride down the hill is so sweet...nothing like it...

    Have a great week Hufflepuffs!

    Sun 3/11

    HP 75
    NEWTS 1
    OWLS 7
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    I would like to join Hufflepuff House. My starting weight is 158. Can someone send me a welcome letter or instructions so I can participate in the challenges? Thank you!
  • Hi sanjoparolas,

    The 'rules' and most recent challenges have been posted within the past few pages of the thread. We've recently had a member join so we've posted the rules and challenges within the past page or two, so refer back to that if you can. If you get confused, we'll be more than happy to clarify things.

    I've made a good start to the week and managed to burn a decent amount of calories so I'm pleased. I'm doing the 9 week programme on EA Sports Active 2 and I've just completed day two. I've managed to burn 100+ calories on both days which is an improvement from when I've previously done the three week programme. Today I walked 3.75 miles!! I couldn't believe I managed to do it, under an hour too. Rather than take the bus I decided to walk and I feel so much better for it. I'm hoping this reflects on the scales but if it doesn't, I know I feel better for it.

    Stats for 11/03

    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 22


    OWLs - 14
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 83
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome sanjoparolas! Bumflap and I just explained how the challenges work on this page of the thread. If you any further questions please don't hesitate to ask!

    Molly excellent job with the walk yesterday. fingers crossed between the change in calories you are going to make and the increased activity, it will be enough to knock you off your stubborn plateau :)

    As for me I am headed to the NP today...I strained by L sided back muscle on Sun and can not make it better with the typical ice, motrin and left over muscle relaxers. I will say I did not rest the past 2 days, but was careful to not do activities that I thought would amplified my pain (or so I thought anyways). Activity is going to be severely decreased over the next couple of days until I can get myself healed up. I HATE when I can't exercise. It is like taking away alcohol from an alcoholic

    stats 3/12
    HP 91
    owls 11
    newts 2
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello fellow Huffles, we have not had internet for the last week. Sunday, my husband suggested we get out our laptop and see if we can "borrow" a connection floating through the air. It is shaky at best, I have tried to get on this site a couple of times, once logging on long enough to log my food yesterday, then got booted off, once I couldn't get on, because I kept losing the signal. Hopefully internet will be fixed today. Hope to 'see' you all soon.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    house points 60
    owls 6
    newts 0

    Nothing to report. Feeling bored. must find something to do before I start playing bejeweled blitz on facebook again :ohwell:
  • Megume
    Megume Posts: 74
    Heya! I'm looking to join Hufflepuff house!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome Megume! We would love to have you join! Bumflap and I have posted how the challenges work (on this page I believe). Please post if you any further questions. It can be a lot of info to take in all at once!

    Suzie--glad to hear from you. Sorry about the internet connection...fingers crossed it is fixed soon
    Bumflap-bejewed blitz...used to play that game a got old though. I play WWF with family and friends. We all grew up playing scrabble. It is great to still be able to play each other....though it is a sad state at Christmas, we were all gathered in the living room with our various electronic devices playing at the same time...we agreed we were too tired to pull out the old fashioned board :)

    As for me, that pesky back spasm is still there. At least it is not worsening...I got the go ahead to swim and walk as tolerated...I plan to swim tomorrow unless I can't wake up early (or clear headed) enough to exercise. that flexeril knocks me for a loop...bonus though, I do sleep well when I take it!

    3/13/12 HP 0 NEWTS 2 OWLSs 0
  • Megume
    Megume Posts: 74
    Yeah, seems a little confusing @_@ but i'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Do we check in everyday or every week??
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hi Megume, we tend to chat a lot during the week. Currently many of us are posing our points throughout the week but we only weigh in once, between Friday and Monday. Last month we had the really cool spreadsheet we could put our points onto and did the maths and everything but alas, March's spreadsheet is not yet with us.

    Today's numbers
    House points - 60
    Owls - 6
    Newts - 0

    I am RUBBISH at eating clean.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Warning...this is long... but I just can't help it! I love it when my hard work pays off.
    I rarely say I had a great day at work...but it was just one of those days! I (my team that is) have been working very hard on a CQI (quality improvement) project to improve the flow of patients through my clinic. (AVERAGE--3 hours total from registration to pharmacy, 2 hours the patient is sitting doing nothing and 1 hour where we had the patient doing something productive.) I often joke that the administration just tied yet another limb behind my back and expect even more out of me...I have been saying for years, I know exactly where the problems are, and it is not us, the providers--- its them/the computer and overall system "that IS just because that is the way it has always been" . Anyways, so we got some money from the state (that most of it ironically goes to the independent consultant) I have spent the last 4 months timing every aspect of the visit. Having staff complain the whole time, listening to a theories we were out to get people fired (okay so 2 horrible employees got fired during the process--and it takes a lot for me to say ANYONE is horrible)...all while seeing patients nearly full time in clinic. Well today was the big day. We spent a week with our independent consultant (I would have paid him extra, he was incredible) and we presented our findings to the leadership team. I hate presenting to others. Okay so I LOVED the fact we finally had data to prove we were right. A scheduled 30 minute presentation turned into an almost 2 hour session with leadership's mouths wide open and they were actually were talking with us and were attempting to problem solve some of the issues we presented. UNBELIEVABLE! OK back to reality tomorrow...
    Thanks for reading this post...I just had to vent...and I love it when I can say something good! (bonus when it is not related to weight :))
    When I get the pictures, I will post the pictures of my team. All but 2 of us work directly together on a daily basis---oh and I need new clothes see when I post the picture :smile:

    3/14 HP 40 owls 8 newts 2 (didn't track but had fruit for snacks)
    3/15 HP 30 owls 3 newts 1
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    Here goes:




  • It's safe to say I am behind on logging my stats! I hope you've all had a good weekend...TGIF! I'm currently relaxing in bed and watching the film Fame. Happy days!

    Stats for 13/02

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 4
    H.P - 30


    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 3
    H.P - 20


    OWLs - 6
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 45


    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 30

    Tomorrow I am working which I am looking forward to. My manager (who I adored) left on Thursday to go to another store and I have a new manager, who I am hoping to meet tomorrow.

    What has everyone got planned for the weekend?
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member

    As far as the weekend, it will be the usual -- take the kids to their events and clean house. Not as bad as it sounds though! We will be watching the film Tintin on Saturday and it is raining like crazy here so we will mostly be indoors.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Happy Saint Patrick's Day to everyone :smile:
    Having a great weekend. Beautiful weather this weekend...though too warm for March...hope it is not a sign of the summer to come!
    Maintained this week at 189...lucky for me this week given my decrease in activity!

    3/16 HP 40 newts 2 owls 4
    3/17 HP 60 newts 3 owls 6
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    NEWTs - 2
    OWLs - 3
    I don't understand the house points thing yet . . .
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    house points is the number of mins you have excercised during the week :smile:

    Errr, I have lost count of my stats so I'm starting again.

    Also I keep forgetting to weigh myself this weekend and I won't get a chance tomorrow.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    If house points are number of minutes of exercise over the last week, then it is the amount of OWLs I posted times 10? I'm afraid after my eating this weekend my weighing in won't help the team - sorry! (I will still weigh and report but don't expect any weight loss)
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    Okay, I think I am in for 130 house points. I realized it is not a straight OWLs times ten because of the bonuses, but I exercised 35 minutes 5 times last week plus an extra 60 minutes of aerobic activity combined during the week.
This discussion has been closed.