March/April BED Conversation Thread

IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
Well spring is in the air. How are you all doing? You all are very quiet. Hope we are more conversation the next 2 months.

It is my hope you use this thread to get to know each other better and have a safe place to motivate & support one another daily. This group will be what you all make of it. So let's talk, support, share challenges, successes, and most of all share replases. We can all learn from one another. So please share, share, share. This group is what you make it so lets make it a place for all of us to get support.

One day at a time.:flowerforyou:


  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Thanks for giving me a safe place to share my ups and downs with the binge thing. Mollie know me but for those who don't . I struggle with evening and weekend binge eattng. I am also find my self needing carb "fixes" when I am stressed.
    Since joining mfp, I am doing better and when I binge it isn't as bad as before but I still do it. :explode:

    Anyway I am thankful to be able to tell others how it is for me. I recently gained back some weight after over eating for almost two weeks. I was discouraged but realize I won't get better in a month or year. I know I have to take it one day at a time. Just wish sometimes I could trust myself to stop eating when I know I should be full. Hugs to all who join this group. "Richie
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I feel you Richie!! I went to WW tonight and I was so inspired by the leader and she was awesome and I feel very good about it too. This time I am joining with the mentality that I am not giving up this time. and this leader seems like she will be with me all he way thru ups and downs. So I am getting ready to read the material and I am going to use etools so I will not be logging my food on MFP. I even found a support group for WW on here too.

    I am also going attend 2 or more meeting a week. similar to the Intensive eating disorder program that met 3 to 4 days a week. I paid all that money for the eating disorder program and did not lose a pound. I did learn a lot and it was worth it but now I am ready to shed these pounds once and for all. I have to learn how to do it with out binging and WW has you eating plenty of food so you are not depriving yourself which does cause binges.

    My weekend coming up is hard but I plan on sticking within my points.

    One day at a time!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    i am logging on now cause it is late evening and here i am, starting to obsess on "one more piece of cheese sound good" One piece won't hurt, problem is it won't be one piece, if i start i will eat till it is gone or i am so full and sick and depressed i will go to sleep. So i am writing this, praying it will let me see in black and white what is going on.I have done well all day. I don't want to blow it now. One day at a time I will reach my goal. Thanks for letting vent.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Hope putting it down in black and white helped. That's the way it is I start out with one piece and then two the next thing I know I have a pack in my lap. The sick side of my head tells me to keep eating. so weird. It's Friday . I am with you Mollie stay occupied and keep reminding myself that being healthy and able to chase the grandkids makes any emotional discomfort worth not stuffing myself. :smooched:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hope putting it down in black and white helped. That's the way it is I start out with one piece and then two the next thing I know I have a pack in my lap. The sick side of my head tells me to keep eating. so weird. It's Friday . I am with you Mollie stay occupied and keep reminding myself that being healthy and able to chase the grandkids makes any emotional discomfort worth not stuffing myself. :smooched:

    How did it go last night Mary Beth?
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Mollie and Mary Beth. Ah it is the weekend. Did so so last night. Today I will be more focused no company and can work on all my stuff that I need to purge. Think I will hit the closets first and see if I can fill the car trunk with junk for the salvo. Key is not to reward myself with food. If the sun stays out maybe a walk with the dog when things warm up. Hope the Weight Watchers is being fun. When I was in in my leader had lost more than a hundred pounds like 15 years ago and kept it off! Well Happy Sunday to both of you. Richie
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hello! I'm Diane.

    I am struggling. On a day after a binge, slept most of it away, now knowing that I should force myself to eat something even though I don't feel it, feel like I should restrict because of yesterday's damage, kind of scared that once I start it will go downhill...well I definitely need to start acknowledging these things more and write. So thank you for being here to listen. I'm gonna go eat some breakfast, shower, and get on with the day even though I don't feel like it. I'm recalling a reminder from DBT - "Feelings follow Behaviors" -
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yesterday was another rough day. I am determined to get out of this slump though. I dressed up for work today, panty hose and a skirt even, to remind myself that even though I've gained some of my weight back, I still look a hell of a lot better in a skirt and heels than I did 2 years ago. I have worked hard on the definition in my legs, and it reminds me of all the stairs I've taken instead of the elevator. I have been obsessing too much about sugar and protein, so I've taken it way back to basics and am going to focus on calories only this week.
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    well done diane
    i know the feeling
    its so hard to break the chain.
    ive felt like utter crap and stuffed myself i wont weigh myself as im to scared lol.
    back on track this week. hope everyone is ok xxx
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks Jade. I hadn't weighed in for a while (many weeks) but was kinda judging how I was doing by my belt. Well...over the weekend I was back down to 4 holes so I knew things were really getting out of hand, as I had been up to 6. Plus I've just been 'feeling' fatter. I cannot wear baggy clothes when I'm feeling fat, that I've learned. Another reason to dress nicely - you feel good when you look good. I've also felt like since I've been yo-yo-ing and gaining the past few months that I can't log any losses because I've never been able to catch up with my original weight. That feels too hopeless. So even though I don't want to admit that I've put back on 18lbs over the past 4-5 months, I am ready to stare it in the face and start losing again.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Yesterday was another rough day. I am determined to get out of this slump though. I dressed up for work today, panty hose and a skirt even, to remind myself that even though I've gained some of my weight back, I still look a hell of a lot better in a skirt and heels than I did 2 years ago. I have worked hard on the definition in my legs, and it reminds me of all the stairs I've taken instead of the elevator. I have been obsessing too much about sugar and protein, so I've taken it way back to basics and am going to focus on calories only this week.
    Going back to basics always helps Diane. Good job on being mindful of getting back on track. That is always a good place to begin. You can do it!! And EXCELLENT JOB on reminding yourself you look AWESOME and a few days of binging will not hurt those lovely legs.....:wink::wink: Go girl!! I hope dressing up helped you feel better about things.:flowerforyou:
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Good morning all!! Although I've been on my weight loss journey since September 2010, I really consider yesterday DAY 1 in starting over with trying to eat clean. I'm happy to say that yesterday was a victory and I hope to build on it today for another clean and physically active day. Starting over is hard, but I know with commitment, determination and taking each moment as it comes, good food behaviors will begin to build and the momentum will kick in where it won't be as hard one day.

    Here's to DAY 1! :drinker:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    :drinker: Cheers Angel :drinker:

    I also had a good day yesterday. It was very difficult at multiple times in the day, but taking it back to basics and only focusing on calorie intake really helped keep the focus. It is too easy for me to get upset w/ myself for eating "bad" foods when I'm concentrating too hard on my sugar intake, and well you know let's just throw in the towel then. So telling myself yesterday, "don't worry about WHAT you eat, just concentrate on your hunger and emotions, and keep it below 2000 (that's my goal)". Keeping busy was a major helper too. Oh, and the best one for me is - Go To Bed.
  • jade_85
    jade_85 Posts: 96
    lol go to bed :) love it :) im worse if im in bed all i think of is whats in the fridge and what can i eat next lol. im off pole dancing tonight to get me out the house so i dont eat
    hope u r all having a fantastic day xxx
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good morning all!! Although I've been on my weight loss journey since September 2010, I really consider yesterday DAY 1 in starting over with trying to eat clean. I'm happy to say that yesterday was a victory and I hope to build on it today for another clean and physically active day. Starting over is hard, but I know with commitment, determination and taking each moment as it comes, good food behaviors will begin to build and the momentum will kick in where it won't be as hard one day.

    Here's to DAY 1! :drinker:

    Congrats Angel!! Day 1 of the rest of your life. Life happens and relapses are sure to happen but that does not make us failures or mean we have to start over either. So happy you joined us and picked yourself back up. That is key, not giving up. Getting back up each time we fall down since we are never going to acheive perfection in this lifetime. Keep up the good work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    lol go to bed :) love it :) im worse if im in bed all i think of is whats in the fridge and what can i eat next lol. im off pole dancing tonight to get me out the house so i dont eat
    hope u r all having a fantastic day xxx

    Alrighty then! Enjoy your pole dancing girl! :wink: :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :drinker: Cheers Angel :drinker:

    I also had a good day yesterday. It was very difficult at multiple times in the day, but taking it back to basics and only focusing on calorie intake really helped keep the focus. It is too easy for me to get upset w/ myself for eating "bad" foods when I'm concentrating too hard on my sugar intake, and well you know let's just throw in the towel then. So telling myself yesterday, "don't worry about WHAT you eat, just concentrate on your hunger and emotions, and keep it below 2000 (that's my goal)". Keeping busy was a major helper too. Oh, and the best one for me is - Go To Bed.

    Good job Diane!! When stressed you can only focus on one thing. Focusing on all that other crap takes too much effort sometimes. You can focus on the quality later.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am doing fine! I am really loving WW too. Found out today that 2 ladies I have been seeing at the gym for years now are lifetime WW gals. They were really encouraging. They are always encouraging anyways. This time I am telling people I am on WW. I have told people in congregation, work, etc.

    So far just knowing I will meet the scale with a person on Thursday has kept me in line binge wise. I am trying to break habit on weighing in between weigh ins but since I am not obsessing over the scale and not weighing daily I am getting on it once a twice in between WW weigh ins. I weighed on Monday and I was down a pound and I did not have a great weekend. But it was a binge free weekend and I had plenty of opportunities to do so. I had a lot of healthy stuff so I did not have to overeat and I try to eat fruit since it is zero points on WW. Can anyone tell me why we can not binge on fruit?!! :laugh: :laugh: IF only we could do this or even veggies it would be all good. (for me anyways, because i don't know anyone who has gained weight with binge eating fruits and veggies)

    Today I had 6 girl scout cookies and a cup of milk after lunch and was proud that I have had these little treasures since Sunday and I have not binged on them. In the pass I could have down 1 to 2 boxes of GS cookies.

    I gave the ones from yesterday away and I am going to eat the 2nd box in moderation -- different kind too. I did not trust myself with the samoas. I did not want to tempt fate and bring them home so I will eat them here at work.

    One day at a time:heart:
  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Reporting in: DAY 2 completed "clean." YAY!!! :drinker: Keys to success for me are:

    1) Bringing my food to work;

    2) Planning/tracking;

    3) Posting on support threads;

    4) Taking one "nutritional opportunity" at a time.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Nice work ladies! And thank you for sharing.

    Yesterday was a successful day even though I went over my calorie goal. I still logged everything which is huge for me right now, plus I exercised and that was the 1st time (besides staircases) I had done so since Mom's stroke on 2/23. I struggled with a carb craving in the evening, and after a call from the ex to see how Mom's doing, the carbs won. Emotional trigger? Ya.
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