TDEE - What is it and why you should not eat below your BMR



  • jwkime
    jwkime Posts: 37
    Wondering if someone would check my work as well (calculations from a couple websites):

    BMR: 1400, 1457, 1460, 1502 (used 1460)

    TDEE: 2170, 2287, 2318 (used 2287)

    TDEE-15%= 1944??? Is this what my base should be? I'm set at 1200 now in MFP.

    I currently work out 5 to 6 days/week, ST and Cardio, burn around 700 cal/day +/- 200 depending on work out. I use a HRM.

    Height 5'7
    Current Weight: 157


    Any help is appreciated!!! Thanks!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    bump. Ive so far been successful with MFP plan but want to see if Im eating enough when I lift. will be back.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Wondering if someone would check my work as well (calculations from a couple websites):

    BMR: 1400, 1457, 1460, 1502 (used 1460)

    TDEE: 2170, 2287, 2318 (used 2287)

    TDEE-15%= 1944??? Is this what my base should be? I'm set at 1200 now in MFP.

    I currently work out 5 to 6 days/week, ST and Cardio, burn around 700 cal/day +/- 200 depending on work out. I use a HRM.

    Height 5'7
    Current Weight: 157


    Any help is appreciated!!! Thanks!

    Yes, you should eat 1944 every day. If you are burning 700 calories for a workout, though, I suspect that your tdee is actually higher though. Just make sure on the days that you do have high burns that you don't net below your bmr. 1944-700 = 1244 so on those days you'd need to eat until you at least reached your net of 1460 (another 200 calories or so).

  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member

    I typically work out six days a week for at least 50 minutes and sometimes going a little over an hour. I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and TurboFire along with her abs and stretch workouts.

    at almost 6 hours/wk, I'd stick w/heavy :wink:

    fun workouts :smile:

  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    I am so glad I found this information! I currently weigh 161 lbs. I am a female, 5'11'. My goal weight is around 130. I am small-boned and weighing much more than that makes me look "chubby". Anyway, I have been eating between 1200 - 1500 calories daily. Clean eating (chicken, fish, lots of veggies, nuts, hard-boiled eggs and some fruit - barely any sugar...just what is found in the fruit and the occasional protein bar). I'm not eating a lot of grains, just because too many carbs (except for veggies/fruit) scare me. Anyway, I am ALWAYS hungry! I work out 4-5 days a week. 25 minutes of cardio (where the bike reads a printout of 150 calories burned) and have just started doing a very simple weight routine utilizing the weight machine circuit at my gym (that takes me about 30-45 minutes to complete). Anyway, the website that you recommended ( says that my BMR is 1517 and that my TDEE is 2352. Is that really right??? I sort of want it to be right because I'm always so hungry and don't feel that I have the energy I should (very sluggish most days), but I don't feel like I'm burning enough calories on my workout days to justify eating many more calories. I honestly don't know how so many on here are able to burn so many calories during their cardio workout - I just don't have the stamina to do more than that right now. Could too few calories be contributing to my inability to work out as hard as the other people on here can?

    I'm just SO confused about what I should be eating, calorie-wise. I kind of feel like I have a love/hate relationship with MFP because I love having a visible goal and journal but when I enter my foods and I go over by 200 calories because I'm so hungry I feel guilty when I see that red number pop up that shows how many calories I "overate". Can someone please help restore my sanity? I feel like I'm going to eat my computer desk in a minute because I'm so hungry but I REALLY want to lose weight. Basically, I am very motivated but very confused about how to walk out this fitness journey Sorry if this doesn't make total sense...being hungry keeps me from thinking straight. HEEEEEELLLLLLP : /
  • nickiebb
    nickiebb Posts: 57 Member
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    I am so glad I found this information! I currently weigh 161 lbs. I am a female, 5'11'. My goal weight is around 130. I am small-boned and weighing much more than that makes me look "chubby". Anyway, I have been eating between 1200 - 1500 calories daily. Clean eating (chicken, fish, lots of veggies, nuts, hard-boiled eggs and some fruit - barely any sugar...just what is found in the fruit and the occasional protein bar). I'm not eating a lot of grains, just because too many carbs (except for veggies/fruit) scare me. Anyway, I am ALWAYS hungry! I work out 4-5 days a week. 25 minutes of cardio (where the bike reads a printout of 150 calories burned) and have just started doing a very simple weight routine utilizing the weight machine circuit at my gym (that takes me about 30-45 minutes to complete). Anyway, the website that you recommended ( says that my BMR is 1517 and that my TDEE is 2352. Is that really right??? I sort of want it to be right because I'm always so hungry and don't feel that I have the energy I should (very sluggish most days), but I don't feel like I'm burning enough calories on my workout days to justify eating many more calories. I honestly don't know how so many on here are able to burn so many calories during their cardio workout - I just don't have the stamina to do more than that right now. Could too few calories be contributing to my inability to work out as hard as the other people on here can?

    I'm just SO confused about what I should be eating, calorie-wise. I kind of feel like I have a love/hate relationship with MFP because I love having a visible goal and journal but when I enter my foods and I go over by 200 calories because I'm so hungry I feel guilty when I see that red number pop up that shows how many calories I "overate". Can someone please help restore my sanity? I feel like I'm going to eat my computer desk in a minute because I'm so hungry but I REALLY want to lose weight. Basically, I am very motivated but very confused about how to walk out this fitness journey Sorry if this doesn't make total sense...being hungry keeps me from thinking straight. HEEEEEELLLLLLP : /

    Eat and your energy will come back and you will be able to work out more (but what you are doing seems plenty). Your body is begging for some help. It needs fuel. I am in my 7th week and am totally loving eating more (well, most days). I was feeling just like you when I came looking for solutions and found this group. After a few days you will feel like you woke from a long winter nap.

    I would recommend taking measurements now and then in 3-4 weeks. Step away from the scale, it will cause undo concern. Please read the sticky on what to expect when you up your calories. The first few days will be the roughest. I didn't gain any but felt pudgy and jiggly, but it only lasted a few days. Drink lots of water and keep eating healthy.

    FWIW - I am 5'7" and 150# Since starting this, I have lost inches and gained a ton of energy. I am eating 1900-2000 cal/day.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am so glad I found this information! I currently weigh 161 lbs. I am a female, 5'11'. My goal weight is around 130. I am small-boned and weighing much more than that makes me look "chubby". Anyway, I have been eating between 1200 - 1500 calories daily. Clean eating (chicken, fish, lots of veggies, nuts, hard-boiled eggs and some fruit - barely any sugar...just what is found in the fruit and the occasional protein bar). I'm not eating a lot of grains, just because too many carbs (except for veggies/fruit) scare me. Anyway, I am ALWAYS hungry! I work out 4-5 days a week. 25 minutes of cardio (where the bike reads a printout of 150 calories burned) and have just started doing a very simple weight routine utilizing the weight machine circuit at my gym (that takes me about 30-45 minutes to complete). Anyway, the website that you recommended ( says that my BMR is 1517 and that my TDEE is 2352. Is that really right??? I sort of want it to be right because I'm always so hungry and don't feel that I have the energy I should (very sluggish most days), but I don't feel like I'm burning enough calories on my workout days to justify eating many more calories. I honestly don't know how so many on here are able to burn so many calories during their cardio workout - I just don't have the stamina to do more than that right now. Could too few calories be contributing to my inability to work out as hard as the other people on here can?

    I'm just SO confused about what I should be eating, calorie-wise. I kind of feel like I have a love/hate relationship with MFP because I love having a visible goal and journal but when I enter my foods and I go over by 200 calories because I'm so hungry I feel guilty when I see that red number pop up that shows how many calories I "overate". Can someone please help restore my sanity? I feel like I'm going to eat my computer desk in a minute because I'm so hungry but I REALLY want to lose weight. Basically, I am very motivated but very confused about how to walk out this fitness journey Sorry if this doesn't make total sense...being hungry keeps me from thinking straight. HEEEEEELLLLLLP : /

    :-) So glad you found this group because the journey doesn't have to be so hard. You shouldn't have guilt either. Your numbers sound right to chose Moderate activity and now it is time to starting eating 15% of that TDEE figure you have there and never feel guilty again.
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member
    I upped my calories a few weeks ago from 1500 to 1700. I just redid my calculations using the Scooby calculator. Here are my figures:

    BMR is 2003
    TDEE is 2404
    Daily Calories 1923

    Between Scooby, FitDay, and MFP, I get different numbers, and it's confusing me.

    I chose desk job/sedentary because right now, that's what I am. I've been having some health issues and not exercising, but I'm trying to get some activity in a couple times a week.

    I gained the first week of upping, then stayed the same for a couple weeks, dropped 3 pounds the next week, and have been staying the same the past 2 weeks.

    Should I up my calories again? If so, to what? I'm one of those that eating more is very scary. I want to get rid of at least another 75 pounds.

    Thanks for any assistance.
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    Techmom & Anewlucia...

    Thank you so much!!! I upped my calorie intake to 2000 calories today (as opposed to the 1200-1500 I've been doing). What a difference I feel physically!!! I was able to do my strength training followed by my cardio without feeling like I was going to pass out. For the first time EVER since starting working out (about a month and a half) I actually experienced that release of endorphins that you can feel after exercising. I thought it was a myth! It was so awesome to not want to crawl into bed and sleep after my workout - I had energy!!! And I work out AFTER my job (I am a nanny to twin 2 year old girls) - that kind of energy seemed impossible to me! I still have so much energy I'm considering doing a yoga dvd after doing some housecleaning. : ) I finally left behind that feeling in my gut that what I was doing calorie-wise was wrong. I'm glad I payed attention to that little voice in my head that said cutting my calories so low wasn't healthy, because it led me to this forum. This is such a blessing - I have a huge motivation boost, which I really needed. I'm also committed to staying away from the scale for a couple of months. Just seeing how much energy I have is enough knowledge that increasing my calories is the right thing to do. Thank you, a million times over, thank you!!!

    By the way - I was able to increase my resistance level on my stationary bike today...I've never been able to do that successfully before! : )
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    First off let me start by saying you all are amazing! For everything you do and for motivating so many people!

    Now on to my questions... lol

    I have been on MFP for a little over a month now. I have been up and down with my weight my whole life and this is the first time I have ever put eating right with exercise. My goal is to lose 50lbs and so far I have lost 10lbs (have been stuck at this weight for 2 weeks now). I did this by eating 1200 cal a day and evercising 6 days a week (rest on sunday). And when I say I ate 1200 cal - I did eat back all of my exercise calories so I net 1200. I have recently started to eat every 3-4 hours (5-6 meals a day) but I still have my net calories at 1200. Although I net 1200 I am usually eating between 1700-1900 just to reach my net of 1200 (which seems like alot of calories).

    Before I found this group I was considering cutting the number of exercise calories that I was eating back :/

    Ok so my BMR - 1552
    TDEE - 2405

    My normal workout routine is 30DS in the morning before work and swimming for an hour after work. I just changed my net calories to 1320 but I am really confused. Am I eating to much or not enough since I haven't sarted lifting yet?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    First off let me start by saying you all are amazing! For everything you do and for motivating so many people!

    Now on to my questions... lol

    I have been on MFP for a little over a month now. I have been up and down with my weight my whole life and this is the first time I have ever put eating right with exercise. My goal is to lose 50lbs and so far I have lost 10lbs (have been stuck at this weight for 2 weeks now). I did this by eating 1200 cal a day and evercising 6 days a week (rest on sunday). And when I say I ate 1200 cal - I did eat back all of my exercise calories so I net 1200. I have recently started to eat every 3-4 hours (5-6 meals a day) but I still have my net calories at 1200. Although I net 1200 I am usually eating between 1700-1900 just to reach my net of 1200 (which seems like alot of calories).

    Before I found this group I was considering cutting the number of exercise calories that I was eating back :/

    Ok so my BMR - 1552
    TDEE - 2405

    My normal workout routine is 30DS in the morning before work and swimming for an hour after work. I just changed my net calories to 1320 but I am really confused. Am I eating to much or not enough since I haven't sarted lifting yet?

    You need to eat 2050 (rounded from 2044) calories, every single day! If you burn over 500 calories on any workout day, then you need to eat the excess over if you burn 700 one day, then you would eat the extra 200 for total of 2250.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I upped my calories a few weeks ago from 1500 to 1700. I just redid my calculations using the Scooby calculator. Here are my figures:

    BMR is 2003
    TDEE is 2404
    Daily Calories 1923

    Between Scooby, FitDay, and MFP, I get different numbers, and it's confusing me.

    I chose desk job/sedentary because right now, that's what I am. I've been having some health issues and not exercising, but I'm trying to get some activity in a couple times a week.

    I gained the first week of upping, then stayed the same for a couple weeks, dropped 3 pounds the next week, and have been staying the same the past 2 weeks.

    Should I up my calories again? If so, to what? I'm one of those that eating more is very scary. I want to get rid of at least another 75 pounds.

    Thanks for any assistance.

    Since you aren't working out then you should be eating 2043 daily that is sedentary minus your cut if you workout, you will need to eat back almost all of your calories or recalculate your TDEE when you are able to workout.
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member

    Since you aren't working out then you should be eating 2043 daily that is sedentary minus your cut if you workout, you will need to eat back almost all of your calories or recalculate your TDEE when you are able to workout.

    Thank you so much for your help!!
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    my BMR 1313
    TDEE 2097

    need to up my calories from 1000. am very scared to do so? how many lbs will i gain for how long before my body adjusts and starts dropping weight... and with moderate activity level what should be my consumption level?
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    my BMR 1313
    TDEE 2097

    need to up my calories from 1000. am very scared to do so.. how many lbs will i gain for how long before my body adjusts and starts dropping weight... and with moderate activity level what should be my consumption level?
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    First off let me start by saying you all are amazing! For everything you do and for motivating so many people!

    Now on to my questions... lol

    I have been on MFP for a little over a month now. I have been up and down with my weight my whole life and this is the first time I have ever put eating right with exercise. My goal is to lose 50lbs and so far I have lost 10lbs (have been stuck at this weight for 2 weeks now). I did this by eating 1200 cal a day and evercising 6 days a week (rest on sunday). And when I say I ate 1200 cal - I did eat back all of my exercise calories so I net 1200. I have recently started to eat every 3-4 hours (5-6 meals a day) but I still have my net calories at 1200. Although I net 1200 I am usually eating between 1700-1900 just to reach my net of 1200 (which seems like alot of calories).

    Before I found this group I was considering cutting the number of exercise calories that I was eating back :/

    Ok so my BMR - 1552
    TDEE - 2405

    My normal workout routine is 30DS in the morning before work and swimming for an hour after work. I just changed my net calories to 1320 but I am really confused. Am I eating to much or not enough since I haven't sarted lifting yet?

    You need to eat 2050 (rounded from 2044) calories, every single day! If you burn over 500 calories on any workout day, then you need to eat the excess over if you burn 700 one day, then you would eat the extra 200 for total of 2250.

    *Ok so I need to eat 2050 calories a day and not pay attention to my net calories? And only eat back my exercise calories that are over 500. So if in a normal day I burn 800 calories through evercise I should eat back 300 of them equal my 2050 calories consumed not netted?
  • jkpfeifer2
    jkpfeifer2 Posts: 9
    Hi all...please check my numbers:

    I am 5'6", 160.5 lbs, 44 years old..

    I used to do my numbers (I looked at other sites, too, and they were all a little different but close).

    BMR - 1450
    TDEE - 2248
    Cut (15%) - 1920 , (20%) - 1798

    I chose moderate activity level (had light but took the recommendation from this group to go moderate). I am a teacher and on my feet all day. I work out 4-5 times per week on average. I have not started lifting yet. Mostly, I run, play tennis, ride my bike, and sometimes swim laps. I don't typically burn more than 300-400 calories in a workout unless it's a long tennis match. I only had to once this week eat anything back because my net was under my BMR and that was because I played singles for an hour and a half and burned more.

    I was not on a low calorie diet before I started looking at TDEE so I'm hoping it is right that I've just jumped right to eating the cut. I have been staying in the range of the 15-20% although I set the 20% number of 1798 as my MFP goal.

    I think that's everything I wanted to include detail-wise here just to make sure I'm on track with my numbers. Thank you!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Thank you for ALL of this information....I love both of those sites you gave us - Great tools!! I am just starting this higher calories to weigh less....I lift 3x/wk as well....Dan has been helping me out with my numbers....Thank you so much for this!! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I was at 1400cals/day but upped them to 1600 2 days ago....I am going to wait til next week to up them again to 1800 for non-workout days....Eat 2000-2200 on lifting days if I can....It is hard for me to get in 1600 now...But I will get there somehow...Thanks again!! :)

    Also, should I go by scoobysworkshop's macros as well - it has them at 50carbs, 30pro, 20fat...??? Right now I have them at 40/30/30....
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Also, should I go by scoobysworkshop's macros as well - it has them at 50carbs, 30pro, 20fat...??? Right now I have them at 40/30/30....

    Scooby's allows you to change up the macros according to your needs. 20% fat is hard to hit for some, so anywhere in between those two should be fine. Everyone's body is different, so all macros are just suggestions, not written in stone. We have to find our macro "sweet spot" (meaning allows us to lose weight/gain muscle/keep our sanity at a rate that works for us as individuals) :wink:

    So if you have the energy that you desire, and feel that your food has a high satiety factor for you as is, then no need to switch it up.
    Hi all...please check my numbers:

    I am 5'6", 160.5 lbs, 44 years old..

    I used to do my numbers (I looked at other sites, too, and they were all a little different but close).

    BMR - 1450
    TDEE - 2248
    Cut (15%) - 1920 , (20%) - 1798

    I chose moderate activity level (had light but took the recommendation from this group to go moderate). I am a teacher and on my feet all day. I work out 4-5 times per week on average. I have not started lifting yet. Mostly, I run, play tennis, ride my bike, and sometimes swim laps. I don't typically burn more than 300-400 calories in a workout unless it's a long tennis match. I only had to once this week eat anything back because my net was under my BMR and that was because I played singles for an hour and a half and burned more.

    I was not on a low calorie diet before I started looking at TDEE so I'm hoping it is right that I've just jumped right to eating the cut. I have been staying in the range of the 15-20% although I set the 20% number of 1798 as my MFP goal.

    I think that's everything I wanted to include detail-wise here just to make sure I'm on track with my numbers. Thank you!

    Looks good to me ;)

    It will still be fine, even if you weren't eating super low cals before. It's just a healthier lifestyle all together. No need to deprive yourself unnecessarily......

    *Ok so I need to eat 2050 calories a day and not pay attention to my net calories? And only eat back my exercise calories that are over 500. So if in a normal day I burn 800 calories through evercise I should eat back 300 of them equal my 2050 calories consumed not netted?

    you got it ;)

    my BMR 1313
    TDEE 2097

    need to up my calories from 1000. am very scared to do so? how many lbs will i gain for how long before my body adjusts and starts dropping weight... and with moderate activity level what should be my consumption level?

    Everyone is different. Some don't gain at all, some "gain" up to 10-12 lbs the first week (gain is in quotes, because it is not possible to gain that much in a week, it it is only water weight, that dissipates within a week or two). Either way, as soon as your body trusts that you are not going to starve it anymore, it will not hold onto excess food for dear life. Your number 1 goal is to regain your bodies trust. Then it will perform miraculous acts for you. :flowerforyou:

    Be sure to read the "what to expect" sticky if you haven't already, as it explains how the process is differs from person to person and what the factors are that cause the differences. Just remember that you are fixing your metabolism for the rest of your life, which can take time, but is *well* worth it ;)

    If your TDEE is 2097, then your deficit would be around 1782 per day. You would eat that amount daily, and only eat back exercise cals if you have a super high burn day (above 469) that nets you below BMR.

    Hope that helps...
