Daily Chat Thread



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Yay, Beeps, for the 5 lbs, the move to stage 6, and the great walk! Your great attitude is paying off!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I walked for AN HOUR, at lunch, outside in the sunshine. No, it wasn't HIIT. No, I didn't get my ab-work in. No, I didn't get much time to stretch back at the office.

    But, the sunshine felt GREAT and it was nice to bee-bop around, to my ipod music, for an hour.

    Win. Win.
    Sounds like a fabulous afternoon!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I have decided to take 5 - 7 days off in the middle of Stage 3. I have been feeling so bloated and gross the past few days and it has nothing to do with TOM. I am hoping some rest and super clean eating this weekend will allow my muscles to release some of this water. I can not imagine taking pictures and measurements in my current condition. :sad: :grumble:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I have decided to take 5 - 7 days off in the middle of Stage 3. I have been feeling so bloated and gross the past few days and it has nothing to do with TOM. I am hoping some rest and super clean eating this weekend will allow my muscles to release some of this water. I can not imagine taking pictures and measurements in my current condition. :sad: :grumble:

    That sounds like a good plan, every time i take a week off lifting I feel much slimmer at the end of it and my muscles are happier for the chance to recover. Drink lots of water too, it helps release the retention. Good luck!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm Debaing whether to restart the program or just finish stage 2. I haven lifted in about here weeks (injury then fun run then sports tournament that was all weekend. I only stopped being sore on Thur) even before his break I had a two week lifting then two week break.

    I am notify ably smaller tho. People who hadn't seen me since the end of March kept talking about how much smaller I am. I actually weigh 1kg more (part of that is due to Tom though) So yay!
  • Lysandra81
    Lysandra81 Posts: 18 Member
    Well I did stage 1 5A yesterday - but had a 5 days break before that. As I am unable to work out for the next week due to work schedule I was thinking about doing 5B today - so only a 24h rest. However, some of the exercises target slightly different muscle groups, so I should be ok doing that - seeing that I will have another 4-5 days to recover. Any ideas on that?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Lysandra - I'd give 5 "B" a try, today.....as you have suggested, for the most part the "A" work-out is working different muscles from the "B" work-out. Just be careful to get the form right - and you can lower the weights, a bit, if you are worried about "overtraining".

    Lozze - SOAK IN THOSE COMPLIMENTS!! You are doing GREAT!

    realrayne - if you feel like a "rest" is what you need - then TAKE IT. Listen to your own body - that is the #1 rule!!
  • I'm reading A LOT of talk about people feeling "fat" or "bloated" or whatever by the time they finish stage 1. I'm assuming its from your muscle retaining water from the lifting... How long of a break do you have to take for that to go away so you can get accurate measurements after you finish each stage?
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    I'm reading A LOT of talk about people feeling "fat" or "bloated" or whatever by the time they finish stage 1. I'm assuming its from your muscle retaining water from the lifting... How long of a break do you have to take for that to go away so you can get accurate measurements after you finish each stage?
    Great question! I just finished Stage 1 on wednesday. I was going to take measurements and weight on saturday (tomorrow). Should I wait longer?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I measured at the end of each calendar month....regardless of which "stage" I was at in NROL4W.

    Water retention, or not, I measured. I took photos. Just do it - and trust in the process.

    (You can drink MORE water, to ease the "water retention" issue, you know...)
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I take measurements once a month..

    This month... 1 inch lost on waist and 1-2% reduction in BF..

  • I measured at the end of each calendar month....regardless of which "stage" I was at in NROL4W.

    Water retention, or not, I measured. I took photos. Just do it - and trust in the process.

    (You can drink MORE water, to ease the "water retention" issue, you know...)

    If I drink anymore water than I am now, I'm going to literally FLOAT away. I drink 100-120 ounces a day!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Haha, I had some measurements go up this month - so I ignored it and just measured a week later and discovered the one measurement I wouldn't mind going up had gone up (bootybootybootybooty). The ones I didn't appreciate going up (gutgutgutgut) went back down. Must have been swollen and water retentiony (it's a word! IT IS!) a few days ago, and now am having a nice one inch muscle pump.

    Honestly, who really knows when everything is always sore and swollen? I'm just looking for a downward trend across the months. I need to pull out a stiff pair of jeans to tell over-all losses by.

    I did notice my FATBACK is less fat looking. I was able to wear a very low backed shirt without feeling too self conscious.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    i drink tons of water, too....I dunno if I'm retaining water anymore....it is what it is!

    TheFunBun - I had my BUST measurement go up!! (Since starting). This should be a good thing?? But, it isn't. My boobs are flatter, FOR SURE....which really just means I gained across the back. Fine.

    I will say that having my back/shoulders get wider DOES add to the "illusion" of the hourglass....it gets closer to balancing out my HORRID THIGHS/SADDLEBAG area.

    The end.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member

    I will say that having my back/shoulders get wider DOES add to the "illusion" of the hourglass....it gets closer to balancing out my HORRID THIGHS/SADDLEBAG area.

    This is what I'm hoping for...I doubt the thighs/saddlebags will ever disappear entirely, and I don't have a small waist, proportionally...so my only hope is that the top gets bigger.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I measured at the end of each calendar month....regardless of which "stage" I was at in NROL4W.

    Water retention, or not, I measured. I took photos. Just do it - and trust in the process.

    (You can drink MORE water, to ease the "water retention" issue, you know...)
    Me too Me too
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    In clothes I have to say that the hour glass is gaining shape though those saddle backs just won't quit LOL
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey ladies! I posted this before on the regular message board but figured since most of you in here are more concerned about inches and body fat vs scale weight I would post it here as well. I have just started doing NROL (the original one) and I’m tracking my body composition. Some of you are probably doing that already. I decided to start a challenge that we can use to monitor how our bodies are changing, to ensure we’re on the right track.

    The challenge is:

    1. Check your body fat % and scale weight once a week.

    2. Post the measurements to the thread or enter them into a Google Docs spreadsheet.

    3. The spreadsheet will calculate whether or not you have met the challenge based on the criteria that:

    a. Any increase in body fat must be with an even bigger increase in LBM.

    b. Any decrease in LBM must be with an even bigger decrease in BF.

    If you have your own method of calculating your bf % you would use that, otherwise, the spreadsheet provides a calculator for you.

    Btw, if you join, don’t drop out because you aren’t happy with your results, get better results!

    The link to the group is: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/6308-body-composition-transformation-challenge. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm having a full break from lifting. I'm desperate to get under 100kg and it's just not happening. Have been on a plateau for two months and I just want to go under. Yes I'm losing inches but rift now the numbers are more important for me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    This day is off to a great start. Back in the gym last night after a rest week. I also got on the scale this week. I find that weighing myself after a rest week gives me my absolute lowest weight. All the extra water just drains out. Down .8. Also Took measurements finally. Here are the differences from the beginning of the program. (5 months)
    Bust 30-30 (nothing to lose there LOL But why is my 36 bra tight?)
    Natural waist 33-28.5
    Belly 35-29
    hips 42-38
    Butt 45-39
    Upper thigh 24-23.5
    Lower thigh 22-21.5
    Calf 22-22.5

    Ok that math in INSANE! And yes my *kitten* really was that big. It's funny when I look I don't see that big a difference but 6 inches in my BUTT is UNBELIEVABLE! Does explain why my clothes are falling off of me though :tongue:

    Haven't measured body fat but REALLY want to.

    I also tried on the dress I am wearing to a wedding tonight, very formal black tie affair, and it fit even better than the last time I wore it 3 yeas ago. Back then I made a janitor drop his broom when I walked by. Little loose up top, story of my life. The dress says 5-6 but I wore last when I was 8-9, stretchy fabric. I haven't worn it in three years because I just couldn't pull it off. The stretchy fabric shows off every imperfection. Now it's going to show off all my hard work :wink: TRust and believe there will be pictures on my profile Sunday.