What the hell????



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Righto! I'm going to look up some classic jazzercise videos online. If I can't find that, I'll have to think of some other new exercise.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Oh my goodness! First, I hope you stop beating up your hand. Second, gross.
    Sounds like something my husband would do. Lol

    Hmm. I think our next challenge should be to drink only water for the next week. Exception cam be made for steeped tea with nothing added. I like my morning coffee as much as the next person, bit i don't think we should be relying on it to improve our personalities. We can exercise self control for a week, right? :tongue: Just so you know, i also have cream soda and rum in my fridge which turns out is a magnificent combination, but I will abstain starting now until next Saturday. And then we can all wake up on Saturday morning and have a coffee together next weekend.

    And to try an exercise we've never done before. Look up a video online or add another move to your strength routine. Mix it up a bit.

    it may sound gross but I do have to say that it makes a world of diffence in pain level.

    Not a bad idea. Question...does Crystal light or some other 0 calorie powder count? Also, I have a protein shake at least once per day...are we not doing that as well?

    Katie, how do you feel about only having water until next Saturday???

    Oh my, ONLY water? Sounds like a real challenge... :drinker:

    Bill, I'm sorry you're having physical difficulties with your hand. I hope it heals quickly so you can get back to work here. Since your laptop has been MIA, I've missed your harassing comments.

    Where's Kathy, does anyone know??? Haven't heard from her in a while although I've been in constant contact with her husband for weeks. (insert rude comment here.) ..Kathy, where are you????????????...

    I'm buried at work and at the beginning of the week, I lost my edge (distracted with FSOG and work, I think.)

    Thanks Margaret for the FR. It's nice to know we can go at each other without dragging the group in, every time. :flowerforyou:

    Is there anything we want to add in the challenge guys? Water will be difficult for me but I'm in.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member

    Now on to the challenge. I heard a rumor that Katie didn't have any water on Wednesday and only 2 cups yesterday!! Yeah, that's just not gonna cut sweets!!!! step up your game! If you do your best to get 6 cups/day I'll make up for it by getting 10...deal?

    I'm ready to give this a try!

    That wasn't a rumor, that was a private confession that I posted on your profile... and yes, it sucked.

    Drank two cups today too with two cups of tea. I don't think the tea counts.

    Have we made a decision on whether the water with added (faux/real) Crystal Light counts as water or not?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Crystal Light or lemon/lime juice, yes.
    Tea, yes.
    Coffee, No.

    No creamers/coffeemate/milk in the tea, either.

    One or more new exercise(s) this week.

    Because Andrea is weaning herself off coffee for this, we are starting on Sunday with the water only, and taking it to Saturday morning, where we will toast one another with our weightloss-sin-beverage of choice and discuss our new moves, and Bill's drilled hand.
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Idea for group challenge - Each of us have our strength and weaknesses. What if we pick one our our weaknesses and try to improve on it for 2 weeks. Example, mine would be I've been not completing my food diary for the last couple of days.

    We could check on each other and to get us back on track again.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Idea for group challenge - Each of us have our strength and weaknesses. What if we pick one our our weaknesses and try to improve on it for 2 weeks. Example, mine would be I've been not completing my food diary for the last couple of days.

    We could check on each other and to get us back on track again.

    That's an awesome idea too. Bill's weakness may be taking care of his body and not getting injured, especially his hands. Margaret has a pang for beating on Bill but I rather like watching that, so please don't stop that. My weakness of course is the water thing.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Idea for group challenge - Each of us have our strength and weaknesses. What if we pick one our our weaknesses and try to improve on it for 2 weeks. Example, mine would be I've been not completing my food diary for the last couple of days.

    We could check on each other and to get us back on track again.

    That's an awesome idea too. Bill's weakness may be taking care of his body and not getting injured, especially his hands. Margaret has a pang for beating on Bill but I rather like watching that, so please don't stop that. My weakness of course is the water thing.
    Um. I didn't think I was beating on him... I wish it were real so I could count it as cardio. He could hold up one of those giant blockers.
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Can I just say, this group is fantastic. Cause now I REALLY have to pay attention to the beverage challenge, now that you're all waiting for me to get off coffee... starting tomorrow! NOOO!!! Oh my god, this is going to be hard.

    This is an exchange between my fiance and I:
    "For the next week, I'm only drinking water, from Sunday to Saturday."
    "No you're not."
    "What? You can't do that! Don't be like that!"
    "Why are you doing a water cleanse??"
    "No! I'm just drinking water instead of pop and coffee and stuff. I'm still eating!"
    ..."Oh... That's different."

  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Haha! Yes, please eat as well. :-P

    I can't mindlessly drink the last gulp of juice for my kid... Gotta watch that.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I am ready for this! My biggest challenge will be not having a beer after working at the rental house this week.

    I had a combined 21 cups of water on Thursday and Friday while installing the new floors. It was so hot that I actually went to bed on Thursday 3.5 pounds lighter than when I woke up.

    Since I now have a pool, I am going to try swimming for exercise this week and get back to P90X. I will also start logging again.

    Margaret, feel free to slap me around any time you need to burn a few extra calories...I probably deserve it for something!

    Have it kids!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My new exercise is running up and down this one hill in town. Repeatedly. Also, I'm going to begin trying to do pullups. I see a few trips to the park with the kids in my future, seeing as I have nothing to pull up on at home.
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    I love swimming for exercise; that's awesome that you have a pool!

    Drinking the last of your kids juice must seem like second nature. Now they'll just have to finish their juice themselves! Or just pour them a little less.

    I could probably do pullups on this one door frame in my apartment... if I had man hands. Have fun at the park. :)

    Proud to say I am enjoying a cup of green tea, plain, not coffee this morning. We'll see how I feel later, headache-wise. I'd rather not even drink the tea, because it's just a cop-out for my caffeine addiction.

    As for my weakness, I need to start saying "No thanks" to things like beer, homemade cookies people bring in to work, and second helpings at dinner. I know it sounds lame, but that's how I rack on anywhere between 300-1000 extra calories a day. Especially when we go out for some beers, and then of course we need to get some breadsticks or something when we get home...

    New exercise: I need to think about this one... I should try out a workout video on netflix. Any suggestions for someone who doesn't like to work out? I prefer dancing, swimming, walking, and manual labor for exercise. Right now, I walk my dog, play Dance Central 2 on Kinect, and "get stuff done" at work, i.e. move furniture, walk briskly for hours, and clean.
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Good luck this week, everyone!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Ok, I woke up with the start of a migraine, which I can usually blunt with a combo.of ibuprofen, tylenol and caffeine. Just tylenol doesn't do anything, and my Motrin is packed and in the other house, so I had to quadruple the usual tylenol and drink a coke.

    It was medicinal and seems to be working somewhat. So I'm going back to just water now, and hopefully the migraine doesn't persist into tomorrow.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member

    Hope you're feeling better.

    I am 5 glasses of water deep so far (3pm). 5-7 more (to make up for Katie only drinking 3-5) is going to be tough.

    Oh, and the cook at work gave me a small bag of Godiva dark chocolate gems....I ate 'em all! 1.5oz.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Much better, thanks.

    I felt sick to my stomach after drinking it, didn't want to even finish the thing, but I did anyway. Gah. But it worked so I'm happy. Still drinking water like crazy, too. I would have helped you finish those chocolates because I'm kind like that.
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Glad to hear your migraine's better, WifeNMama!

    I had a horrible migraine today as well, and it didn't let up until about 4:30. missed work. totally sucked. and I'm wearing sunglasses. I had a feeling this would happen when I gave up coffee-- but I didn't let my guard down, just drank water and some plain tea, and hopefully i won't have another headache tomorrow.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Yeah, mine are weather related. When the air pressure shifts drastically, I get hit. Hoping the air pressure stabilized for this week. I got stuff that needs doing!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yeah, mine are weather related. When the air pressure shifts drastically, I get hit. Hoping the air pressure stabilized for this week. I got stuff that needs doing!

    Weather related? do you have a steel plate in your head???? Mine are usually wife or child related!!!

    I made it to 10 glasses of water yesterday. It was only about 65 degrees so no swimming yesterday.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Seriously having issues with this challenge.

    Gonna have to do better about the water, barely hanging on to that one challenge condition. Work load is heavy. No yoga for last week nor this week, save last Monday. Staying late (until around 8pm) and getting in early taking it's toll. Last week was in at 4am.

    Grrrr. Will try better once these few days are past me.