Looking to add some more friends who are in their 40s



  • msvdz
    msvdz Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I like that idea! am going to wait to start focusing on exercise until next week. Focus on the food week 1. Does anyone know how I can change my "joined date?" I joined in April but did not start until today (wanted to check it out). I needed to wait until work was done to focus. Too much stress, wanted to give it my all. Plus I quit smoking 3 weeks ago and wanted that underway as well. UGH!
  • dieselveins
    dieselveins Posts: 65 Member
    40 here feel free to add me as well
  • msvdz
    msvdz Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • msvdz
    msvdz Posts: 12 Member
    please add me!
  • msvdz
    msvdz Posts: 12 Member
    thank you
  • LaurieWurster
    LaurieWurster Posts: 10 Member
    I am a 49 year old mother of teenaged boys and a son who is married and out the door (OMG how did THAT happen?) Would love to add some of you as friends. I recently re-started this weight loss journey. My goal is to be fit and healthy before my 50th birthday in March.
  • marrizia
    marrizia Posts: 88 Member
    Hi- I am going to be 46 in a few days (yikes!) and am a nurse too. Mom of a 17 year old boy. Would love for you or anyone else to add me:) We can help motivate each other!
  • clcarter
    clcarter Posts: 16 Member
    Hey all! I'm 42 and looking for some friends as well! Please add me!
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member

    I have 2 kids...desk job...pushing 40 ...work in medical field...and you can add me as well :)
  • Kiswinning
    Kiswinning Posts: 35 Member
    Please add me, I'm 48 and this can be a struggle
  • BCsurvivor1962
    BCsurvivor1962 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 49 :)
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    You can add me! I'm also 46 and have three kids. :)
  • i am 41 and miserable with my weight just looking for some support
  • AquaDITN
    AquaDITN Posts: 35 Member
    I just turned 44 (in number) in my head I'm totally younger! I have an almost 8 month old baby. I would really like some friends closer to my own age. Please feel free to add me.
  • midwestdawn
    midwestdawn Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm 44, married, and have a 6-year-old son.
  • alphabetsalad
    alphabetsalad Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 45, married, no kids, and a newbie to MFP.
  • alex_dale
    alex_dale Posts: 46
    I'm 42 :)
  • Nolliewootz
    Nolliewootz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi i am 42 and have a ten year old daughter so I too am a "young 40 something" :-)
    fairly new and now strongly committed to getting healthy!~
  • drsdghtr
    drsdghtr Posts: 27
    Hi all! I am 41 and the mother of a 20yr old son and grandmother to a 16 month old grandson. I work at a desk all day for a utility company in my area. I am always looking to learn from others and I would love to get more into exercise and healthy eating. Feel free to add me!
  • sweetsong32
    sweetsong32 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone! I will be 43 this month. Single mom to a 20 year old.