2nd Trimester



  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    It's a girl! No clue on names yet. So far we are sticking with the same schedule for my c section. Sadly, thar means I will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving.

    Congrats!!!! Names are hard, aren't they?!? You will have to get someone to smuggle in a nice Thanksgiving day meal for you so you aren't stuck eating crappy hospital food!
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    Becky- I'm having pain as well. It's very low in my back just below my tail bone. I googled and talked to my OB. It's Pelvic Girdle Pain. While pregnant we produce a hormone to allow our hips to spread for delivery. Sometimes it can cause too much stretching in the connective tissue in that area causing pain. I've been using a heating pad and making sure to sit properly. You'll need to sit up straight, legs parallel to the floor, knees together, with your feet flat next to each other. Even things like getting into the car one leg at a time can cause problems. You want to sit down flat, then swing your legs in. Just some minor changes can really help. Just sitting properly on the couch has made a huge difference for me.

    I'm also having pain in my sides, the obliques and erector spinae muscles. I'm trying to sleep on my side like they tell you too. But it's not working for me right now. I'm still thin in the sides of my waist and all forward belly. My OB said I'm still safe to sleep on my back, which is the most comfortable. That helped so much last night!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    JLS-I understand coming from a family with holiday birthdays. My mother in law's is Christmas and my sister's is the day after. I know she always felt jipped, but it was good most of the family was in town for her birthday! My dad is a new year's baby. I figured Thanksgiving isn't as big of deal because it's not always on the same day and we can always work around it. But my anniversary is the 15th and I'm due on the 14th!

    cmaxmor-That's exciting, I can't remember if your other kid(s) are boys or girls? it sucks you will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving, but I might be there too, we will see :)

    MrsCarter-that's so exciting, not that far away!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    JLS-I understand coming from a family with holiday birthdays. My mother in law's is Christmas and my sister's is the day after. I know she always felt jipped, but it was good most of the family was in town for her birthday! My dad is a new year's baby. I figured Thanksgiving isn't as big of deal because it's not always on the same day and we can always work around it. But my anniversary is the 15th and I'm due on the 14th!

    cmaxmor-That's exciting, I can't remember if your other kid(s) are boys or girls? it sucks you will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving, but I might be there too, we will see :)

    MrsCarter-that's so exciting, not that far away!
    I have two boys already! I am kinda freaked out about having a girl. I am used to boys!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    It's a girl! No clue on names yet. So far we are sticking with the same schedule for my c section. Sadly, thar means I will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving.

    Congrats on a girl! :) I am hoping not to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving either...
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi there ladies! Popping in from the 1st trimester group, I am just entering my 2nd Tri! Looking forward to meeting new people!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi there ladies! Popping in from the 1st trimester group, I am just entering my 2nd Tri! Looking forward to meeting new people!

    Welcome to the 2nd trimester!!

    cmaxmor-I'm sure having a girl will be great :)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    It's a girl! No clue on names yet. So far we are sticking with the same schedule for my c section. Sadly, thar means I will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving.

    SO exciting congrats!! Sounds like a new adventure for you!!

    And thank you all, i can't wait!! And on top of finding out that day I will be at the half way point!! Woohoo!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi there ladies! Popping in from the 1st trimester group, I am just entering my 2nd Tri! Looking forward to meeting new people!

    Welcome! :)
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    I have two boys already! I am kinda freaked out about having a girl. I am used to boys!

    My oldest is a boy when I was pregnant with my 2nd I thought for sure I was having another boy but i was wrong. When the lady told us we were having a girl I was shocked and kept wondering what Im I going to do with a girl. LOL she is such a little joy to have around. SHe will melt your heart. Girls tend to bring out the very soft side of men. I know my husband became a total softy around her. GIrls and fun so. Ulll definatly like having some pink around. lol Congrats!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Ladies!! So excited at the moment!!! Well I plan on giving birth at the same hospital where DD was born because they are a considered a Baby Friendly hospital. Their main mission is that baby and mommy are ALWAYS together, baby only goes to the nursery if their is some complications with either baby or mommy other than that the baby never leaves your sight. The pediatrician and nurses evaluate and check baby in your room. When I gave birth to DD she unfortunately had to stay in the hospital for 10 days and they were great I would spent the whole day with her feeding, changing, diapers, etc. etc. the staff never objected to me being there. I decided to checkout the hospital website to find out about the child birth class and sibling tour and class (This will be my boyfriends first baby so I want him to take the class and DD can be present so I want her to be prepared). As I'm checking the website I noticed that the hospital is opening a birthing center in the same floor as labor & deliver!! As of now they only have two rooms completed, the rooms include a whirl wind bath for water births, a kitchen, big bed, etc. etc.!! Called the midwife office in charge of that and they took me in!!! Have my first appointment on Tuesday!! I was always interested in a all natural midwife experience but the thought that almost all birthing centers are NEAR hospitals never really comforted me, but now I'll be in the hospital if something does happen I'll just be moved down the hall :D Oh and best part that after birth we'll be discharged no more than 12 hours later!!! Doctors and nurses will make at home visits the following day and then a week later!!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    jls8209: I agree with your family about the holiday birthdays. Mine is on Christmas, and everyone forgets (but I care less and less as I get older!). One year, I walked into my grandma's house, and there was a birthday cake on the table. I was so surprised that they had remembered, until I read what the cake said - "Happy Birthday Jesus". (My very religious aunt had brought the cake.) haha

    Ouch, that sucks! My brother couldn't make it home this past xmas/birthday and my mom was so worried about him spending his birthday alone and so far from home. Luckily one of his roommates has awesome parents, they had him over and had bbq steak dinner (in -30 celcius weather!) and baked him a birthday cake. This year my brother is working over his bday/xmas again (he's a police officer, the O/T and holiday pay are too tempting for a young single guy to pass up!) so hopefully his friend's family will be able to spend some time with him again.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi Ladies!! So excited at the moment!!! Well I plan on giving birth at the same hospital where DD was born because they are a considered a Baby Friendly hospital. Their main mission is that baby and mommy are ALWAYS together, baby only goes to the nursery if their is some complications with either baby or mommy other than that the baby never leaves your sight. The pediatrician and nurses evaluate and check baby in your room. When I gave birth to DD she unfortunately had to stay in the hospital for 10 days and they were great I would spent the whole day with her feeding, changing, diapers, etc. etc. the staff never objected to me being there. I decided to checkout the hospital website to find out about the child birth class and sibling tour and class (This will be my boyfriends first baby so I want him to take the class and DD can be present so I want her to be prepared). As I'm checking the website I noticed that the hospital is opening a birthing center in the same floor as labor & deliver!! As of now they only have two rooms completed, the rooms include a whirl wind bath for water births, a kitchen, big bed, etc. etc.!! Called the midwife office in charge of that and they took me in!!! Have my first appointment on Tuesday!! I was always interested in a all natural midwife experience but the thought that almost all birthing centers are NEAR hospitals never really comforted me, but now I'll be in the hospital if something does happen I'll just be moved down the hall :D Oh and best part that after birth we'll be discharged no more than 12 hours later!!! Doctors and nurses will make at home visits the following day and then a week later!!

    That's awesome!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hey guys! I feel like as soon as I hit my second tri I gained 2lbs overnight! this is ridiculous! I just don't get it. Does it "even" out? I keep hearing that it does but it never seems to happen to me! lol

    I have not changed my eating habits and I am actually exercising more than before. I guess pregnancy just does crazy things to your body!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    hey guys! I feel like as soon as I hit my second tri I gained 2lbs overnight! this is ridiculous! I just don't get it. Does it "even" out? I keep hearing that it does but it never seems to happen to me! lol

    I have not changed my eating habits and I am actually exercising more than before. I guess pregnancy just does crazy things to your body!

    I was the same way, I had only gained 3-4 in the first trimester and then I would gaine 3-4 like every other week! I'm really hoping it evens out, but if not I can work it off later and it will be worth it for a healthy baby. I am trying not to worry too much about it, as long as we are staying healthy, that's all we can do!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    hey guys! I feel like as soon as I hit my second tri I gained 2lbs overnight! this is ridiculous! I just don't get it. Does it "even" out? I keep hearing that it does but it never seems to happen to me! lol

    I have not changed my eating habits and I am actually exercising more than before. I guess pregnancy just does crazy things to your body!

    How was your weight gain with your previous pregnancy? how much water are you drinking these days?
    I know after july 4th I went up 4lbs in less then 2 wks. I didn't really change anything but did have a bit more sodium. but after adding more water and less sodium 2 lbs came off without me even trying to get rid of them .
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hey guys! I feel like as soon as I hit my second tri I gained 2lbs overnight! this is ridiculous! I just don't get it. Does it "even" out? I keep hearing that it does but it never seems to happen to me! lol

    I have not changed my eating habits and I am actually exercising more than before. I guess pregnancy just does crazy things to your body!

    How was your weight gain with your previous pregnancy? how much water are you drinking these days?
    I know after july 4th I went up 4lbs in less then 2 wks. I didn't really change anything but did have a bit more sodium. but after adding more water and less sodium 2 lbs came off without me even trying to get rid of them .

    I gained A LOT slower in the beginning with my 1st pregnancy. I gained 7lbs by time I was 22wks. Around the time I was 14-15wks I had only gained 2lbs. But there is a difference. With my first pregnancy I started out at a higher weight, I was 147 starting weight, this time around I started off at 123-124. I am currently 130-131 :((. I also didn't track calories and ate less, but unhealthy meals. I also worked full time on my feet all day up until 39weeks. Now I am eating a lot healthier, less processed foods, and rarely go out to eat. Most of it is home prepared. I drink about 10-15cups of water a day, so I am sure I drink enough to eliminate some of the sodium. I really watch my sodium levels too. I just don't have any answers as to what is going on.. My body will do whatever it wants now I guess.
    p.s. I gained slow in the beginning with my DD, but after 23wks the weight piled on, I gained 40 more the last 17weeks!!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Come Wed I will be moving over to the 3rd Tri thread! Crazy!

    As for holiday b-days my middle DD is Dec 21st and was due on the 24th. I am so glad she didn't come on or around Christmas. Even with a few days before we have a hard time with the party situation. Most people are already committed to holiday parties during that time or simply don't want to be out and about so close to Christmas. A few times we have done her party a week after...but usually we do it a week before.

    I am still gaining...though it has slowed a lot. Which I am sure is due to the increase in exercise and the decrease in snacking. But I seem destined to be a gainer while pregnant.

    With my 1st I gained....wait for it.......over 80lbs. Yikes! I lost 100lbs by the time she was 7m. With my 2nd I gained 50lbs and lost only half and then after the miscarriages I gained a lot. With my 3rd I only gained 16lbs, but I was super heavy. 262lbs when I gave birth. Ouch.

    This go I was 195 when I started and am now 234.6 *sigh* This pregnancy has been different then all the others in the aspect that I am counting calories and mostly sticking to my goal my OB set of 2040. Trying to be more conscientious about diet and getting in exercise. With all my other pregnancies I ate what I wanted and when I wanted and did hardly any exercise. My 3rd I walked a lot, but that was it. So I was sure this time I would gain little and slowly....but yeah not happening. Makes for a large depressed momma!
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I'm now 14 weeks and counting my blessings each day. It is amazing to feel the movements and cannot wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy for me to start planning!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Just checking back in with everyone. I am 17 weeks now. Havent felt any movements ( that i know of). We find out the babys sex august 13. I am so excited. It will be nice to finally be able to buy some baby clothes and not just look and wonder if i can get pink or blue! lol. Also talking with my mom on when we should due a baby shower. Do you normally do this 2 months before or earlier or later than that?