Important stuff will go here one day.
I miss hearing from you guys. I having started going back to the gym and feeling good. How are the rest of you you guys?
Congrats to Kristine!!!
It's been a long journey, starting way back in the 2nd week of February, but Kristine has reached her goal and has lost over 34 pounds!!! She's looking strong and kicking butt every single day. I'll leave it to her to post her Sweaty Sign that is announcing her awesome accomplishment. Keep up the great work and enjoy…
December - 2015
Wow another month has blown by and soon it will be 2016. So what will this last month bring us? Will we eat, drink, and be merry for January we die(t)? I'm hoping to keep recovering from my finger surgery and shoulder PT so I can get my butt moving fast again in January. Great to hear about the treatments for your son…
WINS - 2015:39
After slacking off a week, the WINS is back. Does anyone want to share?
November 2015
To get away from the WINS type of thread and maybe just do a monthly deal, I thought I would start out with the bland title of what you see above. Anyways, it's a new month (okay a couple days into the month) and it's good to be writing here again. I've been doing the DB365 workouts when I can and I would say I've done…
What to do...
This group has been great for what it has been and hopefully we all got a little something worthwhile out of it, especially figuring out what to do after the BLBC ended. But it's been a fragile existence from the beginning in that we started off with a very small core and as time went on, we lost members along the way with…
WINS - 2015:36
Good morning ladies and gents :) I thought since I'd been such a poor poster the past week and a half, I'd try to make up for it by starting our weekly WINS thread this week! I hope you all had a great week and will have some awesome positive news to report. If not, let us know how we can commiserate with you ;)
WINS - 2015:37
So I was looking back thru my calendar and realized that we all started our BL journey 30 weeks ago!! We've come a long way baby! Let's celebrate our wins for this past week as well as acknowledge our moments of weaknesses.
WINS - 2015:35
Yet another late start to this week. It's crazy how busy things get when school kicks in and we get out of summer mode. Anyways, how was last week? Do we need to put out an APB for Kristine now??? My week was a lot of fun, but not as far as the scale is concerned (I'm up 3 since last week). My half week trip to the Bay…
WINS - 2015:34
Sorry about the late creation for this week. So what was the good, bad, and the ugly?