megs_1985 Member


  • BMI isn’t accurate as it was never designed to define individuals as overweight. It was designed to find the number of overweight people in a population. The formula squares your weight which makes no real sense. It was done to fit the data instead of the other way around. While your BMI may be high if you are fat it…
  • Why make dieting harder if it’s been working for you? It’s likely if you’ve stalled that you’ve unknowingly because lax on watching what you eat. Little things that you did when you started but have slowly stopped being strict about can add up to create a stall especially since the calories you need go down as you lose…
  • What’s up with all the wooing? Anyway, just eat something. Maybe lighten your breakfast so you have room to eat after the workout.
  • BCAAs are just one type of amino acids. There are multiple types and the body needs them all. One kind isn’t necessarily better then the others. Eat whole protein sources and meet your protein goal and you’ll get plenty of amino acids.
  • You can lose onndiet alone but maybe look into figuring out how to increase your activity. Maybe one of those hand pedalers or some light weights to do some basic arm movements. Look up chair exercises or chair yoga that might give you some ideas. I remember seeing a success story from someone in a wheelchair. It was…
  • The macros are good. It’s what I do more or less. It’s about 40%P/30%C/30%F which is fine. She might be having you eat at your TDEE so if you are adding your exercise calories on top of that and eating those exercise calories back then you may be eating too much. If you’re eating at TDEE you don’t add your exercise…
  • That’s great. What’s your workout plan like?
  • I have hypoglycemia too and learned that the hard way in college in which I ate a lot of easy carbs then would crash at really inopportune times like in class or at work. So I learned to always bring nuts or cheese with me. I think being a nurse helped me learn why it’s so bad to be obese. I’ve struggled a lot because life…
  • Ah it’s not the end of the world. Just don’t do it everyday. Have a bit of tea even and start again tomorrow
  • I want to lose 45 lbs. I’m down 14 so far. I’m 5’3 female so similar to you. It’s been slow but I started heavy lifting program and do HIIT 2x week and one longer cardio a week as well as walking 30 minutes most days. While my scale weight has been slow I’ve been losing inches more steadily so I must be gaining muscle.…
  • How many calories were they eating? Was it a deficit? Did they lose weight? Would these patients be able to have the same results without a health coach available 24/7?
  • Maybe just try to reduce added sugars?? That’s the only thing I found to be helpful but I don’t cut it out completely. Added sugar in silly places like tomato sauces and salad dressings are easy to cut out and saves you calories for other things. Save your sugar indulgences for things you really enjoy. I eat chocolate…
  • Most people suggest to eat at maintenance and let the breastfeeding create the deficit though once they start breastfeeding less then maybe start slowly adding your own deficit but pull it back if you notice a decrease in production. Babies should get most of their nutrition through breastmilk/formula until the first…
  • Low resistance is good as a way for women to keep their bones healthy as they age and that’s about it. You can lift heavy and not aim to be a bodybuilder too though. Fitness isn’t black and white which is why I usually don’t like those kind of shows/articles. They are usually cherry picked and biased though those seem less…
  • So true. I lived there for 2 years! Pasta is a staple and they stay pretty thin. Though the Italians also don’t make weird things like Chicken Alfredo or put sugar in their tomato sauce. ;)
  • Your doing a lot of activity. You could easily eat at maintenance and gain muscle while losing fat. I don’t think it’s just the lifting making you hungry but all the cardio on top of it too. Are you eating your exercise calories back?
  • I find this to be more true as I learned to eat healthier and more satiating foods. Before I would just eat crackers or something to stave off hunger but then it wouldn’t hold me over so I ate more and ended up snacking all afternoon easily going over calories. Now that I learned what keeps me full I don’t have as many…
  • I save calories for my cravings. I eat chocolate everyday. I buy the 50 calorie squares and eat one or two. Also eat more satiating food. I like to eat light before a workout and then a heavier meal after. Lots of protein and some fat (usually eggs and salmon or chicken sausage with toast) keeps me full a long time. I…
  • That’s awesome!!! Somewhat similar story as the first time I lost weight I did tons of cardio now I’m lifting and doing HIIT and it’s awesome! I’ll definitely look at some of your instragram recs
  • I use this too though since I’m already eating a deficit it shows my TDEE being really low. (Kind of an average of my caloric intake). So then it shows to subtract 500 to lose a lb a week but that would put me at 1000 calories/day. So though I like the idea of it it seems to be off in calculating TDEE if your already at a…
  • Use a whole egg in your quiche not just the white. Add meat like ham or sausage or even deli meat if you like. You can make veggies more caloric with butter or roasting it with bacon (yum!!). Just make sure you are weighing and measuring so you don’t go over and if you have 100-200 left then treat yourself. :).
  • It’s only been a week give it more time.
  • Awesome. I sent you a friend request as that is very inspiring!! Is flexible dieting just “eat what you want within your calories?”
  • I like Fitness Blender workouts too. 5 lb weights aren’t too expensive at Target but you can use things at home too or start with body weight. I ended up getting the PowerBlocks up to 24lbs for $140 after the 5lbs weren’t enough. I figured it was the same as 3 months of gym membership anyway. So maybe something to save for…
  • A few days won’t count for much. I’ve gone 2 weeks without seeing a drop then lost 3lbs. IF isn’t a magic pill it’s just a strategy so if it works for you to limit your calories that’s great. I do a loose version of 14 hour one. Just be patient.
  • It won’t be a number. It is what is heavy for you. So for example my program is 10-12 reps. So I start with 10lbs for example and if my form starts to fall apart at rep 11 then I know it’s heavy enough. So I will do all my sets at 10lbs and 10 reps then maybe next workout I’ll try to get to 12 reps per set. Once I can do…
  • Low fat, low carb, whatever. As long as it fits your calories. Glad you found something that worked for you.
  • Eat them. I had some left over last night so I treated myself to a cup of drinking chocolate. :)