ephiemarie Member


  • ^^^ Yes. Start with some shorter/easier runs first. Running is high impact, while cycling and much of T25 are low impact, so you're stressing your muscles and joints in different ways now. If you're working your legs hard every weeknight, you're going into your runs with legs that are already a bit fatigued. This will…
  • Are you a runner? Or an endurance athlete of any kind? While I certainly can't presume to know all the details, your friend's behavior sounds fairly typical of many runners I have encountered, including myself. Personally, I run because I love the feeling, the freedom, and the solitude. Most days, it's the only time that…
  • I have a Nathan Speed 2-bottle belt that I use for medium length runs (9-13 miles). It has enough room for a bit of fuel, keys, and not much else. I recently bought a Nathan Intensity hydration backpack for my long runs (the "Blacklight" reflective version is on clearance at REI outlet online), and I LOVE it. The pockets…
  • 18 miles @ 8:46 per, but this was an LSD run, not a MLR.
  • My biceps are 9.75" unflexed with decent definition...BUT I have this weird, frustrating armpit fat that will. not. go. away. My mom has it as well, so I blame her.
  • I had a fairly wide DR that started with my first pregnancy and widened with each of the following three pregnancies. I never did any specific exercises to heal it and figured I'd just have to live with it as a battle wound of motherhood. My youngest just turned 3 years old, and my DR is now nothing more than a fingertip…
  • I've done a couple half marathons and am currently training for my first full marathon. I've been experimenting with different fueling options based upon recommendations I received from runners on MFP. While many people swear by Gu, I have found that it upsets my stomach if I consume more than one on a long run. A runner…
  • I ran 22 miles yesterday. As soon as I got home, I poured a tall glass of milk and drank it while I did some post-run stretches. I followed that with a protein bar (20g of protein) and a bottle of water. A couple hours later I ate a normal supper of chicken and veggies and then totally pigged out on popcorn and a giant…
  • Garmin Fenix3 with Garmin Connect (only for detailed run metrics), and Strava for all workouts.
  • My son is nearly 13, and while he is within a normal BMI range, he has gotten softer around the middle as he approaches puberty. Given the choice, he would gladly live a very sedentary lifestyle and entertain himself nonstop with his iPod and computer games. However, we simply don't give him that choice. Technology…
  • Canoeing is fun for our whole family (4 kids). We have a couple 3-seater canoes and take them out frequently in the summer. We also do a lot of family hikes on camping trips. A long bike ride--alone or with my husband--is both physically rewarding and mentally clearing.
  • At least 6 days/week, usually twice each day. I am currently training for my first marathon while trying to maintain my swim and bike fitness and avoid injuries. A typical week involves 3-4 runs, 2 rides, and 2 swims. I also work in some core, yoga, and/or strength each day. It sounds dorky, but I plan each week in advance…
  • I'm planning to hike my first 14er this summer. :) Last month I did a 15-mile hike into and out of the Grand Canyon, and I prepped for that trip with a fair amount of hiking (with a weighted pack) and some ankle/knee stability exercises (also with a weighted pack). Even though I run/bike/swim year-round, I think the…
  • Have you considered an intermittent fasting sort of approach? I'm a SAHM of 4, and when I'm trying to lose weight, I will typically drink coffee and water (flavored with low-calorie drink mix packets) until I'm really, truly HUNGRY. Sometimes I'm starving when I wake up and will have something small (graham cracker, half a…
  • I have 4 children, and sometimes working out as a new mom takes some creativity! I'd highly recommend investing in a frame backpack type of carrier and/or a decent jogging stroller. We bought a Kelty carrier when baby #3 was 6 months old, and hubby and I have both used it SO much over the past 4 years. The kids love being…
  • I don't know how to account for the additional calories on MFP, but in my experience you definitely burn more calories when you increase the treadmill incline. Today I ran 3 miles on my treadmill at 4% incline and later ran 3 mostly flat miles outdoors at a faster pace and burned nearly the same amount of calories for each…
  • I usually run 3-4x/week (any more than that, and I start flirting with injuries), cycle 2-3x/week, and swim 2x/week. I also try to work in 2 strength sessions and 2 stretching sessions each week (although I admit I neglect the stretching more than I should). Many days consist of two workouts. It sounds dorky, but I…
  • Awesome bucket list!! I did my first sprint tri last year (400 yard pool swim/15 mile bike/5K run) and have since completed 2 more (one with an open water swim). My swim "training" consisted of watching a few YouTube videos and just getting in the water a couple times a week and figuring it out until I didn't feel like I…
  • I've been here over a year, although my focus is more on fitness than weight loss. Always open to active, positive friends!
  • 1800y in 35:52
  • Thank you! I tried the Burt's Bees plain chapstick today, and I think it helped. :)
  • Awesome! That first mile can be so pivotal! I remember the exact date I ran my first mile last year. :smile:
  • My husband and I both bought full sleeve Xterra Vector Pro suits around this time last year and got great deals on them. Although they were a bit of an impulse buy ("Look, they're on sale! We can pretend they're from Santa!") and we have no basis for comparison, we've both been pleased with the suits we bought.
  • My husband and I both own this model of balaclava, and it has served us well running through cold Wisconsin winters: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002ZG7RF8?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage
  • New to the group...and to even sort of thinking of myself as an actual "swimmer." The more I do it, the more I transition from tolerating it to enjoying it. Anyhow, today was my 3rd swim for the week. I swam 1 mile in 39 minutes on Monday and 2 miles in 86 minutes on Tuesday (!!!). Tonight I swam 900 yards in 17:53. I am…
  • I used to dread swimming. Really, really dread it. It wasn't comfortable or fun or even remotely pleasant, and I spent every single swim session thinking about its suckiness and just wanting to be done. After over year of forcing myself to do it anyhow, I finally (FINALLY! Halle-freaking-lujah!) pushed myself through a…
  • I've only personally experienced a post-run "emergency" once, but I know a few other runners who have had this issue and found relief from taking a daily probiotic. Might be worth checking out.
  • Unless it's ridiculously hot, I don't carry water for runs shorter than 5 miles. If I'm running 5-10 miles, I'll carry a handheld water bottle, and for longer runs I wear a 2-bottle hydration belt (one bottle of water and one of diluted Gatorade...and I take a swig of one at each mile, alternating between the 2...I'm a…
  • I skipped out of the 1-mile run in gym class every single year, so until 2014 I had never run a mile in my life. I decided to attempt the C25K program for the hell of it...and shocked the hell out of myself to learn I actually like to run! And, even better, I don't completely suck at it. :smiley: Since doing C25K last…