ElisaJtsu Member


  • H&M £3 G string - perfect ;)
  • Thank you VERY much! I now understand why people 'watching' their macros when attempting muscle gain; on the contrary I found all this talk about macros slightly obsessive (in forums overall), that is why I wanted to know. What you're saying makes perfect sense though. Thanks.
  • Sorry, I was not referring to your question as such. I was wondering why 'macros' matter so much to people :)
  • WHY does this matter?
  • THIS! And, calories are energy. If you consume more than your body needs, you put on weight. If you use up more than you consume, you lose weight. Exercise & 'clean' eating is beneficial for your health not weight loss. And don't ever be sorry for asking questions! Why would we have forums like this? :)
  • YES! It's a constant struggle, but I just keep on going. I had times when I stopped logging, times when I over ate badly (exams!)...but the main thing is, that I keep going. I have friends on here who have lost twice as much over the same period, but it doesn't matter. I want a life change, not quick results. I've lost 20…
  • I can't possibly quote everyone on here, but know this: You are all doing an incredible job and I really appreciate every post! This is truly motivational!!!
  • tor YES! That is what made my 'blood boil' every time I went to see a GP about my knee issues. I haven't been to see a doctor for anything else in the last 15 years. Thank you so much for your time!
  • I am really not willing to go into the molecular biology of cancer, so regarding the ORIGINAL post: I think we are too obsessed by scales & numbers nowadays. You recognized that you need some change in your life and you made a start, that's a good thing! See how you feel when you get there. I'm pretty sure a few pounds…
  • I appreciate any help & advice. Thank you!
  • Thanks, but I cannot self refer in this area, my GP is not willing to refer me & I can't afford to go private...I've been down this road so many times, that's why I asked for some advice here...
  • Oh dear, I should have worded that differently. What I meant is that I am in pain when I run now; serious isn't the right word as it is minor in comparison to the pain before the surgery, yet it's bothersome. I was looking for some advice as I have a cupboard filled with NSAIDs which I got prescribed from different doctors…
  • I'm not in serious pain, but it's not exactly a joyful run either. I actually bought some glucosamine tablets, but just like you I'm not keen on tablets, so I didn't take them. So I might actually give that a try. No, I never had my gait analysed - any idea which shop offers that? And thanks, of course!
  • Thanks, but one can't just go to a physio therapist in the UK. I only got one(!) appointment after surgery.
  • Banana ice cream made from frozen bananas! 89 kcal per 100g! Even with a few(!) dark choc chips or chopped nuts it's around 115 kcal for an ample bowl.
  • This! And...I've studied biochemistry, I read a thousand journals & books...but, it all doesn't matter! I don't know about you, but I aimed to achieve a healthy relationship with food, i.e. not eating out of boredom or as a comfort. I couldn't care less about my so called 'macros' or some overpriced supplements! You're…
  • Patience, patience, patience!
    in ? Comment by ElisaJtsu July 2015
  • Firstly, 30 lbs is absolutely fantastic!!! I've started in January and I've lost 17 lbs...I am very, very envious right now ;) But any pound lost is a success! The other day I felt like I had achieved nothing, so I took a shopping bag and filled it with items totalling 17 lbs; it puts things into perspective! You should be…
  • I'd love to know more about this? What does a typical day look like?
  • The scales found in gyms aren't correct most of the time. Unless your fat percentage is measured properly, I wouldn't rely on it! I'm not a fan of the BMI either, as it does not distinguish between muscle & fat weight. The hip waist ratio isn't too bad as it gives a good indication of abdominal fat - pear shaped is…
  • I understand how losing weight can become an obsession, as our 'self image' doesn't change. I've lost around 18 lbs and I feel bigger than before. I think our mind takes longer to register the change. I have no idea how you're built, so I can't really say, but I think 140 lbs at 6 foot sounds very little! I think it would…
  • I log every activity. Not in order to consume more calories (as mfp greatly overestimates) but to keep track of how active I am.
  • Just start changing bit by bit. I know you've probably heard this before, but it does work. If you really want a life change, it won't happen 'over night'. I get the bus to uni, so I started to get off a bus stop earlier and walk the rest; maybe you could walk a little re-route every day? Make it 20 mins in total instead…
  • WOW! WOW! WOW! I'm going to keep reading your post to keep me going! Thanks for sharing.
  • I wish I had bought food scales right away - estimating does NOT work! And I wish I had taken 'before' pictures - do it NOW! Also, if you're short on time & money, the 'couch to 5K' plan fits in nicely and it's free. Good luck!
  • Absolutely NOT! This is a life change not a crash diet. My allowance is around 1300 kcals per day, if I consume 1500 I'm still eating less than I did before. Of course I'm trying to stick to it, but I don't feel bad if I go over sometimes - slowly does it. Mfp helps me to keep track and change my eating habits, which is…
  • SW: 211 CW: 198 GW: 170 5'11" 33 years old Where are all the tall people? :)
  • Same here :) SW: 207 CW: 198 GW: 170 5'11" 33 years old