need help please!!

Hey everyone :)

Ive just started this app. I want to eat healthy but I have no idea what foods are good from breakfast...lunch..dinner..and snack? Any suggestions!? Im a good coom except I cook fatty foods so dont want that in my body. I dont like looking a new recipes doesnt turn out good :( I really dont have any time for exercising. Which I know its bad but got no choice though I walk to uni for only 5 minutes and back another 5 mins. So any suggestions what I should do? I way 95kilo


  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    Just start changing bit by bit. I know you've probably heard this before, but it does work. If you really want a life change, it won't happen 'over night'. I get the bus to uni, so I started to get off a bus stop earlier and walk the rest; maybe you could walk a little re-route every day? Make it 20 mins in total instead of 10?
    Also, it's really good to weigh your food; I had no idea how many calories I actually consumed before using scales. I know cooking healthy on a student's budget is tough! I don't always eat clean, but I'm getting there. Just check your portion size; I still eat pizza or egg and chips, I just weigh it out so I can fit it into my plan. Another thing that helped, was eating salad with everything. It kind of tricks you and makes you feel like you're eating more; as well as eating everything slowly with a knife & fork.
    I suppose everybody has to find their own way, just don't put too much pressure on yourself about changing your life style!!! What kind of foods/dinners do you usually eat?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Bacon and egg is a good breakfast.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    When you say you cook fatty foods, what kind of things do you mean? You can probably still eat most of the things you like, just eat a smaller portion, or use less fat/oil, or trim/drain the fat/oil before you eat. Frylight 1-cal cooking spray is an awesome way to lubricate your frying pan instead of using oil (just don't use like 100 squirts...), and if you have a good non-stick pan many things don't even need oil or spray at all.
    For breakfast, I'm a big fan of porridge. I have about half the recommended serving size of oats, made with skimmed milk, then topped with a big dollop of fat free yoghurt, some frozen fruit (cooked into the porridge so its not frozen when you eat it!) and some nuts or seeds on top. Delish, easy, quick and filling!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Bacon and eggs is not good for breakfast.

    Lets start with nutrition. Get some books from the library about nutrition and look at different diet books to see what sorts of thing they suggest. I am not suggesting you follow any of those diets. But you should gradually build up a repertoire of foods you like to eat that are healthy and you should be trying to eat a wide vareity of whole foods in your diet. I basically change my breakfast every day.

    You want foods that are low GI which means they keep you satisfied for longer. this rules out the white type foods although i am not against white pasta and potatoes but you can't over eat them or eat them to exclusion of other foods.

    Eat plenty of protein and include it in all your meals.
    Eat fruit at every meal.
    Eat vegetables at least in lunch and dinner.

    Its ok not to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is for health so you want to try to become more active when you lose weight and as your life goes forward.

    Don't cut your food severely. This will backfire and you will end up back where your started in no time or worse. Work out your TDEE from a TDEE calculator. Then say you want to lose 1 pound a week. This will help you avoid hunger.

    Eat your meals fairly close together and try not nibble or snack. Avoid eating after dinner if you can because i find when i go to bed feeling just the start of hunger, then my weight is down in the morning.

    Try not to eat till you are full. Rather stop just when you feel good. Avoid going hungry.

    So breakfast could be:
    slice of wholegrain toast with a fried or boiled egg or scrambled (with milk and a little butter). Fried tomato, fried mushrooms and onions. You don't have to have all this going on in one meal but these are vegies so good. Don't use a lot of oil. And when you cook use olive oil.

    I also love just fried tomato on two wholegrain toast.

    Porridge made from rolled oats is good. Make it with water and a pinch of salt. Pour cold milk on top. Nowadays i do'nt even put sugar on it and i like it. Though recently i've gone vegan so i do'nt even put milk but fruit juice with no added sugar and i like it.

    But basically any type of healhty food is suitable for breakfast. But try to get out of the habit of buying packaged breakfasts because they are high in added sugar. low in satisfaction and high in processing.

    Leftovers make good breakfasts.

  • deegray3014
    deegray3014 Posts: 3 Member
    I think your best bet is to just start logging what you eat. Put your favorite meal in the recipe section. After you see the amount of food you are eating you will change your eating habits, or learn to eat smaller potions. Anything can be breakfast
  • DeeNayer
    DeeNayer Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone.
    I've also just started this app, very confused how to use this app. Need to know how and what to eat. I'm a vegetarian no eggs also. Needed to know how to calculate the calories cos we eat alot of lentil. I brisk walk in evening for about 40mins mon to friday. Started today I had greek yogurt with oats 1/2 a banana and few pieces of paw paw and a cup of tea no sugar. My lunch i have prepared Spinach, gem squash, salad Dinner is green lentils Please help.If im in the right direction Thxs.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Start weighing and logging in the dairy. After two weeks you will get the hang of it and find ways to lower calories and keep protein.
    Bacon and eggs for breakfast is perfect.
    Some people like to eat little meals and include snacks. I cannot do that and never have. I eat my first meal early in the afternoon and then have a late dinner.
    Perhaps do not worry about recipes and meal plans. I just kind of put together foods that I like but with fewer calories than I did before. I do eat lettuce and cucumbers and other raw veggies in large salad bowls.
    You will find what works for you. :)
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    Avoid eating after dinner if you can because i find when i go to bed feeling just the start of hunger, then my weight is down in the morning.

    Try not to eat till you are full. Rather stop just when you feel good. Avoid going hungry.
    Slightly contradictory advice, there.