
Hello. My name is Theresa but with a different spelling (Thearsea). I know I'm not the only one to start something and don't finish it. Or I'll make plans to "Eat better, exercise more, or use apps like MFP" to improve my health. I've had this app (among others) and started out using them, but over time just lost interest.

For some...weight loss and exercise come easy, but not for me. I know what I need to do, and I know what I want to do...but lost interest and it became another app taking up space on my phone.

I have made up my mind to stick with it. I want a lifestyle change not a diet. I'm looking for support, motivation, and accountability on this journey and willing to provide the same.

Anyone else agree?


  • markcanterbury14
    markcanterbury14 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for the exact same thing! Been struggling with my weight for about a year now and looking to really take care of it once and for all.
  • laurachaulklin83
    laurachaulklin83 Posts: 2 Member
    Girl, I feel your pain! I got fat because I LOVE to eat and I don't like to sweat. I've always been "thick" but in the last few years I've become outright fat. My boyfriend and I are both looking for lifestyle changes to make us healthier long-term. We've been at it for a couple weeks. It's been easier than I expected but I won't lie... I REALLY want to sit down and eat a while bag of chips!
    I've used MFP before with great results but, like you, I just got bored with it. I'm hoping supportive relationships will keep me on a better path this time.
  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    YES! It's a constant struggle, but I just keep on going. I had times when I stopped logging, times when I over ate badly (exams!)...but the main thing is, that I keep going. I have friends on here who have lost twice as much over the same period, but it doesn't matter. I want a life change, not quick results. I've lost 20 lbs so far - yes, it took me longer, but it's a loss. So just keep going :)
  • thearsea
    thearsea Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Elisa for the motivation.
  • sunflw95
    sunflw95 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes I do!!!
  • a_squire2000
    a_squire2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I find it difficult to stay on track at times. It frustrates me at times because I feel that some people can just eat whatever they want and I have to keep an eye on my food. Sometimes I just want to eat whatever they're eating. Chips are my weakness as well. I had to ask my roommates to either stop buying them or hide them in their rooms because if they leave it where I can see it it will be gone. I have lost a total of 41 lbs and I still have a long ways to go.. the biggest thing that I have to keep telling myself if I have a bad day calorie wise is that it was just one day.. my battle is NOT over and to just make sure to get back on track. It is not a restart when you have a bad day.. it's just a continuation on the path. If you are driving and hit a speed bump, you don't go back to the start, you just go over the bump and drive forward.