norcogrrl Member


  • I like this idea. :) I don't consume artificial sweeteners (and a whole bunch of other things) so to be able to see all of the ingredients would be awesome. If it was something I could eat, to have the recipe would be even better.
  • The exchange rate is a miserable beast right now. I just checked, and GPS City Canada does have refurb 910s for $239.95 CAD. That's not a bad price at all. Now my 310 just has to die so I can justify the purchase. :)
  • Where are you seeing prices like that?
  • I'm still using my old 310XT. The thing just won't die! It is a big orange brick. You have to put in your cap for the swimming portion, as the GPS can't receive/transmit under water. still sells them, for under 200 bucks. Sometimes you can find them much cheaper. Honestly, if you want a Tri watch, get a Tri…
  • Wow! Congratulations on your huge accomplishment!
  • I use the Taylor Bluetooth Body Fat Smart Scale, and I compare my results to both the U.S. Navy Circumference Method and the Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat" method. Based on photographs of people at the body fat percentages I arrive at, I look more like the Covert Bailey results. My scale is always within 1% of the Covert…
  • Your stools will change while eating low carb. Depending on your macro ratio, you may find that they are a lot smaller than they used to be and less frequent. This does not nessecarily indicate a problem. If you're concerned, you can supplement with magnesium or experiment with adding more fats to your diet. You can also…
  • Batch cooking is my savior. Every weekend I do up all of my meals for the weak. I only probably spend around three hours cooking, and everything gets frozen in individual servings. It takes less time to heat things up in the microwave than it does to make a box of Kraft Dinner (what is known as "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese"…
  • Thanks for the great ideas! :) I need to pick up a smaller slow-cooker. I added too much water as I was worried about the slow-cooker being too empty.
  • I'm having a hard time getting my fasting glucose down (it is my highest reading of the day, but it isn't alarming). In my case, the amount of protein doesn't seem to be a big contributor. The issue appears to be gluconeogenesis due transient nighttime hypoglycaemia. A big serving of veg at supper (smothered in butter and…
  • I'm breaking #1. I might be breaking part of #2 (potassium . . . The others are being supplemented). I might sometimes break #10 and #11, but since I'm not breaking #13 I'm not too worried about it. ;)
  • I have the 900 watt Ninja Professional. It has never let me down! My recommendation is to go with the biggest motor you can get your hands on. :) I've used a couple with smaller motors, and they were vastly inferior.
  • I've opted to move it into a pot to simmer. Since I need the slow cooker for beef stock anyway. :)
  • Name: Shelley Age: 42 Height: 5'10" Start Weight (30 October): 181 lbs Goal Weight (1st December): 176 lbs 1st November: 180.6 8th November: 178.3 15th November: 176.8 22nd November: 174.5 29th November: 173.0 1st December: 172.3 Weight lost/gained this week: -0.7lbs Weight lost/gained this month: -8.3lbs…
  • I've switched to dark chocolate. I've worked my way up to 90%. I can't eat a whole lot of it, so it gives me my chocolate fix and the risk of going overboard is low for me.:)
  • I popped into a drug store before catching the bus home to pick up some 90% Lindt. That's become my preferred chocolate, and I didn't have any on hand. I did pick up some 90% Lindt, but I also picked up the Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt. I knew better than to do that. I'm going to make sure that I always have my 90%…
  • Thanks for the ideas, ladies. :) I ate two more squares. The rest is in the fridge. I'm going to try to whip up some fat bombs . . . maybe cream cheese, cacao, coffee, macadamia nuts, and a bit of maple syrup? I don't use sugar or alternative sweeteners, but some maple syrup might be nice. I have two bags full of macadamia…
  • I'm 5'10". Goal weight is a very precise 143 lbs. That's my optimal bicycling weight: where I'm not sacrificing the muscle I need, but I'm not carrying extra fat weight that will be a burden.
  • I only did two deposit shots. I bled for nearly six months. Evil stuff!
  • I have to admit . . . I'm quite surprised, and very disappointed, that your physician has given you so little direction. I have not been diagnosed as "pre-diabetic." I've been diagnosed as "insulin resistant," which is kind of a step before your diagnosis. Basically, my blood glucose is horribly regulated and is all over…
  • Yesterday was a tough day. Hubby made his Grey Cup chilli (with three types of beans) and picked up some gorgeous dinner rolls. I'm not just low carb. I'm primal. I can't eat beans! He didn't take offence when I didn't partake. But, I wouldn't have wanted to be at someone else's house. Without my own food and kitchen I…
  • @totaloblivia . . . What are your husband's primary IBS symptoms? Low carb eating has changed my IBS. I've been keto for a month. It used to be that I wouldn't go for 1-2 weeks (my record is 3 weeks), and then everything would vacate quickly: with a couple of really miserable hours on the toilet. I won't say keto has cured…
  • How old are you? I'm asking, as apparently I'm one of those women whose cycles get shorter when permineopausal. My doctor assures that this is normal for a small percentage of women. My cycle is 21 days. Going keto lengthened it to 23. A shorter cycle is certainly a much lesser burden than what you're dealing with, though.…
  • @lithezebra . . . What are you subtracting the whey quantities from? Are you subtracting it from the milk's data, a comparable yogurt's data, or do you know what percentage of carbs (lactose) are converted to protein during the fermentation process? I've been trying to calculate carb (lactose) to protein conversion…
  • Superstore in Calgary has some wonderful Halal whole chickens in the frozen section. Maybe Superstore where you live has them too? Hubby bought them by accident once, and now they're my preferred chickens. They're really chubby (more meat on the bone than I'm used to seeing), and they're delish. I asked a Muslim Lebanese…
  • I've never actually had a lipid panel run. I don't know which one of you is correct, are the numbers high or perfect? What should one expect from lipid panel results? I'm planning to have mine run in the new year.
  • Maybe I'm just a naive Canadian . . . maybe my vision of St. Louis is romanticized . . . but how on Earth does a breakfast joint in St. Louis not serve real bacon??? :o