classicalbk Member


  • A person I sew for grew two inches in the bust after becoming vegan and eating lots of tofu. She also got much more painful periods. If you are low on estrogen, maybe tofu wouldn't be a problem, but if you swing high on estrogen already, maybe it could be a problem.
  • Yay, Brittaney! You've got this! I have found that myfitnesspal is the single most important ingredient in my ability to lose weight finally because I discovered that I was eating too much even though the food was "healthy." I also use the MFP reports to see how I'm doing in various nutrient categories. Be sure to see if…
  • If you visit a gym, the trainers have a gizmo that helps measure fat/muscle ratio. If you ask nicely and they aren't crazy busy, they can do that for you. I have a niece who was but no longer is "skinny fat;" Now she lifts Olympic weights and is a serious figure competitor, and is rock hard. So I guess "skinny-fat" really…
  • Every day. I know it will go up oddly now and then, but if I wait a week I could easily gain 5 pounds and not know it, so I prefer to keep a close eye.
  • Have you measured over your belly button? I found my belly (at belly button) when down faster than my waist (narrowest bit) measurement.
  • Fitness trainer told me to do more strength training (lifting) and eat more protein. Let's hope it works. I want to yell at all the heavy young people, "Lose the weight now while your skin can still snap back!"
  • I've read recently in a number of places that an increase in protein helps with metabolism - and that seems to be true in my case, anyway. I doubled protein (by using lactose free whey powder with very low carbs and very low sugar) and the weight drop accelerated nicely. I'm eating the same calories, or even a little more…
  • Make sure your nut butter has no added sugar/corn syrup. Try to develop a taste for nut butter that is only nuts (and perhaps a little salt). That said the weight fell off faster when I quit my daily almond butter and apple snack.
  • I love my smoothies (with added protein powder) but I have to be careful with the recipes; many smoothies have a ton of sugar, which is not good for many of us who are carb sensitive/diabetes candidates.
  • I've been dropping weight slowly and painlessly on low carb. Recently I cut out fruit and now I'm dropping weight quickly and painlessly! I will ask my strength trainer to do a fat/muscle ratio analysis soon. Any gym can do this for you. Just takes a second with the gizmo they all have. Anyway, I will be able to compare…
  • Don't hate yourself. We've all been there. Some things that have worked for me: 1. 100% raw cacao in my morning breakfast smoothie. Getting my chocolate first thing (without added fats and sugar) takes care of cravings all day. My latest version is 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 cup cold coffee, 1 TBS raw 100% cacao, and…