kathrynrf89 Member


  • This is what my current goal is too. I’m trying to focus less on the scale and more on making real, healthy lifestyle changes that I can make part of my daily routine.
  • If your breast feeding, you should talk to your doctor about the deficit you should be eating at.
  • Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
  • Yes! Happy snowy Spring!
  • Try adding in more veggies and lean proteins like turkey and chicken.
  • I can't see your diary.
  • Whenever I go to family things, I know there is going to be a lot cheesy, fried, buttery Italian goodness, I eat a few cups of steamed veggies before hand. Then, I don't show up hungry, I can eat enough that no one notices I am not eating much, and it is a win win.
  • Of course you can. What are you eating now?
  • Every time I feel discouraged I just think "if I stick to it you will look different this time next year"
  • Do it for you, and he will do it when he is ready.
  • Even if your appointment isn't for a mother two weeks, call the office tomorrow. The nurse can ask the doctor what she thinks you should do in between now and when she sees you in two weeks. She will either tell you to keep with the deficit or to eat at a maintenance level until she can do an evaluation.
  • Have to measured your inches all over your body? You might just be loosing fat in other places, too. Measure yourself once a month and you will see where the loss is happening. Also, I would recommend upping your calorie intake a little. If your not comfortable with that, or think you won't still loose, go talk to a…
    in Sizing Comment by kathrynrf89 March 2015
  • Maybe try upping your protein? Not sure what you are doing now, but I know that works for me.
  • Remember that sometimes Doctors aren't always right. I went to the doctor about a year ago and she suggested I loose 50 pounds in four months. She thought that was a reasonable amount for me to loose. I went home and did some research and learned that a safe weight loss for me would be 2lbs a week. I also opted to find a…
  • I did the same thing a few weeks ago! I took out one package of them and then made my husband take the rest to work with him so I wouldn't be tempted!
  • Hold onto your why and remember why you started. I put a sticky note on my bathroom with my "why", so I see it every morning. I also found it extremely helpful to tell the people who are close to me, and to talk about the struggles with them. In the past I just tried to loose weight silently, on my own, with no support.…
  • Eat some of the food you want. :) I only eat chicken too. It has been the only meat I have ever liked, so I have a bunch of chicken recipes that dress it up a little and are still healthy! If you want any ideas send me a message!
  • I have about 100 left to loose and am also looking for friends for motivation!
  • My husband and I want more than anything to start a family. I want to be healthy before I get pregnant. I've tried loosing weight before and always gave up. For the first time I feel like I have a real solid reason for loosing the weight, and it is the longest I have ever stuck to a plan.
  • I pre log and then make adjustments as needed. Usually on my lunch break I'll change anything if I didn't follow the plan I had laid out the night before, then I'll check back a night and make sure I didn't miss anything.
  • I gave up wine for months for this reason. Then we were having a celebration with friends, I cracked open the bottle, and ended up drinking the whole thing over the course of the night. I was disappointed in myself, mostly because I didn't work out the next day because of the hangover! The main reason I stopped drinking…
  • Whenever I get a little guilt because I have over indulged, or gave in to w craving, etc. I try to focus on the successes I have had. I find that that helps.
  • I did. Drinking is a huge part of my social life too. There are parties in our group of friends every weekend. Those parties consist of lots of crap food and social drinking. I gave up the drinking simply because I realized I was eating more pizza/chips/ etc when I was drinkng than k would sober. I told all of my friends…
  • I want to have children. Then, after I have children I want to be healthy for them. I have tried loosing weight in the past for more short term "why;s" and I would loose some weight only to become content with it, and then stop trying. I always eventually gained it back. This is the first time I have a solid, long term…