Calories, Morbidly Obese & Breastfeeding.



  • MizzMaamI1
    MizzMaamI1 Posts: 73 Member
    I opened my diary. The 180 adds are cookies I enjoyed very much. For the most part my logging is pretty accurate. Maybe 70/30?
  • sunshine1082
    sunshine1082 Posts: 85 Member
    Good goals are less than 60 grams of carb and not looking at the amount of calories you intake.

    That is a really low number for carbs (like ketosis territory), and I'm not sure it's a good idea for someone who is breastfeeding to restrict their carbs to that extreme an extent.

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited March 2015
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Why do you "feel" you should eat 1200?

    I think I just have that number set into my brain.

  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    edited March 2015
    Some shocking advice in this thread, especially from the "health coach", that you should ignore.

    Eating ketosis level carbs while breastfeeding is not advised. The ketones released into your breast milk will reach your baby, this has not yet been determined to be a safe practice or not.

    You are burning 700 calories a day producing milk, 500 of those need to be added back to your diet (the other 200 come from maternal fat stores). You need to eat way above 1200 calories to meet your child's nutritional needs, I'd personally say to net 2000-2500 with 210g of carbs.

    Follow the RDA's here.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    Listen to everyone that says to eat more. I started off at 310, and am now at 244. With my exercise factored in, I usually eat between 1700-2000 a day and lose around 2 lbs a week. If you are exercising and breastfeeding then you can probably eat more than 1600 and lose weight. Don't be in such a rush that you lose your milk, or harm yourself because you aren't eating enough. Stop and put things into perspective. You are losing, and getting healthy. It isn't a race, but a lifestyle. Enjoy time with your new baby (congrats!) and know that you are doing things in a way that is healthy and allows you to provide them milk to thrive on. You don't need to feel guilty about eating and if you can't get over that, see a doctor to get someone to talk to please.
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Listen to everyone that says to eat more. I started off at 310, and am now at 244. With my exercise factored in, I usually eat between 1700-2000 a day and lose around 2 lbs a week. If you are exercising and breastfeeding then you can probably eat more than 1600 and lose weight. Don't be in such a rush that you lose your milk, or harm yourself because you aren't eating enough. Stop and put things into perspective. You are losing, and getting healthy. It isn't a race, but a lifestyle. Enjoy time with your new baby (congrats!) and know that you are doing things in a way that is healthy and allows you to provide them milk to thrive on. You don't need to feel guilty about eating and if you can't get over that, see a doctor to get someone to talk to please.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    LLL recommends eating 1800 calories MINIMUM for breastfeeding moms.

    You can forget breastfeeding with only 1200 calories. You won't have any supply to give to your baby.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Like 1200 is in my head then I feel really guilty after I go over. I know I shouldn't but I don't know how to get over that thought process.

    (I go over often lol)

    So eating 1200 obviously doesn't work if you go over often....
  • jmagdalena707
    jmagdalena707 Posts: 28 Member
    Listen to everyone that says to eat more. I started off at 310, and am now at 244. With my exercise factored in, I usually eat between 1700-2000 a day and lose around 2 lbs a week. If you are exercising and breastfeeding then you can probably eat more than 1600 and lose weight. Don't be in such a rush that you lose your milk, or harm yourself because you aren't eating enough. Stop and put things into perspective. You are losing, and getting healthy. It isn't a race, but a lifestyle. Enjoy time with your new baby (congrats!) and know that you are doing things in a way that is healthy and allows you to provide them milk to thrive on. You don't need to feel guilty about eating and if you can't get over that, see a doctor to get someone to talk to please.

    This is good advice.

    OP, you are doing awesome. 60+ lbs over 6 months is great. I know it feels like it's going slow but you are already winning. It sounds lame but slow and steady wins the race.

    You don't need to drastically cut cals or carbs. Keep doing what you're doing. Also, just for some perspective, I am exclusively Breastfeeding an 8 week old(also pumping extra to build freezer stash) and net between 1800-2000 cals a day. I weigh 170 and am still losing. You can eat a whole heck of a lot more than 1200 cals.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    MFP says I should eat 1650 cals.
    I feel I should eat 1200 cals.
    Should I go with MFP and leave it at that or add on extra calories for breastfeeding too. I don't eat my workout calories back exept for today with cookies.

    I started at 340-355ish right after childbirth and I'm currently 286.8. I want to try and pick it up a notch. I had my baby 6 months ago and I feel like it's been a slow process.

    Remember your body doesn't understand dieting. If it thinks you are starving it WILL turn that milk off!

    That said successful weight loss should get you used to eating less. That's why you are starting out at 1650. MFP will shrink your allowance as you shrink but it helps to get used to 1650. What you don't want to happen is to get to goal weight and feel like you want to eat a huge amount of calories again!

    And huzzah for your loss, but take it easy! Think long term, cause your LO needs you long term!
  • MizzMaamI1
    MizzMaamI1 Posts: 73 Member
    That totally makes sense because when I first started going to the gym in end of January my baby was more fussy. I'm guessing that's from excersice and lack of calories.

    I think I'm making good progress though, I've been using MFP for 47 days and I've lost 20.7 pounds. I should be grateful I'm losing steadily and not gaining.
  • MizzMaamI1
    MizzMaamI1 Posts: 73 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Like 1200 is in my head then I feel really guilty after I go over. I know I shouldn't but I don't know how to get over that thought process.

    (I go over often lol)

    So eating 1200 obviously doesn't work if you go over often....

    Yup it doesn't work, but I still try for some odd reason.
  • MizzMaamI1
    MizzMaamI1 Posts: 73 Member
    How are things outside of dieting and working out? Are you in a moms group? What are you doing to take care of yourself (that isn't food related)?

    I love shopping so that's like my instant happy pill. I also pamper myself, try to keep up apperince :) other then that my life revolves around my weight loss and family.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Like 1200 is in my head then I feel really guilty after I go over. I know I shouldn't but I don't know how to get over that thought process.

    (I go over often lol)

    So eating 1200 obviously doesn't work if you go over often....

    Yup it doesn't work, but I still try for some odd reason.

    More fool you then, to be honest!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    How are things outside of dieting and working out? Are you in a moms group? What are you doing to take care of yourself (that isn't food related)?

    I love shopping so that's like my instant happy pill. I also pamper myself, try to keep up apperince :) other then that my life revolves around my weight loss and family.

    So eating a safe and adequate calorie and macro/micronutrient intake for your baby shouldn't be an issue then.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    How are things outside of dieting and working out? Are you in a moms group? What are you doing to take care of yourself (that isn't food related)?

    I love shopping so that's like my instant happy pill. I also pamper myself, try to keep up apperince :) other then that my life revolves around my weight loss and family.

    Life revolving around weight loss is not healthy. Shopping isn't really a sustainable hobby. Find something fun for you to occupy your time and energy besides worrying about calories.
  • kathrynrf89
    kathrynrf89 Posts: 26 Member
    If your breast feeding, you should talk to your doctor about the deficit you should be eating at.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You're breastfeeding, so this is a question you should be discussing with your doctor.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    justjack18 wrote: »
    You need an extra 500 calories per day to breastfeed so I would eat at least 1700 to maintain supply maybe more. I know I lost my supply because I wasn't eating enough.

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    LLL recommends eating 1800 calories MINIMUM for breastfeeding moms.

    You can forget breastfeeding with only 1200 calories. You won't have any supply to give to your baby.

    This again.