Tips for eating out?



  • Rampant328
    Rampant328 Posts: 134 Member
    Don't do it. Too many calories, too much fat, too much sodium, too many preservatives and chemicals, too much work to make up.
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    If you can research menu ahead, do so. If ordering grilled veggies, or if there is a light menu section order off of it. If you order a salad with your meal or as your meal, order the dressing on the side, so you control. You can ask for light dressings, or balsamic, lemon wedges, and salsas make for nice dressings. Grilled chicken, steak are good options. If You get it and it's huge, just eat half, or if you order pasta or something eat half.( or less) Stay away from fried, cream, words like creamy. Be careful of the free stuff that comes in baskets. Bread at Italian places, chips at Mexican. It comes when your hungry and it just sits there and its so easy to lose track of how much of it you've eaten, especially if your both sharing it and flirting. Have fun!
  • kathrynrf89
    kathrynrf89 Posts: 26 Member
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2015
    I didn't say small meals throughout the day,I said regular meals.
    Eating one meal a day is not a good idea at all for diabetics on insulin.

    Anyway after all that angst about insy bits of sugar in salad dressings, you manage to have a burger and fries - that's quite a turn around in thinking!!

    I was hungry and after looking at all the meals on the menu, I justified it as "well it is the only thing I am eating today so might as well enjoy it and even though the bun and fries aren't good for me, the rest of it is beef, cheese, bacon, pickles, and lettuce so at least that stuff is good for me." I know I know, I could have gone for the protein burger instead but I hiked all day and I figured, like everyone here said, I didn't want to come across as weird. The date was going too well to pull something like that.

    And believe it or not, waiting at least 4 hours after I wake up to eat has been the only way I have been able to manage my BG because even a protein option when I wake up will send my sugar through the roof and that is almost impossible to recover from for most of the day. I typically have 1 big meal a day around lunch then maybe a small meal at dinner time but usually it is just a snack at the most. It has helped me with my sugars a lot. By causing me to not have spikes and reducing the overall amount of insulin I take daily. A great way to become morbidly obese is to take large amounts of insulin every day.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    You could:

    a) forget about all this and eat what you want and focus on the date
    b) ask for a dry grill (and pray they listen) and have something with salmon or chicken

    Personally I'd ask for the dry grill, get something with chicken, and log it the best I can. You can leave food on the plate as well. You can control what you eat!

    Good luck!
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    OP you are a type 1 diabetic and you are going to try to eat nothing until dinner time ???.

    Are you newly diagnosed?
    Have you seen a diabetic educator?

    Because this is a very very bad idea - how to get a hypo before your date.

    Diabetics on insulin must have regular meals.

    No we don't. I have been diabetic for 10 years and my BG is actually best managed when I skip breakfast all together and I find that intermitent fasting is also a great way to control it. The whole notion of small meals throughout he day bein better for you is a myth.

    On a side note; date went super well. We were together for 12 hours and talked about everything under the sun. We spent half the day hiking so I did cave and get a gourmet burger with garlic fries, but it was the only thing I ate all day and my BG stayed regulated all day. We are going on a second date tomorrow for lunch. No hiking that day (it will be right before church) so I will have to make sure I make a better meal choice.

    I didn't say small meals throughout the day,I said regular meals.
    Eating one meal a day is not a good idea at all for diabetics on insulin.

    Anyway after all that angst about insy bits of sugar in salad dressings, you manage to have a burger and fries - that's quite a turn around in thinking!!

    Actually that's a turnaround in everyone else's thinking who were blasting her.

    I know right. You just can't win with this crowd. I think the Paleo nuts who treat their diets like a religion are nicer than this most of the time. Haha
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    edited March 2015
    Have fun on your date! OMG my family loves to eat at terrible restaurants so I have developed a million mental games to deal with them.

    -When it comes to rolls, the chips and salsa, shared appetizers or whatever else they put on the table before the meal (seriously, that stuff always has more calories than you expect), if you need to take some in order to avoid it being awkward, take one portion, eat some of it, but then leave a little on your plate to show that you are done (this way people are less likely to offer you more)

    -If the place has a light menu, order from that. Just imagine to yourself that it is the WHOLE menu and don't even look at the rest of it.

    -If no light menu, then try to avoid the fried food or the stuff that's slathered in cream sauce.

    -Ask for salad dressing on the side.

    -When your food arrives, look at your plate and mentally draw a line down the middle, splitting it in half. Only eat that half. The other half is for lunch tomorrow, ok?

    -Try to remember what you ordered so that later on, if the restaurant info is online, you can log whatever you ate.

    -Don't worry too much if you go over your calories for the day. The main thing is to enjoy the meal and the company. You can always make up the difference with some extra time on the treadmill later.

  • HumboldtFred
    HumboldtFred Posts: 159 Member
    I date infrequently (twice a month maybe) and I cannot remember anything the person sitting across from me ordered. The food she picks is not my first priority.
  • ksommer13
    ksommer13 Posts: 20 Member
    I totally understand why ur stressin but I would take the advice of doing some extra workout earlier in the day so u have more to play with later. Order something healthy and tasty and have fun. Its one night so have fun but keep the healthier food options in mind but don't obsess, guys really don't like that.
    Mostly tho have fun!! :D
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,554 Member
    More tongue, less teeth. >:)
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    This can't get lost on page 3. So I have to ask again, HUH?? Are you sure you're diabetic? Because for a diabetic you don't seem to know much about diabetes.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis.

    Acidosis doesn't "act like an acid in the body destroying everything". But it can put you in a coma and leave you blind and without functioning kidneys.

    Normal blood pH is 7.40, so someone can be in acidosis without having a serum pH that would be considered acidic.

    Actually, before the advent of insulin, childre with IDDM were starved because it increases their very short life spans.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    edited March 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    This can't get lost on page 3. So I have to ask again, HUH?? Are you sure you're diabetic? Because for a diabetic you don't seem to know much about diabetes.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis.

    Acidosis doesn't "act like an acid in the body destroying everything". But it can put you in a coma and leave you blind and without functioning kidneys.

    Normal blood pH is 7.40, so someone can be in acidosis without having a serum pH that would be considered acidic.

    Actually, before the advent of insulin, children with IDDM were starved because it increases their very short life spans.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    OP you are a type 1 diabetic and you are going to try to eat nothing until dinner time ???.

    Are you newly diagnosed?
    Have you seen a diabetic educator?

    Because this is a very very bad idea - how to get a hypo before your date.

    Diabetics on insulin must have regular meals.

    No we don't. I have been diabetic for 10 years and my BG is actually best managed when I skip breakfast all together and I find that intermitent fasting is also a great way to control it. The whole notion of small meals throughout he day bein better for you is a myth.

    On a side note; date went super well. We were together for 12 hours and talked about everything under the sun. We spent half the day hiking so I did cave and get a gourmet burger with garlic fries, but it was the only thing I ate all day and my BG stayed regulated all day. We are going on a second date tomorrow for lunch. No hiking that day (it will be right before church) so I will have to make sure I make a better meal choice.

    I didn't say small meals throughout the day,I said regular meals.
    Eating one meal a day is not a good idea at all for diabetics on insulin.

    Anyway after all that angst about insy bits of sugar in salad dressings, you manage to have a burger and fries - that's quite a turn around in thinking!!

    Actually that's a turnaround in everyone else's thinking who were blasting her.

    I'm not following your thinking.
    OP was stressing about insy bits of sugar in salad dressing and then ends up eating a carb heavy meal of burger and fries.

    How is that not a huge turnaround on her part?

    How is is a huge turn around on the part of those who were disagreeing with her?
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    This can't get lost on page 3. So I have to ask again, HUH?? Are you sure you're diabetic? Because for a diabetic you don't seem to know much about diabetes.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis.

    Acidosis doesn't "act like an acid in the body destroying everything". But it can put you in a coma and leave you blind and without functioning kidneys.

    Normal blood pH is 7.40, so someone can be in acidosis without having a serum pH that would be considered acidic.

    Actually, before the advent of insulin, children with IDDM were starved because it increases their very short life spans.

    I know very well what DKA is. In my 10 years in EMS I have dealt with it my fair share of times. That along with having to deal with my mother on any given day having her sugar as low as 15 and as high as "HIGH" for my entire life. If you need me to explain the high, I won't because since you jumped in to the OP's defense you should know what I'm talking about. Let's not get into explaining to me what it is. I want the OP to explain her statement and to explain why she keeps spouting off about diabetes facts that are not facts at all.

    So you think the OP is either a liar or an idiot. Everybody lies and most people are idiots. So there you go. You win.

    My concern is she seems to be advocating glucose spilling (and then maybe back pedaled a bit). Even if she's stupid/lying/a troll, that could kill someone.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Note to any new diabetics reading this thread, pay no attention to the food choices above. Blood sugar control and food choices is an hourly affair; not every other day.

    Yes exactly.
    Very important post.

    OP has already decided hiking all day (her words) and not eating until dinner time is a good idea.
    Fair enough - it is her life.


    Not unless you have someone with you who knows how to deal with life threatening hypo's.

    As I said before, diabetics on insulin need regular meals, especially if they are exercising.
    Nobody has to take my word for this, btw, check with your doctor or diabetic educator - is very basic diabetic management.