Tips for eating out?



  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    OP - I'd go with lean meat and salad or vegetables if the restaurant has something along those lines.
    If you're concerned about calories on the night, try and avoid foods on the menu that are crumbed, fried or in a creamy sauce as these tend to be loaded with calories. I'd also suggest asking for dressings or sauces to be served "on the side" as this gives you more control over how much you have (if any). I don't think it's too picky to request that your sauces/dressings are served separately and it's absolutely fine to mention that you have dietary limitations when you ask the waiter or waitress about the food you're ordering. I'd avoid listing allergies you don't have though as it's much better to be honest with your date and it can easily backfire.

    My strategy for ordering on a date is this:
    Scan the menu and look for two or three items that appeal to you.

    Don't be afraid to eat normally. You won't gain 20 lbs in one meal so, there's no need be obsessed about every gram of fat. If you'd prefer the creamy pasta dish with garlic bread, order it and you'll probably enjoy your meal (and your date) much more. And if the first date ends up being the last date with the guy, at least you've enjoyed the meal.

    Alternatively; Select the healthiest sounding option or the one that requires the least modification. So, if it's battered fish with salad and there's no grilled alternative, ask if they could grill the fillet for you.

    Always order sauces/dressings on the side.
    If you're drinking alcohol, drink it slowly. Alternate with sips of water if you need to. That keeps the impact of the alcohol calories low.

    If you have a long list of dietary issues or don't want to seem too fussy, ask the wait staff to suggest something that suits your needs.

    When it comes to dessert, I suggest sharing a plate which can be a romantic way to end the meal and you can get away with having a smaller serve.

    Hope those tips are helpful.
  • milocamolly
    milocamolly Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here's an idea...Why not just tell your date that you have diabetes and that you need to go somewhere with healthy options?
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Why don't you tell the date up front about your diet and plans?
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    Basically it eats up your body tissue. Both fat AND muscle. It also eats away at everything else.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    This can't get lost on page 3. So I have to ask again, HUH?? Are you sure you're diabetic? Because for a diabetic you don't seem to know much about diabetes.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis.

    Acidosis doesn't "act like an acid in the body destroying everything". But it can put you in a coma and leave you blind and without functioning kidneys.

    Normal blood pH is 7.40, so someone can be in acidosis without having a serum pH that would be considered acidic.

    Actually, before the advent of insulin, children with IDDM were starved because it increases their very short life spans.

    I know very well what DKA is. In my 10 years in EMS I have dealt with it my fair share of times. That along with having to deal with my mother on any given day having her sugar as low as 15 and as high as "HIGH" for my entire life. If you need me to explain the high, I won't because since you jumped in to the OP's defense you should know what I'm talking about. Let's not get into explaining to me what it is. I want the OP to explain her statement and to explain why she keeps spouting off about diabetes facts that are not facts at all.

    So you think the OP is either a liar or an idiot. Everybody lies and most people are idiots. So there you go. You win.

    My concern is she seems to be advocating glucose spilling (and then maybe back pedaled a bit). Even if she's stupid/lying/a troll, that could kill someone.

    Umm... If you are insinuating that I am endorsing using high BG's as a method of weight loss then you need to go back and read what I said before and do your homework. Ketosis and DKA are two TOTALLY different things.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    Bit of advice here people, learn the difference between ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis. It may open your eyes a little. It's pretty dang hard to use high BG's as a mode of weight loss (which is a great way to kill yourself) when you aren't feeding your body the foods that fuel DKA.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    Best advice for insulin dependant diabetics - ignore Corinna's advice.

    Follow the advice from your reputable health professional instead.
  • kakelley94
    This has to be the most annoying post I've ever read. If you're gonna correct everyone's answers to your question... Why ask at all. You clearly will only accept the answers that you yourself have come up with. Prayers for your date. I hope he is more tolerable than me.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    kakelley94 wrote: »
    This has to be the most annoying post I've ever read. If you're gonna correct everyone's answers to your question... Why ask at all. You clearly will only accept the answers that you yourself have come up with. Prayers for your date. I hope he is more tolerable than me.

    The only people I corrected on here were the obnoxious trolls like you. There were plenty of people who have genuine answers to the question I posted.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Lolz. I thought this thread was about something else.
  • loisseau
    loisseau Posts: 14 Member
    Corinna, a calorie is a calorie isn't the point the dietitian is making, it's calorie utilization by type, and how your body metabolizes them. Nevertheless, calories are calories, and if you run a consistent metabolic deficit, you will lose weight.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Look online at a bunch lf different places and get an idea of how many calories are if different foods. You can use that information as a baseline for wherever you eat out. We don't eat out often, but whenever we do, I log the calories at the start of the day and eat around them to make sure I keep a deficit.
    emdeesea wrote: »
    I think I have a picture now. You're type 1 diabetic, you ate only once yesterday, and from your post yesterday... "I am not only trying to keep a caloric deficit but also keep myself in ketosis..." Do you also restrict your insulin intake?

    If that's what you're doing, that's frekkin dangerous. You need help.

    Umm... Did you actually read anything I posted? You do realize that the stories you just gave me were about a girl who QUIT TAKING HER INSULIN in order to lose weight. High BG's act like an acid in the body destroying everything and that is why you lose weight. I still take my meds and regulate my sugars. I just have discovered that reducing the amount of food I eat throughout the day helps in the regulating process.

    Basically it eats up your body tissue. Both fat AND muscle. It also eats away at everything else.

    It really is time for you to stop. It's not even t by email slightest bit funny. You pack of understanding what diabetes is and then claiming you have it is just down right offensive. Hopefully the moderators will lock this thread up since it's giving so much false information on your part.
    Bit of advice here people, learn the difference between ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis. It may open your eyes a little. It's pretty dang hard to use high BG's as a mode of weight loss (which is a great way to kill yourself) when you aren't feeding your body the foods that fuel DKA.

    Knock it off. People need to ignore all the advice tour giving.

    Until you develop the disease yourself and spend 10 years learning how to control it, maybe you should stop giving advice on it. I said what I did. I never gave advice. Don't like how I CONTROL my BG then don't bother being on here. Seriously, go look up the medical definition of ketosis and DKA since you seem to have zero knowledge of the topic.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Best advice for insulin dependant diabetics - ignore Corinna's advice.

    Follow the advice from your reputable health professional instead.

    So what exactly did I advise vs. what did you guys assume and accuse me of? I would honestly love to know. God, I can believe the number of *kitten* and trolls on this site. And it's all the same people over and over. Guess MFP isn't a place to ask questions and expect honest answers. Just a great place to get lectures from trolls on their soap boxes. If this post annoys you then get the f*** off it you f****** ****.

    are you hangry by any chance?
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    loisseau wrote: »
    Corinna, a calorie is a calorie isn't the point the dietitian is making, it's calorie utilization by type, and how your body metabolizes them. Nevertheless, calories are calories, and if you run a consistent metabolic deficit, you will lose weight.

    I just find it funny that a person who would dare to care about more than calories on here (like added sugars and trans fats) would get scolded so bad for daring to do so. I checked the diary of one of the girls on here who told me I was an idiot and her diary was full of more than half junk food. I think her only good meal for the day was some veggies at breakfast.
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    I skipped all the nonsense. OP, enjoy yourself on your date and dont obsess over every detail. Pick the meal that looks best for your plan and eat it. You can go back to your normal eating the next day!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @CorinnaShaw‌, it is the internet. People are going to disagree. All this abuse and diary shaming isn't necessary. If this thread is upsetting you, try taking a walk or doing something else for a while.

    Threads aren't limited to people who agree with the OP.