InADarkRoom Member


  • I run 3 times a week and have started doing Les Mills BodyCombat still had no effect on my hunger levels!! I guess I'll just enjoy it but as @Karlottap says, just be cautious....
  • Thanks guys!! This is all really helpful. I guess I'm still getting used to what my body is actually telling me and breaking that mindset of "should eat now". I'm sure I'll get there. I'm loving the freedom of not having to regulate everything around food. And being able to walk past "treats" (like an entire table of them)…
  • Not to hijack but is it easier to IF if you're already fat adapted? Or even a little ways into ketosis instead of right at the beginning?
  • I do take MCT oil - usually first thing on a morning with the protein shake. Just like I did this morning. And the ketostix are now reading negative. Go figure. I've also tried coconut oil in the same shake. If I don't have the shake I just tend to take the MCT oil straight. It's nasty but I wash it down with water. It's…
  • In my slow cooker......dust I think! I's bad. I'm just not adventurous enough yet!
  • Thanks @baconslave !! Awesome idea. I drink a ton of water so that'll be my next trick :smile:
  • I didn't think I'd been here long enough to be adapted lol. And in all fairness, I'm probably not. I guess I'll just have to keep trying. I'll maybe increase the sodium supplementation and see if that gives me the buzz!
  • Thanks both for your replies! I really struggle to choke down broth - it's not nice! I'm not a fan of pickles either! Which is why I went down the supplement route. Man is it hard to get to goal on sodium! I was wondering if I had not done the fat fast for long enough maybe... Thing is @wabmester I don't feel bad. I don't…
  • <---because I feel like I'm in one half the time! Either that or want to be! :smile:
  • Northeast UK here....nights are getting a little bit chilly already up here. Nicer to run in colder weather though :smile:
  • Only taking the magnesium close to bedtime. Have read though that magnesium oxide is the worst one to have so will switch to the one above... Thanks for the help!
  • Just looked into supplements.....and I'd be looking at taking these. Advice please!! Is this overkill? Not enough? Help! X1 per day: Total of 120mg Magnesium oxide/ 240mg Calcium X2 per…
  • You were that tough love I was talking about girl!! But you know that anyway. Honestly, without your support and encouragement (and boot up the butt) I really don't think I would've gotten to here. So major shout out to you!! I still don't feel at all "qualified" to reply to these sort of posts but knowing that's exactly…
  • <----was in exactly your boat a few weeks ago. Couldn't seem to get on the wagon properly until I got some tough love on here. Kicked my butt into shape! My deal was that I wanted it but not enough. I'd do ok for a bit then cheat. Only "a little". Or when no one was looking. But the only person I was cheating was me. I…
  • Some straight talking from someone on here did it for me. I was constantly making excuses and stuck in a rut of feeling sorry for myself (not suggesting you're doing the same btw!) And she said what I needed to hear in no uncertain terms. Sounds like you're already on your way to the right mindset. Wish I could be of more…
  • Thanks! Good to know I'm not alone in thinking it's ok. There are occasions where I wish I'd saved some carbs for later on but despite registering as negative ketones today, using the protein powder in the mornings seems to work. Especially since I added the cream..
  • I use PhD diet whey, Belgian chocolate or banana flavours are nice. I blend it with water and double (heavy) cream. Turn out pretty nice. Mine are 5.5g carbs so actually quite high compared to some others here. But I have that for breakfast and i'm full until lunch or after most days now. Was a case of trial and error for…
  • I love that!! I might steal that philosophy! @deksgrl: I do have the aches and severe lethargy too, that's kinda why I thought maybe it was the "flu"
  • Thanks for the replies guys. @KnitOrMiss has got me totally figured out too! Just peed on a stick and it's showing trace. And according to the scales I'm down about 3lbs. Not sure whether to believe them though!
  • Oh my...kryptonite for me is a whole range of food! Chocolate, potato chips (crisps over here), granola, pastries, ice cream, chocolate, cake, fruit especially tropical, chocolate..... So many lovely things I can't have anymore (especially after this weekend :disappointed: ) No wonder I'm not hitting ketosis or losing any…
  • Only just found this thread....and having talked to you on here, I know he'll be lucky to have you! Whether you're 16lbs up or down, your positive outlook and sunny personality will shine through. After a while away from it, you're bound to be nervous. But what's to say that he's not nervous about making a good impression…
    in Dating Comment by InADarkRoom June 2015
  • Yay for 10 @Twibbly !!! Good for you :smile:
  • I want to make this a lifestyle change. I'm still at the point where I have cravings and occasionally give into them (things are crap right now and my will power has taken a hit). That said, I always feel awful after having larger amount of carbs than 20g a day. Especially if the carbs are from bread products. So yes, I…
  • I'll second the coffee machine to make BPC. Using instant stuff right now and I'm sure it could taste better than it does
  • Awesome! This is motivation for me too so it must be effing brilliant for you! I also suffer with depression and am hoping that this WOE will help ease the symptoms. Great job - keep it going :smile:
  • Just wanted t say a big thank you to all those that replied. Was a tough night last night. Exhausted this morning. But I'm showing ketones today (yay!) so every cloud... So whilst I'm not over it, I am getting there. Thank you again guys. Really appreciate it :smile:
  • I absolutely do realize that @cottagegirl71 ....this group has been amazing so far. So very supportive and I truly do appreciate it. As for my boy, I think he's getting sick of his mother hanging around all the time!! Listening to him chatter and laugh is definitely the only thing that puts a smile on my face at the minute.
  • It's tricky as I've got my little man in the evenings, of course. I guess I could call some friends... Maybe I'll just ease the pressure off for uni this week - just this week. I only have 7 weeks left to complete this assignment so no more than this week. Will I be "over it" in a week? Or at least over it enough to be…
  • Thank you @nikoba . I can't face eating tonight. So silver lining I guess. And I'm struggling to focus on my assignment. But work and then I plan to go for a run. Again, it'll be the evening I struggle. I'm trying to work but it's hard to focus. I just want it to be a few weeks from now.... :cry: Really…
  • Thank you all so much for the support. I would reply to each of you individually but I can't see through my tears! Thanks again guys.