OldWomanRuns Member


  • I've read through all of the responses to this eating debacle and there seems to be much larger issues at play than "my husband/kids do not like vegetables." First and foremost being, what exactly does OP eat? Is the way the OP choosing to eat at this time sustainable for life? I'm going to have to agree with the posters…
  • So glad to hear the hip surgery is progressing - even if it is Not Fun right now. You are right, he will be so happy he did this in a couple of months -- until then, Good luck! Can anyone else believe that tomorrow is September!!!??? Say What? Just where did August go? That Just Do It thing I had going in my mind, will…
  • Well, I think I am the odd ball. Wait - I Know I'm the odd ball. I'm practicing the art of hermit. Like most of you, my job entails dealing with people - way too many people. Most of them cranky at me. They all love me when payday hits - and hate when I have to do my job and follow the law. Whaaaa Whaaaa -- (that was for…
  • Oh my Snooozie!!! Although I have to admit to a giggle; a small giggle - at the vision of your falling through that gate - I feel so bad for your poor finger. What a bummer!! And if anyone takes offense at your inadvertent flipping them off - they were probably doing something worth the flipping.... hahahahaha. I hope the…
  • Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Carol! Pineapple and walnuts in carrot cake -- Yum!! Snooozie -- broken finger??!! Not fun! What the heck did you do? Hope it heals quickly for you. Harry is improving. Needs to eat more and gain weight a little faster Dr says. His little incision got some redness and oozy from it ....…
  • Reading everyone's medical struggles - I feel extremely fortunate with my lot in life. Sure, I may be grumpy, lumpy, leaky, and have arthritis stuff; but, overall, I'm fairly healthy. My hope for everyone is to get their sugar under control. That is so very difficult. I had to "shoot" my MIL and FIL everday for many years…
  • Back from the South.... Little guy is getting stronger everyday and we feel so blessed to have him home with his mommy and daddy - just wish they lived closer! Pulled night duty for them so they could finally get some rest. Glad to do it! Got home Sunday night - slept fairly well (like a dead person :D) however, Monday was…
  • 5 Days in and will have to confess - flailing about like a fish out of water.... my mind says Just Do It - my tired, worn out, old body says...Naw, sitting on the couch is good. Not sure what will kick it back into gear for me. As much as I am looking forward to flying down to NC again tomorrow to rock, walk, sing, read,…
  • What The Hell happened to June and July???!!! August? What? Okay - well it is what it is and now I need to concentrate on the here and the now of Just Doing It!! To Do -- Stop Drop and Roll away from the Chips -- all chips, any chips, and particularly Tostitos!! Do It! To Do -- Stress should not automatically constitute…
  • The Every Damn Day Just Do It --- is me to a tee! I wake up saying that and go to sleep saying it -- it is the in between hours that seem to give me trouble - hahahaha. I need to step back from myself and say - alrighty then Missy, WTH? I did just fall off the wagon I was doing so well on, I ran and jumped head first…
  • Vent, Rant, and even scream if necessary Milove -- I realize it does not change our situations, but it does sometimes help with our sanity, what little bit we may have at this point. This is the first year in 37 years - yes, 37 years that my husband's whole family has not descended upon the farm for 10 days in July.... a…
  • Love all of those! And need one that kicks me in the head right now. Such an annoying phenomenon that it takes months of walking and doing to well to get to a place of health and approximately less than 2 weeks to fall completely out of it! Went out for a "run" for the first time in a couple weeks last Friday, and oh my -…
  • hahahahahaha!! I so need a little bit of that inner peace! I would even settle for "outter" peace.....or just peace - um, piece, yeah, piece of pie.... wait, how did I get there??!!
  • Please don't shut this down! Just got caught up.... LOVE LOVE LOVE the snappy sayings, the musings, the gorgeous pictures of folk's vacations and walks and such; and the words of encouragement that flow. And thank you for the kind thoughts lifting up our little Harry dude. My apologies for not being more present. Life…
  • Love the sanity - wait, I think I meant I loved My sanity!!! This has been without a doubt a fantastic weekend thus far!!! My healthy lifestyle has not been totally forgone.... Close, but not totally!!
  • July is going to be a journey to maintain! Maintain the healthy I've attained and maintain my sanity. Perhaps I can maintain what little sanity I have by striving to maintain my health... Lol ... Am I talking in circles? Probably...
  • First, let me say, Susan I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. You and your family are in my thoughts sending strength to bear, peace to accept and patience for all. So sorry! The 1% has been a good goal to have shot for. Pride went before my big fall. Lost much more than the 1% - gained - lost it - gained it -…
  • Love the pictures! What an incredible place to be able to do your walk-abouts! I have fallen big time in any kind of motivation. Life is getting to be a bit too complicated right now and I just can't focus.... wait, what was I thinking about a minute ago? I so relate! Am counting down the days to September 22.... weird…
  • Not even one margarita!?? What? After all that traveling an ice cold margarita - make it a skinny one - would have been the ticket! Well, after those days of chasing the little man - wow! can he move! Grandma is tuckered out. Late flight back in Monday night didn't get home until midnight and back up and in the office by…
  • hahahahahaha!!! Somehow it just doesn't ring as yummy as Fudge Day!! Have to admit - ate those little pieces of fudge and all that sugar is playing havoc with my belly and I am feeling very punk today.
  • Excellent post! I also went on to read the comments. Folks crack me up. The OP said several times, what works for one individual, etc..... and there will always be folks that jump on that nay say wagon and act like a 2 year old. Nuh Uh!! That's not what you have to do type of mentality. Instead of reading and absorbing…
  • Getting this week started. Was down the 1% - up 2% - down 1.8% - up 1% -- seriously?? Oh well, it is what it is when I run into those Patron Margaritas at my favorite Mexican Place AND didn't get a run in either. Working toward that 1% Sticking by the end of June. We Can Do This. "Have" to fly to Florida on Thursday to…
  • What a great time Snooozie!! Let down the hair and then need hair of the dog, so to speak. Perfect way to spend some time! And yes, back on that beaten path you go! HAHAHAHAHA - laughing with you - about losing when we think we've done bad and gaining when we think we're kicking booty! No rhyme nor reason to this journey.…
  • Arghhhh -- was it Lose 1% of our body weight orrrrr gain 2% - I can't remember right now since I don't seem to be having much luck! But, it is up to me to change that! I seem to jump right on in there and kick some serious booty 1 week and lose 1# or more and don't know if I get all cocky or what, the next week - if it…
  • I'll jump on that!! I would have to lose 1.43# -- maybe I can do that? I like the idea of concentrating less on the number on the scale and focusing on being heart healthy and bone healthy.... I truly do feel that strength training needs to be more a focus for me. Yes, still get out there and walk/run 5-7 miles or…
  • A lot of good advice - things we have heard before, just don't want to do all of them. My favorite line in the piece is: As much as possible, avoid overeating. Ya think??? ;) Oh well - like we keep saying, everyday on this side of the dirt is a good day! Move it and groove it and don't overeat it!!! :D
  • Good Thursday morning! Realizing that June = hotter weather = shorts and tanks = Holy Heck I have too much jiggle in my wiggle to be showing these cellulite ridden thighs!! My goals for this week is to reassess my macros and what I am actually eating as opposed to what I should be eating to be able to roll on into the…
  • thank you, Snooozie for the motivation! Sometimes, it gets so difficult to see the end. But, then, wait! There is no END because of the Effort Never Dies..... As long as we are on the upper side of the dirt, keep going. Every. Single. Day! Failure only comes from not trying at all. Today may not be our best "effort", but…
  • Do you find that more and more of chips are needed? I did and have found that with decadent rich sugary desserts - I guess maybe it is because I eat it, get the rush then comes the crush of blood sugar fall and I reach for more sugar to get the rush back and keep going. It gets harder and harder to come back from the fall.
  • What a perfect place to walk! And all your friends - living or not - were sending encouragement to keep up the good work! We've had so much rain here over the last 3 days - a snorkel is in order to go out walking. I actually took off my shoes and socks to walk back up through the back field -- we mow it, so it is like a…