Talan79 Member


  • @nooshi713 InBody will be less than a Dexa. InBody doesn’t factor in organs or brain tissue. Dexa counts that as fatty tissue. I was using InBody at my gym on a regular basis for over a year. My Dexa was 4% more than InBody.
  • I don’t use MFP to track. I moved on to Carbon Diet Coach last year. I’ll DM you.
  • @nay0meh Im short, 5”2. I do weigh in daily and I use excel and look at weekly averages. InBody can be wonky. Always test under the same circumstances. First thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. I was using it weekly during my cut, then sporadically during my reverse. Reverse is hard. Especially for…
  • We are roughly the same age. I’m 42 and have been a chronic dieter since I was 12-13. You may benefit from a reverse diet. Add calories slowly and look at weekly averages for your weight. My calories were always super low, and I was able to reverse up from low 1200’s at the end of my cut. I use InBody at my gym on a…
  • @Speakeasy76 I still have mine. No kids for me so I’ve just kept it in. I rather have the “diamond in my bellybutton” as my 5 year old niece says than the dark spot from the hole. Had I known this would be the case I probably wouldn’t have gotten it. It may be cute now but I think I’ll look ridiculous at 50/60 with it. At…
  • I had mine done at 18. Now 42. If you think you’ll change your mind at some point & want it out don’t get one. That hole does not close & you will be left with the hole permanently. Only a plastic surgeon can remove the “tube” and close it.
  • I had to deactivate my email and start a new one. It kept circling the dark web according to my capital one report. Total pain to transfer all info across all accounts.
  • Made some back progress
  • That’s a lot of cardio. No wonder you’re exhausted. Excessive cardio can raise cortisol levels bc of the stress it puts on your body. I was running four miles a day on top of a five day lift split and my body responded better when I stopped running and just walked 3 miles on treadmill. 13% is probably also very hard to…
  • Have you had blood work done recently? I got fairly lean recently and after an 8 week cut. I had insomnia issues, wonky cycle, and blood work showed that my thyroid levels had lowered. Switched to reverse diet and feeling much better after 3 weeks and maintaining the lower weight. Good luck.
  • For your activity level, if you select not very active, your entire move calories will be your adjustment when connected through Pacer. If you change to lightly active or active, the adjustment will be less.
  • This! I always prioritized cardio and always had to do more bc my body would adapt. I was running 4 miles a day on top of a 5 day split for lifting. The running was too much stress on my body as well. My thyroid levels were down, cycle got wonky, insomnia was in full effect. Once gyms opened and the mask mandate was in…
  • I’ve tried several different masks since my gym opened in June. The surgical ones I didn’t like working out in. It collects sweat and breathing wasn’t easy. I got the Under Armor one as a gift & was highly disappointed. It’s very thick. Your face heats up and sweats. It’s like wearing a padded bra on your face. I got cloth…
  • Water shouldn’t make your weight spike. I’m a petite female and I drink around 100 oz a day, sometimes more.
  • Are you following a program? What does your 60 min entail?
  • Apple Watch has my TDEE well above 2,200 a day. But my true TDEE is in the 1,800’s. Best thing to do is track and use your own data for maintenance & rate of loss to know.
  • @Diatonic12 I know someone who had lipo on her legs. The fat distribution gets weird afterwards. Any fluctuations in weight shows elsewhere. Like arms and abs. And now her legs look lumpy and uneven. I did one cool sculpting session on my lower abdomen 2 years ago. From the before and after pictures you see on line, 1…
  • Bathtub? Or shower floor?
  • 32 pounds is a crazy difference. Is your scale on a hard/even surface?
  • My left leg and glute is generally weaker than my right side. I really have to push to complete the set for the left side. As mentioned, Bulgarian split squat (one of my personal favorites), cable kick back, single leg glute bridge, single leg RDL’s.
  • I could use an inch. I’m 5”2 and 41. I’m so worried that I’ll shrink in the next 20 years.
  • The watch syncs, but unless you are using Pacer, your only adjustment is from logged activity on the watch. It doesn’t give you “credit” for additional steps outside of exercise. Take a look at what mine looks like.
  • Don’t stress, I’m petite. 5”2 and under 120lbs. I can spike up 5lbs overnight from wine, cheese and additional carbs. Like you and others said a lot of it is water...glycogen from carbs can will make the scale go up. My 5lbs can take 3-5 days to come off.
  • Post lockdown gains. Decreased cardio to just walking & my body is responding well.
  • This is what it looks like when not using a 3rd party app like Pacer.
  • I’d stay away from tonic bc of the sugar. I was a vodka club soda girl before. Now I can’t even smell vodka lol. Tequila & club soda with lime juice is my go to now. I also had to just give up the alcohol. I could easily have a few drinks back to back.
  • In MFP, select Apple Watch for steps. It will show your steps. I track workouts in Apple Watch, and those show up as an adjustment. But I’ve started using a different app for food tracking so I don’t really pay attention to calorie adjustment here. There is an integration issue with Apple Watch and MFP. You can download an…