2marsh Member


  • 8.12 - RED Total: 6/23 (why did I put 25 last time? I'm not sure I could make that happen at this point...) Too many office goodies for too many days. The resistance wore down and I didn't do what I needed to compensate. Today I'm armed with a some green smoothies, a delicious salad, and some munching veggies. Ready to…
  • 8/11 - Green Total: 6/25 @foxbat2828 Nice streaking! Really, nice streaking so many of you! @Laughter_Girl @bbinoa @tatho2014 @MelissaPhippsFeagins and lots of green all around! @kirbygirl41 Yay for date night! Bet it was worth it. :smile: Been so rushed these past few days... is it wrong that I'm ready for the weekend…
  • 8.10 - Chevy Total: 5/23 Hope to come back for chatting later. Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • 8.8 - Green (thanks to that 7-miler!) Posted so late yesterday that I've said pretty much all I had, except to congratulate @Laughter_Girl on her awesome 8.3 miler and second the joy for that boy's recovery. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • 8.6 & 8.7 - Didn't track but pretty sure that they were in the Chevy to lightly red range. It's been a great weekend with a wedding, a birthday, meals out with old friends, and lots of family time. Didn't feel too bad about not tracking Fri & Sat, but it's been nice to get back to it today (which started with a 7-mile…
  • Happy Friday, everyone!!! 6.6 - Green* Total: 4/23 *Full disclosure: Since I'm cool with maintaining or losing VERY slowly at this point, any day that I eat what I burn or less I'm counting as green. But for some reason, it feels safer to leave my MFP settings at "losing 1 lb/week" - feel like it keeps me balanced and…
  • 8.5 Green Total: 3/23 4ish mile slog helped keep it green despite some really yummy bakery goods brought into the office - they were the "worth it" kind. No regrets! Hope everyone had a good Wednesday! (And hope you're feeling more energetic tomorrow @jenthibert)
  • 8.6 - Green Total: 2/23 Steps goal hit. Best thing about my Fitbit so far is that I'm using long phone conversations as a chance to get those steps in. As someone with a lot of family and friends out of state (moved to MN a year ago), it's a great way to stay in touch and earn more food! (Thanks @Laughter_Girl for that - I…
  • 8.3 - Green 1/23 Hit my steps goal and got some good heavy lifting in. Thanks for the welcome back, y'all! @bbinoa I feel like compliments from fitness instructors count for double, just sayin. :wink: @Laughter_Girl Your profile pic is awesome. Looks like you all had a blast! Who knows? Maybe I will come join you next…
  • Hi all! Whelp, I've been MIA for awhile. I haven't been prioritizing my tracking or posting, and it falls off so quickly. I'm back now, though! I don't know for sure if yesterday was green, but I got in a nice 6-mile "slog" - let me tell you, it didn't FEEL like slogging, but yeah, my pace was like a 13-min mile. Goals for…
  • 7.26 - Red. To match my skin :blush: 7.27 - Chevy Total: 21/23 Gotta keep it super quick today! Hope this finds you all well!
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.24 - Green 7.25 - Green Total: 20/23 Spent 12 hours at an amusement park yesterday. Lots of fun, lots of exercise. Today, though, I'm burned, blistered, and sore all over. Gonna make that 6-miler I have planned for today a little rough... @bbinoa @Laughter_Girl Looks like our training schedules are lining up! Although if…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • Oop, looks like I listed 7.22 as 7.23 the other day... Ah well, yesterday was green. Total: 18/23 @jenthibert 11 miles is awesome no matter how you look at it! @Rebamae Hope the MRIs bring helpful answers and that you're feeling better soon.
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.23 Green Total: 17/23 Thanks so much for all the support, everyone! You all are so terrific. Today was good. Enjoyed the extra cals. Went on a nice 3-mile run. @jenthibert Sounds like you're in a wonderful, balanced place. :smile: @Rebamae Stopping mid-binge can be so hard and super powerful - even if the only way to do…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.21 Red! Total Green: 16/23 I've decided that it might be a good idea to shift my "green" to maintenance calories or a very small deficit for a few weeks. Feeling like my recent trouble staying green has been about dieting fatigue and it's not worth it. I'm at a healthy weight now. Most days I feel good about how I look.…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.19 - Green 7.20 - Red, and not in a fun way. Total: 16/23 Struggling a little, running around busy. Looks like other people are mostly doing well! :smile:
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.18 Green? Yes, by ONE calorie. Total: 16/23 @jenthibert Yay new sneaks! It really can make such a difference. Also yay for smaller sizes! @bbinoa Glad you got through the treadmill long one. I have to do so many of mine that way that I'm kinda used to it, but I know it can be rough. The wedding isn't until next June, but…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • Hey all. Just found this thread. I was intensely bulimic for 13 years, and am now happy and healthy. My recovery isn't perfect (it's a process! a long one...), but I'm getting better every year. People can feel free to friend me or contact me for support. Hope this finds you well!
  • 7.17 Green? Nope, at least I don't think so. Didn't track. Total: 15/23 Yesterday's 3 Rs: Red, Rest, and Recovery. It was awesome. I gently ate what I felt like without going crazy, and stayed up way too late doing wedding crafts and binge-watching HBONow. Delightful. @bbinoa That totally cracked me up. Getting credit for…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 6.16 Green? Yup. Total: 15/23 Wanted a guilt-free date night of pizza and beer, went for 5-mile walk/run beforehand, but thought I'd still come out a little red and super bloated the next day. Added it up this morning - turned out green, and the scale read the lightest it has since 2011. I don't understand it but I'll take…
    in July 16-30 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • Name: Caroline Age: 33 Height: 5'10" Start Weight (1st July): 181.2 Goal Weight (1st August): 176 1st July: 181.2 8th July: 181.2 16th July: 179.2 (yesterday I knew I was crazy bloated so I waited a day...) 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: -1 Weight lost/gained this month: -1…
  • SO AGREE! I cannot limit carbs when I try to save my life, but when I just focus on protein that happens naturally. Also naturally sweet teas (like Good Earth original or any brand of licorice or cinnamon tea) can be a nice "dessert" without calories. Also, is there a reason you HAVE to limit carbs that much? Some people…
  • 7.15 Green: yes Total: 14/23 @Rebamae Yay! Glad to see you had a good day. It can be hard to get back on track but feels so good! @bbinoa, @Laughter_Girl I'm nowhere near what I first set as my goal weight, but I'm already stalling doing basically what I'd been doing before. Might try mixing it up, but also might try...…
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.14 Green? Yes! Had to turn it around midday though, which is usually pretty hard for me to do. Victory! @bbinoa I know! Mine wasn't working at all until like 2 p.m., and I'm sad to say that I took that opportunity to eat absolute junk. Silly how I can behave like a rebellious kid, MFP is the parent, when I'm supposed to…
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.12 - Green 7.13 - Chevy Total: 12/23 Hi all! It's been a crazy couple of days! I've been waiting to post until I can read through the thread and respond, but that's not looking like it will happen soon. I hope everyone is well!
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.11 - RED - ok, not really that red but there was some stress eating in there. Total: 9/23 @Laughter_Girl Conference eating is advanced level stuff, but something tells me you're more than up to the task. @Rebamae YAY STREAK!!! :smile:
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.10 Green? Chevy Total: 9/23 Knees are feeling great, and I'm feeling grateful. Went to try on wedding dresses yesterday, and was surprised to see that I'm fitting into a smaller size despite the scale moving so little. I'll take it! Applause to the streakers! (I broke mine on the 7th but have been back on it since.)…
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.9 - Green Total: 8/23 Went for a 5.5 mile run with a couple of walk breaks - not nearly as many as I should have taken but I was pumped. Knees are... ok this morning. I'll really know how it went when I see how I feel later today. Sure felt great last night, though! @jenthibert That sounds both challenging and fun. I…
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • 7.8 Green? Yup. Total: 7/23 Knees are feeling better this morning - think I'm ready for a GENTLE run/walk tonight - really looking forward to it! @Rebamae - I was red on the 7th, so no streak at this point. You're sure rocking it, though! Good on you! @Laughter_Girl Glad you enjoyed run/walk! @bbinoa Will be interested to…
    in July 1-15 Comment by 2marsh July 2015
  • Name: Caroline Age: 33 Height: 5'10" Start Weight (1st July): 181.2 Goal Weight (1st August): 176 1st July: 181.2 8th July: 181.2 15th July: 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: Weight lost/gained this week: - Weight lost/gained this month: - Successes/struggles this week: Hilarious to me that I'm exactly to last week's…