bhuggett3 Member


  • okays so a higher carb intake?
  • sounds good! & thanks Rasberryticklechicken, but I'm already at a stage where I've met the goals I wanted. I wanted friends that are at that point as well and not begginers
  • I really work on a lot of free weights and such! Lifting is the key to getting toned, and since we're girls there's not really much of a huge worry about getting bulky. Lots of reps with light weights or a heavier weight with less reps is great. If you have a lot of excess body fat in your muscles you need to truly lose…
  • All I really work on it toning up. I work with a lot of free weights which really helps get my arms nice. The more excess body fat you can drop from cardio & eating right the better your results for toning will be. The less body fat the easier to see the cuts! definitely takes some time tho, the strugg
  • What goals are you trying to work for? Loose weight, tone up..?
  • gracias! I'll look into that forsure
  • gotcha! well I wouldn't consider myself anywhere near a begginer. I'm already relatively really toned & cut, I just wasn't sure if it'd be best if I start splitting them up & focusing more on each one. I get into the same routine & I know once your body's used to that it doesn't do much
  • that's basically what I usually do but I hear it's better to split up the muscles? Or does both work fairly good?
  • might check that out !
  • I feel you no doubt! I honestly dread doing cardio, it's all so killer. Do you ever do the stair stepper at all? I know it's not fun, but you can basically burn just as much on that than on a treadmill within the same time. If you'd be into rollerblading that's an option. And that does suck that swimming is only that…
  • I'd say to be more toned in my stomach area. I'm fairly cut there but I know nutrition is key and your not going to get abs from just the exercises. Being in college isn't kinda hard always eating right.
  • If you're truly wanting to loose weight you need to incorporate some cardio in order to burn the fat away. Once you are to a good size ( you said you like strength straining) .. this is when it wil be able to show & you can see the cuts and toned muscles. By doing yoga you're really not going to loose anything, cardio is…