Learning to Live With Hating Exercise

oh__joy Posts: 3
edited January 2015 in Getting Started
Two years out of college and I'm finally coming to the realization that a fast metabolism doesn't last forever. I've always hated exercise. I've tried everything from every sport growing up to running to machines, inside and outside, and I can say without hesitation I simply hate it all. Up until about a year ago none of that mattered. I was a 5'2" short girl who had never weighed over 125lbs in my life. Then I got my first "real job" at Habitat for Humanity and moved out of my parents' house. Stopping by the construction sites daily, I constantly had volunteers offering me donuts for breakfast and pizza for lunch. Who could say no to free food? At home, my roommate was a craft beer nut. Let me just say, I was not a partier nor a drinker in college, so my body was not use to beer in excess quantities like some at my age. Donuts, pizza, beer; lather, rinse, repeat. Before I knew it, none of my clothes fit and I weighed almost 150lbs. Some of you are sitting here reading that and thinking, "She's complaining about 150lbs? She's not fat!" I never said I was fat; I was uncomfortable. I hated the way I felt. Plus, any other short girls out there know 5lbs makes a big difference on a small frame and shows like 20lbs does on someone who is half a foot taller. And I had gained 25lbs in a short amount of time, more than I had in the past 10 years combined. So now after months of settling in the 140s feeling awful about myself, going out and buying new jeans, and dreading picking out my clothes in the morning, I finally decided I need to exercise. I've started saying no to the donuts and pizza, still have the occasional beer here and there, but I'm not in high school anymore; the lbs don't come off just because I'm eating healthier. I drag myself to the gym, watch the seconds count down on the elliptical, count the laps by halves around the track, and never get that feeling of "I'm so glad I worked out!! I feel great now!!" afterwards. It's awful.

So I guess after that long saga all I have to ask is: does someone have any new suggestions on exercises I haven't tried and might like? More of what I hate: no Zumba or any other dancing. I basically hate classes because they are extremely intimidating. I like to swim, but have no self motivation to get myself out of bed to workout at 6am when lap swim is open. I can tell you I like yoga. And strength stuff; I like to feel it afterwards and the next day. Cardio sucks.

I know, I need a more positive outlook, but that's what I'm hoping you all can help me with. Thank you for your interest in getting to know me a little better!!


  • bhuggett3
    bhuggett3 Posts: 19 Member
    If you're truly wanting to loose weight you need to incorporate some cardio in order to burn the fat away. Once you are to a good size ( you said you like strength straining) .. this is when it wil be able to show & you can see the cuts and toned muscles. By doing yoga you're really not going to loose anything, cardio is key if you really want to make a change
  • oh__joy
    I was hoping for new cardio ideas since I have addressed that I understand that I need to exercise, I just hate having to do it. I get that cardio is needed, I just need NEW cardio ideas outside of what I have tried and hate.
  • bhuggett3
    bhuggett3 Posts: 19 Member
    I feel you no doubt! I honestly dread doing cardio, it's all so killer. Do you ever do the stair stepper at all? I know it's not fun, but you can basically burn just as much on that than on a treadmill within the same time. If you'd be into rollerblading that's an option. And that does suck that swimming is only that early, that's probably the best cardio to do >.<
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    Do you like kickboxing or shadow boxing? It's the only form of cardio that I've come to love...check out some Tae Bo videos, old but classic, not your typical cardio and it'll let out any pent up aggression.
  • HarrT2
    HarrT2 Posts: 1
    Hi:) I am in the same situation as you. I am very active & have always been. But I find it hard to get past the 'acceptable' body that i have & get the body that I want. Its always hard to find motivation no matter who you are. I always try working out with my twin sister. I find having a buddy for motivation always helps. Or you can also try setting goals for yourself (maybe a distance goal or based on stamina) but most importantly, you gotta have some good tunes playing. I hope I helped in any sort of way. At the least, you know you aren't alone .
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Weight is mostly diet, exercise is a minor portion of maintaining a healthy weight. Maybe you've heard the saying you can't out-train a bad diet.

    If you like yoga and strength training, I'd just run with those, but with effort, and strict calorie counting. Have you tried hot yoga?

    Some links to get you going:

    A guide to get you started on your path to Sexypants

    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think.
  • Bellybee3
    I am not a fan of the cardio machines either usually, but since I joined a gym a month ago I am strangely liking it. I paid for one session with a personal trainer to draw me up a program, I didn't really didn't know what I was doing on the weigh machines and I am a person that needs a plan.like you I'm short and need to lose 20 pounds, I totally understand when you say five pounds looks like twenty, there is no where for it to go. I will tell you what my personal trainer said, she said if you want to lose 15-20 pounds then you will have to workout 4 times a week and each time you will have to do at least 30 mins cardio. Day one - arms (using machines and fee weights) and cardio. Day two, legs and cardio, day three, arms and cardio, day four legs and cardio. Instead of just walking on the treadmill, change it up. I prefer to walk flat and fast, then walk on a high incline, then jog and back to walking, takes the time up faster somehow. Take headphones to watch TV or an iPod. I really like the lateral, I usually finish with 15 minutes on that. I also have a boxing bag at home for cardio, I love it and the buzz from kickboxing. Don't be intimidated by the classes, there are people of all abilities in them, try it at least once! I like to hide in the back! You can do this, just need to fin what you like or find a way to like it. I have two young kids, the. Invites i have on the treadmill is the only time I get to watch daytime TV and have a break!
  • Bellybee3
    P.S you can burn a lot of calories with yoga, the fast moving type. Hatha? Also great for strength training. If you like it fit it in but keep some true cardio also.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    oh__joy wrote: »
    does someone have any new suggestions on exercises I haven't tried and might like? More of what I hate: no Zumba or any other dancing. I basically hate classes because they are extremely intimidating. I like to swim, but have no self motivation to get myself out of bed to workout at 6am when lap swim is open. I can tell you I like yoga. And strength stuff; I like to feel it afterwards and the next day. Cardio sucks.

    I know, I need a more positive outlook, but that's what I'm hoping you all can help me with. Thank you for your interest in getting to know me a little better!!

    Walking. Its simple, its easy, its a natural human function. Find some friends and start a walking group. If the weather resists, go to the mall and walk there (bring some healthy snacks in you over-sized purse so you don't have to eat mall food) If that's not an option, walk on a treadmill. Watch your favorite shows, read a book, do whatever you want and just keep moving.

    As your endurance increases you can add hills or bump up the speed. Then you can graduate to hiking or jogging. If you want.

    Weight loss is primarily about how much you eat, so you technically don't have to workout at all to lose weight - but if you want to be able to eat more food then exercise is the best way to maintain a deficit.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Are there things you really enjoy doing? kickboxing I heard is a lot of fun, so is yoga.

    Weight loss is like 80% diet/ 20% exercise. You don't really have to exercise to lose weight as long as you are eating at a deficit.
  • agratzy
    agratzy Posts: 114 Member
    Eating at a deificit is the important part, but cardio makes the weight shed much faster!
    I run. In the winter, I do the elliptical because I HATE the treadmill, but in the summers, even though I loathe it for the most part, I try to find really interesting routes to run outside! It can distract the mind from the fact that you're running and make you zone out easier, I think!
    I also signed up for a ton of fun-run 5k's-- I helped set a world record for most people dressed in gorilla suits at once, I ran a mud run (more of an obstacle course which was awesome), a halloween costume run, and a pig-run (carried a toy pig which has the timing chip inside of it). Those have made exercising wayyyy easier and a lot of fun :)
    Good luck!
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    Try a Jillian Michaels DVD like 30 sat shred 20 mins a day and it combines weights cardio & abs it got me motivated
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    i do Spin classes 3 times a week. I love it. It is a good cardio workout if you like to bike
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    I'm one of those people who will never 'live' for the gym or be enthusiastic to exercise. But I don't hate it because I know it is a necessary evil to staying healthy & maintaining.

    What I do is I find exercises with multiple purposes & hitting the largest muscle groups to be as efficient as possible.

    For example, on the treadmill / elliptical, I put it on INTERVAL setting and set the level of difficulty to desired resistance. Instead of just doing the monotonous pace of just cardio I incorporate various squat positions to varying degrees to hit one of the largest muscle grps in the body (gluts, hamstring, quads, & calves). This way I'm doing cardio & strength (resistance) trng at the same time.

    Spend a little time on YouTube there are TONS of options. You just have to find exercises that does more than one thing, targeting largest muscle groups at the same time to get the most exercise in the shortest amount of time so that you can maybe learn to tolerate exercise.

    Good luck!
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Finding something you like, or at least are able to stand, is an important part of making a lasting change. Keep trying and experimenting until something feels right!

    As far as suggestions for things to try... since you like strength training, have you ever tried circuit training with cardio intervals? HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) might also be a good option because you can knock out a workout in 20 minutes. If you are going to just hop on a machine and slog it out, I recommend a step mill, rower, cybex Arc Trainer, or treadmill. You'll get better intensity out of these machines than you will an elliptical. I like to have a TV show that I watch on my phone when I do my cardio but I will ONLY watch it during cardio, never on the couch or with friends. Since you like yoga, have you ever looked into any other varieties? There are plenty of high-intensity yoga options out there that I would definitely consider cardio! Look for vinyassa yoga, power yoga, ashtanga yoga, or bikrim (hot) yoga.

    I firmly believe in having a goal to train for. It's really hard for me to motivate myself to workout just to look better. I like to feel that I'm working towards something tangible. If this sounds like you, think about signing up for a 5K or sprint triathlon. There are plenty of great training programs out there for beginners and the pressure to be able to compete/compete on race-day can be an excellent motivator!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I don't particularly like cardio either and technically you don't *have* to do it to lose weigh, so if you really don't want to, don't. Focus on the strength training and on your food choices.

    But if you really want to try new types of cardio... well, everybody's different so I don't know what you'll like but I love spin class. Twice a week for an hour, it leaves me feeling amazing.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    There are too many sports and cardio activities for you to really and truly hate every single one. Keep trying new things. Walking, hiking, kayaking, rowing, boot-camp style classes/videos, barre, latin dance, boxing, skiing, tennis, squash, raquetball, basketball, soccer, volleyball....the possibilities really are endless. Be more open.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I hate it too. Wanh! BFD! I don't like to get sweaty, or take the time.

    But, I need to lose weight. Diet alone does not cut it for me.

    I have found Spin to be less offensive than other classes. The music in the class I found is loud head banging rock. I pretend I am at a concert.

    I also do the elliptical, with talking books.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I am one of those - I hate exercise - folks. Know that you are not alone. However, I did discover something that I love doing. Kickboxing. Maybe you just haven't found the right thing for you yet.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Unfortunately I am a workout nutter. Looked in the mirror 30 years ago, I was already ugly, which could not be helped, but also very fat, which I could do something about. Never looked back, although over time the weight continues to creep up on you ... doh
    You mention you "like" strength training, which I do as well, but between every set I do 1 minute of in-place jogging. I have lost 6.5kg in 3 weeks, so I must be doing something right. It does look daft, but it appears to work