bewarethedog Member


  • The exercise calories mfp gives for running are usually way high for me. I don't like to eat into them much at all. Running will be great at helping you lose weight, but it won't make you lose weight. Your diet has to do that. If things aren't moving in the direction you want, then you've got to look into what you are…
  • Mom to three, all born by c-sections. Each time I delivered, I was nearly 200 pounds, which is a lot for my tiny 5'0" body. I usually hovered around 180 when I wasn't pregnant. After my third, it took me 10 months to drop 20 pounds because I wasn't really exercising or being vigilant about watching what I ate. I had a…
  • I don't see a problem with my kids watching me use the kitchen scale. I want to model a healthy relationship with food to them and part of that is knowing how much is enough. I can't prevent them from having body issues... I think every woman in the world does... But what I can do is show them how to be the healthiest they…
  • I typically do 45-60 minutes a day. 30 minutes of cardio and 15 of strength. Sometimes more of either. A typical week looks something like this... Monday: T25 video plus 15 minutes stationary bike Tuesday: 20 minutes of yoga plus 3 mile run Wednesday: 30 minutes stationary bike plus 15 minute body weight workout. Thursday:…
  • Hahaha! I have two tornados for children. I usually choose working out over cleaning their rooms for the five hundredth time in a day. :-)
  • I started with a couch to 5k app and on my off days I did yoga with Adriene's 30 day challenge (on YouTube). I threw in some Jillian or walks when I got a little bored, but that was basically it!
  • Haha! Yes. Good points. I'll try to remember those next time I see him chow down on a platter of chicken and fries while I nibble my salad. :smile:
  • I ended up having an extra serving of pretzels tonight and calling it a day. :) I think a lot of it is emotional and me getting a certain amount of diet fatigue. It's not easy watching the hubby get so many more calories than I do! Plus I know my period is right around te corner. If the urge to stuff my face is still here…
  • I definitely haven't been depriving myself. :) I eat a lot of stuff still that I love and used to eat before I was really dieting. I always fit it into my goals and I make a lot of "healthy" alternatives, too. I wouldn't have come this far otherwise!! But every now and then I just want to pig out on all of them at once.…
  • I've had three c-sections and mine is slowly going away. I didn't notice much of a change until recently. I'm about 25 pounds away from my goal weight now, so I'm hoping as I lose those, it'll be close to gone. I'm assuming it'll never fully disappear though.
  • I don't eat mine back typically, but I also didn't enter sedentary as my lifestyle to account for it. So I'm eating 1400 a day. 1200 a day just made me too hungry. I need those extra 200 calories.
  • Not to my goal yet... But feeling good about the progress I've made so far! I'm 157 in the first picture and 142 in the last. At 5'0", 15 pounds really makes a difference!
  • You can add me. I try to eat between 1300&1500 a day. :)
  • Congrats on the baby! I'm a c-section mommy, too, but my baby is a year old now. I wish I would have started trying to lose my baby weight earlier! Good job getting on it!!
  • I'm a newbie, too. I just started doing Yoga with Adriene's 30 day challenge and I really love it so far. Definitely recommend checking her out on YouTube.
  • I eat breakfast (200cals), lunch (300-400cals), afternoon snack (100-200cals), dinner (600-700cals), and late night snack (whatever cals I have left). It usually works out so I'm eating something every three hours (8:00, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00). If I go any longer between eating I start to get really hangry and act more…
  • My ultimate goal is to fluctuate between 100&115. I'm more comfortable with choosing a range than a set number. I chose it so I could be in the middle of the healthy BMI range. There is a good chance I'll change my numbers once I get close based on body fat % and how I feel I look.
  • Not everything. Occasionally I'll have a bite or two of something like chicken or watermelon while making my kids' lunch and not log it. I also don't log my diet coke or the one piece of lettuce on my salad. I also don't eat back most my exercise calories to account for this. So far I'm still losing weight, so I don't see…
  • You can add me. I love seeing other people's diaries. I'm set at 1350 right now and try to stay around that for the most part.
  • I have three kids under the age of 5 and it is REALLY tough finding time! I've been lucky to have a supportive husband who lets me get in my workouts, but sometimes I have to squeeze them in while the kids eat or play or watch a movie. Luckily a good workout is just bonus on top of eating less and if I ever can't get one…
  • Runtastic has two that I really like... Butt trainer and six pack abs. They are nice short body weight workouts that progressively get harder. I also like the running for weight loss app, and other C25k apps I've tried in the past.
  • I do 30-45 minutes of cardio a day (running or stationary bike) and 10-20 minutes of strength training (weights or yoga). I do it 6 days a week. Working out is my "me time".
  • For me, 1700 with a burn because I like to eat. :-)
  • I feel like sizing is such a mess. I'm 5'0" and 145 right now. I'm in mostly size 8 pants, some 6 and some 10 depending on brand. Same with dresses.
  • I love seeing these! Can't wait until I can post my own. :-)
  • I'm 5'0" and currently 145. I'm losing at about a 1.5 a week average. I kind of expect it to slow down soon. I eat between 1300-1500 calories a day and exercise 3-4 hours a week (without eating any of that back).
  • MFP, food scale, running shoes and my garmin watch, my stationary bike, and YouTube for yoga videos.
  • I do. I like the data. And since I know why I'm up, it never bothers me much.